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>From Rayelan, Publisher of Rumor Mill News

First, let me apologize for any typos in this article - when you get down to the 
bottom you will see that I am under a deadline for moving out of my house!! Needless 
to say, I do not have the time to proof this... sorry!



Several weeks ago I took the time to scan in several articles and speeches I worked on 
in 1984. These articles dealt with Armageddon, and I titled the compilation,


"...some theologians feel on the basis of reading Zachariah:14 that two-thirds of the 
Jews will be slaughtered." H. L. Wilmington, leader of Jerry Falwell's Liberty Home 
Bible Institute. The current interpretation of Armageddon places Armageddon in Israel! 
In order for Jesus to return and fulfill Biblical prophecy, Jews have to die in a mass 
"slaughter" that could rightly be called - Genocide

Here is the link to the article if you haven't read it:


This week one of our agent's brought an article to the forum that tells me two 

1. George Bush may be deviating from the New World Order plan for Jerusalem as the 
first prototype "World City"... later to become the Capital of a One World Government.

2. The world MUST face the fact that there are madmen (and women) in the world, who 
are so blinded by hatred, religious fervor, or an insane commitment to a ONE WORLD 
GOVERNMENT -- NO MATTER HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE TO DIE!! -- that the entire world is in 

Rosalinda's Article:


The articles that Rosalinda wrote about were printed in the Jerusalem Post, the LA 
Times and the Christian Science Moniter.

>From the LA Times:

Hawks Dominate Debate on U.S. Policy in Region Diplomacy: Within the political 
establishment, Bush draws fire for calling on Sharon to pull Israeli forces out of the 
West Bank.



"Israel's defiance of a call by President Bush to withdraw from the West Bank has 
prompted an unexpected political reaction in America: a backlash against Bush for 
issuing the demand at all. In the last week, leading Democrats such as Sens. Joseph I. 
Lieberman (D-Conn.) and Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) have joined conservative 
Republicans in denouncing Bush's call for Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to end 
military operations against the Palestinians."

CNN carried an article about Powell's failure to bring about peace. In the article was 
a brief mention of the letter written to President Bush by "a potent array of 
influential conservatives".


"On one side, a potent array of influential conservatives -- including Gary Bauer, 
William Bennett and Richard Perle -- who wrote a letter to President Bush urging him 
to stand firm with Israel."

end quote

I know I don't need to remind regular Rumor Mill News readers that Agents of the New 
World Order come in every color, religion, and political persuasion. Hillary Clinton 
is rumored to be the leading candidate for FIRST president of the ONE World 
Government, or at least as Secretary General of the United Nations when it FINALLY 
ushers in the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT it was founded in order to create!

In my opinion, Joseph Lieberman is too dumb to even KNOW he is being used as a puppet 
of people whose sworn agenda is the dissolution of EVERY sovereign nation and the 
creation of a One World Eco-Slave Government!

William Bennett has been in the New World Order camp for as long as he has been in 
politics. So has his brother Robert Bennett, President Clinton's attorney during 

Richard Perle is a Jew who is a traitor to Jews as are MOST Jews who work for the New 
World Order! Their commitment to a One World Government sees the sacrifice of Israel 
and ALL the Jews who are living there. (Some people believe that this is intended in 
order to get rid of the fake Jews! - In other words, the Jews who believe they are 
really descended from Abraham want to get rid of Jews who don't have a drop of Jewish 
blood in them! These are the Kazars, but I believe others are included.) In my 
opinion, Richard Perle AND Ariel Sharon take their orders DIRECTLY from the CRF - the 
current architects who are planning the a One World Government!

I do not believe Gary Bauer is knowingly working for the New World Order, but someone 
needs to take him aside and let him know that by siding with the likes of Bennett and 
Perle he is unwittingly being drawn into an Armageddon Scenario that is NOT of God's 
making, but was designed by the architects of the New World Order, and it is being 
played out on their time schedule!

With these NWO agents and unwitting stooges criticizing Bush, it makes me think that 
he must be doing something that the NWO doesn't like!

