-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.ahram.org.eg/weekly/2002/585/re63.htm


Al-Ahram Weekly Online
9 - 15 May 2002
Issue No.585
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875
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'Freedom, democracy and Israel'

What Israeli atrocities? On Capitol Hill, it's only 'us' against 'them'. Thomas
Gorgussian and Anayat Durrani, in Washington, report on the latest US-Israel love-in

In a frenzied show of unquestioning bias, the US Congress has passed two
resolutions affirming its solidarity with Israel. Both resolutions were passed with 
majorities, despite concerns by President George W Bush's administration that the
resolutions may adversely affect Middle East peace efforts.

The Democratic-led Senate, in a 94-2 vote, passed a resolution that effectively
equated Israel with the United States in "the war on terrorism", describing the two
countries as fighting "a common struggle against terrorism." The resolution
condemns Palestinian suicide bombings and justifies Israeli incursions into
Palestinian towns and refugee camps as being "necessary steps to provide security
to its people by dismantling the terrorist infrastructure in the Palestinian areas." 
Senate resolution was co-sponsored by Joseph Lieberman, Democrat-Connecticut,
and Gordon Smith, Republican-Oregon. Lieberman said the resolution places the
Senate "on record in support of Israel's right to self- defence." He continued, "Israel
has been under siege ... from a systematic and deliberate campaign of suicide and
homicide attacks by terrorists. Their essence is identical to the attacks on our 
of 11 September."

Lieberman in recent weeks has demanded that the administration adopt a position
characterised by "moral clarity" and follow Bush's anti- terrorism doctrine, which was
applied in Afghanistan, in the case of Israel too. "As President Bush said, 'You are
either with us or you are with the terrorists.'"

Many observers of the antics on Capitol Hill believe that members of Congress "are
feeling pressure" more than ever in the case of issues related to Israel. This pressure
is not just from Jewish constituents, but from evangelical Christians as well. "That's
why you see these [pro-Israel] resolutions," a Republican aide said.

Only senators Ernest Hollings, Democrat-South Carolina, and Robert Byrd,
Democrat-West Virginia, voted against the resolution. Byrd said the resolution was a
mistake and could inflame both sides instead of promoting peace. He called the
resolution "ill-timed, ill- advised and one-sided," and said it puts all the blame on 
Palestinians and asks nothing from the Israelis. "Where are the demands that Israel
withdraw from Palestinian lands and cooperate in the establishment of a Palestinian
state? Where is the denunciation of the destruction of homes and water lines and
roads and basic infrastructure in Jenin and Nablus and elsewhere in the West Bank?
Where is the expression of support for humanitarian and reconstruction aid to the
innocent Palestinian victims of Israel's incursion into the West Bank?"

The resolution that the House of Representatives passed minutes later is longer and
uses stronger language than the Senate resolution, condemning what it called the
Palestinian "campaign of terrorism" and accusing Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat of
supporting terrorism. The Republican-led House of Representatives passed the
resolution by a 352-21 margin, with 29 abstaining. The resolution also calls for an
increase to the already $3 billion in military aid the US annually gives to Israel --
already the largest recipient of US aid. The resolution contained strong words for
Arafat, saying that the Palestinian leader "continues to incite terror," and "is not a
viable partner for peace." It also mentioned that organisations under Arafat's control,
such as the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, "have murdered scores of innocent Israelis."
The House resolution, which was sponsored by House Republican Whip Tom DeLay
of Texas, states that, "Israel's military operations are an effort to defend itself 
... and
are aimed only at dismantling the terrorist infrastructure in the Palestinian areas."
The resolution also calls on "all Arab states to declare their unqualified opposition 
all forms of terrorism."

"Let every terrorist know, the American people will never abandon freedom,
democracy or Israel," said House Majority Whip Tom DeLay, a Texas Republican
who pushed the resolution along with Representative Tom Lantos of California, top
Democrat on the House International Relations Committee. DeLay added that
attacks against Israelis "are attacks against liberty, and all free people must
recognise that Israel's fight is our fight."

Neither of the resolutions carry the force of legislation. They are, however, a
symbolic show of the unqualified support of Congress for the state of Israel, and
reveal the extent of House Majority Whip DeLay's influence and power.

At the request of the White House, the original draft of the House of Representatives'
resolution was altered slightly to include a statement encouraging an international
effort "to alleviate the humanitarian needs of the Palestinian people." Also changed
was a strongly worded criticism of Arafat that originally condemned him for
"coordination of terror."

DeLay's resolution has received sharp criticism from some House members. The
resolution, said Representative David Obey, Democrat-Wisconsin, "makes all of its
requests of the Palestinians and none of Israel. ... I do not support Mr Sharon's
efforts to hang on to the settlements and to crush legitimate Palestinian nationalism."
Obey also said that the resolution "makes it harder for us to be seen as a fair-minded
broker." Representative Nick J Rahall II, Democrat-West Virginia called the
resolution "so unbalanced, so one-sided." He added, "We've become the
laughingstock of the world."

Then there are others like House Majority leader Dick Armey, a Texas Republican,
who took his pro-Israel views to the extent of openly advocating the ethnic cleansing
of Palestinians, while discussing the House resolution in an interview on MSNBC's
Hardball with Chris Mathews.

Armey declared that Palestinians should be displaced from their homeland and that
Israel should seize all of the West Bank. Armey told Mathews that "I happen to
believe the Palestinians should leave" the West Bank and said he is "content to have
Israel grab the entire West Bank." The majority leader said he supports a Palestinian
homeland, but not at the cost of Israel's existence. He suggested that a Palestinian
state could be created on land from any one of a number of Arab countries. After
being criticised for his remarks, Armey issued a written statement explaining that his
comments were misinterpreted. "I left the impression that I believe peaceful
Palestinian civilians should be forcibly expelled from the West Bank and Gaza Strip,"
Armey said. "This does not reflect my views." He said he instead meant that,
"individuals who support terrorist acts may properly be exiled from the area."

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