The Green Horse Rides:The Blood Games Begin

By Wendy Wallace

In issue 8 of Paranoia, we examined the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (the first four of the Seven Seals of Revelation Chapter 6 of the Bible) in relation to the last days implementation of a New World Order. The Four Horsemen are unique to Bible prophecy, as is the anti-Christ, for whom they prepare the world. I presented the conclusion that we were in the Third Seal, the black horse, and that the Fourth Seal was soon to be opened. In the six years since, my understanding of the color-coded key to the cryptocracy revealed in the Four Horsemen has changed somewhat, and has taken on depth and breadth. With the events of 9/11 it would seem that the dreaded fourth horseman has begun its ride.

"And when He had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say Come and see. And I looked, and behold, a pale horse, and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given them over the fourth of the earth to kill with sword and with hunger and with death and with the beasts of the earth."

Bill Cooper’s Horse of Death

The fourth horse vaulted into public awareness with the publication of William Cooper’s 1991 book, "Behold, A Pale Horse." In October 2001, within a month of the release of the horse he’d helped to make famous, William Cooper was dead, killed under suspicious and unclear circumstances by one of an unspecified number of local county sheriffs who decided (or were told) that 12:15 a.m. was an appropriate time to execute service of a local warrant. Or something.

Cooper used the figure of the "pale horse" mytho-poetically, whereas here we’ll be looking at it from the Biblical/historical aspect of the first three horsemen. It’s clear from the scriptural context that the horses and riders are spirits. As each horse is released into the world, the previous ones do not cease, but rather gain power as all ride together to the end of days.

Early Green Growth

Although the color of the fourth horse is written as "pale" in English, in the original Greek it is "chloros," or GREEN. As with the other colors, we see the color of the horse emerging socio-politically well before it’s loosed. The "GREEN run" intentional release of radiation in Hanford, Washington was in 1949. "Little GREEN men" said to be our space-brothers from other planets have been in the news for decades. The GREEN Berets gained notoriety during the Viet Nam era. Mr. GREENspan has been the most visible manipulator of GREEN money since 1987, when he took over as Chairman of the "Federal" Reserve Board. The GREEN-tailed comet Hale-Bopp crossed our skies through the constellation of Pegasus, "the horse of the opening," in 1997.

On the GREEN environmental front, the GREEN Party originated in Germany in the 1970’s and opened in the U. S. in the 80’s, and the International GREEN Cross was founded by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1993. GREENhouse gases have been one of their major concerns. The Dalai Lama has extolled the environment-friendly goddess GREEN Tara as "Arya Tara who symbolizes the activity of all the Buddhas ..." and now is on a CD doing a mantra to her, as part of "A Multi Cultural Journey of Spirit." The philosophy of the religio-environmental groups is summed up by Gorbachev, who states: "We need a new system of values, a system of the organic unity between mankind and nature and the ethic of global responsibility." Zbigniew Brzezinski, the Rockefeller-appointed first Director of the Trilateral Commission, said that genuine globalization will be achieved by progressive regionalization." [as in NAFTA, GATT, APEC, European Union, and more to come, as reported by Bob Chapman in his 12/28/2001 THE INTERNATIONAL FORECASTER .

Globalism falls under the domain of the luminescent GREEN star AstarX, the "sign" of an announcing vision, an alternative "Logos" "where the conscience and the cosmos meet." GREEN is the highest color of Satanism, and the "GREEN Man" of the Druids and neo-pagans is Satan himself. Malcolm Muggeridge in his autobiography has resurrected Leo Tolstoy’s Legend of the GREEN Stick, by the secret of which "the world would be swept up by love and by all the good things that love would bring." GREEN is said to be the color of the fourth, or Heart Chakra, the opening of which, New Agers assert, will propel us into the "quantum leap" of consciousness and the "New Age." I suspect it will, as the desire and ability for critical thinking continues to erode, emotions and sensations become our raisons d’etre, and the anti -Christ/ ImamMahdi/ Bhoddisatva/ Avatar/ Maitreya/ "Messiah" himself emerges as the focus of mankind’s fears, hopes and vain imaginations. Maurice Strong, Barbara Marx Hubbard , David Spangler, Robert Mueller - all the powerful and their peons promoting the "New Paradigm" - are anticipating a great purging of the earth, an unprecedented exercise in population control, prior to the institution of the "Age of Aquarius," as a new bumper sticker (in GREEN on white) demonstrates: "Famine, War, Pestilence, & Death...SADDLE UP"