There are several things we must remember right now:

1. The architects of the New World Order set this current plan in motion in the late 

Just remember Lawrence of Arabia and ask yourself who sent him to the Middle East? 
Then remember who installed the Royal families that currently sit on the fake thrones 
of the Middle East? In case you don't know the answer to this question - ENGLAND!! 
Where the architects of the New World Order have been living for centuries!

Former Senator Warren Rudman recently stated at an event in Monterey, California, that 
the rulers of the Middle East are paying Muslim holy men to take the anger of the down 
trodden Middle East masses, and deflect it from the real villains... the royal 
families. They are directing it toward the West! In other words, the non-elected Royal 
families who run the Middle East with an iron fist and Islamic law, don't want their 
poor peasants to realize that it is THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT that is responsible for their 
misery! So they are paying to have the Islamic Holy men LIE to the people and 
re-direct their hatred at the WEST!

2. The current interpretation of the Biblical Armageddon came into creation at about 
the same time the New World Order architects created their 100 year plan to usher in 
their One World Government!

The major push to make this kind of belief acceptable to Christians in the United 
States came after World War 2. Authors like Hal Lindsay began to promote the current 
version of Armageddon during the 70s. At about this same time, Governor Ronald Reagan 
attended what could only be called a "channeling" session which was held in the 
Governor's mansion in Sacramento. A Christian Minister named George Otis said the Holy 
Spirit came over him and told Reagan that if he followed the laws of God that he would 
live at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Reagan became enamored with Armageddon literalism and 
surrounded himself with many people who believed that Reagan was "ordained by God" to 
bring about Armageddon in the Middle East! Since many of these people were in Reagan's 
government, the policies of the United States were pushing Jews and Arabs into a 
position where anything could light the Armageddon fuse!

The article I mentioned above called, "DOES ARMAGEDDON REALLY MEAN GENOCIDE FOR THE 
JEWS?", details my role in bringing the truth to President Reagan and stopping what I 
believe would have been a nuclear war between the Soviet Union and the United States, 
which would start in the Middle East and end in Mutually Assured Destruction for all 

Why is this acceptable to the New World Order? Because many of these people are the 
products of generations of inbreeding and I believe they are insane! They believe they 
can exist in the worlds they have created below the earth while the rest of us die in 
the nuclear holocaust that follows Armageddon! (But then again, maybe they KNOW they 
Hollow Earth theory is correct and they know that those of us who live on the surface 
are living on the outside of a space ship!)

3. Many of the religious zealots who are giving their lives for Islam are Manchurian 
Candidates who have been created by the New World Order. The same can be said for 
those who are promoting political agendas rooted in Christian Armageddon Ideology. 
They too are mind controlled Manchurian Candidates who can be wound up like walking 
and talking dolls and sent out to convince the Right Wing Christians that George Bush 
must back Sharon even though this means that Iraq will set off biological and nuclear 
bombs in the Middle East AND in the United States.

We can debate who actually DID the mind control on these people... whether it is the 
HAMAS, or the MOSSAD, (who many believe and one and the same), or the CIA or the 
Tavistock Institute in London, it is my belief that ALL of the programming of 
Armageddonism can be traced back to the architects of the New World Order! It is THEIR 
plan and if they need programmed robots to carry it out, they will create them, no 
matter what organization they use to carry out the job!

I have written several articles in which I stated that I believe Arafat has been under 
direct control of the New World Order since his plane crash in the 1980s. I believe he 
was programmed by the CIA while he was in Libya.

In other words, we have programmed Jews and Arabs who are following New World Order 
dictates and creating a situation that will either destroy the earth or create a One 
World Government with Jerusalem as its capital and the New World Order Bloodlines 
running the show! What about the rest of us? Welcome to the third world! I hope you 
like short handle hoes and 20 hour days working on an assembly line for your daily 
ration of 3/4s cup of rice!

Last night I heard William Bennett on one of the Saturday talk shows. I was busy in 
another room, and I don't remember if it was CNN or FOXNEWS. He said that Bush has 
lost the "moral authority" he had shortly after 9.11 and that he no longer supported 
the idea that if your aren't with us you're with the terrorists! Just remember WHO it 
is who is leading the attack on BUSH!! A ONE WORLD TOADIE since he came on the scene!

