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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Brian Redman

3 Stooges Cover-up!


>From the Chicago Tribune 

A nyuk on the wild side
Did the Three Stooges cover up the murder of their founder?
By Jim Mueller
Special to the Tribune

April 4, 2002

Here's one for you.

Imagine that the gravel-voiced, 1930s-era screen star Wallace Beery 
and one of New York mobster Lucky Luciano's top henchmen beat and 
stomped to death one of the country's most famous comedians outside a 
Hollywood nightclub in 1937. Imagine that a participant in the 
fighting and eyewitness to the murder was the man who later would go 
on to produce the James Bond movies.

Now imagine that the famous victim was the man who founded the Three 
Stooges, and that the Stooges -- particularly Shemp Howard, brother 
of Moe and Curly -- knew who committed the murder from the victim's 
own lips but did not tell police out of fear of Luciano.

Finally, imagine that the entire episode was covered up by movie 
mogul Louis B. Mayer to protect his biggest character star, Beery.

It could have been the O. J. Simpson story of its day, except that 
after a flurry of press reports, the police investigation got 
snuffed. The story was relegated to the status of Hollywood legend, 
to be whispered back and forth in the movie colony for decades.

But only recently did it surface in print, contained, bizarrely 
enough, in a new biography of the Stooges, who are most associated 
with the mock violence of rubber hammers, slipped punches and 
simulated eye-jabs.

According to "The Three Stooges: The Triumphs and Tragedies of the 
Most Popular Comedy Team of all Time," written by Jeff and Tom 
Forrester, Chicago-area natives who are longtime Stooges historians, 
the affair unfolded on the night of Dec. 20, 1937, and resulted in 
the brutal death of Ted Healy, who at the time was arguably the most 
influential comedian in the United States, though today he is largely 

Healy, for those who may not have heard of him, was a top vaudeville 
funnyman and movie star of the 1920s and '30s who is best remembered 
today for giving the Three Stooges their start in show business as 
foils for his stage act. Regarded by many show-business historians as 
a brilliant improv comic, who influenced a generation of stand-up 
comedians, from Jack Benny and Bob Hope to Milton Berle, Healy first 
met the three Howard brothers (nee Hortwitz) on a beach in Brooklyn 
one day in 1909, when all were in their early teens. Thirteen years 
later, by then a major star, Healy would hire his boyhood friends -- 
first Shemp, and later Moe and Curly -- to provide the madcap side of 
his show.

A bevy of Stooges

It was the beginning of a tempestuous relationship that would last, 
on and off, for years, with more Stooges being added and subtracted 
from the act until a final break with the bad-tempered Healy in 1934 
sent the familiar trio of Curly and Moe Howard and Larry Fine out on 
their own and into the movies.

Healy was a true Jekyll-and-Hyde personality. Loose and funny when 
sober, he could become a vile drunk, a touchy, combative sort always 
ready for a bar fight. It was this volatility and mean-spiritedness 
that sent the Three Stooges packing. (Indeed, a favorite Healy stunt 
involved having the Stooges collect Los Angles telephone directories, 
which he'd soak in a bathtub and then drop on unsuspecting 
pedestrians from his penthouse apartment. Just for laughs.)

According to Jeff Forrester, there were long-standing hard feelings 
between Healy and Beery and the Luciano mobster, Pasquale "Pat" 
DiCicco, before that night in December 1937.

DiCicco, a handsome roue with a violent streak who was 
Luciano's "eyes and ears in Hollywood," according to the Forresters, 
knew Healy had had an affair with his ex-wife, the film star Thelma 
Todd. (Todd herself died under mysterious circumstances in 1934. 
Officially ruled a "suicide," there was no accounting for her broken 
nose and shattered jaw. Some said she died at the hands of her ex-
husband, who had been known to abuse her.) And Beery, the star 
of "The Champ" and "Tugboat Annie," held a grudge against Healy for 
supposedly stealing scenes in their 1937 film "Good Old Soak."

