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MEDIA/TRIVIA BLITZ [Continued from Part II]

The Group's prime targets have been the children who are going to be entering college and the business world between 1990 and 2000. They have been programming them for random violence since the early '60s. Another aspect of their propaganda cam-paign has been to trivialize real events and history to eliminate rational discussion of meaningful topics.  The propoganda thrustis enourmous, all-encompassing, and the most dangerous of all their efforts.  Their original mentor was Dr. Joseph Goebbels. He knew exactly what he was doing and his successors know even more.  This is a too big for me to cover fully here.  The best I can do is cite examples in the lists of names identified bymy source from the television industry shown at the end of PartV.  My source has also identified chairmen, president or senior managing directors of the five largest record companies.

(c) CRIME:  The Group's people in the legal world have pushed the criminals' rights concepts formulated by the Earl Warren court in the '60s to extreme limits.  My informant has identified the names of at least one federal judge in each district in the US.  A large portion of the council that drafted the Model Penal Code in 1962 were also identified.  On the other side ofthe fence, the covert agents at the Group's disposal operate routine, nearly- daily "set-ups" against innocent people for no reason other than to destroy the people's confidence in our system of justice.

(d)  DRUGS, a CIA/MAFIA OPERATION:  Crime and illegal drugs go hand-in-hand.  Drug traffic has been fostered under the covert aegis of the Group's massive apparatus within the CIA since at least Vietnam.  My informant states that "Mr. Halloran" as a "contract" CIA operative in Saigon was running hard drugs from Laos and Cambodia to Bien Hoato the US aboard military aircraft for use on American streets.  It went on for years and is probably still going on, but now from other points of origin. There are alliances between the Group's agents in CIA and the military and drug lords in South America.My informant identified the names of most DEA agents-in-charge of major US offices & many US Coast Guard and Navy officers on drug interdiction duty.

(e ) ECONOMIC DEPRESSION:  The plan is for there to be a disastrous [but short-lived] depression, precipitated by a stock crash.  The Group's members in the financial community certainly have the muscle to do it.  My informant has identified[current = 1994] either the presidents or chairmen of five of the six largest banks in NYC, many of the key officials in the NY Federal Reserve, most of the major London merchant banks,four of the largest German banks, and five of the 11 largest US stock brokerage firms.

(f)  CIVIL/RACE WAR; THE MILITARY; THE ASSASSINATION LIST:  The Group's plan is to covertly foster and finance a civil war on race lines through their agents in black and Hispanic ghettoes in major cities.  Once they are successful in gun control legislation the Group will arm the minority insurgents with attack weapons to be used against essentially weapon-less minority and non-minority individuals.The local police departments will be out-gunned.  The military will be called in, but will be unable to control the situation due to an artificial "breakdown in the chain of command."  [The percentage of senior US Army, Navy and Air Force general officers -- brigadier general through general, rear admiral through admiral -- identified by my informant has been astoundingly high.  The rate of identification among generals and admirals in the military is equaled in only two other organizations: the State Department and the Council on Foreign Relations.]  In the midst of the societal chaos, after the war begins, the Group will conduct systematic assassinations of key American civilian and ilitary leaders who have not supported the Group's policies or its key agents.  That list is referred to by my main informant and by the woman I first interviewed in 1983-84 as "all the king's men." The civil war fostered covertly by the Group will frighten "middle America" into adoption of the Group's government.  After the year 2000 the civil war will be used by the Group as the excuse for genocide against the black and Hispanic races.  The genocide of the black races will be global.There are also large-scale genocide plans for Hispanics and Chinese.  Literally hundreds of smaller races also targeted.  This will take place over a much longer period than their German experiment in WWII.

8.  MY ACCIDENTAL DISCOVERY OF THE GROUP IN THEMID-1980s; MIND CONTROL TECHNIQUES:  I encountered the Group as a result of a personal investigation into a very strange series of deaths and bizarre behavior changes I observed among my acquaintances in a chemical factory that produced raw materials for plastics manufacture.  All I knew at the start was that about 50 [now 100] employees had died of leukemia,aplastic anemia, various forms of cancer, and other illnesses that fit with only two possible causes:  long-term exposure to benzene or to low-level radiation.  The pattern included a series of sudden, unexpected heart attacks among spouses of dead or dying workers who [the spouses] asked questions about the cause of their husbands' deaths.  Since the plant supposedly had no radioactive materials, I litigated a large-scale case on the assumption that the only possible cause was benzene.  About 3 years after the case was over [I won it.], a series of employees there began exhibiting bizarre behavior changes.  One of them privately confided in me and her confidences caused me to open a very private, personal investigation.  I determined that this woman and a second female employee had been subjected to some form of trauma under hypnosis by several men connected with the plant's medical staff. Both men had participated in what seemed a Nazi group called Order of the Fourth Reich.  Both of the women were interrogated under hypnosis by the experts referred to earlier, under my direction. During the first 18 months of interrogations we learned that a form of "mind control" was used on the women and MANY other plant employees, as well as on my main [male] informant to conceal the covert manufacture of an illicit product at that factory. [Described in a later section.]  The Group's agents used a "mind control" method that concealed their observations and memories of its production from THEMSELVES.  Here is how it worked: Employees' trust was gained by the Group's agents in the plant medical department.  When the employees were called in for medical exams or given medication by the plant physician and some of his staff, the employees were instructed in methods they were to use to forget events they had observed at the plant.The employees were taught to "remember to forget" incidents that the Group's agents did not want them to recall.  In some cases these instructions were accompanied by physical torture under drugged hypnosis until the employee complied with the instructions.  The subject is highly technical, but the end result was the concealment of a witness's memory from the witness'sown consciousness, except in a hypnotic state.

