A Military Man Speaks Out

April 23 2002 at 6:10 PM


A Letter to US Secretary of State Colin Powell:

It seems that the latest capture by the Israeli government of an arms
shipment supposedly intended for the Palestinian Authority has caused
all kinds of concern by both the Israeli government and the United States.

It seems that the Israelis have been pounding Palestinian villages on a
weekly basis, killing hundreds of innocent Palestinians, including a
majority of children, with a wide variety of weapons supplied by the
United States.

The Israelis have used F-16 fighter jets, Apache and Cobra attack
helicopters, 155mm howitzers, M16 automatic rifles, M60 machine guns and
many other weapons and ammunition supplied by the US government.
Moreover, the Israelis have used American-supplied bulldozers to
demolish thousands of Palestinian homes.

Just yesterday, the Israelis demolished 70 Palestinian homes.
These home demolitions have caused thousands of Palestinian men, women,
and especially children to remain without food or shelter. This is a
sin against mankind and yet we see no action from you or the State
Department, especially since these weapons and ammunition are being used
in offensive operations.

These crimes would never be tolerated if they were similarly conducted
by any other nation. How can you call this a balanced Middle East policy
when you deny the Palestinians weapons and ammunition to defend
themselves from a brutal occupation?

Stones are not much protection against a tank. If the United States is
concerned about the violence in the Middle East, then your priorities
are aimed in the wrong direction.

If you're going to deny the Palestinians weapons to defend themselves,
then you must stop all military and economic aid to Israel. I make this
request, not only because of budgetary constraints, but because Israel
continues to disregard US foreign aid policy.

There are two important conditions for receiving US military aid that
Israel has violated repeatedly. Under the Arms Export Control Act,
military hardware provided by FNS funds can be used only for defensive
purposes or to maintain internal security. Israel violates both
conditions and therefore should be withdrawn from receiving further aid.

Just last week Israeli soldiers killed three Palestinian teenagers with
a tank shell for no reason whatsoever, other than their assumption that
the teens looked suspicious. No spin of the tongue can describe this
crime as a defensive measure or to maintain internal security.

I make this request and recommendation, not only because of Israel's
repeated violations of the Foreign Aid Arms Export Control Act, but as a
means of bringing peace to the Middle East. The United States' generous
handouts to the Jewish state have done nothing but bring more turmoil
and violence to the Middle East and to the soils of the United States.

If America wants peace in the Middle East, and is serious about fighting
world terrorism, then it's time to get tough with Israel, and end all
military and economic aid to the Jewish state.

James J. David, Brigadier General, retired,
Georgia Army National Guard,
Marietta, Georgia, USA

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