Healy, newly married, was celebrating the birth of his only child the 
night he was beaten. He had staggered into the Trocadero blind drunk 
and tangled with Beery twice at the bar, before inviting the actor 
and DiCicco both outside to fight. Eyewitnesses, including DiCicco's 
cousin, the late Albert "Cubby" Broccoli, stated as much to the Los 
Angeles Police Department.

An eyewitness

According to the Forresters' book, a member of Healy's Stooges troupe 
named Sammy Wolfe (there was a dispute between Healy and the Howards 
over who would retain the name and concept of the Stooges) happened 
to be at the bar that night and gave the following account:

"`Wallace Beery was sitting at the bar with Pat DiCicco. Beery was 
making a lot of noise. Ted Healy was at the other end of the bar, and 
Ted told Beery to be quiet. Beery said, "I won't be quiet." It went 
back and forth. Then Beery gets up and punches Ted right in the side 
of the head, right there at the bar. Ted says, "Let's go outside, and 
I'll take care of both of you!" I guess Beery and DiCicco went out 
into the parking lot, but there was already another guy out there. 
And he jumped Ted, and then the other two guys jumped in and beat him 

Broccoli, who in the 1960s would become the producer of the James 
Bond movies and become as rich as Croesus, gave an interview to the 
Los Angeles Herald Examiner in which he said he had asked Healy to 
drink a toast with him to the new baby.

"`Ted seemed a bit unsteady,'" the book quotes Broccoli as 
saying. "`He turned to an attendant at the bar and asked, pointing to 
me, "Who is that fellow?" However, I ignored that and congratulated 
him. But Healy came at me, and punched me on the nose. My nose began 
to bleed. Then he hit me in the mouth, and added a punch to my chin 
which nearly knocked me out. I shoved him away, because I did not 
want to hurt him. Attendants then took him to an anteroom.'"

By most accounts, the book says, Healy was savagely beaten in the 
Trocadero parking lot that night, kicked in the head, ribs and 
stomach. Half-conscious and bleeding, he crawled into a taxi and 
instructed the driver to take him to the Brown Derby restaurant.

The Forresters say that Shemp's late widow, Babe, told them that 
Healy then called Shemp and told him how Beery and DiCicco and a 
third man whom he didn't know had attacked him. The book says Healy 
also telephoned another of the stage Stooges, Dick Hakins, with the 
same account.

The next day, Healy became violently ill, fell into a coma and died.

Thanks to Mrs. Howard

Jeff Forrester says the authors learned of the Beery tale from Babe 
Howard, Hakins and Wolfe in the late 1970s while researching their 
1981 biography "The Stooge Chronicles."

But whenever the Forresters went to jot down recollections of that 
night in 1937, each of the sources would turn panicky. They seemed 
genuinely afraid of something -- or somebody

The L.A. mob? In 1977? Forty years after the fact?

"Oh, listen," said Jeff Forrester in a telephone interview from his 
Los Angeles office, "there's one comedian who'd only nod when I asked 
about Healy and Beery. Everyone knows this guy too. He's still alive. 
He was friends with Ted Healy and Shemp Howard and knew all about 
Wallace Beery's involvement. But when I asked -- all I got was a nod. 
He nodded and puffed his cigar.

"Obviously I couldn't quote a nod. I needed someone willing to go on 
the record. I needed someone close to Healy who knew him 
professionally and had at least heard the story and was willing to 
say so."

Someone like Paul "Mousie" Garner, who is the last surviving Healy 
Stooge at age 92.

Garner, semi-retired and living in Las Vegas, Stooged in the 
show "Crazy Quilt" at Chicago's Palace Theater in 1931. That 
particulartrio of Healy Stooges included Hakins and Jack Wolf, and 
would go on to replace Curly, Larry and Moe when they split 
permanently from the Healy act. Garner knew Shemp and Curly socially 
and was seriously considered as Curly's replacement in 1946 when the 
burly Stooge was felled by a massive stroke.

