Today, Rush Limbaugh, Neil Boortz, and Sean Hannity, brought the 9-11 Government Prior knowledge issue to the mainstream airwaves.  They viciously attacked the idea that Bush and high government officials had prior knowledge of the 9-11 attack.  No mention of any evidence, or intelligent discourse, just total denigration of the whole notion of prior knowledge and involvement.
So much for Conservative Talk Radio.  Fake Conservatives with an agenda.
We know who and what Limbaugh, Hannity, and Boortz work for.
The global one-world socialist government: The New World Order.

Wake up ditto-heads.  You are the victims of the biggest propaganda con of all time.

And the Borders are still WIDE OPEN.

"....and evil has found a willing servant."
-G.W.Bush, fake conservative, phoney Christian, Skull and Bones member, Bohemian Club Member, CFR, New World Order puppet and bootlicker, L-I-B-E-R-A-L, globalist, coke-head, United Nations supporter, tyrant, Clinton-clone, and other well-earned titles.

"Here's to the new boss...same as the old boss..."
-The Who, from the song, 'Won't get fooled again'.

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