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> BBC Monitoring Central Asia Unit Supplied by BBC Worldwide Monitoring
> December 19, 2001, Wednesday LENGTH: 1420 words FROM:
> Interfax-Kazakhstan news agency, Almaty, in Russian 19 Dec 01 [Posted
> 26 January 2002]
> Note: The following text contains no commentary from Emperor's
> Clothes. For related reading, see end.- EC]
> =======================================
> by Jared Israel
> Below is a report on the testimony of Elizabeth Jones, US assistant
> Secretary of State for Eurasian Affairs, before the US Senate last
> December. It comes from Kazakhstan courtesy of BBC. I could find no
> mention of Jones' Senate testimony in any US newspaper. Fortunately,
> we have Kazakhstan which is only about 6547 miles away and so it is
> possible for US citizens like me to find out what our leaders
> (so-called) are doing.
> People in the US - and all over the world - were originally told it
> was necessary to launch a military attack on Afghanistan to get rid
> of the Taliban and to arrest Osama bin Laden.
> Remember him?
> But as far back as December, Undersecretary Jones said something
> quite different in the media-free privacy of the U.S. Senate.
> She explained that no matter what happened in Afghanistan, the US and
> its allies would stay and "assist" the Central Asian Republics.
> However:
> "that assistance was conditional on economic and democratic reforms
> and the observance of human rights. Jones outlined US priorities in
> the region: combating terrorism; reform; the rule of law; Caspian Sea
> energy resources."
> Many who oppose US policy will see the phrase "Caspian Sea energy
> resources" and think, "Aha! It's oil! They're after oil."
> I don't think that's useful for understanding US policy. If the US
> Establishment needed oil then, as Mr. Castro has argued, they could
> buy it. Or they could buy the oil wells. Or the local oil companies.
> There really is nobody interested in standing in the way of the US
> having a reasonable supply of oil.
> Rather, the US establishment, and the Empire of which it is a leading
> part - perhaps we should call it the New World Empire - is very much
> interested in protecting its current hegemonic position in the world
> from possible future challenges coming from Eurasia - namely, from
> the still-nuclear-armed former Soviet Union.
> Hence the drive into Central Asia.
> In her Senate testimony, Undersecretary Jones made it clear she
> wishes to transform the Central Asia Republics into US protectorates.
> She didn't say it outright, of course, but she used easily
> decipherable code:
> "The USA believes, Jones said, that "certain countries" in the region
> should noticeably step up their economic reforms and democratic
> processes, the observance of human rights and the formation of a
> strong civil society."
> Ahh, "a strong civil society." This phrase has a definite meaning in
> the New World Empire. "Civil society" is strengthened when USAID, the
> National Endowment for Democracy and other government agencies in the
> U.S., Norway, Holland and Germany, as well as seemingly private
> groups, like the CIA-connected Open Society Foundation of George
> Soros, move in.
> What do these agencies do?
> They fund people who work for the Empire in the guise of "democratic"
> this and "human rights" that and "institutes for economic reform" and
> "independent media."
> In the words of Allen Weinstein, the man who conceived the National
> Endowment of Democracy:
> "'A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the
> CIA,' agrees Weinstein."
> -- Washington Post, September 22, 1991
> To "strengthen civil society" these fake democracy-funding agencies
> set up NGOs, newspapers and TV stations and political parties as a
> Fifth Column to destabilize local societies along vulnerable lines of
> conflict. Or they inflame regional conflicts in the guise of "peace"
> and "mediation" groups. Ultimately these Fifth Column groups stage,
> or attempt to stage coup d'états, always under the guise of
> democratic reform, thus putting US operatives in power.
> This happened in Yugoslavia and Philippines. It was attempted in
> Belarus and Venezuela. The basis is being laid for such coup d'états
> all over the former Soviet Union.
> Since Ms. Jones gave this testimony, the former Soviet Central Asian
> Republics have become closely involved with the US military, turning
> over their territory for military bases and allowing NATO forces to
> train their troops. This situation poses a grave threat to national
> sovereignty and increases the potential of war and massive
> destruction all over the world. This Empire is living on the edge.
> Note that more than once Ms. Jones explains that the US drive into
> Central Asia, which is Russia's backyard, does not conflict with
> Russian interests. Does she mistake the Russians for morons? Does she
> mistake us all for morons?
> Ms. Jones' preposterous statement calls to mind the famous words of
> the German playwright, Mr. Brecht:
> "When the leaders speak of peace the common people know war is
> coming."
> -- Bertolt Brecht, 'Hollywood' in COLLECTED POEMS 1913-1956
> -- Jared Israel
> USA pledges not to abandon Central Asia after Afghan war
> The USA will not abandon Central Asia after the Afghan war, Elizabeth
> Jones, US assistant secretary of state, has told a US Senate
> subcommittee hearing. She said that the USA wanted to help Central
> Asia carry out reforms in return for help in combating terrorism, but
> made it clear that assistance was conditional on economic and
> democratic reforms and the observance of human rights. Jones outlined
> US priorities in the region: combating terrorism; reform; the rule of
> law; Caspian Sea energy resources. She described US cooperation with
> Russia in Central Asia as "extremely close", and said that the USA
> had more common ground in the region than areas of rivalry with
> Russia, China, Turkey and Iran. The following is the text of the
> report by Interfax-Kazakhstan news agency. Subheads have been
> inserted editorially.
