-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: "macnamara9" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 2:58 AM
Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] CIA Bioterrorism in Cuba: Portent of 9-11 Anthrax? Part

> http://www.afrocubaweb.com/biowar.htm#ciabase
> Ralph McGehee, CIABASE
> Source: alt.politics.org.cia
> chemical war. covert action information bulletin (now covert
> action quarterly) 17:2-31; 18:58,59; 21:29,30; 22:16, 35;
> 25::3,7,26. "germ warfare disinformation," 16:60,58; "the history
> of U.S. bio-chemical killers," 17:5-7; "U.S. biological warfare:
> the 1981 Cuba dengue epidemic" 17:28-31. in afghanistan 17:13,
> 17,28; in Cuba 17:28-31; in korea 17:6-7; in laos 17:12
> Cuba. Details CIA efforts to avoid destroying offensive
> biologicals ordered by pres. nixon. also cites article in the
> 1/9/77 issue of the Washington Post " CIA linked to 71 swine
> virus in Cuba." BCAS v12, #4 1980 p11-17
> Cuba, 69-70 a U.S. officer passed a vial of african swine
> fever virus to a terrorist group. six weeks later Cuba suffered
> the first outbreak of swine fever in the western hemisphere; pig
> herds were decimated. richelson, j.t. (1985). the U.S.
> intelligence community 231
> Cuba, 71 anti-Castro group releases anti-swine virus in
> Cuba and Cuban gvt forced to kill 500,000 pigs. CIA agents
> delivered sealed container that contained virus to Cuban group in
> ft. gurlick, panama canal zone. CIA paramilitary center helped
> train members in pm ops. minnick, w. (1992). spies and
> provacateurs 262
> Cuba, 72-82 Cuban officials charge that the CIA infected
> Cuban pigs with african swine fever in the early 70s and again in
> the early 80s. also the us introduced mosquitos that carried
> bleeding dengue into Cuba in 81. hundreds of thousands became ill
> and 150 died. the nation 8/27/83 135
> Cuba, 78-87 CIA contacted dr. eduardo sagaro gonzalez
> while he taking a medical course in mexico in 78. sagaro traveled
> to mozambique in 79 where he recruited and close to douglas james
> smith, the cos in maputo. CIA wanted info on fidel's health and
> info on pesticide reserves to combat the dengue epidemic. CIA
> also had asked another agent many questions relating to bio and
> chemical war. CIA convinced manufacturer of containers for
> fumigating (dengue fever) mosquitoes to make them without a head
> of fumigator - rendering them useless. ridenour, r. (1991). back
> fire: the CIA's biggest burn 77
> Cuba, 79-82 when CIA agent davidson left Cuba he
> instructed officers bruce timpton and richard brennan to keep in
> touch with agronomist lopez nunez. they asked for samples of
> tobacco leaves. ridenour, r. (1991). back fire: the CIA's biggest
> burn 78
> Cuba, 79 orlando argudin lopez, aka oscar aka rolando was
> told by his CIA handler in paris in 79 that CIA was introducing
> diseases to affect people and animals. ridenour, r. (1991). back
> fire: the CIA's biggest burn 74
> Cuba, 81 300,000 people had dengue fever. two years
> earlier swine fever devastated the island nation. entire tobacco
> crop attacked by mildew; sugar cane had fungus. Cuban double
> agents received reporting requirements from CIA re those events.
> top secret 0-88 9-11
> Cuba, 81 dengue fever type 2 broke out in Cuba 2 months
> after CIA query re topic to Cuban double agent maria
> santiesteban. she worked with dse for 11 years and recruited her
> husband, jose alberto puig aka abelardo. ridenour, r. (1991).
> back fire: the CIA's biggest burn 71
> Cuba, 93 Cuba said an epidemic affecting eyesight - optic
> neuritis - may have been deliberately introduced from abroad.
> washington times 5/1/93 a2
> Cuba, 95-97 Cuba showed a u.n. meeting against biological
> weapons, pictures of a U.S. op to plague Cuba with a crop-eating
> pest and called for an international investigation. it is the
> first time the biological weapons convention is dealing with a
> complaint under a 1991 provision that lets a nation that believes
> it has come under biological attack seek an investigation. a u.n.
