forward - interesting blurb about Olson changing his stories about wife's
phone calls from hijacked plane
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___.COMPOSITION______In This Issue_______________________________

Anti-Bush Protests

'Into the Buzzsaw' Exposes the Death of Investigative Journalism in America

Blaming Al Gore - The Latest Crime of the Stolen Election

Caught in the Crossfire: Begala Strikes Back

Is Ted Olson Lying About Barbara's Calls from Flight 77? Produces Radio Ad Exposing Cheney's Hypocrisy

L.A. Times Says White Should Quit

Presidential Orders Obviously Don't Apply to Oil Companies - or Bush

As W-ar Costs Surpass $12 Billion, White House Admits 'You've Got to Have a Roaring 

British Tell Blair Not to Be Bush's 'Poodle'

'Bush and Tony' - The Latest Hit Song from Mad Kane

Virginia GOP Director Indicted!

Jeb's Business Partner Accused of Tax Evasion and Bribery

Oh My! Are the Reverend Jerry Falwell's Shorts in a Knot? The Good Rev Files Suit 
Against Parody Website!

Press Censorship in Alaska

Another Peek Inside Osama bin Laden's Diary

__Anti-Bush Protests

On 4/15, protest Bush in Cedar Rapids IA, and protest Cheney in Collinsville IL. On 
4/19, protest Cheney in Allentown PA. On 4/20, participate in major demonstrations 
against Bush's War in DC and SF.

__'Into the Buzzsaw' Exposes the Death of Investigative Journalism in America

Kristina Borjesson, an Emmy and Murrow Award-winning investigative reporter and 
veteran of CBS and CNN, has written a must-read book for Americans who want to know 
what happened to investigative journalism - and the truth. "Into the Buzzsaw: Leading 
Journalists Expose the Myth of a Free Press" contains urgent essays by 18 mainstream 
reporters who tried to investigate major stories like TWA Flight 800 (Borjesson), CIA 
involvement in the drug trade (Michael Levine and Gary Webb), the No Gun Ri massacre 
in Korea (Robert Port), and Monsanto's bovine growth hormone (Jane Akre). Pursuing 
stories that challenged corporate and government power led these journalists "into the 
buzzsaw," and they were lucky to come out alive. To read about the death of 
investigative journalism - and truth in America - buy this important book.

__Blaming Al Gore - The Latest Crime of the Stolen Election

"The latest crime of the stolen 2000 Presidential election is blaming the victim of 
the stolen election - Al Gore - for the numerous illegal acts committed by the Bush 
campaign and its surrogates in their broad daylight theft of the Presidency. Both the 
evidence that has collected in its extensive investigation of the stolen 
election, and the election laws and procedures of the state of Florida, prove this 
'blame the victim' attack to be totally wrong." So writes Nancy Kuhn.

__Caught in the Crossfire: Begala Strikes Back

Once again Paul Begala used his secret weapon to undermine poor helpless Tucker 
Carlson on CNN's Crossfire -- the facts!  Begala has them and Carlson thinks bringing 
some facts to use in an argument is unfair.  Hey Tucker, either get better at your 
right-wing zealotry or get gone.

__Is Ted Olson Lying About Barbara's Calls from Flight 77?

Right-wing commentator Barbara Olson's two calls to right-wing Solicitor General Ted 
Olson during the hijacking of Flight 77 instantly became legendary. Barbara's last 
words, "What do I tell the pilot to do?" were cited as the epitome of her courage and 
leadership. But as time goes by, Ted keeps changing his story. On 9-11, he told CNN 
and the NY Times that she called him from her cellphone. On 9-12, he told the London 
Telegraph, "She called and said she was locked in the toilet." On 9-14, the Telegraph 
wrote: "She had locked herself in the lavatory and had to call 10 times before she 
could persuade the operators to accept the call charges." But on 3-5-02, Ted told the 
Telegraph: "She had had trouble getting through, because she wasn't using her 
cellphone, she was using the phone in the passengers' seats. I guess she didn't have 
her purse, because she was calling collect..." Why is Ted changing his story? Is he 
lying about his own wife's death? After all, he was caught lying during his Senate 
confirmation hearing about his role in Richard Mellon Scaife's Arkansas Project to 
destroy the Clinton Presidency. Where are the phone records for 9-11? Produces Radio Ad Exposing Cheney's Hypocrisy

