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>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
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Subject:  Vatican launches war against Israeli Crimes!

Project Vatican vs Judeo/Masonic/Anglophile Conflict Theory Proven

Vatican launches war against Israeli crimes Palestine-Vatican, Politics, 4/15/2002  
The Vatican launched a semi-official warfare against Israel terming its re-occupation 
of Palestinian territories as genocide against the Palestinian people, due to which 
the international community must intervene.  This is, of course, an unprecedented 
accusation leveled by the Vatican to Israel whose Politica1 significance prompts other 
western parties to oppose Israeli policies.  In its official Gazette, the Vatican 
stressed that the genocide against the Palestinians has got nothing to do with 
allegations by Israel that its war is against terrorism.  It added that this war aimed 
at preventing Palestinians from realizing their dream of establishing their 
independent state. It stressed that the current war against Palestinians lacked all 
forms of international legitimacy.  Commenting on this war, the Vatican says that the 
current war, waged by Israel in collaboration with the Americans against!
  Muslim Palestinian people, is not "religiously blessed".  Rather it is condemned by 
all Catholic Church archbishops in the world. The Vatican urged all Catholics in the 
world to unify ranks to condemn the religiously unlawful war against Palestinians.  
Getting out to the diplomatic chess board, the Vatican recalled the American and 
Israeli ambassadors informing them that Pope John Paul II rejected calling the current 
war against Palestinians as anti-terrorism war.   The Pope urged Israel to withdraw 
immediately from the occupied territories and urged the Americans to stop their 
support to Israel, through public recall of the two ambassadors, the Vatican said that 
all Christians in the World particularly the Catholics support the Palestinian people. 
 Thus, it expressed its readiness to establish an international alliance with Islamic 
leadership to face up the Israeli-American alliance after the Europeans had rejected 
to join them in them aggression against the Palestinian p!
 eople or Iraqi people in the future.
Previous Stories:
The Vatican summons the ambassadors of the US, Israel <../020404/2002040421.html> 
Pope John holds Israel responsible for violence in occupied lands 
<../020402/2002040242.html> (4/2/2002)
The Pope is concerned over deteriorates conditions in Palestinian territories 
<../020121/2002012116.html> (1/21/2002)


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