
As for her "revelation" that the government had prior knowledge of plans for the 9-11 attacks, that's common knowledge best falling under the rubric of "no kidding."

It's the fact that she is calling for an investigation that is the news here,

That Cynthia McKinney is crazy is no news to those who know her :-)

 she wasn't making a "revelation" shit that it's "common knowledge" that the government had prior knowledge (though I'm surprised that such sophisticated analysis has filtered down to Georgia).

Such knowledge has "filtered its way" to anyone on the planet who's been paying attention to national and world events over the last twenty five years.  Yes, that would include those living in Georgia. :-)

Let's hope her call goes answered and we get a REAL investigation.

An investigation of such nature and magnitude usually requires enough evidence to warrant the expenditure.  She has NO evidence.

Edward   ><+>

If you have fifty problems and one of them is government, you have only one problem.

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