-Caveat Lector-

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This week Conspiracy Journal takes a look at such cochlea-crushing
stories as: Strange Deaths of Scientists Under Investigation -
Will The Real Paranoids Please Raise Their Hands? - Cold War Hysteria
Sparked UFO Obsession, Study Finds - And, Part fifteen and the final
chapter of Identity of Visitors From Outer Space by C.A. Honey

All these exciting stories and MORE in this weeks issue of
Conspiracy Journal.

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Moon website. http://www.amethystmoon.com/
Scroll down and click on the Beyond Boundaries link -

~ And Now, On With The Show! ~

Scientists' Deaths Are Under The Microscope

Eleven microbiologists mysteriously dead over the span of just five
months. Some of them world leaders in developing weapons-grade
biological plagues. Others the best in figuring out how to stop
millions from dying because of biological weapons. Still others,
experts in the theory of bioterrorism.

Throw in a few Russian defectors, a few nervy U.S. biotech
companies, a deranged assassin or two, a bit of Elvis, a couple of
Satanists, a subtle hint of espionage, a big whack of imagination,
and the plot is complete, if a bit reminiscent of James Bond.

The first three died in the space of just over a week in November.
Benito Que, 52, was an expert in infectious diseases and cellular
biology at the Miami Medical School. Police originally suspected that
he had been beaten on Nov. 12 in a carjacking in the medical school's
parking lot. Strangely enough, though, his body showed no signs of a
beating. Doctors then began to suspect a stroke.

Just four days after Dr. Que fell unconscious came the mysterious
disappearance of Don Wiley, 57, one of the foremost microbiologists
in the United States. Dr. Wiley, of the Howard Hughes Medical
Institute at Harvard University, was an expert on how the immune
system responds to viral attacks such as the classic doomsday plagues
of HIV, ebola and influenza.

He had just bought tickets to take his son to Graceland the
following day. Police found his rental car on a bridge outside
Memphis, Tenn. His body was later found in the Mississippi River.
Forensic experts said he may have had a dizzy spell and have fallen
off the bridge.

Just five days after that, the world-class microbiologist and high-
profile Russian defector Valdimir Pasechnik, 64, fell dead. The
pathologist who did the autopsy, and who also happened to be
associated with Britain's spy agency, concluded he died of a stroke.

Dr. Pasechnik, who defected to the United Kingdom in 1989, played a
huge role in Russian biowarfare and helped to figure out how to
modify cruise missiles to deliver the agents of mass biological

The next two deaths came four days apart in December. Robert
Schwartz, 57, was stabbed and slashed with what police believe was a
sword in his farmhouse in Leesberg, Va. His daughter, who identifies
herself as a pagan high priestess, and several of her fellow pagans
have been charged.

Dr. Schwartz was an expert in DNA sequencing and pathogenic micro-
organisms, who worked at the Center for Innovative Technology in
Herndon, Va.

Four days later, Nguyen Van Set, 44, died at work in Geelong,
Australia, in a laboratory accident. He entered an airlocked storage
lab and died from exposure to nitrogen. Other scientists at the
animal diseases facility of the Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Research Organization had just come to fame for
discovering a virulent strain of mousepox, which could be modified to
affect smallpox.

Then in February, the Russian microbiologist Victor Korshunov, 56,
an expert in intestinal bacteria of children around the world, was
bashed over the head near his home in Moscow. Five days later the
British microbiologist Ian Langford, 40, was found dead in his home
near Norwich, England, naked from the waist down and wedged under a
chair. He was an expert in environmental risks and disease.

Two weeks later, two prominent microbiologists died in San
Francisco. Tanya Holzmayer, 46, a Russian who moved to the U.S. in
1989, focused on the part of the human molecular structure that could
be affected best by medicine.

She was killed by fellow microbiologist Guyang (Matthew) Huang, 38,
who shot her seven times when she opened the door to a pizza
delivery. Then he shot himself.

The final two deaths came one day after the other in March. David
Wynn-Williams, 55, a respected astrobiologist with the British
Antarctic Survey, who studied the habits of microbes that might
survive in outer space, died in a freak road accident near his home
in Cambridge, England. He was hit by a car while he was jogging.

The following day, Steven Mostow, 63, known as Dr. Flu for his
expertise in treating influenza, and a noted expert in bioterrorism,
died when the airplane he was piloting crashed near Denver.

So what does any of it mean?

