Israel Still Controls America

by Joseph Wallace

Some of you may remember the injustices committed by Bill Clinton while he was in the White House. The NFP published an article exposing the Jewish control over Bill Clinton, as especially evidenced by the pardons Clinton issued prior to leaving office, primarily that of Marc Rich.

Marc Rich was the known Jewish criminal who fled America prior to trial for various financial crimes. He set up in Switzerland for almost 20 years, escaping justice. The NFP reported on Marc Rich's connections with Israel several months ago. It was blatantly obvious that there were no extenuating circumstances behind Rich's crimes, and that by all rights he should be serving prison time. Yet, he was living like a king in Switzerland, maintaining all his Jewish connections. From what I saw on a trip to Switzerland, Marc Rich and the other Jews are doing all they can to send that nation to hell in a hurry. Finally, Rich's waiting paid off when all his crimes were pardoned by Bill Clinton.

Recently, Newsweek published excerpts from phone conversations between Clinton and Israel Prime Minister Ehud Barak regarding Marc Rich. Rich was known to do business with Iran and Iraq as a means of supplying the Mossad and other Israelis with intelligence information. Furthermore, Rich violated even more US laws in these business dealings, all while he was a fugitive from the US already. In 1983, Rich left the US before his indictment for illegally dealing with Iranians. These phone conversations confirm the NFP's report that Marc Rich was pardoned simply because he was a Jewish friend to Israel.

"Dec. 11, 2000, 6:17-6:36 p.m. (in the Residence):

"Prime Minister [Ehud] Barak: Okay, thank you. One last remark. There is an American Jewish businessman living in Switzerland and making a lot of philanthropic contributions to Israeli institutions and activities like education, and he is a man called Mark [sic] Rich. He violated certain rules of the game in the United States and is living abroad. I just wanted to let you know that here he is highly appreciated for his support of so many philanthropic institutions and funds, and that if I can, I would like to make my recommendation to consider his case.

"President Clinton: I am going to take all of them up at the same time. I know about that case ..."

"January 8, 2001, 5:57-6:15 p.m. (in the Oval Office):

"Prime Minister Barak: Let me tell you last but not least two names I want to mention. ... The second is Mark [sic], the Jewish American.

"President Clinton: I know quite a few things about that. I just got a long memo and am working on it. It's best that we not say much about that.

"Prime Minister Barak: Okay. I understand. I'm not mentioning it in any place.

"President Clinton: I understand.

"Prime Minister Barak: I believe it could be important [gap] not just financially, but he helped Mossad on more than one case. ..."

Another phone call ensued where Clinton assured Barak that while there was no precedent for pardoning a criminal who was overseas when indicted and never returned to America, he was working hard on the case. It is obvious that Clinton and Barak were speaking in half-sentences like Mafia criminals hiding their crimes. While no official transcripts or letters have been released, reports state that other Israeli officials hounded Clinton to pardon Rich, including Shabtai Shavit, a former foreign intelligence chief, and ex-Prime Minister Shimon Peres. Rich's connections with the Mossad go on and on. His own executive director of the Rich Foundation is a former Mossad agent named Avner Azulay. In letters, it is apparent that Azulay had a type of bargain going on with Clinton, stating that Clinton could "appease" Israel by pardoning Rich since appeals to pardon another Israeli Jew, Jonathan Pollard, were being rejected. (Jonathan Pollard was convicted over a decade ago on spying for Israel against the United States. Apparently, Clinton thought pardoning a convicted spy might be more touchy than pardoning a more surreptitious Israeli agent.)

What these above conversations reveal about the Jews is so typical, yet many Americans are blind to the facts. Therefore, we will point out several things about this conversation that stand out. If you don't believe that Israeli Jews control America, then you have to be blind. In the above conversation, it is apparent that Barak threatens Clinton with the Mossad, a known terrorist organization that kills American citizens and easily escapes justice. (In my personal opinion, they were the murderers of John F. and Robert Kennedy, since only the Jews profited from his death.) In pardoning Rich, Clinton, and therefore America, directly supported a known Israeli terrorist organization that kills not only Arab Muslims in the Middle East, but that is also known for its activities abroad - including the murder of American citizens! Marc Rich was not pardoned because he suffered from extenuating circumstances, but because he was a Jew who used stolen money to support a terrorist organization. Marc Rich was pardoned because he contributed more than $80 million of ill-gotten money to Israeli Jewish interests and has been active in assisting the Mossad in "undisclosed" operations. Again, in my opinion, these so-called "undisclosed" operations entail bribery and threats against our American elected officials on all levels, and also entail dope smuggling and murder or assassinations, as in the case of Dr. Bull, the ballistic expert who was an American citizen at the time the Mossad gunned him down in his apartment house.