GREEN is the color associated with the deep layers of mind-control said to have been developed from the Cabala by "the Angel of Death," Joseph Mengele, who was known to his victims as "Dr. GREEN" or Dr. GREENbaum." In the cybergame of DeltaGREEN, "Majestic" has developed a GREEN, bio-luminescent drug called "JUMP JUMP" that temporarily activates the dying into a killing frenzy, obviously based on recent work Canadian scientists have done in creating totally pain-free mice which suffer no pain even when subjected to heat, pressure and injections. One might imagine a dilution had been introduced into the U.S. in the first few days after the attack, given the mindless bloody patriotism that engulfed the U.S. hive.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

We’ll examine the 9/11 indicators of the release of the fourth horse shortly, but it’s necessary first to quickly review the first three and their riders since the 18th century. The first spirit, as I see it, is "Deception," the second is "War," the third is "Lawlessness" or "Iniquity," and the fourth is the spirit of anti-Christ, with its fruits of "Death" and "Hell."

The risen Jesus Christ opens the Seven Seals, of which the first four are the infamous "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" as a warning to the world of impending judgment. John’s report of the first vision (Revelation 6:1,2) reads: And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts say, Come and see. And I saw, and behold, a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering and to conquer."

The Four Horsemen and the Fifth Seal (Revelation 6:1-11) are paralleled in Matthew 24:1-14, a portion of the "Olivet Discourse." That the figure upon the first horse is the spirit of "Deception" is clear from a comparison with Matthew 24:3-5. His disciples ask Jesus, ."... what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?" And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ, and shall deceive many."

The White Horse’s Lies

Deception has been immensely popular with humankind ever since the Garden of Eden, but man’s willingness to be deceived and the power of the implements and implementers of deception made huge strides in 1776, and the release of that spirit for its eventual conquest was spotlighted by its connection with the color WHITE. During this period of time, the locus of world power shifted from the East toward the West, from the dark-skinned to the WHITE-skinned peoples, and although the horsemen circle the entire globe, much of their obvious activity is birthed in what was, at the time, the primarily Caucasian "First World."

In 1776, the "illumined ones" (the WHITE Brotherhood), formed the Bavarian Illuminati under the leadership of Adam Weishaupt (WHITE chief) to prepare the world for their spiritual leader, Lucifer, a.k.a. Satan, the "father of lies," known to Cabalists as the WHITE head. This dream of world conquest is currently pursued by the Council of Foreign Relations among others, whose symbol is a man on a WHITE horse. George Washington rode his WHITE horse at Valley Forge, where he had his famous vision (presented by a female angel, of which God has none) of clouds of WHITE spirits coming to rescue the United States from its "third peril," and was reassured by the [fallen] angel that although the Union would eventually suffer a nearly fatal calamity, "While the stars remain, and the heavens send down dew upon the earth, so long shall the union last."

The concept of Manifest Destiny, though not named as such until 1845, was a foundational philosophy of the WHITE settlers of America, and is being imposed with warring enthusiasm today. The WHITE man’s goal of hegemony was put to poetry in 1899 by Rudyard Kipling in his imperialistic opus, The WHITE Man’s Burden."

Coup on Christianity

We’ll quickly sketch three arenas of deception, not necessarily in order of importance, that began during this era and have since deluded most of the human race. The first was an ornate piece of chicanery wherein Freemasons, Cabbalists, Deists and misled or faux Christians substituted their system for Biblical Christianity in the mass mind. Thus, Jesus Christ and true Christians have been blamed throughout history for the actions of those who adhere to what I’ll call "Christianism." Catholicism and Biblical Christianity are not the same religion, though the media almost invariably equate them. The Pope is the highest authority of the former, and Jesus Christ of the latter. Therefore, it is erroneous to attribute the Crusades, the Inquisition, the massacres and exploitation of Columbus, and other atrocities committed by the Roman Catholic Church to Christians.

The monotheistic religions do not worship the same Deity under different names, as the perpetual propaganda would have it, nor do Hindus, Buddhists, Wiccans, This One-World Religion implicitly accepted by most of our "founding fathers" has come to the fore in the ceremonial public prayer processings since the events of 9/11, and is the seed of the religion of the anti-Christ. Real Christians do not seek to rule governments any more than Christ or his disciples did, as a careful reading of Romans 13:1-7 and 1 Peter 2:13-17 will indicate. The requirements for politics and the fundamental imperatives of Christianity are utterly incompatible. "For here we have no continuing city, but we seek one to come" (Hebrews 13:14). A Christian’s role in government consists of praying for the leaders and obedience to the laws (such as the one about only Congress declaring war, for instance; or the one about presumption of innocence, or the one about "due process").