"Statistically, what are the chances?" wondered a prominent North
American microbiologist reached last night at an international
meeting of infectious-disease specialists in Chicago.

Janet Shoemaker, director of public and scientific affairs of the
American Society for Microbiology in Washington, D.C., pointed out
yesterday that there are about 20,000 academic researchers in
microbiology in the U.S. Still, not all of these are of the elevated
calibre of those recently deceased.

She had a chilling, final thought. When microbiologists die in a
lab, there's a way of taking note of the deaths and adding them up.
When they die in freakish accidents outside the lab, nobody keeps

Suspicious deaths

The sudden and suspicious deaths of 11 of the world's leading

Who they were:

1. Nov. 12, 2001:

Benito Que was said to have been beaten in a Miami parking lot and
died later.

2. Nov. 16, 2001:

Don C. Wiley went missing. Was found Dec. 20. Investigators said he
got dizzy on a Memphis bridge and fell to his death in a river.

3. Nov. 21, 2001:

Vladimir Pasechnik, former high-level Russian microbiologist who
defected in 1989 to the U.K. apparently died from a stroke.

4. Dec. 10, 2001:

Robert M. Schwartz was stabbed to death in Leesberg, Va. Three
Satanists have been arrested.

5. Dec. 14, 2001:

Nguyen Van Set died in an airlock filled with nitrogen in his lab in
Geelong, Australia.

6. Feb. 9, 2002:

Victor Korshunov had his head bashed in near his home in Moscow.

7. Feb. 14, 2002:

Ian Langford was found partially naked and wedged under a chair in
Norwich, England.

8. 9. Feb. 28, 2002:

San Francisco resident Tanya Holzmayer was killed by a
microbiologist colleague, Guyang Huang, who shot her as she took
delivery of a pizza and then apparently shot himself.

10. March 24, 2002:

David Wynn-Williams died in a road accident near his home in
Cambridge, England.

11. March 25, 2002:

Steven Mostow of the Colorado Health Sciences Centre, killed in a
plane he was flying near Denver.

Source: theglobeandmail.com

Will The Real Paranoids Please Raise Their Hands?
By Butler Shaffer

When one dares to dig beneath the surface of governmental programs
to reveal undisclosed purposes, he or she is usually met with charges
of being a "paranoid" defender of "conspiracy theories." More often
than not, such an accusation silences the questioner, as it is
designed to do. I long ago came to the conclusion that those who
chastise others for spouting "conspiracy theories" tend to do so
because they don t want the implications of their own schemes
revealed to the public. "Pay no attention to that man behind the
curtain!," intoned the Wizard of Oz, an admonition designed to
intimidate the inquisitive into silence.

I, for one, gladly admit to the embracing of any conspiracy theory
for which there is credible evidence. But those who condemn me for my
views never seem interested in examining the evidence, their purposes
being more to prevent the raising of discomforting questions. Having
read a good deal of history over the years, I ask my critics to
account for the countless foreign intrigues, plots, assassinations,
alliances, and other cabals that have been at the heart of so much of
the history of the world. Do Shakespeare s tragedies almost all of
which are grounded in conspiracies of one kind or another have
nothing to teach us about the machinations of human behavior?

A Jewish acquaintance once criticized me for my views, adding "there
are no conspiracies." "May I quote you on that?," I asked. He could
not understand my purpose in wanting to do so, so I told him:
"because it s not often one hears Jewish people denying the Nazi
holocaust the way you just did." After advising him that the "Nazi
holocaust" requires a conspiracy of German government officials, he
was prepared to modify his statement to allow for the kinds of
conspiracies that he believed in.

One of my colleagues, who teaches antitrust law, attacked me for
defending even the idea of "conspiracies," until I asked him if he
intended to reduce his course from three units to one. "Since so much
of antitrust law consists of conspiracies to restrain trade, or fix
prices, or divide up markets, or monopolize an industry, or engage in
such more subtle conspiracies as conscious parallelism, I assume
that, since you do not believe in conspiracies, you will take the
lead in condemning such specious theories."

