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>From Steve Moser-- which mostly proves my point about a Technocracy for
TRUE democracy -- we the people need to demand a different, more
appropriave unit of account for North America, not just Oregon unless
you think we could start one state at a time.


                    NoTreason, By Lysander Spooner
                    Sun, 12 May 2002 15:03:41 -0500
                    "Steve Moser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                    "J. Q. Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Moser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Commentary"
Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2002 2:31 PM
Subject: CC NoTreason, By Lysander Spooner

NoTreason, By Lysander Spooner

concluding paragraph:

"The lesson taught by all these facts is this: As long as mankind
continue to pay "National
Debts", so-called --- that is, so long as they are such dupes and
cowards as to pay for being
cheated, plundered, enslaved, and murdered --- so long there will be
enough to lend the
money for those purposes; and with that [*59] money  plenty of tools,
called soldiers, can be
hired to keep them in subjection. But when they refuse any longer to pay
for being thus
cheated, plundered, enslaved, and murdered, they will cease to have
cheats, and usurpers, and
robbers, and murderers and blood-money loan-mongers for masters."

entire piece at:


Peter Allen --

from what you've written, I think is not news to you -- and yes Robert
Rubin, ex broker, now Treasurer, is masterminding the M O N E Y system
globally -- which brings up how much TIME do you think citizens have to
bring about a change soon enough?

I know you're busy with necessary campaign as well as your company, but
have you ever had the opportunity to study from an engineering
standpoint how a Technocracy would operate???

Top engineers, economists, geophysicists did the continent wide
inventory of minerals and natural resources, Peter Allen, to determine
at the end of WW I whether we had the resources to support our new
industrial revolution -- which we did at that time, but have wasted over
the intervening years to the point where now many crucial elements have
to be imported.

As for returning to gold, R. Buckminster Fuller showed that by the time
we sent all our money to the MOON, our new technologies globally had
out-produced ANY monetary pricing system.

All the gold on the planet 1969-70 was then $70 billions worth and only
$40 billions were monetary, so we today can do the math with a GGP of
one quadrillion, gold would have had to have been priced at $110K per
ounce instead of today's $309 to match our automated productivity.  So
it's the impact of technolgy techniques which allowed our 20th century
to surge ahead over our hand-tool, living on farms, kerosene and horse
and wagon of 19th century.

KWHs came with our 20th century -- which changed forever six thousand
years -- and why USA surged ahead in so many ways as each decade more
than doubled or tenfolded the number of KWTS of the previous.

Thus from an engineering standpoint, we now do have enough products that
there would be none without -- if we soon enough adopt a different unit
of account -- the KWH to replace the pricing of gold or human hours of

When even the unit of account changes daily on the tables of the
moneychangers, it's like using an elastic ruler -- and no construction
crew could construct a house, a bridge or a building if the measurements
changed every day.

May I recommend you take a quick look at http://www.technocracy.ca to
see pros and cons of a Technocracy operating system.  It's never been
done before which is why it's difficult to discuss its merits with
persons trained in yesterday's techniques, but now that our economies
are operating on red ink, it behooves those of us who care about what
sort of future our grandchildren will inherit from this one [with a debt
of $34 trillion nationally] to come to some fresh conclusions about what
we should be doing.

Re the Federal Reserve in 1913 -- there is another little-observed fact
that in 1913 America hit an Inflection Point with its productivity,
which enabled workers to work less than the 12-14 hours at that time
which had been necessary.

If you go to http://www.technocracy.org go to Brief No. 28 and study the
chart which shows the Inflection Point -- which is where the bankers
cleverly stepped in to try to handle the booms and busts -- which are
part and parcel of the pricing system which would be eliminated with a
more appropriate unit of account for the 21st century over the 18th wage
and price system, now that machines accomplish 98% of the work that used
to be done by muscle.

The KWH is a measurement that always tells you how much "work" has been
done in Tokyo or Toledo or Toronto -- for it measures the same

I admire your audacity for trying to attack the $20 billion question,
Peter Allen, yet it's still dealing with dollarsigns slavery.

"So long as money is king
we all are its slaves;
When energy is king,
it is also our servant." -- anon.

With Rubin and Enron and Arthur Anderson as current examples of
manipulators --

I propose the acronyms of M O N E Y for man's Manipulation Of Nation's
Economic Yield to perpetuate poverty and scarcity despite The Abundancy
Factor -- where we now can't sell.

Whereas, E N E R G Y ACCOUNTING ECO-NOMICS is Eco-nomics of Nature's
Energy Regulating Gaea's Yield -- or the yields of our patient Mother
Earth for Gaea Allows Everyone Abundance!

I used to have a U of O faculty member as a neighbor in Eugene and he
thought it was perfectly all right to have inflation -- so long as his
salary was increased -- and he's teaching the next generations, alas.


n:Scott;J. Q.
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:J. Q. Scott
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