-Caveat Lector-

Many sources have said certain beings feed on negative human emotion, but
excreting oil is one I haven't heard. Robert Monroe's story of loosh can be
interpreted in many ways but always involves consumption of human emotion
for energy.


Emotional Management

Have you ever gotten emotionally riled up over events which later turned out
to be trivial? Do little things happen around you which "coincidentally"
poke at your emotional sore spots? Does it seem like someone "behind the
curtain" is pushing your buttons? In many cases, someone or something is.

This article is about emotional defense against an invisible enemy who
profits from your overindulgence in negative emotions. As part of the matrix
series, this text focuses upon the central issue in the matter, that of
loosh economy. "Loosh" is Robert Monroe's term for a quantifiable
spiritual/emotional energy produced by physical beings such as humans, a
highly-valued commodity in the eyes of nonphysical beings who feed upon this
energy. Although not its only function, the matrix acts as the machinery
which extracts loosh from humans by subjecting them to synchronistically
arranged emotional melodramas.

Here will be given a practical discussion of the nature of emotion, who
manipulates emotion via the matrix, their modes of attack, and suggested
methods of defense.

Nature of emotion

Science sees emotion as the perceptual end-product of chemicals and hormones
affecting our nervous system, nothing more. In truth, such chemicals in our
bodies are just physical components of an overall metaphysical process. The
body is synchronistically coupled to the soul, meaning the soul doesn't
actually impress a physical force upon the body's cells as a magnet would
upon iron filings, but rather the soul generates a morphogenic field which
tends to make one's neurons and cells "accidentally" behave in a way that
directly mirrors the behavior of the soul. The morphogenic field alters the
probability of cellular events in such a way to conform to the will of the

When the soul feels the emotion of love, for example, neurons "accidentally"
fire in a specific pattern which any neuropsychologist reading a brainscan
will interpret as corresponding to that emotion.

During life in a physical body, the body and soul are strongly coupled.
One's daily consciousness, the ego, resides at the border between physical
brain and metaphysical soul, meaning it can experience the illusion of
emotion through drugs. Such artificial inductions of emotions are generated
through the body rather than the soul. Any generation of emotion via
physical methods leads only the generation of false emotions.

The difference between true and false emotions lies in their origin. There
is only one true emotion, love, and there is only one source for it, God.
"Love" and "God" do not have their usual meanings here; love does not mean
physical intimacy between couples and God does not mean a personified deity.
Love is defined here as a creator energy, the original will of God that
separated the original void into positive and negative space and time, an
emotion filled with truth, knowledge, and awareness. God is defined as the
original seed of consciousness from which all reality and individual
consciousness arose, an infinite supply of true emotional energy to which
humans are energetically connected and have access.

Eaters of Emotion

In other articles on this site (www.montalk.net), a classification system of
zero order, first order, and second order beings has been utilized to
separate the major types of consciousness. God is a zero order being, humans
are first order beings, and thoughtforms or entities without a direct
energetic link to God are second order beings. Likewise, there are zero,
first, and second order emotions. Zero order emotion is the will of God
which essentially powered the Big Bang. First order emotion is true love as
humans can experience it, that of truth, knowledge, and awareness. Second
order emotions consist of everything else, from illusory love to lust,
hatred, fear, jealousy, and contempt. These are false emotions, for they
stem not from God but from illusion. Loosh is a generic term for emotional
energy, and "negative loosh" implies false emotion, while "positive loosh"
means true emotion.

Second order beings are the primary beneficiaries of the matrix for they
feed upon their corresponding type of loosh, second order emotion. Such
beings were not created by God originally, their creators are first order
beings who either purposely or accidentally succumbed to illusion and began
to feed such illusions by putting emotional energy into things not connected
to the physical reality created by God. In other words, instead of focusing
entirely upon physical reality and truth in their lives, first order beings
(who by definition have Creator-like abilities) began to create a new
reality of their own, that within the realm of their imaginations. This
imaginary reality is now known as the etheric realm, and energy dumped into
this realm was shaped via first order beings' fears and fantasies into
second order beings called thoughtforms. Thoughtforms are etheric robots
without an energetic connection to God -- a metaphysical form of artificial
intelligence. Thoughtforms, generated by illusion, soon resorted to
parasitism upon first order beings to feed themselves and maintain their own
existence. Over time, thoughtforms have created an entirely new illusory
reality overlaying the real reality on earth, and this illusory overlay is
the matrix.

