-Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 21 Apr 2002, saba wrote:

> RuMills has good thing though re Bush for they are in for the kill now.
> He doesn't want to go along with them.

You got it. He is the best President since Kennedy and so he is the most
hated by the Trotskyite Puppet Masters. The Christian Conservatives would
like him killed because he has not totally sold his soul to the Antichrist
Regime over Israel. He is the first President to say he will recognize
the Palestine State if.....

> Wonder - who was the pilot that dropped the bomb on those Canadians and
> they were handsome lot of men.    No experienced pilot would do such a
> thing, and hopefully no true blue American Pilot for this guy would not
> follow orders - was it deliberate?

My hunch is that the Canadians were murdered. Why? Because Canada as a
whole is neutral on the Israel-Palestine thing...according to the polls.
But at what level the order to murder them was given I do not know.


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