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Title: **Globe-Intel**






Editor-in-Chief                                                              Number 53

          Carol Adler                                                                   April 23, 2002

Contributing Editors

          Gordon Thomas

          Martin Dillon

Contributing Writers

          Mark Dankof…David McGowan…Joseph Ehrlich…

          Takashi “Thomas” Tanemori





by Gordon Thomas


          The wave of anthrax attacks mimic similar ultra-secret trials carried out by the CIA using what are described as “harmless bacteria.” Targets included San Francisco and New York.

          The trials followed the CIA discovery that Japanese military biologists had performed horrific experiments on Allied prisoners, including British women and children in World War Two. They had been subjected to anthrax, bubonic plague, smallpox, typhoid and cholera.  All had succumbed to excruciating deaths. But under the deal, nineteen of those leading Japanese biologists were granted immunity from their crimes in return for secretly helping the U.S. scientists to understand how the viruses had worked.

          Building on what the Japanese had provided, the CIA launched a Pandora’s Box of experiments. Working closely with Porton Down – Britain’s chemical-biological warfare facility – germ warfare exercises, code-named Operation Ozone and Operation Negation, took place in the winter of 1953/54. Several thousand animals were secretly shipped on U.K. Royal Naval transporters to the Caribbean. They were then tethered to rafts near the Bahamas. Upwind, clouds of bacteria were released over the animals. They included tularemia, brucellosis and anthrax. After being examined by scientists from Porton Down, the corpses were cremated at sea.

          But the CIA had wanted to know how easy it would be to attack human targets.  No fewer than 200 experiments in the United States in which military and civilian targets including entire cities were attacked with imitation biological weapons.  The tests were carried out in the utmost secrecy.

          One such attack – the first of six – was launched against San Francisco. Two U.S. navy ships sailed back and forth near the Golden Gate Bridge. Crewmen released clouds of spray contaminated with Bacillus globigi and Serratia marcescens. Described as “supposedly harmless,” the bacteria had been developed at Porton Down.

          Over 800,000 people were exposed to the spray over 117 square miles of the Bay area. Many became ill; there was one death following a number of cases of serratia-related pneumonia.

          The CIA next chose another city to attack, again in the strictest secrecy. The target was New York.

          CIA agents posing as “industrial contractors” positioned themselves over the manholes above the city subways and poured “harmless bacteria” into the openings.  One of the CIA agents monitored what happened. “He wrote: “The particles fell onto passengers waiting for trains. They brushed it off their clothing and walked on. The turbulence caused by trains coming and going from stations carried the bacteria into the tunnels. In that way the entire subway system was quickly infected.”

          Further mock biological tests used RAF aircraft to pour zinc cadmium sulphide into the atmosphere. Scientists from Porton Down – Britain’s germ warfare facilities – established monitoring stations around the country to assess the quantity of chemicals in the air.

          A CIA biochemist who had a central role in the U.S. trials, Dr. Frank Olson, was later officially said to have committed suicide by jumping from a tenth floor window in a New York hotel. It was claimed he had become depressed by his work. Olson’s specialty was designing aerosols to launch anthrax.

          But his son, Dr. Eric Olson, a 56-year-old Harvard graduate and a clinical psychologist, said he had been told by a close colleague of his father that Frank Olson was murdered by the CIA “to ensure America’s involvement in biological warfare, going all the way back to the Korean War, remains a state secret.”

          Revelations that the CIA was involved in mass-scale trials will create new shock waves in America.

          In the 1950s, when the trials took place, Frank Olson was a senior biochemist employed by the CIA to develop a biological arsenal.

          Part of his work involved making secret trips to Britain’s Porton Down.

          “He also made trips to post-war Germany – and witnessed the CIA conducting experiments on so-called expendables,” said Eric Olson at his home outside Washington.

          On his last trip to England, Frank Olson met Dr. William Sargant, then a psychiatrist at St. Thomas’ Hospital in London. Sargant was also employed by MI5 and MI6 to assess and debrief agents.  Sargant is now dead.

          “It appears that my father told Sargant what he had done and seen in Germany. Certainly when he returned to America, my father was very depressed, I learned later,” said Eric Olson.

          Dr. Sargant had informed his own superiors in British intelligence of what Frank Olson had said about the secret trials and the human experiments in Germany.

          Back in Washington, Frank Olson was invited to an informal meeting with his CIA colleagues. One of them spiked his drink.

          “The facts show that my father became disoriented and was taken to New York, supposedly to get medical help from a CIA-approved doctor,” said Eric Olson.

          But on November 28, 1953, Frank Olson plunged from the window of the Statler Hotel in Manhattan.

          Eric Olson was nine years old at the time. But he grew up determined to discover why his father had seemingly committed suicide.

          He is still waiting.

Gordon Thomas is a writer on intelligence for a number of leading European newspapers (the Sunday Express, UK; El Mundo, Spain; Welt am Sonntag, Germany). His work is also syndicated internationally by World Wide Syndication. Any use of the above must carry a clear attribution to both Gordon Thomas and Globe-Intel. He is a Contributing Editor to Globe-Intel, an international newsletter devoted to intelligence matters.


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