Conspiracy theories abound in our society, and are widely accepted,
. . . provided you are identifying the "politically correct"
conspiracy. World War II was conducted, in part, on the premise that
the so-called "axis powers" were conspiring to take over the world.
But if one tries to offer evidence that FDR secretly manipulated the
Japanese into an attack on Pearl Harbor in order to serve his
political agenda, the "anti-conspiracy league" quickly appears to
attack not the evidence, but the state of mind of the accuser. When
World War II ended, the "international communist conspiracy" was
hurriedly rushed onstage to justify the commitment of trillions of
dollars of wealth and hundreds of thousands of lives to fight a "Cold
War." When the "Cold War" critics began to speak and write about how
this campaign was designed to serve American corporate-state
interests at the expense of the American people, the "anti-conspiracy
league" was again called into action.

For those who are paying attention, the incongruity of the critics
of conspiracy theories should be apparent. "We are busy conducting
wars against sinister foreign conspiracies," they might argue, "and
anyone who suggests that we might be engaged in conspiracies of our
own, are paranoids. " "They" conspire, in other words, but "we" do
not. A childishly simple explanation for consumption by childishly
simple minds.

"Paranoia" consists not in a fear of others, but in a baseless fear.
Would one regard a Jew, in Nazi Germany, as "paranoid," because he
thought the government was out to do him harm? If so, how would we
characterize the state of mind of another Jew, similarly located, who
did not see any threat from his government? When one further
considers how preoccupied government officials are with protecting
themselves from those they imagine themselves to represent to the
point of routinely having bomb-sniffing dogs, armed security guards,
and military helicopters and soldiers accompany their public
appearances it should be asked: just who is being "paranoid?"

It is interesting to observe the psychological projection that takes
place in such dynamics. The defenders of statism attack their critics
as "paranoids" while, at the same time, fostering an endless supply
of "enemies" against whom they promise us protection! Politics
thrives on the mobilization of the fear of others. President Bush s
unilateral declaration of a permanent war against the rest of the
world can only be premised upon the most paranoid assumption that
everyone else is involved in a conspiracy against American interests!

It has always been comforting to most people to imagine, albeit
unconsciously, that the "dark side" of their personality i.e., the
capacity for violence, dishonesty, bigotry, etc. can be severed from
themselves and projected onto others, against whom punitive action
can then be taken. All that occurs in such behavior, of course, is
the punishment of the others who stand in as scapegoats for the
feared shortcomings of those engaged in projecting. This kind of
thinking has produced the current Bush-induced mindset that when
America bombs other countries killing innocent men, women, and
children in the process it is a force for "good" defending "freedom."
When these other countries retaliate for such attacks killing
innocent men, women, and children in so doing they represent the
forces of "evil" engaged in "terrorism." That grown men and women can
internalize this kind of playground logic, particularly when the
consequences are so deadly, is indeed frightening.

This war whose name is ever-changing has moved far beyond simply
retaliation against those responsible for attacking the World Trade
Center and the Pentagon on September 11th. It has become more of a
self-righteous "holy crusade" against nations that are unprepared to
acknowledge America as the rightful ruler of the entire world. Neo-
conservative zealots have exploited the September 11th tragedy to
pursue a much broader agenda of American hegemony. It is no longer
sufficient to track down the perpetrators of that attack, the war
must be expanded to include nations whose identities seem to have
been selected from someone s Rolodex file of place-names! "Who shall
we attack next?" has been the operative question around Washington.
After months of bombing Afghanistan, President Bush was quick to
declare an "Axis of Evil" as the broader enemy, suggesting that North
Korea, Iraq, and Iran were engaged in some conspiracy, apparently of
satanic dimensions, against America. Soon, new candidates were
offered up for public consumption: the Philippines, Indonesia,
Somalia, the Sudan, Colombia, and perhaps other Middle Eastern or
African nations. The candidates for inclusion on this list may
include anyone unprepared to genuflect before American interests.
(The list will presumably not include China, which would likely offer
deadly resistance.)

Let us suppose that some criminal has engaged in a violent attack
upon your Uncle Willie s home. Let us suppose, further, that Willie
has undertaken a campaign to discover and bring to account the
perpetrators of this offense. This would be a perfectly rational
response on his part, for which the rest of us would likely lend our
support. But suppose that Willie goes further than this and, not
being able to discover the criminal, begins going through his
neighborhood shooting anyone about whom he has become suspicious, or
against whom he has long harbored a grudge. Would your response be to
jump on his bandwagon and assist his undertaking, or would you want
him confined to some facility that could provide him with a whole lot
of couch time?