> Almaty, 19 December
> The USA does not intend to leave the Central Asian region after
> completing the antiterrorist operations in Afghanistan, and it has
> declared its long-term plans and interests. Pledge not to abandon
> region
> "We will not leave Central Asia after resolving the conflict (in
> Afghanistan - Interfax-Kazakhstan). We want to support the Central
> Asian countries in their desire to reform their societies as they
> supported us in the war against terrorism. These are not only new but
> long-term relations," Elizabeth Jones, US assistant secretary of
> state for European and Eurasian Affairs and US president's special
> envoy on Caspian Sea issues said about US policy in Central Asia. She
> was speaking at the Subcommittee on Central Asia and the South
> Caucasus of the US Senate Committee on International Relations.
> High stakes
> "The stakes in Central Asia are undoubtedly high," Jones said. "The
> USA now has thousands of troops working jointly with their Central
> Asian counterparts in a region which was part of the Soviet Union
> only 10 years ago. We count on the governments of these states in
> ensuring the security and wellbeing of our troops and in obtaining
> vitally important intelligence data, which has helped us carry out
> such an efficient military campaign in Afghanistan," she said.
> Economic benefit
> Jones said it was in the interest of the USA that "the restoration of
> Afghanistan helps develop Central Asia as well. We want to bring in
> goods and materials for postwar restoration from neighbouring
> countries as much as possible, in order to stimulate their
> economies," she stressed.
> Jones said that the Central Asian countries are interested in
> receiving assistance from the USA. "Uzbekistan has asked for support
> for its relations with the IMF and other international financial
> institutions. Kazakhstan needs more foreign investment and support to
> develop the local private sector. Turkmenistan may need support to
> develop local public organizations. Kyrgyzstan needs help to
> restructure its debts. Tajikistan, the poorest state in the region,
> which still has not recovered from the 1992 civil war and a drought,
> needs a wide range of humanitarian, economic and political aid,"
> Jones said in her report, a copy of which the Interfax-Kazakhstan
> news agency received from the US embassy in Kazakhstan.
> Democracy and human rights
> The USA must step up "constant support for democratic political
> institutions, local NGOs and the independent media" in all five
> countries.
> At the same time, Jones stressed that the USA would render assistance
> to the Central Asian states only "providing that the latter take
> specific steps towards reforms."
> The USA believes, Jones said, that "certain countries" in the region
> should noticeably step up their economic reforms and democratic
> processes, the observance of human rights and the formation of a
> strong civil society.
> "It is not easy to assist in carrying out reforms in Central Asia,"
> Jones, who headed the US diplomatic mission in Kazakhstan several
> years ago, said. The USA is "largely" concentrating its aid on
> programmes "to enlighten and encourage the next generation of leaders
> in the region". This aid includes "the FLEKS name transliterated
> programme for secondary schools, a programme for university students
> on the law on supporting freedom and the Muskie programme for
> graduates. The AYREX name transliterated exchange programme is for
> young specialists, and the Peace Corps is carrying out a wide-range
> of programmes for the next generation," the report says.
> She does not justify "the existing problems and acute aspects" in
> Central Asia, however "generations may have to change in order to
> radically change the basic nature of these (Central Asian -
> Interfax-Kazakhstan) governments." "One has to recall the history of
> the region in the 20th century," Jones said.
> Priority areas
> The USA has three four are listed "major national interests" in the
> region, she said: preventing terrorism, to providing the tools to
> carry out political and economic reforms, establishing the rule of
> law and ensuring the safety and transparent development of Caspian
> Sea energy resources.
> At the same time, she said, cooperating with the countries in the
> region in combating terrorism, the USA must pay more attention to the
> observance of human rights. "Our (US - Interfax-Kazakhstan) numerous
> initiatives to promote human rights, democracy and economic
> development are as important as the assistance we render in ensuring
> security and combating the real reasons behind terrorism," she
> underlined.
> Energy
> The development of huge Caspian Sea fuel and energy resources and
> ensuring their reliable export onto the world market, she said,
> "largely" defines whether Central Asia will be able to gain economic
> independence and raise the living standards of its citizens.
> According to Jones, the USA's policy in this sector focuses on
> helping these states set up numerous reliable transport routes to
> export these resources onto the world market.
> These hydrocarbon resources are currently being exported to the West
> in transit via pipelines in Russia, she recalled. The USA, she said,
> is trying to expand the export opportunities of the Central Asian
> countries and the companies which are operating there. The White
> House stresses that its "aim has an antimonopolistic nature, and not
> an anti-Russian one."
