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by Al Martin

Numbers Don't Lie, Bushes Do

Deconstructing the National Debt means understanding the difference 
between GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) and BFAP 
(Bush Fantasyland Accounting Principles).

      According to BFAP, the figure for the publicly stated National 
Debt is $5.65 trillion. When the National Debt is deconstructed in 
terms of GAAP, however, you'll find that the accumulated National 
Debt is closer to $14 trillion.

      This figure can be calculated by plugging in debt (either 
current or future debt, which will have to paid) that is not included 
in the BFAP numbers. The $5.65 trillion number comes principally from 
the accumulated Social Security deficit of $3.2 trillion, combined 
with some provisions for the 3% non-marketable US Treasury notes that 
have been inserted into the other 43 Public Trust Funds. They have 
made unrealistic projections regarding the so-called "mandated 
spending gaps," which are actually much higher than the figures they 

      There is a reason why the deficit did not come down during the 
Clinton Regime, despite the surplus engendered by the relatively 
prudent economic management of the Clinton Regime. The National Debt 
should have diminished, but instead it rose slightly from $5.42 
trillion to $5.65 trillion. Of course, the Republicans would say 
disingenuously that Clintonomics wasn't working and the surpluses are 
a farce.

      The Debt was not falling though because Treasury instruments, 
previously issued during the Reagan Bush Regime to finance the "smoke 
and mirrors" accounting trick of "off-budget financing," were coming 
due for redemption at a greater rate. In other words, the bonds, 
which were essentially off-the-books were coming due for redemption. 
The Treasury Department did not even have an accurate accounting 
because of the massive shredding of more than seven million documents 
late in the Bush Administration. They still don't even know how many 
are outstanding.

      When you look at all the appropriations (I actually did this 
and it took me about three days), you have to look at all the 
individual appropriations and see how much of it was "off-budget 
financed." By going back to the Congressional budgetary records, you 
can find out how much was financed off budget. In the 1980s, for 
example, you'd see a Congressional Committee and if the appropriation 
passed, they'd actually say, "We'll put $8 billion on the books and 
$2 billion off-record or off-budget." This was an effort to obfuscate 
the actual size of the annual fiscal budget deficits during the 
Reagan Bush Regime. Everyone then would agree -- because at the time 
nobody even questioned this off budget financing. Nobody even 
understood what it was all about. The markets never questioned it. 
The American people never questioned it, and they never even tried to 
hide it.

      When there is a fiscal budget deficit, it means that everything 
is deficit financed, so the only way the money is coming in to make 
up the gap is through the sale of Treasury instruments. You don't 
necessarily know which series of Treasury instruments because it 
isn't figured that way. There are regular weekly, monthly, and 
quarterly sales of US Treasury bills, notes and bonds, which are used 
to finance spending appropriations.

      Even though there is no way to actually translate that into 
budget figures, I would estimate that there were about $400 billion 
of bond redemptions, which were directly caused by off-budget 
financing during the Clinton Regime. This number can be ascertained 
by looking at the total budgetary surpluses generated by the Clinton 
Administration. Then you can find how much of that money was actually 
used to repurchase and retire Treasury instruments. The Treasury 
Department has these figures because the Treasury Department had to 
execute the orders. So you could find out how many Treasury 
instruments were repurchased and, of course, retired.

      When a corporation repurchases its stock (to support the shares 
in the marketplace or if they need the shares for their ESOPs and so 
on), those shares are not retired. They are simply repurchased by the 
company, which reduces the outstanding "float," the amount of shares 
floating on the market at any given time. It doesn't change the debt 
to equity ratio or the book value of those shares because the shares 
aren't being retired. There is a difference.

      When you repurchase and retire debt, you change the debt to 
equity ratio and you actually increase the equity vs. the debt part 
of the ratio.

      In other words, according to the way it's calculated by GAAP 
accounting standards, the National Debt rose about $230 billion 
during the eight years Clinton was in office. Yet there were $373 
billion worth of US Treasury instruments, which were repurchased and 
retired. So obviously there's something wrong.

      If we subtract the total number of Treasury instruments 
purchased and retired and then subtract that number from the amount 
the National Debt grew according to GAAP, we come up with a surplus 
of $143 billion. Accumulated debt should have diminished by $143 
billion instead of increasing.