Notice that Barak admits that pardoning Rich would not only be beneficial financially, but also that he helped the Mossad on more than one occasion. But the implication runs deeper than that. It implies that this same help is available to Clinton. The NFP has already commented in earlier issues on the money trail for the travesty of justice committed by the criminal Bill Clinton. So, this Jew stole money from Americans, escaped to another country, and then used that money to support the bandit state of Israel. And Rich isn't the only Jew to get special treatment. You may remember the group of Hasidic Jews pardoned by Clinton because they contributed financially to Hilary Clinton's campaign. The Jewish media remained almost silent about Rich's Mossad connections, and instead tried to pass off the pardon as the result of Rich's wife contributing to Clinton's campaign fund. This has to be an insult to the intelligence of the American people. Or is there any intelligence out there? Undoubtedly, Rich would have been pardoned with or without his wife's contributions, in light of the pressuring of the American government by an alien foreign power, so-called Israel. Clinton also received more than 100 letters from wealthy American Jews requesting a pardon for Rich.

Many Americans don't realize that pardoning Rich was an act of treason against the United States. Why should a foreign country have any input or interest in a Presidential pardon of an American? The above conversations simply show the undeniable control that Israeli Jews have over America. The lesson here is that if you are rich, Jewish, and you support the murderers in Israel, then you can get away with anything. That is exactly what Marc Rich pulled off, and that is exactly what hundreds of Jews are doing everyday in this country and elsewhere. How many people died as a result of the money that Marc Rich poured into Israel? Most likely hundreds, if not thousands. And Marc Rich is only typical of thousands of American Zionist Jews who send money to Israel, as well as the Jews in the government who have channeled American tax dollars into aid to Israel. Many Americans are asking why aid is being sent to Israel, yet most are too afraid to speak out for fear of offending the Jews or fear of getting killed by the Jews. I think that is rather the case.

All this support is being given to Israel, even after the Red Cross has stated that Israel is committing war crimes against Palestinians, and even after UN resolutions were passed which supposedly forbid the Israelis from treating Palestinians the way they do - murdering them, forcing them to live under military occupational rule, bulldozing their homes, etc. Many of you may remember Israel's refusal to cooperate with UN missions sent to Israel by the UN Human Rights Convention, who were investigating Israel for "widespread, systematic and gross violations of human rights." Tell that to those who trumpet the so-called "Holocaust" as the worst violation of human rights ever committed, and who continue to garner sympathy and support from the ignorant. Of course, the UN bows to Jewish American pressure and does little to enforce their own rules in UN compounds. One example includes about 100 Lebanese women and children who were blown to bits deliberately by Israeli bombs on UN property, even killing the UN so-called peacekeepers.

Perhaps Americans who wonder why the "Middle East Crisis" is such a prominent feature on their news channels will rethink the Jewish influence on American politics. Maybe they will see the atrocities being committed by Israel and America, who continue to go hand in hand. Maybe they will start asking themselves why the Jews in Israel are allowed to get away with such criminal activities. Maybe they will wake up and quit watching the false prophets, Jack van Impe, Pat Robertson, and Hal Lindsay and other antichrist Jew-mongers who aid and abet the antichrists of this world. Perhaps they will wonder why America continues to support the bandit state of Israel, which is composed of Zionist Jews bent on world domination. Don't think that you are safe here in America. Israel is just a stepping stone in the Jews' eyes to gaining control of the whole world.

The Jews already control America through subterfuge, as shown by the above facts. While they don't necessarily come at white Americans with guns and bombs and bulldozers like they do to Palestinians in Israel, they are waging war in America with organized crime, drugs, the media, false religion, race-mixing, bribery and bullying of your elected officials (therefore controlling Congress), immigration, financing, and any other means they can come up with. In my opinion, if we Americans shot all the senators and congressmen in bed with the Jews, we would not have a Congress left. We should not be complacent - once the small resistance that is left is gone, the Jews will surely come out full bore with the same tactics they are using against the Palestinians, and those of the white race who are left will be the primary targets. Kiss your guns and your children good-bye, or get off your couch and get busy.

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