The movie The Matrix was a metaphorical representation of this phenomenon.
One point of evidence toward this fact is that the metaphor was imperfect;
machines turned humans into batteries, sources of electrical energy, and yet
they could have much more easily resorted to nuclear power. In reality, the
metaphor alluded to the fact that the "machines" or second order beings are
after loosh, not electricity, and there is no better generator of loosh than
a human. Hence, in the movie, humans had to be the power source despite the
obvious flaw in the metaphor.

For emotion to be consumed by second order beings, it must be converted into
a palatable frequency or flavor and dumped into a domain over which second
order beings have precedence. Physical reality, being a product of God and
composed of its love/will condensed into solidity, is not second order
beings' preferential domain. Anything straying from reality, such as
fantasies, misconceptions, fears, and illusions miss their mark and flow
into second order beings' etheric reality, if not first tapped directly by
the matrix. Therefore, the matrix attempts to induce negative emotions in
you (flavoring the loosh with a palatable frequency) and pulls your mindset
away from truth so that your emotion becomes available for harvesting.

Dynamics of Emotion

Emotions are somewhat analogous to electricity; there is static electricity
(stationary quantity of charge) and dynamic electricity, also known as
current (moving quantity of charge). Likewise, emotions can be static or

Dynamic emotion is loosh energy that is always being utilized for either
constructive physical/spiritual action or else leaking or spurting into the
ether. All your genuine emotional energy comes from your connection to God
by virtue of you just being human, conscious, and alive. You receive this
energy from God to power much of your higher mental and spiritual functions,
but you must still consume physical food to run your body. What you do with
your supply of loosh is up to you; the matrix would like you to convert it
into a negative form and feed the energy into imaginary reality for
interception by the matrix.

Static emotion, psychologically speaking, is repressed emotional energy.
Emotion, being a quantified substance, can neither be created nor destroyed
by anyone except God. This law of conservation is nothing new, many authors
and psychologists know of that fact.

While emotion cannot be created or destroyed, it can be tapped from God and
converted into various grades, frequencies, and forms. Negative emotion can
be converted into positive, and vice versa. Perception is the key that
converts one form into the other.

When you experience a negative emotion and do not let it out or convert it
into something positive, it becomes a thoughtform parasite, an auric leak,
and a spiritual burden. To have become angry in the first place is okay, but
to remain so in a non-constructive way must have arisen from some illusory
component in your view of the world. In other words, because your perception
of a situation was not based entirely on truth, you became angry, stayed
angry, and did nothing about it except ignore and repress it. Your illusory
perception combined with the resulting negative emotional energy forms, by
definition, a thoughtform, except it is one closely attached to your soul.
In this article, such an entity will be called an internal thoughtform. It
has a conduit leading back to the core of your soul and siphons energy from
your emotional reservoir, becoming bloated in the process as long as you
continue repressing it.

While God's supply of emotional energy is infinite, your rate to receive
such energy is not. Therefore, any leak in your loosh reservoir such as one
caused by an internal thoughtform generated from repressed emotions will
take away from your influx of energy. The more repressed emotions you have,
the more auric leaks you have, and the less loosh energy you can use for

Internal thoughtforms severely affect the way you behave. Beside keeping you
low of energy, they also tend to pull your own utilization of energy in
their direction. Read Beverly Nadler's book Vibrational Harmony for a good
explanation of this.

Severely repressed emotions (to the point of amnesia) stem from soul
fragmentation, where a piece of your consciousness accompanies the
perceptions and emotions splitting off from your main soul during the
trauma. Such internal thoughtforms are their own personalities in perpetual
suffering. The amnesia results from memories being a function of
consciousness, and since that particular component of consciousness has
left, the main consciousness has no access to those memories unless the
fragment possessing them returns to its source. Ordinary internal
thoughtforms are not total fragmentations, but rather distortions; both
affect the main soul's consciousness through some etheric or astral link.

Internal thoughtforms affect your behavior by regurgitating a negative
frequency of loosh back into your main energy reservoir which corrupts your
general mood in addition to sublimely keeping your world view in accordance
with the illusion having generated the internal thoughtform in the first
place. It affects both your emotions and perceptions and tends to keep them
anchored in illusion.