9.  MK ULTRA & TRAINING OF UNCONSCIOUS ASSASSINS ALSO KNOWN AS 'U-BOATS' INCLUDING OSWALD,SIRHAN, possibly RAY, & MANY OTHERS LIKE THEM:  The subject cannot possibly treated in the short space I have here. Bare bones:  The MK ULTRA experiments & predecessors in the'50s and '60s {traced in John Marks' book Search for Manchurian Candidate] resulted in a long-term, successful procedure for producing 'unconscious' assassins.  My informant has identified most of the key players in MK ULTRA as being onthe list referred to above, including Alden Sears, Sid Gottleib,Richard Helms, Allen Dulles & several others.  The procedure was used in both Kennedy deaths, I am informed.  The procedure is:  Victims are drugged into regression to early childhood.  They are subjected to incredible pain, many expiring in the process.  The natural response to the levels of pain Dr.Mengele had perfected was dissociation of the conscious mind.In that state they were given new, German names and trained as one would train a killer guard dog.  They kill on command.They are artificially-produced "multiple" personalities.  One of the top people in their development appears to have been Sirhan Sirhan's psychiatrist, Dr. Diamond.  There were other prominent psych folks in on it.  They have no memory of the kill,except when prompted by the proper stimuli.  Mengele told my informant that he personally did the training on Oswald. Location unknown, but we suspect Mexico City in Summer, 1963. CIA gave Marks [Search for Manchurian Candidate] what appears tobe a real hokey, perhaps forged or fabricated, "field report" for the initial field test of an unconscious assassin in Mexico City inJuly, 1963 [see Marks' book, p. 190].  I suspect that if someone can get that file and bust a few balls, they'll find the memo given to Marks in his FOIA litigation was a substitute for one that named Oswald and depicted a successful "experiment."  The likely control of the project we suspect to have been Gehlen, but the CIA Director mentioned above may have also played a major role.  Oswald was trained as a "patsy" only.  He fired no shots. Sirhan was given the full course.  His back-up was a man posing as a guard.  Ray had the Oswald-type training.

9a.  "RANDOM" KILLERS & SHOOTERS MAY BE MK ULTRA ASSASSINS:  We also suspect that many of the "random" shooters [McDonald's in CA, L.I.R.R. incident, the  White Houses hootings] have been trained by them.  Part of the effort we believe to be a campaign to achieve complete gun control & abolition at civilian levels before the civil war.  Part of the effort has always been to cover the REAL assassinations as if they were be "lone gunmen."  They tend to kill the trainees during or immediately after the mission or make sure they die or they hire lawyers/ psychiatrists [e.g., Diamond - Sirhan] for them who actually work for the Group -- to make sure the "unconscious" assassins never "spill the beans" to the Government.

10.  NUCLEAR BLACKMAIL:  I have given all my material to the Justice Department, as I have developed it.  You ask:  Why have they done nothing?  I answer:  Nuclear blackmail from more than one source.  The plant of which I have spoken covertly produced the final component for a form of nuclear" plastique" explosive. The Silkwood case is involved in it. Silkwood saw someone burning something and they thought she knew they had siphoned away weapons-grade plutonium.  The Apollo, PA missing plutonium scandal was also involved.  The plutonium was shipped by military or diplomatic "pouch" to So.Africa for the first stage of refining.  It was sent to W. Germany for the final step.  They it was shipped back to the East Coast. The mechanism works on the principle of the neutron bomb. Weapons-grade plutonium is surrounded  by an 'enriched' plastique that is ITSELF also partly derived from radioactive material or has radioactive material suspended within it.  The'enrichment' of the plastique is the key to the weapon's small size and high radioactive charge.  It does create a chain reaction.  A one kilogram detonation is roughly equivalent to 25% of the Hiroshima blast. The radiation may be much worse.The device is similar to the Army's tactical field nukes.  At first it appeared that the organization behind the illicit weapon was the Nazi group centered in the oil company that owned the plant.Eventually I learned that the people behind it were the Group that has no name.  The devices are concealed in small suitcase-sized, lead-lined cases.  Radio-controlled.  They were deployed in most large US cities and military bases during the approximate period, 1981-84.  The control officers for the operation were associated with former or then-current CIA and other intelligence, and a prominent right-wing political group. The devices are concealed in utility tunnels or uninhabited areas adjacent to targets.  In cities with subways, they were placed in the subway systems because that will give the radiation charge approximately the same radius as a detonation at the prime level [about 10,000 feet].  Placement of all the devices was designed to give maximum concealment and yet the greatest kill radius consistent with the concealment.  Thus, where the city is near a mountain, the bomb is on the mountain.  The point of departure for each deployment operation [second leg after origin] was an abandoned military airfield outside Phoenix.  The origin of the journeys was in the East U.S.  The second source of nuclear blackmail are nuclear power plants with designed faults.  Group had planned to use this tactic to manipulate Government policy through threat and meltdown; threat and meltdown.  The sabotage was directed against plants operated by five specific power companies and involved one of the large nuclear plant contractors.


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