It is time for sane men and women to put down their flags and begin
to recognize the current war-mania not simply as a misguided
adventure, but as the collective psychopathic disorder that it has
become. When those in power tell us that they are engaged in an
endless war against endless enemies, it is time to say "enough!" We
have a responsibility to maintain the conditions upon which life may
flourish on this planet, not to follow the madness of those who have
no greater vision than to commit all of mankind to a state of
universal and eternal warfare in furtherance of their delusions. It
is time for intelligence and human decency to transcend the frenzied
jingoism now prevailing upon the land, and for intellectual honesty
to expose the schemes of those who conspire against life itself.

Butler Shaffer teaches at the Southwestern University School of Law.

Copyright © 2002 LewRockwell.com

Guessing About Extraterrestrials

Somewhere out there in other worlds, beings may have evolved into
forms of artificial intelligence or even living machines too advanced
to communicate with mortals on Earth, a government astrophysicist
told radio astronomers at the College of New Jersey.

"We may, in fact, live in a post-biological universe, one that has
evolved beyond flesh-and-blood intelligence to artificial
intelligence, a product of cultural rather than biological
evolution," said Steven J. Dick, an astronomer and science historian
since 1979 at the U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington.

Dick was the keynote speaker Friday for the second annual technical
symposium sponsored by the SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial
Intelligence) League, a worldwide group of amateur radio astronomers
based in Little Ferry. About 35 SETI League members and speakers from
the United States, Britain, and Canada are attending the three-day
event, which concludes today at the college in Trenton, said H. Paul
Shuch, executive director of the group.

After billions of years of evolution, life on other planets in other
galaxies "would have produced something far beyond biology" as we
know it, said Dick. "If that is the case, the chances of success for
standard SETI programs may be greatly reduced, and our place in the
universe may be quite different from anything envisioned except in
science fiction."

Dick served on former Vice President Al Gore's panel that studied
the so-called "Mars rock," a meteorite thought to contain traces of
bacteria from Mars. Dick also helped create NASA's program in
astrobiology, which studies possible life forms in space.

The private, non-profit SETI League was formed in 1994, a year after
Congress stopped funding NASA's $12.5 million SETI program. The
league has about 1,200 members in more than 60 countries, and all of
the 50 United States. About 100 members are searching the heavens
with radio telescopes in search of microwave signals that might be a
message from sentient beings.

Three years ago, the SETI League purchased part of an ostrich farm
in Warren County, where the group plans to set up an array of 32 TV
antenna dishes that will form a huge radio telescope for tracking
signals from the stars.

For the past 40 years, SETI enthusiasts worldwide have liked to
think that extraterrestrials, however far evolved, are using the same
radio technology as Earthlings to communicate with other worlds. Dick
said this is a possibility, "but it is not the most likely scenario."

Propelled by the "cultural evolution" of genetic engineering and
biotechnology, humans one day in the future may join themselves to
artificial intelligence as a kind of man-and-machine cyborg, Dick
said. "Willing humans will have their brains scanned and uploaded
into a computer, and live their lives as software running on
machines," he predicted.

Other civilizations on distant planets may have evolved to being
nearly immortal, "unfettered mind children," Dick said. "They could
very well have surpassed the [radio] electromagnetic stage," and
become so different from humans that communication "between our minds
and theirs ... is impossible.''

The idea that space aliens might be too smart to send or receive
radio signals, "calls for a sweeping reconsideration of SETI
assumptions and strategies," Dick said.

Shuch agreed that "in searching for intelligent life, we should not
restrict ourselves to life alone."

Source: northjersey.com

Identity of the Visitors From Outer Space  By C.A. Honey

Part Fifteen

In the last few years, it has been established that legends, though
many times exaggerated in detail, are usually - if not always - based
upon actual happenings. A thorough scholar can sift out the basis for
the original story if he has adequate background in the subject and
has access to scientifically established facts about similar events
in other cultures.

Let me give you a good example of this:

Many people have seen the television documentary films on the New
Guinea Cargo Cult. This is a complete religious cult established
since the ending of World War II. The Cargo Cult leader climbs to the
top of a local volcano and "talks to the cargo god." In this
instance, we know the actual origin of the present day legends
referring to the "G.I. Joe" cargo god.

The natives believe that someday the great white bird will return to
their land loaded with cargo belonging to them.  The priest affirms
this.  They have built a runway, lighted by rows of torches at night,
at one end have placed a decoy bird (airplane) made out of sticks and
leaves. All of this was based upon seeing World War II aircraft
unload cargo for use by the troops of the American and Australian

If a religious cult can become so firmly established in just a few
short years, think how easy it must have been for similar cults to
start after tribes or civilizations were exposed to "gods" in shining
ships, that came down from the skies in ancient times.  After all,
who except gods could actually fly through the air? To them, no other
answer seemed possible.