Static emotions cannot be tapped by the matrix, although they are still
detrimental in altering your behavior like a stuck rudder on a ship. One's
emotions remain static only as long as they are out of one's present
conscious focus. Remember that internal thoughtforms are their own loosh
reservoirs, feeding off your reservoir which in turn is filled by God. You
may think of these thoughtforms as bloated sacks of loosh just waiting to
burst. To access these reservoirs, the matrix must open them with a
perceptual key so that your consciousness focuses upon them, opening the
floodgates and unleashing an explosion of dynamic emotion which bursts into
the ether and is collected by the matrix.

Thus, the matrix can do one of two things: elicit dynamic emotions in you
and tap them directly, or else pop your repressed emotions and reap a huge
bounty. Often it does both and makes sure dynamic emotion is repressed and
allowed to grow for later harvest. How it accomplishes all this is the
subject of the next section

Modes of Attack

The matrix and those who operate it attack humans for various reasons
including sabotage, experimentation, and loosh harvesting. An attack is
defined as a hostile act intended to benefit the perpetrator more than one
receiving the attack.

Let's begin with how the matrix harvests static emotions. As stated before,
it must utilize the correct key to unlock stored reservoir of loosh. In
practical terms, this key is simply a synchronicity in your environment
which triggers an overblown emotional reaction from you. If you have ever
gotten angrier at something than warranted because you've had enough and it
was the last straw, then you have had an internal thoughtform purged of its
reservoir. While this may make you feel better in the short run, it will
fill up again and continue to influence you unless it is permanently
disabled by a change of perceptions. Disabling internal thoughtforms will be
discussed later.

A synchronistic trigger is created from precise calculations and data
gathering by the matrix; it knows what buttons to push. The source of this
trigger may be something you read, a keyword, song, person's name, dream
event, or something someone does or says. In the case of reading something,
the synchronicity is mainly created through you...the matrix has
imperceptibly altered your actions and the path of your trigger until they
intersect and the trigger comes to your attention. In the case of being
triggered by something someone does or says, the same basic process occurs
except another person is being manipulated as well. (Generation of
synchronicities doesn't happen by the direct calculation and alteration of
every single step necessary to produce them, rather a small section of the
symbolic "machine code" of reality is altered which automatically
restructures the timeline and course of reality-based events).

You may wonder how and when this manipulation occurs, because you cannot
remember or feel any real manipulation going on. Well, the manipulation of
your actions is synchronistic and occurs most often when you are on
"autopilot" or in the alpha state of mind. It is known that one becomes
suggestible and receptive during the alpha state, in which brainwaves
pulsate between 9 and 14 cycles per second. During this state, your
consciousness relaxes its perceptual filters and becomes susceptible to
external influences. It is during this autopilot state that the matrix finds
it easiest to get you to do something which will play part in a later
synchronicity. When it happens, because the synchronicity is not yet
fulfilled, the trivial action you just undertook during the alpha state goes
generally unnoticed, thought of as insignificant and not even worth
remembering. The manipulation is subtle, and only after-the-fact does it
become obvious. Most often, however, the manipulation is not a direct
influence to do something, but rather a suppression of your memory
function...you perform an action while having temporarily forgotten a key
piece of information that would have made you act otherwise. Induced
temporary forgetfulness resulting in a later synchronicity is the most
common way an external or higher force (even a positive one) can bypass the
ego and manipulate a person's actions.

Susceptibility to manipulation is proportional to lack of awareness.
Forewarned is forearmed. Remember:

If you're not in control of your actions, something else is.

It could be the matrix, internal thoughtforms, external thoughtforms,
subliminals in advertising and music, entity attachments, alien
transmissions, and even positive guidance such as your higher self and
intuition. Which of those you tend to tune into depends upon your general
mood, which is nothing more than the prevalent emotional climate of your
being. Emotions are generated from perceptions, and to attract positive
guidance in times when you go into autopilot, you must have positive
perceptions aligned with truth. The more accurate your perception of
reality, the better your mood, and the less susceptible you become to
influence from negative sources.