Garner confirms that everybody in Hollywood knew the Beery story. By 
telephone, he said, "Healy died and it was common knowledge who beat 
him up. I always heard Wallace Beery and Pat DiCicco were the guys. I 
heard it in 1937. This shouldn't come as news to anybody who knew 

Moe Howard's daughter, Joan Maurer, swore up and down, though, that 
she never got the Wallace Beery story from her father. "Don't you 
think Moe would have said something to my mother or me?" she asked.

Leonard Maltin of "Entertainment Tonight" chose his words carefully 
in addressing the subject for this story.

"I know what you're talking about," he said. "I can't confirm your 
information. You say Pat DiCicco was involved? I didn't hear that. 
I'd only heard about Beery."

In any case, the Forresters say there was apparently a major coverup. 
No one ever was charged with the murder. Says Jeff Forrester: "Louis 
B. Mayer knew everything. At least that's what Babe Howard told me. 
Beery was under contract to MGM and Babe told me Mayer had Beery and 
his family leave town in a hurry on a European vacation, to keep him 
away from detectives investigating the case. I did independent 
research to verify her story, and in fact found a Film Daily magazine 
mention of Beery and his family vacationing in Europe for a month 
just after Healy was killed."

Cooper on Beery

Jackie Cooper acted with Beery in four movies during the 1930s, 
including "The Champ" and "Treasure Island," and he wrote in his 1981 
memoir that he "really disliked" Beery. "There was to me then no 
warmth to the man. He always made me feel uncomfortable."

"Beery didn't like kids, that was for certain," Cooper said in a 
telephone interview. "I can tell you I definitely remember Wallace 
Beery getting drunk and being arrested a few times for driving drunk, 
but I am not aware of the story you want to know about.

"I was gone from MGM by 1937. They let me go when I was 13, and a kid 
probably wouldn't have heard a story like that, not in those days." 
In any case, all the main participants are gone now, with Broccoli 
the last to die in 1996.

Does any of it really matter 65 years later? That a Hollywood actor 
might have gotten away with murder?

Like that's never happened before -- or since?

Copyright © 2002, Chicago Tribune


Hidden Evidence In Diana Case
(Conspiracy Nation, 4/7/02) -- A new book on the death of Princess 
Diana in August, 1997, sheds new light on the case.
In Princess Diana: The Hidden Evidence, authors Jon King and John 
Beveridge reportedly establish a solid case proving beyond doubt that 
Diana was assassinated by British intelligence and the American CIA.
Information in this Conspiracy Nation report comes from several 
reviews of King and Beveridge's book. New information may be 
forthcoming after this editor obtains a copy of the book.
Credit to Nexus magazine whose book review first brought attention to 
the book's existence to Conspiracy Nation. In the Nexus review 
(March/April 2002), it is reported that HRH Prince Michael of Albany 
now believes that Diana's death was not an accident.
Based on Prince Michael's foreword in Princess Diana: The Hidden 
Evidence, the Nexus review reports that "Prince Michael's 
contribution to the book is interesting, considering the Spencer 
family's historical and bloodline links with the Stewarts." (Prince 
Michael is the Head of the House of Stewart.) "The drama that unfolds 
is a history of power struggles between bloodlines that can be traced 
back to the Dark Ages Merovingian kings, the kings of Judah and the 
Egyptian pharaohs." This corroborates the pioneering reports done 
by "Ru Mills" in the immediate aftermath of Diana's death, e.g., "Who 
Controls Diana Controls the World." (More info on "Ru Mills"'s 
breakthrough reportage can be found in Robert Anton Wilson's book, 
Everything Is Under Control and in Jonathan Vankin and John Whalen's 
book, The 70 Greatest Conspiracies Of All Time.)
A book review at the Amazon.com web site quotes Prince Michael as 
stating: "...I am quite sure that even Prince William has enough 
sense to realize, one day, that something is not quite right...I 
don't accept the theory that it was an accident."
Click Here For Amazon's Review 
A sampling of reader reviews of Princess Diana: The Hidden Evidence 
sheds more light on the book:
"This book is not for the faint of heart. You will not 
be 'entertained'. The tragic, premature death of a young, 
iconoclastic Royal is bad enough, but to come to terms with what may 
have been an arranged 'accident' may be too much to bear for some!"
"If this book is read like a novel, it will be disappointing. But the 
good news is that it is written as a research essay, with many 
validated resources. I highly recommend this book as an 'expose'."
"It's about time people woke up and realised that this was no 
"Far from being the 'wacky' conspiracy theory I was expecting, this 
book came across as a serious and compelling investigation into what 
I now believe was Diana's murder."


