-Caveat Lector-


May. 12, 2002
Large Tel Aviv rally calls  for pullout from territories

Tens of thousands rallied in Tel Aviv’s Kikar Rabin last night to call for a
withdrawal from the territories. Police estimated the crowd at about 60,000,
while organizers Peace Now put the figure at above 150,000, calling it the
biggest peace rally since the current wave of violence broke out in October

Opposition politicians and artists addressed a throng waving a sea of
banners saying “Leave the territories for the sake of Israel” and “Two
states for two peoples.” Some carried signs saying: “Get out of the
territories – and save the economy,” and “Conscientious objectors for the

Some 1,500 security guards and police officers secured the event. Opposition
leader MK Yossi Sarid (Meretz), former justice minister Yossi Beilin,
entertainer Dudu Topaz, and author Amos Oz addressed the crowd.

“The economic crisis is threatening the entire country. Only the settlements
and the government are big and fat... Withdraw from the settlements and
return to ourselves. The settlements are a burden; there is no concession
and no prize,” Sarid said in his speech.

One of the highlights of the evening was when singer Yaffa Yarkoni, who had
been sharply criticized for her remarks against the IDF incursions into the
territories and against the occupation of the territories, and whose
appearances had been cancelled in some places, took the stage. She was
warmly received by the crowd.

Peace Now leader Tzali Reshef told the crowd that Foreign Minister Shimon
Peres bears as much responsibility for the current situation as Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon, and called on the Labor Party to leave the government
for the sake of the state.

Oz told the crowd that “the time has come to return home,” and called on the
settlers to move to Arad, where he lives, or other towns in the South, like
Yeroham or Dimona.

Topaz spoke in favor of Operation Defensive Shield, to the crowd’s
displeasure. Topaz, who has been reportedly considering becoming a Labor
Party politician, said he was still speaking as “a civilian for now.”

Yossi Beilin called on the crowd “not to let [Yitzhak] Rabin be murdered a
second time.”
Robi Damelin, the mother of Lt. (res.) David Damelin, 28, who was killed
during a Palestinian attack at a roadblock north of Ofra, also addressed the

At the end of the demonstration, former Meretz MK Shulamit Aloni, MKs Yael
Arad and Taleb a-Sana’a, and other representatives of the Left joined the
crowd in singing “Hatikva.”

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