Of course, if you were a hermit, this advice would be easy to apply.
Unfortunately, every person you associate with, be it friend, family, or
stranger, is also susceptible to manipulation by various forces. The less
aware they are, the more easily manipulated they become. Being aware means
being conscious of your actions and taking responsibility to make sure that
what you do is really what you want to do, and not some subtle force
attempting to manipulate you into playing part in someone else's emotional
triggering. The people you interact with can be manipulated into triggering
you, pushing your buttons, sabotaging your plans, and hurting you without
them even knowing it. In fact, you have played that part as well,
unknowingly performing actions which synchronistically affect others without
you being aware of it at the time. It happened to you today and it will
happen again tomorrow.

As fellow researchers have learned, the biggest challenge to anyone aware of
this manipulation is when someone you love or trust becomes a "conduit of
attack," an unwitting player in the negative forces' sick game of sabotaging
you or harvesting your loosh (inducing suffering in you, and often the
others involved). Children, spouses, and partners in personal or business
relationships are the most common conduits of attack. Besides performing
just minor synchronistic triggers, such people can be fully manipulated into
doing anything to stress you, including hurting themselves, misperceiving
you, and directly attacking you verbally or physically. By physical harm, it
is not meant that some external force picks up their fists and swings them
at you, rather that some force manipulates the person's emotions and
perceptions into making them take out their frustrations and misguided anger
on you. They believe that they are in control of their actions, but in
reality they are not.

In cases where manipulation of a person goes beyond mere synchronistic acts,
there is usually a direct alteration of his/her soul via artificial means.
This can include physical means such as electromagnetic mind control
signals, physical implants, hypnosis, harmful chemicals and nutritional
deficiencies, or metaphysical means such as etheric implants, chakra
alterations, entity attachments of negative beings or aliens, or remote
psionic influence. Whatever the case may be, the person isn't truly himself,
and the painful part is that he is not even aware of it.

Lack of awareness puts a person into the domain of illusion and
misperception. Once there, it is easy for the matrix or its operators to
inject false speculation into the minds of the intended targets of sabotage.
The less information one has about a particular situation, the more he will
tend to speculate. Like a game of Wheel of Fortune, the less letters already
chosen by contestants, the greater the possibility that the hidden word
could be almost anything. Because there are so many possibilities that would
fit the limited facts one has, such possibilities must include a great
portion of incorrect guesses, illusions. Because such possibilities are
weighted equally until another piece of information comes along to shift
favor to one or the other, it is during speculation that the matrix finds an
opportune time to nudge a person's perceptions toward false conclusions. It
can do so directly by emotional manipulation and memory suppression, or it
can do so with false data introduced to him synchronistically. Not all data
you could encounter via synchronicity is false, but be aware that some of it
surely is.

Such sabotage typically happens to split apart two people or a network which
poses a threat to the matrix's agenda. This happens best when one or more of
the people targetted is much more unaware than the other, and therefore
becomes an easy conduit of attack. Whether one is unaware or both are,
between them there is usually a lack of full understanding of each other's
personality and circumstances. This may be due either out of social custom
not to be nosey, lack of time to become more acquainted, or fear, mistrust,
and ignorance. The latter factors make a relationship most vulnerable to
sabotage. Fear causes mistrust, leading to ignorance of facts contrary to
paranoid speculations, and limits the informational exchange between people
involved. With lack of information, speculation arises, and such speculation
is manipulated by the matrix toward false conclusions and soon the
relationship breaks apart due to misunderstandings on both sides of the
cleavage. It is a tactic of divide and conquer. This is why love and trust
between two or more aware people is the biggest threat possible to the
matrix -- it forms an invincible and indivisible unit more powerful than the
sum of its parts. The matrix must then resort to treating this unit as a
single entity and manipulate other people into attacking it from the
outside...but the network or relationship is now stronger than any single

Methods of Defense

As bleak as the previous accounts of matrix attack modes may have been, in
truth there are ways out of this mess, methods of defense. In the big
picture the matrix is just another, albeit grandiose, learning device much
like an obstacle course or puzzle for humanity. All puzzles have solutions,
that is their reason for existence: to be solved. Acknowledging that the
matrix and humanity's exploitation has a place in the course of things does
not imply that we should just accept it and submit to it. That would be like
acknowledging that a puzzle comes disassembled in a box, but going further
and arguing that it should therefore be left alone; if putting the puzzle
together would no longer make it a puzzle, would "eradicating" it make one
guilty of being an anti-puzzle bigot? That is ludicrous. Obstacles exist to
be overcome, puzzles exist to be solved, and evil exists to be eradicated.
If we are to treat the matrix properly in regard to its true universal
function, then we must individually overcome it.