In the same manner, many devout religious people actually believe
that angels are spirits, or that angels are supernatural beings in
long white robes and have wings attached to their backs.

It is also sad that many adults, who should know better, actually
believe that "flying saucers and the people in them," are fallen
angels, "demons" if you will, and are led by Satan the devil. I don't
know if they also believe that both Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny
are real. They believe obvious nonsense like "Ouija Boards are
operated by Satan," or that "mediums" can communicate with the dead.
It is a well-known fact that about 95 to 97% of all the so-called
information supposed to come from spacepeople is knowingly or
unknowingly fabricated nonsense.  People claiming physical contact
with spacepeople are usually fraudulent but even the genuine
contactees have learned to keep all such incidents secret since in
this day and age it almost impossible to tell who is genuine and who
is a fraud.

We can be sure of one thing; however, all contacts that are genuine
are entirely physical. Mental contacts are not genuine. Mediums do
not contact spacepeople. In fact, as far as I have been able to tell
after 60 years of thorough investigation, they never contact anything
genuine including the dead. I realize they are sincere in many cases
and think they are in contact with an entity of some sort, but I have
never yet found a genuine case where contact was with reality.

This article is a publication from Science Publications, 2456 S.
Woodlark Drive, Ontario, CA 91761.

C.A. Honey may be reached at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
or at: http://hometown.aol.com/choneyufo/myhomepage/index.html

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Cold War Hysteria Sparked UFO Obsession, Study Finds

Budding Fox Mulders and Dana Scullys attracted to the mysteries of
the X-Files will be disappointed: a new book claims UFOs are all in
the mind and should be seen as a form of cultural mass hysteria.
British researchers, who uncovered thousands of previously secret
government and military reports and investigated dozens of sightings,
have concluded that flying saucers were a product of Cold War
paranoia - not visitors from outer space.

The study by David Clarke and Andy Roberts concluded that none of
the evidence pointed to any form of alien contact. Instead the
widespread belief in UFOs that began in the 1950s and lasted until
the present day should be seen as a social phenomenon.

Clarke said that the UFO craze began at the start of the Cold War,
when the new threat of atomic war with the Soviet Union hung over the
world. 'It was just simple to want to believe in something up there
in the sky that could come and rescue us,' he said.

Many of the early UFO sightings were seemingly confirmed by
Britain's fledgling radar system, often scrambling fighter planes
into the sky to investigate sightings. But, as the new technology
improved, the number of incidents appearing on radar quickly dwindled
to zero. 'That cannot be a coincidence. Those early confirmations
were just a product of a primitive radar system,' Clarke said.

But Clarke and Roberts, whose research is to be published this week
in a book called Out of the Shadows , did uncover evidence that the
American Secret Service, with the possible connivance of the British,
looked at ways of using the public panic over UFOs as a psychological
weapon against the Russians.

In CIA memos marked 'secret' and seen by The Observer, top officials
consider exploiting the UFO craze. 'I suggest that we discuss the
possible offensive or defensive utilisation of these phenomena for
psychological warfare purposes,' wrote CIA director Walter Smith in

'Shortly after that meeting the CIA sent a delegation to Britain to
discuss UFOs. It is hard to imagine that they did not discuss the
psychological warfare aspects of it with their British counterparts,'
Clarke said.

Clarke, who started out as a believer in UFOs but is now a sceptic,
said that the belief in alien visitation had once reached up to the
highest positions in government. Prime Minister Winston Churchill
once ordered an investigation into it and Lord Mountbatten was a firm
believer in flying saucers. In the 1950s Britain set up a flying
saucer working party of top Ministers and army staff. 'That is why
this field is important for academic research. It did have an impact
on government policy at a crucial stage in history,' he said.

One scrap of consolation for conspiracy theorists is evidence that
the British and US Governments did embark on a systematic cover-up of
UFO sightings, especially by military pilots. Reports were kept
secret and military personnel told not to talk about them. But Clarke
believes that such actions were taken, not to disguise contact with
aliens, but because the Government did not want to admit that it too
could not explain the UFO hysteria.

It is a different story now. The Observer revealed last year that
the secret army intelligence unit tasked with examining UFO reports
has now quietly disbanded.