With $10,000 in donor financing, has produced a radio ad exposing the 
illegal business with Iraq that Cheney engaged in at Halliburton.  This effort 
represents the beginning of the site's "open media project that will enable people WHO 
ARE NOT REPUBLICAN BILLIONAIRES to produce and air issue ads."

__L.A. Times Says White Should Quit

An L.A. Times editorial points out that -- as if it wasn't bad enough that Army 
Secretary Thomas White was part of an elaborate, deceptive plot to deceive Wall Street 
analysts while working at Enron - his post-Enron conduct has also been a scandal. He 
has lied about the nature of and the number of contacts he had with Enron officials 
since joining the administration, and he even had the nerve to apply for retirement 
benefits after Enron tanked! The editorial sums it all up: "The secretary of the Army 
needs to be like Caesar's wife--beyond suspicion. White's conduct during and after his 
tenure at Enron does not meet that standard. He should resign."

__Presidential Orders Obviously Don't Apply to Oil Companies - or Bush

The case against John Walker Lindh puts the Bush administration in a very difficult 
bind. Steven Brill of Newsweek writes, " charged with... aiding and 
conspiring to aid terrorists, and aiding an organization, the Taliban, that supports 
terrorists. But it's now clear that the government only has a good case against him 
for violating a presidential executive order in 1999 that made it illegal to provide 
services to the Taliban because they were aiding Al Qaeda." Whose presidential order 
was it in 1999? Bill Clinton's of course. Besides Lindh, who else violated this order? 
Unocal, which wined and dined Taliban officials to approve their pipeline - and Bush's 
own State Department, which gave $43 million in aid to the Taliban. Will they be 
prosecuted like Lindh? Don't hold your breath.

__As W-ar Costs Surpass $12 Billion, White House Admits 'You've Got to Have a Roaring 

After giving America's hard-earned surplus to the rich, and tapping into Social 
Security and Medicare reserves, White House officials are now mounting a re-election 
[sic] campaign initiative designed to scrim over their fiscal mismanagement and insure 
that Bush#43 doesn't appear to  repeat the economic mistakes of his father, Bush#41.  
Fearing that rising gas prices (March's was the sharpest 4-week increase since 1990) 
could diminish public optimism about economic recovery, Bush strategists are busily 
implementing a public relations offensive. Plans cover using the poor economy for 
legislative leverage to promote Mr. Bush's agenda, such as increased energy 
production, including oil and gas drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. 
While Mr. Bush defers optimism, aides are cautiously optimistic about economic 
recovery. As one candidly put it, "You've got to have a roaring economy to create the 
kind of revenue you need to fight wars."

__British Tell Blair Not to Be Bush's 'Poodle'

John Nichols writes in the Nation, "It turns out that Blair, who has been the 
president's most enthusiastic international ally since the September 11 terrorist 
attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, has been having a very hard time 
making the case at home for British support of a U.S.-led attack on Iraq... Dismissing 
Blair's sympathy for the American president's military strategies as misguided, the 
mass-circulation Mirror newspaper has taken to referring to the prime minister as 'the 
president's poodle.' 'We didn't do so lightly -- but the truth is the prime minister 
has done nothing but play lapdog to the Washington Red Neck,' Mirror editors wrote in 
an editorial that appeared Friday morning. 'Whenever Bush has barked, Mr. Blair has 
rolled over with his legs in the air. As other European leaders held back from jumping 
to Bush's demands (on Iraq), Britain under Blair has rushed forward with embarrassing 

__'Bush and Tony' - The Latest Hit Song from Mad Kane

Bush and Tony(To be sung to the tune of "Love and Marriage") Bush and Tony, Bush and 
TonyGo together like a cart and pony.This I tell you brotherYou can't have one without 
the other.Bush and Tony, Bush and TonyAlways waging war & being phony.Ask the local 
gentry And they will say it's elementary.Try, try, try to separate themFrom their 
distortions.Try, try, try, and you will only comeTo this conclusion.Bush and Tony, 
Bush and TonyGo together like a cart and pony.Split them?  Don't you bother.You can't 
have one without the other.There's more...