To overcome the matrix's method of emotional triggering via synchronistic
keys, it is necessary to discharge, disable, and eliminate negative internal
thoughtforms and prevent new ones from forming. While doing this perfectly
is close to impossible, steps in that direction can be taken.

There are numerous books discussing ways of healing emotional wounds and
getting rid of self-defeating subconscious programming (internal
thoughtforms). While methods vary in complexity and efficiency, the basic
idea comes down to finding an internal thoughtform, discharging it by
consciously replaying the associated false perceptions and emotions,
realizing that the perceptions were false, and replacing them with a new
realization closer to the truth. Find, discharge, replace. There are other
ways as well, check the suggested reading list at the end of this article.

Preventing the creation of new internal thoughtforms is a matter of changing
your perceptions through an increase in awareness and immediately releasing
any negative emotional energy you do accumulate. For example, if the matrix
induces a synchronicity designed to play upon your emotions and arouse
futile anger, if your perceptions are in good shape then it will not even
affect you; it will pass right through. Recall the following quote from The

Neo: What are you trying to tell me, that I can dodge bullets?

Morpheus: No Neo. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't
have to.

If your negative internal thoughtforms are discharged or nonexistent, then
even without a perceptual guard your emotional reaction will not be greater
than warranted by the trigger. Nevertheless, the perceptual guard is simply
an understanding that a particular trigger is actually trivial and warrants
no negative emotion. There is no need to dodge bullets if they pass right
through you without touching or stop mid-air.

Anger itself is not that negative of an emotion if released constructively;
only when repressed does it cause problems. Contempt, jealousy, hatred, and
guilt however are very negative because they are emotions that are very
difficult to employ constructively. All four imply stasis, inaction, or
reckless destruction.
"Contempt" implies illusory superiority (superiority based on illusory
criteria) and does nothing to help a person constructively...it perpetuates
separation, oppression, and exploitation.

"Jealousy" is an emotion of lack, insecurity, obsession, or of having to
fantasize to have something imaginarily -- an automatic ejection of loosh
into the ether.

"Hatred" is rarely acted upon and is a brooding emotion, dynamic, sending
oozing negativity into the physical and etheric environment and atrophying
the soul. When acted upon, hatred leads to destabilizing destruction.

"Guilt" is a major negative loosh producer. It is a futile attempt by a soul
to change the past. As detailed in "Synchronicity and Reality Manipulation,"
emotions are the carrier wave upon which information can be sent back into
the past of the current timeline to alter the current timeline. This is the
linear interpretation of how synchronicities are set up. When feeling guilt,
a person is actually attempting to change a regretful past situation via
this method...it fails most of the time because his wish to change the past
is based upon faulty perceptions (illusions) and it would complicate certain
karmic balances that required him to have done as he did. Thus, the emotions
go nowhere but into the mouth of the matrix. The proper way to handle guilt
is to relieve oneself of the emotion through thoughtform discharge, change
in perception, and then to avoid repeating the guilt-inducing mistake in the
future. There is a difference between a psychopath without guilt and a free
person without guilt; the free person's actions stem from perceptions which
have changed because of life's lessons, while the psychopath's actions stem
from perceptions which exist as they are in spite of life's lessons.

Temporary release of any negative emotion can be as simple as screaming or
slamming your fist upon the table, or gentle like writing or exercising,
even crying, but whatever the method, unless your perceptions change
thereafter you will be susceptible to the same emotional manipulation again

Try to remember something that made you cry as a young child. Would it make
you cry if it happened to you now? If not, what has changed to make that so?
Your perceptions; you have grown in awareness since that young age and
something that would give you a tantrum at three would make you laugh at
thirty. In fact, any spiritual lesson that you have already learned would no
longer affect you the same way if it presented itself to you again. Once you
solve a homework math problem that causes you lots of grief, if asked again
on a test, you would remember how you did it and breeze right through.

