-Caveat Lector-

During the abovesaid time, and continuously thereafter, Kathy Schlund
performed said acts, including but not limited thereto, the repeated
setting up and framing of Plaintiff as aforesaid as a result of her
being threatened by the D.E.A. and various other officials with the
State of Arizona and others influenced by the aforesaid that they would
murder her children if she refused to cooperate. Later, Kathy Schlund
agreed to reveal the methodology and activities of how the D.E.A. set up
Plaintiff and others to discredit them as political witnesses targeted
as a threat to their illegal and corrupt activities. Kathy Schlund and
her children, Holly, Summer, and Mindee, were injected with unique
implants by various agents acting under color of authority as aforesaid
for the purpose of the D.E.A. having the ability to punish and threaten
them by using wireless electronic technology and devices designed for
that purpose.
Plaintiff hereby places the court on notice that he is requesting
(which shall constitute a continuous request not waived) to demonstrate
to the court that, in fact, the wireless electronic technologies
affirmatively exists which can be used to physically and emotionally
punish a human being. Plaintiff requests a date certain be established
by the court for Plaintiff to substantiate said technology pursuant to
Doran v. McGinnis, 158 F.R.D. 383 (1994) as required.
Plaintiff in 1996 executed numerous legitimate requests for all D.E.A.,
C.I.A., F.B.I. A.T.F. and other agencies’ records relating and/or
pertaining to Plaintiff pursuant to the then existing Freedom of
Information Act, Privacy Act and other agency/department rules and
6. On or about April 28, 1997, Plaintiff, and pursuant to the F.O.I.A.,
5 U.S.C.A. § ? 552(a) and the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. §? 552 et seq.,
requested by letter that Defendants produce copies of all records,
documents, and other tangible things contained in Defendant D.O.J.'s
case and other files involving Plaintiff for inspection and copying by
Plaintiff. Plaintiff also offered to pay all search fees and was later
determined by the agency to be allowed a waiver of any copy fees. A
copy of this request is attached as Exhibit “A” and incorporated by
7. By letter dated June 24, 1997, Defendant D.O.J., by its agents Mr.
James Greene, Acting Chief of the Freedom of Information and Records
Management Section, Drug Enforcement Administration, Washington, D.C.,
20537, partially denied Plaintiff's request for information with respect
to the case files, documents, exhibits, and other tangible information
under its direction, management, supervision, and control involving
Plaintiff in their possession as admitted. A copy of this partial
denial and admission to such documents, records, and other tangible
things is attached as Exhibit “B” and incorporated by this reference.
On June 24, 1997, Defendant, through its agent Mr. James L. Greene,
indicated their refusal to turn over certain documents, evidence,
records, files and other tangible things in their possession on the
grounds “the processing of Plaintiff's request identified certain
materials that will be released to Plaintiff Portions not released are
being withheld pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. §?
552 and/or the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C.? § 552(a). Please refer to the
list enclosed with this letter that identifies the authority for
withholding the deleted material, which is indicated by a mark appearing
in the block next to the exemption. An additional enclosure with this
letter explains these exemptions in more detail: [Exemptions] Freedom of
Information Act, 5 U.S.C. §? 552(b)(2) and (b)(7)(D) and under the
Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. §? 552(a)(j)(2) renders a total of 22 pages
withheld as exempt, as aforesaid.”
Mr. Greene indicated there were 51 pages of information being maintained
by the D.O.J.-D.E.A., and 22 pages were exempt, as aforesaid.
8. Also, before the above-denoted information would be released by the
D.O.J., Plaintiff was required to submit a Department of Justice “Form
D.O.J.-361, February 95" which was stamped “Form Approved by the OMB
#1103-0016-Certification of Identity,” and notarized, which was
submitted prior to the April 28, 1997 request.
9. Plaintiff sent back a letter on or about June 30, 1997 setting forth
the exemption language and indicated an opinion that the exemption cited
by the D.O.J. was not appropriate. Plaintiff did not receive any
response from the letter. However, the June 24, 1997 Notice of Partial
Exemption (Exhibit “B”) indicated on page 2 that “if Plaintiff wished to
appeal any denial of his request, he may do so within (30) days pursuant
to 28 Code of Federal Regulation Sections 16.8 and 16.48 (“CFR”) and the
appeal should be sent to the Co-Director, Office of Information and
Privacy, Flag Building, Suite 570, Washington, D.C. 20530. On
Plaintiff's information and belief, the exemption response was sent to
Mr. James L. Green, the Acting Chief of the Freedom of Information and
Records Management Section under 28 CFR Sec. 16.8 and/or 28 CRF Sec.
16.48 as its agent.
10. Plaintiff on information and belief and on those grounds, never
received a response regarding the appeal hearing date or an assignment
to the judge for determination. Despite that fact, Plaintiff's original
letter requested that the denied documents be made available to him per
Exhibit “A” attached.