      In other words, there were more bonds coming in for redemption 
than the Treasury Department had calculated. There is, therefore, an 
unknown amount of Treasury instruments outstanding that the Treasury 
is unaware of due to "smoke and mirror" accounting practices and the 
massive shredding of documents during the Reagan Bush Regime. The 
Department of the Treasury is uncertain how many debt instrument had 
been issued and sold pursuant to so-called "off- budget financing."

      There is probably still $1.5 trillion outstanding in a variety 
of Treasury instruments, obligation notes, collateral guarantees 
etc., that the Treasury Department is not counting as debt because it 
is unsure how many securities are outstanding.

      What else is not being counted as debt, which actually is debt, 
is the compounded interest in arrears, which is inured every year by 
the 3% coupon non-marketable US Treasury Securities, used to make up 
for the $3.2 trillion that the Reagan Bush Regime defrauded from the 
Social Security General and Disability Trust Funds.

      Since these securities are not marketable, the interest simply 
compounds in arrears. In other words, of that $3.2 trillion in Social 
Security debt (even before George Bush said they will be raiding 
Social Security again), the debt actually increases by $100 billion a 
year because of the compounded interest in arrears that should be 
calculated on non-marketable securities. That will either have to be 
paid when a future government should engender sufficient fiscal 
surpluses in order to redeem these non-marketable instruments or at 
such time that a future government, like the successor to the Bush 
Administration, should be forced to convert these securities into 
marketable securities.

      The Clinton policy was to generate surpluses, but he didn't 
even get that far. Using prioritized debt reduction, he planned to 
repurchase and retire US Treasury instruments, then divert the 
surpluses and begin to repurchase these non-marketable Treasuries out 
of the Social Security portfolio in order to retire them. They would 
have had to repurchase them at such a price as to pay the compounded 
interest in arrears. The 3% coupon rate borne by these securities was 
not a number chosen at random, but rather it is the interest rate 
that Social Security pays on your "contributions."

      Reaganomics dictates, as George Bush has admitted, that there 
will be no budgetary surpluses. There will be nothing but deficits. 
So how do you refund the money? How do you put back the money you 
previously stole from Social Security? In other words, how does Bush 
Jr. put back the money his father Bush Sr. stole in a fiscal 
budgetary deficit situation?

      You can do this by converting these securities from non-
marketable to marketable, simply by removing the restrictive 
covenant. In the securities business, it's called "removing the 

      The president would have to authorize it. Then these securities 
would become, in market parlance "free to trade." They would simply 
be sold into the marketplace, incorporated as part of ongoing sales 
of Treasury instruments.

      That takes a lot of assumptions. You can't convert an 
unrestricted security that has an implied debt in it because of 
interest in arrears. You have to recalculate the number. In other 
words, there are $3.2 trillion of these non-marketable bonds stuck in 
the Social Security portfolio, but that number is increasing by a 
$100 billion per year because of the interest.

      In eight years time, you'd have to re-issue more of the bonds. 
You wouldn't be selling $3.2 trillion of them. You'd be selling $4 
trillion and that is making the assumption that in the future the 
Treasury market will be sufficiently liquid to absorb such a massive 
amount of debt instruments. An additional supply of $4 trillion would 
increase the entire outstanding issuance of all Treasury securities 
by 50%.

      Liquidity depends on the economic strength, the gross domestic 
product, the liquidity of funds at any given time, investor interest 
in these Treasury notes, foreign central banks' demand or need for 
these notes, and the interest spread differentials between the long 
and short end of the maturity. There are actually a lot of factors 

      To try to market $4 trillion worth of securities into a market, 
in which the Treasury might be selling $300 billion or more per annum 
in order to finance a budget deficit -- this would effectively double 
the sales for a period of fifteen years.

      The question then becomes - could the entire global economy 
even generate sufficient surplus liquidity to absorb those bonds?

      We are in a world that is gradually falling apart and in an era 
of global debt deflation that could potentially last for decades, 
until everything was finally unwound and collapsed. The portrayal of 
a rosy scenario, which the Bush Administration likes to depend on for 
its economic forecast, thus becomes even more highly suspect.

      Here's another smoke and mirrors accounting trick. Treasury 
lists these 3% non-marketable Treasury notes as current assets in the 
Social Security portfolio. In fact, they're not. They're not 
liabilities, either, but they're not current assets because they're 
not marketable. The SEC has clearly stated that they aren't worth 
anything. A security that isn't marketable because it has some 
restricted covenant attached isn't worth anything.