Bible-believing, Fundamentalist Christians do not suppose for a moment that they can "rid the world of evil," for they know that only happens when Christ returns. Nor do they kill for oil, drugs, gold, power or revenge. They don’t kill "heretics." Indeed, they don’t intentionally kill at all - even in self-defense (Matthew 16:25; Philippians 2:14,15; Romans 12:17).

Christians do not fancy, as did so many early settlers, and the Dominionists and the "Christian Coalition" of today, that they can establish a Christian theocracy - a "New Jerusalem."


The second deception was Darwinian evolutionism, a scientifically impossible and self-contradicting theory of the origins of the Universe and the emergence of human beings on planet earth. Darwin began his work on "The Origin of the Species" on the Isle of WIGHT - sounds like WHITE. This unsubstantiated theory, usually presented as fact, has become so ingrained a conviction that even a man of considerable intellect such as Robert Park, who effortlessly identifies "Voodoo Science" by its incompatibility with those Laws, yet firmly believes in evolutionism, not able to recognize that by his own definition it is the quintessential "voodoo science." This hasn’t dampened its appeal in the least, however, because it offers an explanation, however shoddy, of "all and everything" which appears to unshackle the individual from responsibility to a Creator God. He then feels free to follow after the prime directive of The Satanic Bible, "Do what thou wilt is the whole of the Law" (frequently updated and promulgated through slogans such as "If it feels good, do it," "Do your own thing," "Follow your heart," "It’s all good," etc.).

Darwin’s delusion gave an air of scientific legitimacy to racism, and resulted in a now respectable enthusiasm for eugenics : a word coined from the Greek root for "well born" by Francis Galton, a cousin of Darwin’s, in 1883 to describe a proposed methodology of improving the human race by controlling and manipulating reproduction and removing "inferior" genes from the gene pool. Eugenics was eagerly embraced by the intellectuals of the day, who determined to get rid of the "undesirables" of humanity, among which were "paupers," "drunkards," and the "feebleminded," loosely defined. So loosely defined in private, all WHITE gatherings, that those who ought to be eliminated include pretty much everyone who had a darker skin, less money, and less clout than the proponents of eugenics, with just enough of the detritus left around to staff a global plantation.

The elimination of the "inferior races" proceeds apace: the "useless eaters" are dying by the thousands every day from starvation, hypothermia and disease, with a little help from their well born "friends." Twelve million children a year die of starvation. Three to four million children in the "developing world" under the age of five die every year from preventable conditions, according to WHO. Nearly 90% of these deaths occur in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Coincidentally, these are the inferior "races" according to the eugenicists, who operate under the delusion that there is such a thing as "races." According to God, there is but one human race: we are all one blood (Acts 17:25). The genetic differences between individuals run around .06%, and between races, .012%. This was independently validated in 1987, when researchers Allan Wilson, Rebecca Cann and Mark Stoneking of the University of California-Berkeley claimed that they had traced the mtDNA 200,000 years back to the oldest female ancestor of humans - an African woman dubbed Eve. Genetic data from dozens of researchers has since confirmed the theory, and tracked male DNA back to just one male progenitor. But neither science nor God have been allowed to impinge on the virulent racism of the Darwinian eugenicists.

Absolute Opinion

The third well-received deception had to do with the Word of God, the Holy Bible. For 1500 years all the translations of the Bible accepted by Christians were drawn from the "Textus Receptus," until Westcott and Hort, two non-Christian poseurs, introduced manuscripts which had been rightly rejected as garbage for centuries: corrupted scraps out of apostate sects in Alexandria, Egypt. The resultant "Revised Standard Version" was only the first of a plethora of man-made (and copyrighted) "versions" of God’s Word. This abandonment of Absolute Truth was foundational not only for today’s wildly apostate church, but also of relativism, post-modernism, deconstructionism, and doublespeak, whereby the very concept of "Absolute Truth" has been entirely deconstructed from the conditioned mass mind and a pernicious narcissism precludes any reality that is not solipsistic. Never mind the logical contradiction in the statement "What is true is that there is no absolute truth": logic is an obsolete discipline anyway, based on the primitive myth that there is a supreme Logos.