> In connection with this, Jones took "pride" in saying that the
> construction of the most important Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline would
> start next summer and that by 2005 the pipeline would start exporting
> oil to the world market. The construction of the
> Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan-Shakh Deniz Azerbaijan's gas deposit gas pipeline
> is also under way.
> At the same time, Jones "is satisfied with the fact that the Caspian
> Pipeline Consortium oil pipeline is officially operating now. This
> pipeline, linking Kazakhstan with the world market via Russia, shows
> Kazakhstan's desire to cooperate with the former Soviet republics in
> developing the Caspian Sea energy resources."
> Kazakhstan - the leader
> According to an assessment by the USA, Kazakhstan is the country with
> the highest economic potential in the region. "Stable, multi-ethnic
> and nuclear-free Kazakhstan, will, most likely, become one of the
> fifth largest oil producers in the world by 2010. EBRD regards
> Kazakhstan as the leader amongst the former Soviet republics in terms
> of economic reforms. US investment in Kazakhstan has exceeded 5bn
> dollars and is increasing," Jones said.
> Common ground
> Discussing cooperation between the USA and Russia in the Central
> Asian region, Jones described it as "extremely close". In her view,
> "both states want long-term stability and prosperity" in Central
> Asia, in which they have "important interests".
> Jones said that President George Bush and Russian President Vladimir
> Putin "are leading our countries to a new level of cooperation in
> many spheres, including in Central Asia".
> "Putin showed wonderful leadership by actively coordinating the
> efforts of the leaders of the Central Asian countries to stimulate
> their cooperation with the USA in combating terrorism. This confirms
> our old claim that Central Asia is not a game in which only one party
> could be a winner," Jones noted.
> The USA supports the efforts of Russia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan to
> create a new scheme for dividing the Caspian Sea "as long as these
> efforts do not hamper the future transportation of hydrocarbons."
> "We have more common interests than areas of competition with Russia
> and other regional powers - China, Turkey and even with Iran," the
> report stressed.
> (C) 2001 British Broadcasting Corporation * Posted for Fair Use Only
> Join our email list at http://emperors-clothes.com/f.htm
> Receive articles that appear on Emperor's Clothes.
> *****************************************
> Further Reading on US/NATO Encirclement of Russia
> ****************************************
> For map of Central Asia, see
> http://www.sitara.com/central_asia_map.html
> 1) "US Military Pushes into Ex-Soviet Georgia Under Guise of Fighting
> Terror," by Rick Rozoff can be read at
> http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/rozoff/pushes.htm
> 2) 'Why Washington Wants Afghanistan,' by Jared Israel, Rick Rozoff &
> Nico Varkevisser, analyzes the geo-political designs behind the
> massive deception called The War On Terror"
> http://www.tenc.net/analysis/afghan.htm
> * En Français
> http://emperors-clothes.com/french/articles/pourquoi.htm
> * Deutsch
> http://emperors-clothes.com/german/articles/d-afghan-i.htm
> 3) What's the Target of the U.S. Move into Central Asia?
> Two news reports look at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)
> which includes Russia, China and the Central Asian former Soviet
> Republics.
> http://emperors-clothes.com/news/sco.htm
> 4) Afghan Operation Leaves Russia 'Encircled' by US-NATO
> by Sergey Ptichkin and Aleksey Chichkin
> http://emperors-clothes.com/analysis/encircle.htm
> 5) 'Why is NATO Decimating the Balkans and Trying to Force Milosevic
> to Surrender?' by Jared Israel and Nico Varkevisser. Can be read at
> http://emperors-clothes.com/analysis/whyisn.htm
> 6) Osama Bin Laden was propelled into power as part of the U.S. drive
> to create an Islamist terrorist movement for use , in the first
> instance, to crush the former Soviet Union. See the truly amazing
> account from the 'Washington Post,' 'Washington's Backing of Afghan
> Terrorists: Deliberate Policy.' at
> http://emperors-clothes.com/docs/anatomy.htm
> 7) 'Osama bin Laden: Made in USA,' by Jared Israel . This article
> includes quotes from a New York Times piece documenting the vast sums
> spent creating Islamist terrorism. It can be read at
> http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/jared/madein.htm
> 8) To read the New York Times piece quoted in the above article, go
> to 'Afghan Taliban Camps Were Built by NATO,' By TIM WEINER
> The New York Times August 24, 1998, at
> http://emperors-clothes.com/docs/camps.htm
> 9) One of Washingon's most amazing uses of terrorists (amazing
> because of the extent of the hypocrisy involved) is against
> Macedonia, whose government, like that of Mr. Putin, did everything
> to please the American Empire. Macedonia is neverthleless - and
> indeed, all the more easily - now being destroyed. See "Articles
> Documenting Washington's Terrorist Attack on Macedonia,' at
> http://emperors-clothes.com/mac/listm.htm
> 10) Regarding bin Laden's supposed break with the CIA, see 'Gaping
> Holes in the 'Washington Hates bin Laden' Story,' by Jared Israel at
> http://emperors-clothes.com/news/probestop-i.htm
> =======================================
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