Source: The Observer

NASA Told to Go to Mars But Not to Look for Life

NASA is being urged not to search for life when it sends astronauts
to Mars.

The U.S. National Research Council believes there is too big a risk
of bringing harmful microbes back to Earth.

NASA scientists now face a dilemma because the search for life has
been their main reason for going there.

Although there is almost no chance of life on Earth being
contaminated by anything from Mars the NRC says the risk shouldn't
be ignored.

It wants the space agency to restrict its manned visits to areas of
the planet which are least likely to contain life. It even suggests
returning astronauts should be quarantined.

The report says: "While the threat to Earth's ecosystem from the
release of Martian biological agents is very low, the risk of harmful
effects is not zero and cannot be ignored."

It wants robot probes to find the least risky areas first before
manned mission begin. It also suggests abandoning the landing craft
in orbit so the crew can transfer to a clean vessel through a
decontamination chamber.

Source: Ananova

Close Encounters of the Caucaus Kind

Shemakha is the focal point of unidentified flying objects, the head
of the space seismology sector of the National Aerospace Agency told
the daily Yeni Azerbaijan.

Fuad Gasimov, said that more and more UFOs are flying to Shemakha, a
mountainous district some 170 kilometers northwest of Baku. The paper
reported that Gasimov believes that it's an observatory there that is
attracting the alien visitations. The paper reported that both the
local population of Shemakha and employees of the observatory have
seen a UFO landing on earth, and close encounters with space aliens
cannot be ruled out.  – from wire and news report.

Source: http://www.bakusun.az

Georgia Woman Discovers the Mystery of Crater Lake
By Charles Herndon

Most callers to the number printed at the bottom of this column have
general questions about travel. They want to know about places to
vacation, estimates of cost, whether this cruise line is better than
another cruise line, and the like. There are answers for most
questions, but more than one is a stumper, especially those
concerning how much money a traveler should take to a place the
person answering the telephone has never heard of.

Occasionally, however, a call comes in that really spices the day.
It happened recently, and the person responsible is a lively lade
from Albany, Georgia, named Mattie Hatcher. Mrs. Hatcher receives the
News-Star at her home. She is interested in all things happening in
Lehigh Acres. As you might expect, her interest starts with the fact
she owns several lots in town.

However, Mrs. Hatcher's call did not involve her real estate
interests. She had read a recent column here on Oregon. It took her
back to when she lived there and the day she got the scare of her
life. It happened when she and some friends were in a rowboat on
Crater Lake. She learned then why Indians living in the area seldom
refer to the body of water as Crater Lake. To them, it is Lost Lake.
According to Mrs. Hatcher, the Indians say that monsters live there.

She believes that what the Indians say is true. Had you experienced
what Mrs. Hatcher and her friends did, that day on the lake, you
might become a believer as well. Now for those inclined to think that
the lady from Albany, Georgia is overly imaginative, it should be
pointed out that her life has been one of strong realities. You get
that way when much of experience has involved being a registered
nurse and physiotherapist.

Before getting into Mrs. Hatcher's story, a refresher about the
mysterious lake. Located near the border Oregon shares with
California, the lake is easily reached from Klamath Falls, one of the
world's favorite places for seeing bald eagles. Every February, the
city hosts the Bald Eagle Conference, a gathering of eagle lovers
from throughout the world.

Carter Lake is around 400 feet deep, and the water is so clear that
you can see all the way to the bottom. The beautiful lake attracts
people from around the state. When Mrs. Hatcher visited the lake, she
was living in Oregon's Hood River Valley. Folk from there often went
boating on Crater Lake. Mrs. Hatcher was looking over the side of the
rowboat when she saw it and felt her heart freeze. Others in the boat
saw it too. They were as frightened by it as Mrs. Hatcher. It swam
deep down in the lake, and it was unbelievably big.

"That thing must have been a block long," she said. "I have never
been so scared in my life. What we saw that day was a monster. To me,
it looked like a dragon. I know why the Indians call that place Lost
Lake. They say monsters live in it. I believe them. I know, because I
saw one there."

Mrs. Hatcher and her friends got to shore as fast as they could row.
They told their story, but nobody really believed them. To Mrs.
Hatcher, that does not matter. She knows that the story is true,
because she was there.

Source: news-press.com

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Conspiracy Journal - Issue 158, 5/10/02
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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