Man’s natural love for easy lies over hard truth has been carefully stimulated and nurtured by what Michael Hoffman aptly terms "alchemical processing," by which we become complicit in obvious lies by ignoring them, and thus ever more heedless of truth. The logical consequence of believing that truth doesn’t matter is that lies don’t matter, either. "Whatever." The spirit of deception is surely getting paid overtime since 9/11 for its unprecedented work in religion, politics and finances, but will crescendo through the Seals, the Trumpets and the Vials when, under the "strong delusion" of 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 , every individual who hasn’t a love of truth will accept the anti-Christ, Satan himself, as their "Savior," and the true Messiah as their enemy. This reversal is taking place rapidly even now in the collective [un]consciousness. One evidence is that, thanks to Christianism, Christianity is the only religion that it’s chic to denigrate, to parody, and to find intolerable. Another evidence is that Christians are persecuted unto death over most of the globe (150,000 last year) and always have been.

Red Horse of Rebellion and War

The second, RED, horse began its ride circa the turn of the 20th century.

"And when He had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. And there went out another horse that was RED: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given to him a great sword." (Revelation 6:3,4).

"For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.".....(Matthew 24:7a).

I had previously thought that each Seal would reach a sort of "fulfillment" before the next one opened, but as we’re actually in this transition, I get a picture of the previous horsemen being funneled into a huge dryer, being joined by the newest arrival, and tumbling about violently for a period of years before they all emerge and ride on in unison. All the parameters of the prior horse may not be fully in place before the next one rides, and the colors of the oncoming horse emerge well before the signal event occurs which releases the next horseman. The "Come and see," or signal event, of the RED Horse was probably "Bloody Sunday" in January of 1905 at the palace of Tsar Nicholas of Russia. RED Communism was established in Russia in the Revolution of 1917, and the Tsarist flag was replaced by a yellow hammer and sickle on a field of bright RED. The leaders of the Bolshevik Revolution were financed and trained in part by the Rockefellers (Roche-veld: RED covering) and the Rothschilds (RED shield).

Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin and Marx were all passionate fans of Darwinism, and in their zeal to prove themselves "fittest," they managed to kill between 60 and 100 million of the less-equipped-to-survive. This period, through World War 1, saw nascent mind control, applied eugenics, chemical-biological warfare, and ruthless Capitalism and its enablers: buying on credit, advertising, and "Public Relations" - perpetual propaganda which now passes for "News." The "great sword" given to the demon on the RED horse was the hydrogen bomb, followed by the atom bomb. "Master D.K.," Alice Bailey’s familiar spirit, informed her that the inspiration for the atomic bomb came from "the "Ashram of the First Ray" the color of which is said to be RED/BLACK. The horses ride abreast, and government-sponsored media deception has played a major role in every war. Indeed, as Madame Blavatsky said, "In order to rule men, it’s necessary to deceive them." The spirit of Rebellion and War will culminate at the Battle of Armageddon, when the remaining armies of the world gather to attempt to kill Jesus Christ yet again.

Black Horse, Black Operative

"The Great War," thought at the time to be the one and only, soon led to World War 2, and the opening of the Third Seal.

"And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine." (Revelation 6:5,6). ."...and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places" (Matthew 24:7b).

The color BLACK, denoting the spirit of Iniquity, or Lawlessness, had, like the other colors, made an early appearance: at the beginning of World War 1 when the BLACK Hand organization assassinated Archduke Ferdinand. With the release of the third horseman, the color BLACK gains preeminence. The "Come and see" was Mussolini’s BLACKshirts, i fasci di combattimento, primitive predecessors of the WTO, who, financed by the Bank of England and wealthy art-lovers in the United States, soaked the streets of Italy with the blood of working men. Mussolini’s proclamation, "Fascism is Corporatism" is currently being enforced all over the globe by the iron fist minus the velvet glove. "Law is force in disguise," and the disguise is no longer necessary for a nation of puddingheads steeped in the lethal liqueurs of 24/7 propaganda and entertaining distractions.

The Third Reich called its brand of Fascism "Nazism," and adopted the Skull and Bones insignia of the occult Thule Brotherhood of Death. Its flag of WHITE, RED, and BLACK signified the working of all three unleashed demons. In 1947, the morphing, foreboding Men in BLACK made their first appearance. In the 1950’s the mysterious U.N. meditation room with its BLACK sacrificial altar was established. That BLACK was the color of the era was reinforced with the rise of the "BLACK Power" movement in the 60’s. In the 1980’s, the Anarchist Red Cross group, which had changed its name to the Anarchist BLACK Cross Federation, formed its first U.S. Chapter. The silent and somber vigils of Women in BLACK began in 1988. Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln, and Laurence Gardner, have been most prolific during the third seal in exposing (and, in their apparent Gnosticism, often extolling) the maneuverings of the Merovingians, the BLACK nobility, from which legendary lineage the anti-Christ may emerge.

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