Catholic vs. Protestant Faction Fight
(Conspiracy Nation, 4/7/02) -- In "The Overthrow Of The American 
Republic -- Part 8", Chicago's Sherlock Holmes, Sherman H. Skolnick, 
identifies an erupting Catholic vs. Protestant split in the American 
The entire report is (or will soon be) available at Mr. Skolnick's 
web site.
The Protestant faction in the American aristocracy is identified as 
affiliated with George W. Bush, the current U.S. president, his 
father, Sir George Bush, and more generally "The Bush Crime Family" 
and the British aristocracy. The Catholic faction consists, according 
to Skolnick, of the Vatican, the House of Rothschild, Irish-Catholics 
and more specifically, Irish-Democrat Catholics.
This faction fight is logically traced by Mr. Skolnick to the hotly 
disputed year 2000 presidential election in which George W. Bush, 
aligned with the British faction, eventually succeeded to the 
Skolnick cites evidence linking the Bush cabal with the British 
royals, including "the Bush Crime Family's joint account with the 
Queen of England at her private bank, Coutts Bank London."
"So is it more than just a coincidence? That to divert attention from 
Bush/Cheney and their direct complicity with Enron, that a few 
Catholic priests are scandalized as having many years ago sexually 
molested choir boys?" writes Skolnick.
This echoes a previous report by Conspiracy Nation in which it 
is "surmised that A-Albionic's thesis of the British Empire and the 
Vatican being in mortal combat for control of the world is behind the 
erupting boil of priestly pedophilia mass media news now saturating 
outlets." ("Excited Catholics Await Pope's Death.")
Vatican leverage at this point, writes Skolnick, includes possession 
of documents, via Italy's Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL), showing 
a "secret partnership between the Bush Family and Saddam Hussein." To 
the uninitiated, Skolnick's claim of a Bush/Hussein business 
connection may seem incredible; to readers who have studied the 
matter, it is not far-fetched.
Skolnick backs up his claim of a Catholic vs. Protestant faction 
fight now ongoing amongst the American aristocracy by citing F. 
Tupper Saussy's book, Rulers of Evil. (Reno: Ospray Bookmakers, 1999):
"The growing and evident split in the American aristocracy has to be 
considered from the historical standpoint of Protestant versus 
Catholic. A heavily documented recent book summarizes on its jacket, 
the work of the author 'His labors have rewarded us with valuable new 
proofs of a vast Roman Catholic substratum to American history. 
Evidence suggests that Jesuits played eminent and under-appreciated 
roles in moving the complacent New Englanders to rebel against their 
mother country in 1776. Indeed, according to Saussy's discoveries, 
the American Revolution and its resulting constitutional republic may 
have been largely the outworking of an ingenious Jesuit strategy 
single-handedly designed and supervised by a true founding father few 
Americans have ever heard of---Lorenzo Ricci. With Ricci comes a 
whole host of hitherto little-known names such as Robert Bellarmine, 
Joseph Amiot, the Dukes of Norfolk, Daniel Coxe, Sun-Tzu, Lord Bute, 
Francis Thorpe, Nikolaus von Hontheim, and the Carrolls, Daniel, 
Charles, and John. In their way', writes Saussy, 'these men were as 
essential to our constitutional origins as Jefferson, Paine, Adams, 
Washington, Locke,and George III.'" (Rulers of Evil---Useful 
Knowledge About Governing Bodies, by F. Tupper Saussy, Ospray 
Bookmakers, Reno, Nevada, 1999.)