When you succumb to an emotional trigger, you must release the negative
emotion to prevent it from becoming an internal thoughtform, then learn from
that trigger and understand why it set you off. If it did so because it
keyed into an internal thoughtform, then you've found one to work on. If it
affected you because of some hole in your perception, then contemplate and
learn the lesson so that it will not have to be repeated.

Understanding that emotional triggers do happen and are introduced into your
environment synchronistically with sometimes malevolent intention is enough
to get your guard up. You must understand that the goal of such a trigger is
to elicit an overblown emotional response. You must prevent speculation and
focus on the facts. For example, if a woman indulges in speculation, pretty
soon she will be in an emotional meltdown thinking her husband is cheating
on her when in truth the perfume on his clothes came from the annoying
saleslady spraying samples of the stuff onto people passing through the
store he visited.

Focusing on the facts is essential in preventing the matrix from cleaving
apart a potentially positive relationship. As explained earlier, two people
who refuse to be open and trusting to each other informationally isolate
themselves. Each person can thereby be manipulated by the twisting of his or
her speculations into falsely disliking the other and ending the
relationship. Were they to discuss any issues that might crop up, they would
discover that their speculations were false. And if they turned out to be
true, then the relationship was never really positive to begin with and
should be ended. But one cannot be sure of which case it may be unless there
is mutual trust an openness to discover the truth of the situation.

Truth itself is untouchable by the matrix and its operators which revel in
illusion and lies. One-sided trust or imbalance between the levels of
awareness in a relationship leads to destruction when the mistrusting or
less-aware person becomes a conduit of attack. If you are thinking about
starting such a relationship, be it personal or business, you will have to
either pretend to be on your partner's level, help increase awareness by
teaching him the easy way (discussions, lessons, and examples) or hard way
(discipline, consequences, punishment). Although such a person may be
manipulated into harming you directly or by harming himself, his freewill
still plays a part in his behavior. To separate his ignorance from naiveté,
you must try to talk some sense into him and help him become aware of his
status as a tool. If he refuses and continues to behave negatively, then it
is clear he is more ignorant (emotionally resistant) than naive
(misinformed). He has issues of ignorance to work out and lessons to learn
the hard way.

In the case of someone's child, learning the hard way would mean punishment
of the type parents are familiar with. In the case of an adult, the hard way
would mean retraction of association on behalf of his now ex-partner. If you
are faced with such a situation, it may be difficult to let someone go. But
if you've done all you reasonably could do, then you must stay fast to the
Law of Allowance and allow him to follow his freewill, misguided as it may
be. By understanding and allowing after the threshold point has been
surpassed, then letting go, you are not playing into the hands of the matrix
which will otherwise use your former partner's emotional weakness to control
you, worry you, and drain you of your emotional reserves to the point of
burnout. Although the child or partner may suffer, punishing or letting them
go is the only recourse and serves to teach a lesson, albeit a hard one.

In this process of dealing with a conduit of attack, your emotions need not
correlate to the seriousness of the situation. In other words, you don't
need to be stressed out of your mind to effectively deal with a partner in
distress. What you do does not have to reflect how you feel. In fact,
separating feeling from doing is an extremely important concept when facing
a negative situation. This does not mean repression of emotion or becoming
emotionally dead, it just means being emotionally responsible.

For example, take the case of a father spanking his son for some good
reason. Does the father require an emotion of hatred or anger to carry out
the act? Of course not, but it makes no difference to the child receiving
the lesson. It does matter, however, to the father. It also matters to the
matrix. The father, if he feels hatred, will build an unhealthy relationship
with his son...the spanking will be done out of hatred, not love. Remember
that hatred is a brooding emotion of destruction and ill will, and love is
an emotion of truth and spiritual awareness. The matrix hopes the father
will utilize hatred in his act, for that is a palatable frequency for the
illusion-based matrix to siphon.

