-Caveat Lector-

On 28 Apr 2002 at 8:22, Nakano Nakamura wrote:

> The Real Secret is why is this card being played now?
> Think!

>>>If the end is coming, the somewhat's gotta come somehow, somewhy,
somewhere.  It's just the somewhen and the somewho have yet to be revealed.
A<>E<>R <<<


>From http://www.hogueprophecy.com/lastpop.htm

The Decline and Fall of the Church of Rome
The Prophecies of St Malachy for the New Millennium

PUBLISHER: Element Books

ISBN 1 86204 202 0

Release Date: Fall 1999

Hardback edition released in 1998. Over 25,000 copies in print in 7 languages.

In 1139 St Malachy set out from Ireland on a harrowing pilgrimage to Rome. On
sighting the Eternal City he fell to the ground and began murmuring cryptic Latin
phrases, each signifying the future destiny of the Popes.

For four hundred years the manuscript was locked in the labyrinth of the Vatican. On
its rediscovery in 1595 it was rejected by the Church authorities as fraudulent but the
content of the prophecies remains remarkably and chillingly accurate: to this day 90
percent have come true.

In examining the context of St. Malachy’s life, his pilgrimages and his miracles John
Hogue presents a fascinating account of the fates of the Popes and eight hundred
years of Catholic prophecy; including those of contemporaries, St Hildegard von
Bingen, Joachim de Fiore and the 16th-century Catholic seer, Nostradamus, whose
vision of the papal succession closely resembles that of St Malachy.

In this first complete study of the prophecies in over a hundred years, Hogue brings
his expertise to new revelations regarding the authenticity of the Latin mottoes. As
the Roman Catholic Church continues to witness an eclipse in papal power this
masterly work uncovers the truth about St Malachy’s prophecies and reveals their
significance as an account of the papal progression which Vatican policy makers
have found too threatening to acknowledge.

During the last persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there shall sit Peter of Rome,
who shall feed the sheep amidst many great tribulations, and when these have
passed, the City of the Seven Hills shall be utterly destroyed, and the awful Judge 
judge the people

St. Malachy prophesied an end to the Roman Catholic Church and predicted the
fates of the Popes until Judgment Day. After John Paul II dies only two Popes remain
on the Doomsday List…will this forbidding prophetic coda of a Catholic Apocalypse
Be fulfilled?


“Once again, the grand master of prophecy and super-biographer of Nostradamus
has written a major book dealing with our future and our past. This is a scholarly
work that reads like hot fiction…it will excite all those who view the Church of Rome
dispassionately, warts and all.”

Prof. Hans Holzer, author of Window to the Past and Prophecies: Visions of the
World’s Fate.

Page Top


Preface: A Past and Future History of the Popes

Introduction: Are We Two Popes away from Judgment Day?

The Life of St. Malachy: And How His Church Became Roman

The Grand Succession of Pontiffs (a.d. 1143 - a.d. 2020s?)