"The Empire Never Ended"
George Washington envisioned a wooded area alongside the Potomac 
River as the new federal city. The highest hill in the area, Jenkins 
Heights, was then owned by Daniel Carroll. In 1663, the owner of this 
land had been Francis Pope. Pope's name for the high hill was "Rome", 
and he called the nearby waterway "the Tiber." [1]
Ancient Rome was a mere city which conquered the world. Although it 
apparently declined and fell, some say it did not fall but changed 
its form into the Roman Catholic Church and still dominates the 
world. Echoing this idea, science fiction writer Philip K. Dick 
theorized an enormous false memory imposed upon all humanity in which 
the last 2000 years of "history" never happened. According to Dick, 
author of the VALIS trilogy, we have been brainwashed by the Roman 
empire to think we are living in what is really a totally false 
world. [2]
Washington's new Rome was surveyed, planned, designed and built 
largely by members of the secret society of Freemasons. On October 
13, 1792 the cornerstone was laid for the President's House (now 
known as the White House). This cornerstone ceremony was performed 
by "the Free Masons of George-town and its vicinity," Georgetown 
Lodge No. 9 of Maryland. A year later, in September of 1793, 
freemason George Washington and Georgetown Lodge No. 9 performed 
another cornerstone ceremony, this time for the future Capitol 
Building. [1]
The name "Capitol" relates to the Latin *Capitolium*, a temple of 
Jupiter at Rome on the Capitoline hill. [3]
George Washington was initiated into Freemasonry on November 4, 1752. 
He was the first Master of the Alexandria Lodge No. 22 between April 
1788 and December 1789; he was therefore a Master Mason upon his 
uncontested inauguration as first U.S. president on April 30, 1789. A 
lambskin apron with Masonic symbols, given to him by the French 
general Lafayette, was worn by Washington during the Capitol 
cornerstone ceremony. When he died, Washington was buried with 
Masonic honors; all except one of his pallbearers were members of 
Alexandria Lodge No. 22. [1]
The obelisk-inspired Washington Monument was originally planned as a 
tomb for the deceased Master Mason Washington. But when Washington's 
wife Martha died, it became impossible to legally exhume the remains 
of the first president and rebury them in the Capitoline City.
The original conception for the design of the Washington Monument was 
a pyramid, 100 feet square at the base. The project was delayed. In 
1833, the Washington National Monument Society's first design for the 
memorial was a truncated pyramid with interior light coming from an 
apex "oculus" (eye). [1] This design mirrors the Illuminati symbol of 
pyramid with all-seeing eye at the apex. The finally realized 
Washington Monument, dedicated on February 21, 1885, combines the 
Egyptian themes of obelisk and pyramid, with the pyramid being at the 
Both sides of the Great Seal of the United States appear on the back 
of the one-dollar Federal Reserve note. The front of the Seal has an 
eagle clutching arrows and an olive branch. The reverse side of the 
Seal, showing a truncated pyramid with all-seeing eye at the top, was 
originally not well known. The front of the Seal was cut in brass as 
a die in 1780 and was immediately used to authenticate official 
documents. But the reverse side, despite Congressional order to cut 
it as a die, was not implemented. Over 100 years after 1780, the 
reverse had still not been engraved. [1]
At the bottom of the pyramid, the Seal bears the motto "Novus Ordo 
Seclorum." This motto is adapted from a line in the Roman poet 
Virgil's "Bucolics": "...magnus ab integro saeclorum nascitur ordo" 
(the great series of ages begins anew). [1] Virgil's line, in turn, 
was inspired by the secret Sibyline books, said to contain details of 
the destiny of the Roman empire. [4]
The Roman legions marched behind the imperial eagle. The U.S. legions 
march behind the eagle of empire. In at least one sense Philip K. 
Dick was correct when he wrote, "the Empire never ended."
-------<< Notes >>-------
[1] Ovason, David. *The Secret Architecture of our Nation's 
Capital*. ISBN: 0-06-019537-1.
[2] Dick, Philip K. Summarized in Wilson, Robert Anton. 
*Everything Is Under Control*. ISBN: 0-06-273417-2.
[3] Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary.
[4] Howard, Michael. *The Occult Conspiracy*. ISBN: 1-56731-255- 
Conspiracy Nation. Now read in all 50 states.

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