      If they didn't have restrictions, that would have defeated the 
entire purpose. If your intent was to raid Social Security (as the 
Reagan Bush Regime wanted to do) to deplete all of its cash, you 
can't deplete cash and then replace it with a near cash instrument. 
US Treasury instruments are considered near cash instruments for 
accounting purposes. A non-marketable security isn't a debit. That 
way you can issue them almost ad infinitum.

      Also not included in the National Debt figure is the unknown 
billions of dollars that the Reagan Bush Administration raided from 
the 43 Public Trust Funds, in which it used the same non-marketable 
Treasury instruments to replace the cash it had stolen.

      The "mandated spending gaps" that were created during the 
Reagan Bush Regime are also not being counted as debt. A "mandated 
spending gap" is money that was previously authorized for something 
that was supposed to have been spent, but which was not spent -- 
because the money was stolen. This occurred throughout the Reagan 
Bush Regime, particularly after 1984, when the deficits really began 
to balloon. The Administration, in its annual budget, would skim some 
of that money off the top and move it over to Defense to make it 
appear that we were spending less money on defense than the enormous 
sums we were already spending.

      This was hidden through what was called "mandated to spend 
authorized delayed projects" because there was no money left to fund 
the projects. In other words, a federal agency like the Department of 
Education, which was supposed to spend so much on certain projects, 
didn't have the money to complete various building projects and have 
sufficient money for school restoration it was required to spend 
because a certain percentage of that money had been skimmed off the 

      Therefore they would have what were called "delayed funding 
projects," so that at the end of the year when they had to account 
for the money, there would be a caveat that would explain that some 
of the money was in "delayed construction pending." To hide the loss, 
they would reduce the maintenance contracts, or stretch them out, 
without making a notation for it in the budget.

      Here's the problem. According to General Accounting Office, 
this has created a $350 billion spending gap in the Federal education 
budget. This has to be spent and the result of this "spending gap" is 
we have public schools, which are falling apart because they haven't 
been properly maintained and a shortage of classrooms because the 
Department of Education has not built as many schools as it had 
planned to build.

      At some point in the future, that hole of $350 billion will 
have to be plugged with cash, so that what was supposed to have been 
done will be done. Otherwise the problem of schools falling apart 
because they haven't been maintained properly will grow even more 

      What happens is the "hole" keeps getting carried forward. The 
Department of Education is used as an example here. But there are 
budgetary gaps in every federal agency, which now total in the 
aggregate about $1.5 trillion.

      This has happened because of the Reagan Bush Regime's 
misappropriation of monies throughout the federal agencies to mask 
the money, which was being spent on defense. We currently have 
accumulated spending gaps, which total about $1.5 trillion.

      The largest of those gaps is what's called "Net Infrastructure 
Spending," which includes Department of Transportation, Department of 
Interior, Department of Commerce, Bureau of Land Management, etc., 
about 18 different agencies responsible for infrastructure spending.

      It's estimated to be $550 billion. And what are the results? 
The nation's bridges and roads are in a dire state of disrepair. A 
GAO report has stated that 25% of the nation's federal highway system 
is now "dangerous," and 28% of the nation's bridges are also 
considered "dangerous." Then there are the airport computer systems, 
the butt of jokes since half of the equipment still use vacuum tubes.

      When maintenance technicians go to the General Services 
Administration to replace parts, they can't even find them because 
they stopped making these parts forty years ago. A maintenance tech 
at Logan Intl Airport actually had to go to somebody who deals in 
antique electronics instrument to find the vacuum tube he needed. 
That is the net result of this nonsense - road and bridges are 
falling apart and antiquated air traffic control systems are still in 
use. Internal waterways are also falling apart -- 18% of all internal 
waterways, canals etc., that the federal government is responsible 
for had to be shut down because they don't work anymore.

      These are some of the larger items in the National Debt that 
aren't being counted as National Debt. If you applied Generally 
Accepted Accounting Principles to the National Debt, these things 
would be included, as well as contingent liabilities -- either future 
real liability or future contingent liability, including billions of 
dollars the United States is obligated to pay because of a variety of 
treaties. For instance, the US Federal Reserve maintains a $50 
billion emergency stand-by credit fund to support the Canadian dollar 
in the event it collapses. We still have multi-billion dollar 
commitments around the world that constitute debt -- money that has 
to be spent and for which there are no provisions. There are also 
debts to the United Nations in arrears and debts to the IMF in 