11. Because the Co-Director of the Office of Information and Privacy
or/and through its agent, Mr. James L. Greene, who is the Acting Chief
of the Freedom of Information and Records Management Section of the
D.E.A., never sent Plaintiff a denial of the appeal due to the lapse of
time. Such lapse constitutes a constructive denial of Plaintiff's
12. Accordingly, Plaintiff has exhausted all of his administrative
remedies in attempting to obtain the material requested under the
F.O.I.A. and Privacy Act except, on information and belief and on those
grounds, those administrative remedies or procedures which Plaintiff was
prevented from performing as a condition concurrent to a condition
precedent to Defendant's condition related to the exhaustion of
administrative remedies, as aforesaid.
13. On information and belief and on those grounds, Plaintiff asserts
all the information sought by Plaintiff is within the provisions of the
F.O.I.A., 5 U.S.C.A. ?§ 552(a)(3) and the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. § 522 et
seq. on the grounds, including but not limited to: (1) Part of the
documentation is over 20 years old; (2) the information is no longer
sensitive as to the purported D.O.J.-D.E.A. operations related to the
Plaintiff or anyone else for that matter at this junction; (3) the
information is not related to efforts to prevent, control, or reduce
crime or apprehend criminals; (4) the records or information compiled
under the “pretext” of conducting a legal law enforcement investigation
with legitimate purpose was determined by the court to be false and lack
all substance and truth and in fact determined the informant worked for
the D.O.J.-D.E.A., all the evidence was fabricated, and the testimony
asserted by the officers involved was false, fraudulent, and
subordination of perjury and perjury constituting outrageous government
conduct which was contemptible; (5) none of the information was
submitted from a private institution on a confidential basis; (6)
because the criminal investigation was determined by the court to be
nothing more than an illegal “pretext,” the information is not such that
was obtained or compiled in the course of a legitimate criminal
investigation and is not protected; (7) the information is not related
to any agency conducting a lawful national security intelligence
investigation, as this was strictly an alleged domestic drug case which
does not fall under any of the exemptions; (8) any of the alleged
documentation or materials cannot be said to be related solely to any of
the internal rules or practices of the D.E.A. and the Maricopa county
Sheriff’s Office, as the D.E.A. agents were bound by an “oath” of office
to be honest and truthful, not to commit perjury or fabricate evidence,
and not to be in contempt of court for doing so, and not to conduct an
investigation under color of authority under a fabricated set of
circumstances commonly known as “pretext” in order to get a warrant
(such as was done here by the Hon. Richard Gromley) based on lies and
deceit, to a federal judge and a grand jury in doing so, as determined
by the court at the time of Defendant's “acquittal” as substantiated by
the documentation submitted by Defendants pursuant to the F.O.I.A.. See
Exhibit “C” attached and incorporated by reference. Also, due to the
course of time, the exemptions have been either greatly amended for the
release of the documentation or rendered void, null, and of no effect,
according to proof.
14. The documentation requested by Plaintiff included information
concerning the alleged “illicit laboratory” information and the records
and documents concerning the D.O.J.-D.E.A.'s chief chemist at the
regional laboratory of the Southwest Regional Laboratory and the
information concerning the Task Force supervisor who signed a
certificate indicating the evidence was “disposed of” in accordance with
existing administration instructions pursuant to Case No. N4-78-X012 of
the Regional Office of Dallas, Texas or/and the District Office of
Phoenix, Arizona on March 12, 1980, contained within part of the
documents released pursuant to the F.O.I.A. (D.E.A. Form 48 Jan. 1975).
The documentation given to Plaintiff was so gutted of the vital
information, as well as it is obviously apparent that the documentation
submitted had been greatly redacted and cut and rexeroxed with other
documents which don't apply to the nature of the form, which was then
pasted together to produce the document copy which was ultimately
released to the Plaintiff. See Exhibit “C” and specifically the letter
from Defendant D.O.J.-D.E.A., Washington, D.C. dated June 24, 1997,
referencing Request No. 97-0942-C claiming Plaintiff's F.O.I.A. request
was being processed of the requested “identified certain materials that
will be released” to Plaintiff. The documents requested by Plaintiff
were, in fact, not released to him.
15. On information and belief and on those grounds, all of the
information sought by Plaintiff is within the provisions of the
F.O.I.A., 5 U.S.C.A. §? 552(a)(3) and 5 U.S.C.A. § 552 et seq. under the
Privacy Act, as they pertain to him personally; and it is requested to
be disclosed by the Defendants. The information is vitally important to
Plaintiff so that Plaintiff can then file a Request for Correction of
Records so the record can finally represent the truth and accurate
information, rather than the fabricated, deceitful, and false
information which was the federal judge, Hon. Lacey's decision, not
Plaintiff; and this correction is extremely important for the emotional
piece of mind so the entire matter can be corrected and laid to rest.
