Latest From ZetaTalk on The Chemtrail Genocide Agenda

[Editor's Note: I've been following the information posted at ZetaTalk  ( since late 1995. My synopsis, "Coming Attractions <>", was written in the winter of 1995-96 based on the ZetaTalk prediction that a pole shift accompanied by cataclysmic earth changes would occur in late May of 2003 due to the passage through our solar system of a huge planet called the 12th Planet or Nibiru by author Zacharia Sitchin. It took many months to read all of the voluminous files posted at ZetaTalk and it was an overwhelming experience to say the least. So many revelations and predictions made by ZetaTalk seemed to be true and were later shown to be accurate by independent investigators and researchers- sometimes years later (TWA 800 for example). Much of the info posted at ZetaTalk also feels accurate on an intuitive level. However, I can't say that I've found everything posted at ZetaTalk to fit my idea of 100% accuracy.

ZetaTalk said from the beginning that the purpose of Chemtrails was to sicken and weaken the general population so the populace would be in no condition to rebel against the NWO elites when they discovered the truth of betrayal and treachery put upon them by their own government. The North American elites plan to ride out the earth changes 2-7 miles below the surface of the planet in one of their 133 underground cities <> that were built here. Dr. Len Horowitz has well documented the chemtrail genocide campaign in his latest book, Death In the Air <>. This latest information posted below under What's New <> by the Zetas concerning the chemtrail agenda seems to fit observed reality and feels acurate. I can't explain it other than to say I get intuitive feelings that pan out accurate most of the time. Take heart, though. Chemtrails of late, despite increased spraying, are not 'taking' as well as they used to. Something is going awry <>. Also, bioengineered pathogens and poisons can be defeated by the average man with simple and low cost methods. It's all a matter of having the right tools and the right knowledge. We intend to provide you with both, right here at My grandfather always used to say "things have a way of working out". He was right most of the time too...Ken Adachi]

Posted by Nancy Leider
Zetan Emmisary & Webmistress of ZetaTalk
May 3, 2002

ZetaTalk: Renewed Activity
Note: written during the Mar 16, 2002 IRC Session
Lately chemtrail activity has picked up, and not without reason. We stated recently that the ulterior motive was to poison the masses, when the time came, not simply make them ill with flu. Frantic to seem on top of matters with a failing economy and failure to capture Bin Laden after the 911 disasters and making one mistake after another, the Bush Administration went too far in revealing their plans among themselves to insiders not completely on board. Distracted with anger, and casting about, words were said in meetings that would have been kept close in more controlled and confident times. Horrified attendees, who were under the impression that flu and temporary illness only was to be the result of spraying the masses on the move toward carry-on government enclaves or those of the wealthy elite, realized that murder of citizens, of all ages, was the intent. Babies, women with small children in their arms, struggling toward what they assumed were the government camps, to be poisoned!

Arguments broke out, and with the lack of MJ12 use of Zeta travel services, cloaking and the perfect intel that our telepathy affords, they could not be sure who knew, and who did not. Sputtering apologizes, excuses that misunderstandings had occurred, that this was not the intent, were made. Because the Bush Administration and their allies could not be sure how far the truth had spread, they felt they would not succeed in their ultimate plan, to poison the public should they threaten to rush the camps with demands that food stuff and shelter be shared. They fell back to the stated plan, to sicken, not poison, and went over this plan as to practicality. Of course, desperate people will struggle on, even if sickened, as they are already sickened with starvation and injury and driven by great fear. Thus, new spraying methods are being tested, now in early 2002, more heavy coverage, different chemicals as vehicles, and eventually, different flu bugs.

Expect this, and also slips and leaks as to the campaign, who is conducting it, and why. As the campaign heats up, and word of the real agenda of the perpetrators, countering maneuvers will occur among those horrified and disgusted at the Bush Administration leadership. Since the blanketing is not intended to spread over wide areas, the wind eventually dispels the fog and sunlight and oxygen destroy germs. Thus, one must be misted, fogged, walking under the dropping droplets, so to speak, or not affected. Something as simple as staying indoors, in your car with the vent closed, will protect you. Certainly, when the shift approaches, to be in heavily populated areas targeted by the Bush Administration should be avoided. No point in getting sick, and since this campaign is in the hands of man, and the Rule of Non-Interference prevails, it is possible that poisons, not flu germs, will be used.
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