A Note on St Malachy’s Latin Mottoes

1. Ex castro Tiberis (From the Castle on the Tiber) – Celestine II: 1143-1144
2. Inimicus expulsus (The Enemy Driven Out) – Lucius II: 1144-45
3. Ex magnitudine montis (From the Greatness of a Mountain)– Eugenius III: 1145-
4. Abbas Suburranus (A Suburran Abbot) – Anastasius IV: 1153-1154
5. De rure albo (From a White Country Place [England]) – Adrian IV: 1154-1159
6. Ex tetro carcere (From a Harsh Prison) – Victor IV, Antipope: 1159-1164
7. Via Transtibernia (The Way beyond the Tiber) – Paschal III, Antipope: 1164-68
8. De Pannomia Tuscæ (From the Hungary of Tuscia)– Calistus III, Antipope: 1168-
9. Ex ansere custodi (From the Custodian Goose – Alexander III: 1159-1181
10. Lux in ostio (A Light in the Gate) – Lucius III: 1181-1185
11. Sus in cribro (A Sow in a Sieve) – Urban III: 1185-1187
12. Ensis Laurentii (The Sword of Lawrence) – Gregory VIII: 1187
13. De schola exiet (He Will Come Out of a School) – Clement III: 1187-1191
14. De rure bovensi (From the Cattle Country) – Celestine III: 1191-1198
15. Comes signatus (A Signed Count) – Innocent III: 1198-1216
16. Canonicus ex Latere (A Canon from the Side) – Honorius III: 1216-1227
17. Avis ostiensis (The Bird of Ostia) – Gregory IX: 1227-1241
18. Leo Sabinus (The Sabine Lion) – Celestine IV: 1241
19. Comes Laurentius (Count Lawrence) – Innocent IV: 1243-1254
20. Signum Ostiense (A Sign of Ostia) – Alexander IV: 1254-1261
21. Hierusalem Campaniæ (Jerusalem of Champagne) – Urban IV: 1261-1264
22. Draco depressus (A Dragon Pressed Down) – Clement IV: 1265-1268
23. Anguineus vir (A Snakelike Man) – Gregory X: 1271-1276
24. Concionatur Gallus (A French Preacher) – Innocent V: 1276
25. Bonus Comes (A Good Count) – Adrian V: 1276
26. Piscator Thuscus (A Tuscan Fisherman) – John XXI: 1276-1277
27. Rosa composita (A Composed Rose) – Nicholas III: 1277-1280
28. Ex telonio Liliacæi Martini (From the Receipt of Custom of Martin of the Lilies) –
Martin IV: 1281-85
29. Ex rosa Leonina (From a Leonine Rose) – Honorius IV: 1285-1287
30. Picus inter escas (A Woodpecker among the Food) – Nicholas IV: 1288-1292
31. Ex eremo celsus (From the Lofty Hermit) – Celestine V: 1294
32. Ex undarum benedictione (From a Blessing of the Waves) – Boniface VIII: 1294-
33. Concionator patareus (A Patarean Preacher) – Benedict XI: 1203-1304
34. De fessis Aquitanicis (From the Ditches of Aquitaine) – Clement V: 1305-1314
35. De sutore osseo (From a Bony Shoemaker) – John XXII: 1316-1334
36. Corvus schismaticus (A Schismatic Raven) – Nicholas V, Antipope: 1328-30
37. Frigidus Abbas (A Cold Abbot) – Benedict XII: 1334-1342
38. De rosa Athrebatensi (From the Rose of Arras) – Clement VI: 1342-1352
39. De montibus Pammachii (From the Mountains of Pammachius) – Innocent VI:

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40. Gallus Vicecomes (A French Viscount) – Urban V: 1362-1370)
41. Novus de virgine forti (A New Man from a Strong Virgin) – Gregory XI: 1370-
42. De cruce apostolica (From an Apostolic Cross) – Clement VII, Antipope: 1378-
43. Luna Cosmediana (The Moon of Cosmedin) – Benedict XIII, Antipope: 1394-
44. Schisma Barchinonium (A Schismatic of Barcelona) – Clement VIII, Antipope:
45. De inferno prægnani (The Pregnani from Hell) – Urban VI: 1378-1389
46. Cubus de mixtione (The Square of Mixture) – Boniface IX: 1389-1404
47. De Meliore Sydere (From a Better Star) – Innocent VII: 1404-1406
48. Nauta de Ponte nigro (A Sailor from a Black Bridge) – Gregory XII: 1406-1415
49. Flagellum solis (The Scourge of the Sun) – Alexander V, Antipope: 1409-1410
50. Cervus Sirenæ (The Stag of the Syrenæ) – John XXIII, Antipope: 1410-1419
51. Corona veli auri (The Crown with the Golden Veil) – Martin V: 1417-1431
52. Lupa cœlestina (A Celestinian She-wolf)– Eugenius IV: 1431-1447
53. Amator crucis (A Lover of the Cross) – Felix V, Antipope: 1439-1449
54. De modicitate Lunæ (From the Temperance of the Moon) – Nicholas V: 1447-
55. Bos pascens (A Bull Browsing) – Callistus III: 1455-1458
56. De capra et albergo (From a She-goat and a Tavern) – Pius II: 1458-1464
57. De Cervo et Leone (From a Stag and a Lion) – Paul II: 1464-1471
58. Piscator Minorita (A Minorite Fisherman) – Sixtus IV: 1471-1484
59. Præcursor Siciliæ (A Forerunner from Sicily) – Innocent VIII: 1484-1492
60. Bos Albanus in portu (An Alban Bull in the Port) – Alexander VI: 1492-1503
61. De parvo homine (From a Little Man) – Pius III: 1503
62. Fructus Jovis juvabit (The Fruit of Jupiter Will Help) – Julius II: 1503-1513
63. De craticula Politiana (From a Politian Gridiron) – Leo X: 1513-1521
64. Leo Florentinus (A Lion of Florence) – Adrian VI: 1522-1523
65. Flos pilæ ægri (From the Flower of the Ball) – Clement VII: 1523-1534
66. Hyacinthus medicorum (The Hyacinth Physician) – Paul III: 1534-1549
67. De corona montana (Of the Mountain Crown) – Julius III: 1550-1555
68. Frumentum floccidum (Hairy Grain) – Marcellus II: 1555
69. De fide Petri (Of the Faith of Peter) – Paul IV: 1555-1559
70. Esculapii pharmacum (The Drug of Aesculapius) – Pius IV: 1559-1565
71. Angelus nemorosus (A Woodland Angel) – St. Pius V: 1566-1572
72. Medium corpus pilarum (A Half Body of the Balls) – Gregory XIII: 1572-1585
73. Axis in medietate signi (An Axis in the Midst of a Sign) – Sixtus V: 1585-1590
74. De rore cœli (From the Heavenly Dew) – Urban VII: 1590
75. Ex antiquitate Urbis (From the Oldness of a City) – Gregory XIV: 1590-1591
76. Pia civitas in bello (A Dutiful State in War) – Innocent IX: 1591
77. Crux Romulea (A Roman Cross) – Clement VIII: 1592-1605
78. Undosus vir (A Wavy Man) – Leo XI: 1605
79. Gens perversa (A Crooked People) – Paul V: 1605-1621
80. In tribulatione pacis (In Tribulation of Peace) – Gregory XV: 1621-1623
81. Lilium et rosa (The Lily and the Rose) – Urban VIII: 1623-1644
82. Jucunditas crucis (The Pleasure of the Cross) – Innocent X: 1644-1655
83. Montium custos (Guardian of the Mountains) – Alexander VII: 1655-1667
84. Sydus olorum (A Constellation of Swans) – Clement IX: 1667-1669
85. De flumine magno (From a Great River) – Clement X: 1670-1676
86. Bellua insatiabilis (Insatiable Beast) – Innocent XI: 1676-1689
87. Pœnitentia gloriosa (Glorious Penance) – Alexander VIII: 1689-1691
88. Rastrum in porta (The Rake at the Door) – Innocent XII: 1691-1700
89. Flores circumdati (Flowers Set to Surround) – Clement XI 1700-1721
90. De bona religione (Of Good Religion) – Innocent XIII: 1721-1724
91. Miles in bello (A Soldier in War) – Benedict XIII: 1724-1730
92. Columna excelsa (A Lofty Pillar) – Clement XII: 1730-1740
93. Animal rurale (A Country Beast) – Benedict XiV: 1740-1758
94. Rosa Umbriæ (A Rose of Umbria) – Clement XIII: 1758-1769
95. Ursus velox (A Swift Bear) – Clement XIV: 1769-1775
96. Peregrinus apostolicus (An Apostolic wanderer) – Pius VI: 1775-1799
97. Aquila rapax (Rapacious Eagle) – Pius VII: 1800-1823
98. Canis et coluber (A Dog and an Adder) – Leo XII: 1823-1829
99. Vir religiosus (A Religious Man) – Pius VIII: 1829-1830
100. De balneis Etruriæ (From Balnea in Tuscany) – Gregory XVI: 1831-1846
101. Crux de cruce (The Cross from a Cross) – Pius IX: 1846-1878
102. Lumen in cœlo (A Llight in the Sky) – Leo XIII: 1878-1903

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103. Ignis ardens (Burning Fire) – Pius X: 1903-1914
104. Religio depopulata (Religion Laid Waste)– Benedict XV: 1914-1922
105. Fides intrepida (Intrepid Faith) – Pius XI: 1922-1939
106. Pastor angelicus (An Angelic Pastor)– Pius XII: 1939-1958
107. Pastor et nauta (Shepherd and Sailor) – John XXIII: 1958-1963
108. Flos florum (A Flower of Flowers) – Paul VI: 1963-1978
109. De medietate lunæ (From the Half Moon) – John Paul I: 1978
110. De labore solis (From the Sun’s Labor) – John Paul II: 1978- to the present day


110. From the sun’s Eclipse – John Paul II and His Future
111. De gloria olivæ (From the Glory of the Olive) – circa 2000-2020?

Coda: The Last Pope: Peter of Rome – circa 2020s

Epilogue: From Dogma to Divine Intimacy
Appendix: Post-Wion Prophecy Assessment
Select bibliography


PUBLISHER: Element Books

336 pages
234 x 156 mm (9 1/2 x 6 1/4 in)
ISBN 1 86204 202 0
Cost: £16.99 UK
$24.95 US
$34.99 CANADA

Release Date: Fall 1999

Hardback edition released in 1998. Over 25,000 copies in print in 7 languages.
Available in all bookstores and Amazon.com

(Element Books/Penguin distribution [USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and New
Zealand], 1998)

EDAF Publishers [Spain], 1999
Éditions Du Rocher [France],
2000Europa-America [Portugal, Brazil], 1999
Heyne verlag Gmbh [Germany], 1999
Sperling & Kupfer [Italy], 1999
Tirion [Dutch], 1999
Volvox Globator [Czech Republic], 1999


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"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it."
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway

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