16. Plaintiff further alleges on information and belief and on those
grounds that specific individuals within the D.E.A., after Plaintiff was
acquitted, continued to keep Plaintiff under surveillance and otherwise
have continuously, in an ongoing fashion using electronic technology,
invaded Plaintiff's privacy in such a manner as torturing Plaintiff with
a motive of retaliation for the acquittal he obtained. It was also for
the purpose of continuing to cover-up their activity of murder, torture
and invasion of Plaintiff’s privacy. It is also to continue the
investigation under the guise that a criminal investigation is ongoing.
Plaintiff resided in Glendale, Arizona where the local officers, in
combination with the Joint Task Force, continued to operate in the
manner which led to Plaintiff's acquittal as determined by the Hon.
Judge Lacey. Plaintiff alleges, on information and belief, this
retaliation by the select officers and agents will continue in the form
of such retaliation; and the records, dockets, and other tangible
evidence are relevant and material in order to identify the specific and
select individuals who have conducted this pattern of retaliation for
their own personal purposes, or for other reasons unknown to the
Plaintiff (i.e. perhaps an internal, unwritten agency policy which is
understood and agreed to by the select officers involved). Such conduct
is not legitimate and not legal, and Plaintiff asserts he has a right to
know the names of all individuals involved as represented by the
documentation as part of this purported, legitimate, Joint Drug Task
Force which represented to the Federal District and State Courts it was
conducting a legitimate drug investigation which was later flatly
rejected by the Hon. Judge Lacey; and a verdict of “acquittal” was
rendered, which forbids any such facts of being in dispute other than in
favor of Plaintiff.
17. Defendants' failure and refusal to furnish all of the requested
information is arbitrary and capacious and irrefutable injuries
Plaintiff by depriving him of public information to which he is entitled
access. Further, on information and belief, the failure and refusal to
furnish the information is further arbitrary and capricious and
irrefutable injures Plaintiff by depriving him of the knowledge of the
select officers or/and agents involved which were nothing less than evil
and corrupt, entered a conspiracy for corruption, and carried out the
plan, scheme, and design in a corrupt manner, conducting subordination
of perjury, violating their sacred oath of office taken to become such
officers or/and agents under the Dept. of Justice and D.E.A., who also
took an oath not to violate the law, uphold the United States
Constitution, and to not violate any other individual's constitutional
rights in the course and scope of their capacity as trusted individuals
holding power to enforce the law or others who work within their
influence, specifically, all the information, data, documentation, and
all other tangible evidence from the day in time the D.E.A. started its
investigation(s) of Plaintiff (on or about 1973) up to and through the
present, or until a final adjudication of the matter.
18. Plaintiff specifically requests the Court to order Defendants,
individually and jointly, to disclose and make available all information
pertaining to Petitioner's request for an in camera hearing and subject
to an evidentiary hearing, with a request which shall be a continuing
request for findings of fact and conclusions of law under Federal Rules
of Civil Procedure, Rule 52, which is incorporated into the Code of
Federal Regulations and operable to the Freedom from Information Act and
Privacy Acts respectively.
WHEREFORE, for all the foregoing reasons, Plaintiff Schlund requests
this Court:
1. Deem all of the information sought by Plaintiff to constitute public
information within the meaning of the Freedom of Information Act as
amended, 5 U.S.C.A. §? 552(a) and/or the Privacy Act under 5 U.S.C.A. §?
522 et seq. and as amended and order Defendants, individually and
jointly, to make available for inspection and copying or otherwise
deliver all such unaltered and unredacted legible documentation
(information and data irrespective of medium of preservation,
compilation, or format) and account for the whereabouts and actual or
theoretical suspension of the aforesaid of all such information under
their direction, supervision, management, custody, or/and control or/and
knowledge or relating to or connection with, whether directly or
indirectly, whether in part or whole, all of the information requested
by Plaintiff in his request pursuant to Exhibit A attached and
incorporated by reference, and any amendment thereto;
2. Enjoin Defendants from withholding any of the requested information
from Plaintiff or his agents;
3. Expedite the proceedings in this action as provided in 5 U.S.C.A. ?§
4. Award Plaintiff all of his costs and reasonable attorney fees, law
clerk, paralegal, secretarial, or as a private individual allowed under
the law in an amount according to proof;
5. Issue a written findings of fact and conclusions of law under Federal
Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 52, pursuant to 5 U.S.C.A. ?
552(a)(4)(F), that the circumstances surrounding the withholding raises
questions whether agency personnel acted arbitrarily or capriciously and
not objectively with respect to the withholding;
6. Plaintiff respectfully requests the Court, in its discretion, to
order Defendants individually and jointly to produce and make available
to the Court all the documentation requested by Plaintiff for an
in-camera review and hearing related to the matters alleged in this
Complaint and a specific request for an evidentiary hearing on such
matters, and for a request for the Court to make findings of fact and
conclusions of law pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule
52, and this request shall request a continuous request and not waived
under any act or failure to act by Plaintiff and constitutes a specific
reservation of Plaintiff's rights related thereto; and
7. Grant Plaintiff all such other and further relief as the court deems
just, fair, and proper.
DATED this         day of                      , 2002.

Charles August Schlund, III
Plaintiff in Pro Per

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