If Bush is being attacked by the One World Order, then in my humble opinion he must be 
doing something right!!

Which brings me back to things I have been saying about the Bush family for years now! 
"Why would a powerful family accept the position of lowly BARON in a One World 
Government ruled by an elite who puts YOUR family on a lower rung, when they have the 
strength and the money to defy them and try to create their OWN kingdom where THEY 
could be the royal family?

It is my belief that the Bush family has been in a power-play with the New World Order 
since the days of Hitler. It is also my belief that many people in the United States 
government understand the reason that Israel was created by the British... i.e. to act 
as the sacrifice that will finally bring about their New World Order... therefore... 
there has been a secret doctrine in the United States military and other parts of our 
government called, "The Level Battlefield Doctrine". This doctrine secretly supplies 
the Arabs with enough weapons to defend themselves, and/or insure a mutual destruction 
of everything in the Middle East if Israel starts a nuclear war! The article by this 
name is on the left side of the front page of http://www.rumormillnews.com

Bush is being attacked from all sides... which means to me he has gone against the New 
World Order and therefore is about to be sacrificed. I was told before he was elected 
President that the NWO had already arranged his assassination. I am also being told 
that John Ashcroft is being groomed by the Christian right to take Cheney's place when 
Cheney is forced to resign due to Enron... of course he will tell us he is resigning 
for "health reasons" and to spend more time with his family... the usual line when 
someone is forced out! If Cheney resigns and Bush is assassinated, that means we have 
John Ashcroft as President! If the NWO want Ashcroft as President to bring about 
Armageddon, they will have to wait until Bush is re-elected... OR they are planning to 
create all of this is the VERY near future!!

If the current events do not have you concerned, then you are not reading Rumor Mill 
News very carefully! One mis-step in the Middle East and we could be facing a nuclear 

As for who is to blame for 9.11 and for the nuclear attacks that are planned on the 
United States... why look for one nation or one man? The people who are planning our 
demise are nameless faceless men and women who have been bred to power and wealth and 
look upon the rest of us and the "great unwashed vermin" who need to be eradicated 
like rats! Those people who give a name to the people behind 9.11 are only serving the 
NWO... whether or not this is their intent is only known to them! The strings that 
pulled the controls of those planes are pulling the printing presses that feed the 
United States its daily ration of pablum. They are also pulling the tethers of the 
mind controlled zombies where ever they are placed.... on the seats of governments or 
in the Hamas training camps!

The only thing that will wake people up is for them to join together against the 
common enemy! THE NEW WORLD ORDER architects!! And until those of us who know this 
have control of enough media outlets, this truth will never be told! In other words, 
if the Internet gets too powerful... a magnetic wave will come and wipe it out... 
along with all our records that have not been printed out in hard copy!!

What can you do? If you can only wake up yourself, that is one more than was awake 
yesterday. If you can wake up a close friend that is two more. All we can hope for is 
the "hundredth Monkey syndrome" really exists and when enough of the world wakes 
up.... SUDDENLY, the whole world will wake up... in an instant!

The other thing I was told by a source is Faction Two was double crossed. At the time 
I did not have any proof of this except two strange articles which were posted by 
RataGrande... who happens to be one of the intermediaries between me and the Sources 
who have provided Rumor Mill News with information since the early 90s.

RataGrande posted articles which appeared to be fairytales. I wondered why he posted 
them, and when Tonzal sent me a note stating that Faction 2 had been double crossed, 
suddenly RataGrande's messages made a bit of sense.

Since then, I was able to track down someone who confirmed for me that yes, Faction 
Two had been double crossed. I do not know who did it and I do not have all the 
details, but I know it has something to do with the threats on the East Coast Banks.

Think about it... who controls the East Coast Banks... the Federal Reserve... Who owns 
the Federal Reserve... the same 300 families that make up the New World Order.