      We also have an enormous amount of liability in the ill-
conceived so-called "Brady Bonds." Brady Bonds are essentially US 
Treasury securities, which get stripped of their coupon payment and 
become what's called a "strip" or "stand alone asset." They are used 
to back loans, mostly coming from banks or bond funds for marginal 
Third (and Second World) countries like Mexico, Brazil, Peru and 

      If you look at these more speculative high interest rate 
government bond funds, you'll find they're loaded with Mexican bonds 
or Brazilian bonds. What happens is that these Brady bonds get issued 
as the ultimate guarantor of principal, yet they do not guarantee 
interest payment. When you ask the Treasury Department, nobody seems 
to know how many of these Brady Bonds have been issued. It is known 
that hundreds of billions of dollars of them are out there. They were 
used to bail out Mexico and Russia, but nobody seems to know how many 
there are. Not only that, but nobody cares.

      These are some of the highlights why the National Debt is not 
what it appears to be, according to BFAP accounting. When you apply 
GAAP accounting to the National Debt, you find that the National Debt 
is actually about $14 trillion. That's called RWA, or Real World 

      The Clinton administration was operating under the assumption 
that the actual National Debt was about $14 trillion. Clinton said we 
have to raise $15 trillion by 2025 to pay off everything, all the 
National Debt, all the unsecured instruments outstanding, and to plug 
all the holes in unfunded spending measures and so on. That's $14 
trillion, plus another trillion for compounded interest over a 25-
year period. The number of $15 trillion would have done the job. He 
was even going to retire about $200 billion of Savings Bonds 
outstanding because they are debt as well.

      One reason why the stock markets worldwide came under pressure 
recently was because of the unwinding of the Clinton confidence 
factor. It is very likely the final unwinding. When there was a 
sudden massive liquidation of US dollars, receipt of which were moved 
into gold, it was an indication that the remaining hope that Bush 
would follow Clintonomics had finally disappeared. People simply 
threw in the towel, and the markets reacted worldwide to that 

      The confidence in the US economy was also shaken worldwide. If 
George Bush remains in office for one term, we will probably be 
looking at an aggregate deficit of $30 trillion by the year 2025 -- 
not including the interest. And there will be a gradual loss of 
confidence, as it is more widely understood that Bush has firmly 
returned us to the road of Reaganomics.

      Part of the loss of confidence was also due to the Bush 
Administration reneging on most of its economic campaign promises. 
When they announced that they had abandoned any effort to pay down 
the National Debt and they would not only attempt to redeem the 
previously mentioned worthless Treasury securities from the Social 
Security fund, but would again begin to raid the Social Security 
Trust Fund as a preemptory measure to hide the enormous fiscal budget 
deficits which lay just over the horizon - that was it.

      It is important that Bush not stay in office more than one 
term -- to at least try to limit the damage he's going to do to the 
economy in the long run. The perception that there is no difference 
in economic strategy between the Clinton and Bush Regimes is not 
valid. On the day George Bush Senior left office, the nation had a 
6.7% unemployment rate. On the day Clinton left office, the nation 
had a 3.8% unemployment rate.

      On the day George Bush Senior left office, the US Treasury was 
bleeding red ink at a rate of $2 billion per day. When Clinton left 
office, the nation's Treasury was inuring black ink at the rate of 
nearly $700 million a day. There is a difference.

      But there is no confidence in BFAP (Bush Fantasyland Accounting 
Principles). GAAP wins every time.

      It reminds me of the time when Bush Senior came up with the 
concept of the "Evil Empire." Now Bush Junior is talking about 
the "Axis of Evil."

      What does it mean? Any time that a Bush attaches the 
word "Evil" to American foreign or military policy, watch out. 
Hundreds of billions of dollars of fiscal deficit spending are just 
around the corner. . . 

      AL MARTIN is America's foremost whistleblower on government 
fraud and corruption. A retired US Navy Lt. Commander and former 
officer in the Office of Naval Intelligence, he has testified before 
Congress (the Kerry Committee and the Alexander Committee) regarding 
Iran-Contra. Al Martin is the author of "The Conspirators: Secrets of 
an Iran Contra Insider" (2001, National Liberty Press, $19.95; Toll 
FREE order line: 1-866-317-1390) He lives at an undisclosed location, 
since the criminals named in his book have been returned to national 
power and prominence. His column "Behind the Scenes in the Beltway" 
is published regularly on Al Martin Raw: Criminal Govt Conspiracy

©2000, 2001 Al Martin Raw   All Rights Reserved 

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