__Virginia GOP Director Indicted!

Edmund A. Matricardi III, executive director of Virginia's Republican Party, was 
indicted on charges of illegally intercepting telephone conference calls involving 
Gov. Mark Warner and other Democrats. Matricardi was charged with two counts of 
illegal wire interception and two counts of attempting to disclose the contents. The 
GOP Executive Director is accused of eavesdropping on calls by Democrats that 
discussed a court fight over redistricting. Matricardi and his lawyer contend that 
"listening in on a phone conversation is not illegal" and have asked that the charges 
be dropped. How outrageous!,1282,-1648419,00.html

__Jeb's Business Partner Accused of Tax Evasion and Bribery

According to the St. Petersburg Times, "Jeb Bush's former business partner, prominent 
Republican contributor J. David Eller, twice flew suitcases of cash to offshore tax 
havens to hide his assets, the U.S. Justice Department contends in a lawsuit. The 
lawsuit also says Eller's MWI Corp., a Deerfield Beach water pump manufacturer, 
improperly used more than one-third of a $74.3-million U.S. loan to pay a Nigerian 
agent for the company. In turn, that agent and other company officials paid Nigerian 
government officials involved in buying MWI's pumps... The allegations of wrongdoing 
by MWI track the period when Bush worked for an affiliated company promoting the 
company's equipment overseas. A Bush spokeswoman, Katie Muniz, said Friday that the 
governor was unaware of any wrongdoing by MWI and that the absence of any reference to 
Bush proves what he has said for years: 'He had nothing whatsoever to do with the 
alleged wrongdoing of MWI.'" Why is EVERY Bush deal surrounded with corruption???

__Oh My! Are the Reverend Jerry Falwell's Shorts in a Knot? The Good Rev Files Suit 
Against Parody Website!

The Reverend Jerry Falwell, in an apparent snit over a parody website that makes fun 
of his accusations that liberals and the Godless caused 9-11, has filed a complaint 
with the World Intellectual Property Organization against the developer of Falwell says the site violates a "common-law trademark" of his 
name. Gary Cohn of Highland Park, Ill., says Falwell "is trying to shut down a 
noncommercial Internet site that makes fun of Falwell for blaming the Sept. 11 bombing 
of American landmarks on the supposed moral decline of America, and quotes the Bible 
at Falwell in the exact same way that Falwell likes to quote it at other people."

__Press Censorship in Alaska

In a decision that bodes poorly for a healthy press in Alaska, two of the three 
columnists at the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner have been fired. The main target was Dan 
O'Neill, a respected researcher whose columns exposed a secret plan to test Scud 
missiles at the U of Alaska. The commotion this caused resulted in a proposal to 
restrict classified research on campus. Columnist Gary Moore, an Alaska Native 
critical of the Native corporations, may also have annoyed the local powers. The 
surviving columnist, Judy Kleinfeld, is a conservative married to a Reagan-appointed 
judge. Kelly Bostian, the managing editor, said the stable of regular columnists had 
dwindled, and it was too hard to recruit locals willing to write for meager fees, so 
he will invite guest editorials. This is barely credible: most newspapers have both 
regular columnists and op-ed columns, and lots of articulate people in Fairbanks would 
love to see their names in print. Express your outrage to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

__Another Peek Inside Osama bin Laden's Diary

"Allah be praised, I'm still alive! I fully expected a backlash from the evildoers, 
but not on this scale. This moving around every night or two is exciting, but it gets 
old -- like me -- pretty fast. Still, there's the 'rush' from escaping the 
bombardments and the troops (thank Allah for our Afghan and Pakistani friends)." So 
writes Bernard Weiner.

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