I have been stating for years that a new form of banking HAD to replace the Federal 
Reserve if we ever hope to throw off the yoke of the New World Order. I have also told 
you that Faction Two put in motion a plan to bankrupt the Federal Reserve back in the 
late 60s when Nixon was President. Needless to say, Nixon KNEW about the Federal 
Reserve and the NWO... they tried to force Nelson Rockefeller on him so Rockefeller 
would be President when he resigned. Nixon said NO! Nixon did many things to foil the 
NWO... one of these days I hope someone writes a book and tells the REAL truth about 
why he was villainized and drugged to make him look insane right before he resigned!

I have been told that the new form of banking was getting ready to be implemented, but 
somehow someone they trusted, betrayed them. I don't know anymore than this. And for 
those who think I got this from Dove... rest assured, I didn't! It came from the same 
old sources that told you Hillary was going to be a Senator and that Rudy Guiliani 
would NOT run against her!



I want to thank for people who have already placed an order for the new Rumor Mill 
News gold Shirt. Many people have asked me to make one. I have asked CafePress to 
carry one, and now they have it!

Take a look at the items that are carried in the Rumor Mill News Store. Each purchase 
helps Rumor Mill News stay on the web!!



Note From Rayelan:

For the second time in six years, I am being forced out of my house due to a water 
heater that exploded and ruined the floor. It couldn't have come at a worse time for 
me! My job has me working almost 14 hours a day right now due to visiting dignitaries 
who are "grading" our work!! In addition, there are family health problems, which 
needless to say, are putting a large dent in the family budget! As soon as I finish 
this, and some computer work for my job, I will start moving things into a hotel where 
I will live until a new floor is put in my entire house!! It will take ONE week!

If anyone is thinking about robbing us during this time, one of the workmen will be 
living in the house, and since it is someone I have known for years... I believe he 
and his German Shepard will keep things well guarded! Anyway... how can you really rob 
someone who has everything in boxes in their garage? a robber wouldn't have the 
slightest idea if he was getting a computer or a box of dog bones!

Needless to say, I am going to be pretty much unavailable for the next week. If you 
have a problem, send a note to

[EMAIL PROTECTED] and hopefully someone will get the email to Zapper 
who MIGHT be able to help you!

I want to remind you again, that the news that our Rumor Mill News Agents have been 
gathering and bringing back to the forum has been excellent! In my opinion, every 
subject that is important in the world is covered on the Rumor Mill News Forum or on 
the RMNews Updates, which is a Yahoogroups page mentioned above. If you are not in the 
habit of reading the RMNews Updates, you should add them to your daily routine. I find 
some of the most interesting stories of the day in the RMNews Updates! I post FAR more 
articles in the RMNews Updates than I do on the Forum. You will see that many times 
when I find an interesting article, I will add a comment at the top and then email it 
to RMNews Updates. Anyone can email interesting articles to the RMNews Updates. All 
you have to do is send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The link to read the RMNews UPdates is on the same blue bar where you find the link to 
the READING ROOM aka the Forum. It is NO longer right NEXT to theREADING ROOM. The 
Reading Room Archives are now in the middle! To keep the forum going until we find a 
new forum and install it, we had to take most of the articles out of the READING ROOM 
and archive them. We are still trying to figure out a way to get them to show the 
headlines. At the moment, if you want to browse the archives, you have to use the 
search engine.

If you can help Rumor Mill News, please pull up the Donor's Page and BECOME A RMNEWS 
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For people who like to give donations via PayPal but do not want to sign up for 
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Without your help, Rumor Mill News cannot survive.

Needless to say, my financial situation is bad. I haven't been sending out notices to 
remind people to send their monthly donation because I haven't had the time to write 
the letters.

I do want to thank all of the people who have been helping without the reminders! You 
are appreciated MORE than I can tell you!

Believe me, I KNOW about those of you who have lost your jobs and can no longer help. 
Everyday I wonder if my own job will be here next month or next year! However, please 
remember that last month Rumor Mill News got over 2 and a half million page views by 
over 50, 000 individual computers! This means that 50,000 people OR MORE - are reading 
Rumor Mill News each month! If each of these people would only put a dollar in the 
mail each month... not only could I afford to keep the Rumor Mill News bills paid... 
but I wouldn't have to work 20 hours each day just to make ends meet!

Please help. We're all in this together!

Rayelan Allan

Publisher, RMNews


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