While the example of a father spanking his child is simple, it applies to a
wide range of more complex situations. When you are faced with a situation
that should be incredibly melodramatic in a negative way, your actions taken
toward a solution need not be accompanied by negative emotions. This is a
very important concept! In fact, a positive mood will always favor and
produce a better, quicker, and ultimately less painful solution than a
negative mindset. Keep in mind that positivity means "for the sake of
spiritual evolution" and not "for the sake of pleasure and avoidance of

The difficult aspect to this equation of "separating feeling from doing" for
some people will be in avoiding negative reactions to begin with. It is
difficult to be calm and collected during intense times. What such people
must understand is that any emotional inertia they may have arises purely
from the condition of their perceptions. Understanding an idea to the point
of immunity from future emotional triggering is not strictly an intellectual
affair. The way people learn varies; some learn more with their heads, some
with their hearts. Those who like to learn with their hearts require
emotional lessons, and unfortunately for them it takes suffering to learn a
lesson...they may intellectually understand that there is no need for
negative emotions in negative situations, but emotionally they do not
understand this and will react negatively regardless. For such people,
learning things intellectually is still beneficial because it helps speed up
their emotional learning process. For other people, knowledge will be even
quicker in its effectiveness. Just keep at it and you will notice the
benefits. Those who learn lessons well with their heads (the easy way)
differ from those who learn better emotionally in that there is a smaller
distance separating their conscious from their subconscious. People who are
distant from their subconscious require the deeply penetrating vehicle of
emotion to reach it. Everyone has aspects of both intellectual and emotional
styles of learning.

When a non-constructive negative emotion does arise, it is because of some
gap in your paradigm. You may recognize this fact but still feel the
negative emotion linger or even swell. Realize, however, that although you
may be aware of what's going on, you do not understand it on a sufficiently
deep level. It takes time to integrate such lessons, for ultimately it must
reach your subconscious level, as Beverly Nadler eloquently explains.

It must be emphasized that any emotion that is based on truth and applied
constructively toward altering or changing something in physical reality is
a positive emotion that helps everyone except for the matrix and negative
beings. Any emotion applied to fantasy, false speculations, and glut of the
ego is negative, for it is based on illusion and becomes food for the matrix
and fuel for its agenda. As Gurdjieff emphasized, daydreaming is a big waste
of emotional energies. This is not to say that daydreaming should be curbed,
but at least try to avoid negative fantasies of vengeance, hatred, lust, and
fear. Fantasizing draining melodramas and getting stressed out about some
exaggerated hypothetical situation is almost as damaging as false

Finally, take note that what is stated here is not the same as what is said
in some New Age articles glorifying the New Age definition of "positivity,"
which is more accurately defined as complacency, submissiveness, softness,
and passivity. According to the "you create your own reality" paradigm, by
not feeling any negative emotions or acknowledging that the dark side
exists, your reality will be void of negativity and filled with safety and

The basic principle of consciousness and emotion affecting reality is true,
but it does so imperfectly and only alters the probability of a particular
type of event (positive or negative) occurring in your life. It does not
eliminate the possibility that an event of either type could happen. The
main faults of this particular New Age paradigm are 1) neglect of physical
preparation and 2) repression of negative emotions.

Because reality creation is imperfect for most humans, a negative event will
happen sooner or later. If the New Ager is under the illusion that nothing
bad can ever happen to him because it would violate his freewill, then he
will neglect to prepare for the day he encounters such a negative event. It
could cost him dearly.

Secondly, being strictly "positive" without a change in perceptions or even
a correct definition of what constitutes "positive," the New Ager out of
sheer ignorance will accumulate a large storehouse of internal thoughtforms.
Eventually he will explode and do something he will greatly regret. The
"Love and Light" illusion is just another agenda of the dark side, for the
dark side does not prefer good or evil, merely an imbalance between them.

So, although this article does seem to emphasize abstinence from negative
thought, be sure to grasp the importance of preparation and change of
perception. Preparation results from planning, which is mental activity
serving reality, not fantasy. Change of perception is the key to managing
emotions and preventing their repression or future triggering.


Most importantly, keep a lighthearted attitude toward life and constantly
seek to increase your awareness by learning lessons the easy way. Remember
that negative situations need not be accompanied by negative emotions if
your perceptions are accurate, and that a trusting relationship between two
or more mutually aware people forms a powerful network impervious to
corruption by the matrix.

Suggested Reading / Sources


STS and STO - Love: What is it? http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/lisa2.htm

The Wave: Part 12e1 http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/wave12e1.htm

The Wave: Part 13f http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/wave13f.htm

Author's website http://www.montalk.net


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Wingate [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 2:35 AM
> Subject: [CTRL] Reptilian Petroleum?
> What if the reptilians living underground excrete oil, and
> the more fear and
> anger we have, the more oil they excrete?

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