> meeting on Cuba's charges ended inconclusively in geneva. in
> talks held under a cold war-era treaty which bans biological
> weapons but lacks a verification mechanism, havana failed to get
> the investigation it wanted and washington was unable to close
> the matter. johnpike fas.org 9/2/97
> Cuba, 96-97 Cuba said the us government unleashed biowar
> against Cuba. granma newspaper provided a map of us state
> department aircraft's trajectory over Cuba last october 21st, the
> date of the first appearance of the thrips palmi insect plague in
> western and central Cuba, and the dates of Cuba's official note
> of protest to the us interests section in havana as well as the
> response to that protest. on 2/12/97 -- the us interests section
> said the sr2 aircraft, turned on its smoke generator to warn a
> nearby Cuban commercial airliner of its presence in the region.
> the sr2 used by the state department for the fumigation of drug
> crops is known to have two dispersion systems: one for aerosols
> and liquid particles, and one for solid particles, but is not
> known to carry a smoke generator. the Cuban pilot who spotted the
> aircraft, and who has experience in fumigation said that the us
> aircraft did not launch smoke, but rather a substance. rhc
> radiohc.org 5/7/97
> Cuba, 96 note 4/28/97 from Cuba to u.n. secretary-general
> re the thrips palmi plague. on 10/21/96, at 10.08 hours, crew
> members of (Cuban airlines), saw a single-engine airplane
> apparently spraying or sprinkling unknown substances - some seven
> times. located 25 to 30 kilo metres south of varadero. the flight
> was a fumigation aircraft model sar, register n3093m, operated by
> the state department. the airplane had taken off from patrick air
> force base, bound for grand cayman. the Cubana pilot reported to
> flight control the release of unknown substances, in the form of
> a white or greyish mist, by the sar airplane. 12/18/96, the first
> signs of thrips plague appeared in matanzas province. after a
> protest note on 2/12/97, the us interest section in havana,
> stated, the pilot had, during his flight, seen a Cuban commercial
> airplane flying below, and as he was not certain of having seen,
> "following caution and safety procedures," and with the purpose
> of securing a positive visual contact, the pilot used the "smoke
> generator" of his aircraft, in order to "indicate its location"
> adding that "the smoke vanished and no fluid was poured from the
> airplane." the sar aircraft, register n3093m, is used by the
> state department in the struggle against drug trafficking, to
> destroy crops. the aircraft utilizes two sprinkling systems: one
> for the use of aerosols and liquid particles and another for
> dropping solid particles. the investigations show, the appearance
> of thrips palmi in mananas province with the dropping, on
> 10/21/96, of an unknown substance. protest note 6/29/93
> Cuba, switzerland, 96-97 - Cuba charged the U.S. sprayed
> it with a hungry insect that is devouring its crops. at a meeting
> here of the 138 nations that signed the 1972 convention on
> biological weapons, Cuba demanded an investigation into claim
> that a U.S. state dept plane spewed an agent known as thrips
> palmi over Cuba last october. charges provide a test for the
> accord, intended to ban germ warfare. accord now includes no
> provisions for verification or enforcement. now negotiators
> trying to add powers that were built into the post-cold war
> treaties to ban chemical weapons and nuclear test explosions. the
> tiny insect, which severely damages practically every crop,
> started showing up in potato plantations about two months after
> the october flyover. washington post 8/26/97 a12
> Cuba, switzerland, 97 Cuban accuses U.S. government
> crop-dusting plane for spraying a substance over Cuba in october
> 96 that led to the appearance in december of a crop pest. the
> potato bug was dropped on 10/21/96 by an s2r crop-dusting plane
> operated by the state department -- who says the plane overflew
> Cuba, but emitted only smoke. washington times 8/26/97 a10
> Cuba, 61 CIA used weather modification and swine fever
> virus against Cuba. richelson, j.t. (1985). the U.S. intelligence
> community 231
> Cuba, 79-81 Castro said CIA probably behind hemorrhagic
> dengue where in 7 weeks 113 people died and 300,000 infected. he
> raised questions about african swine fever, sugar cane rust and
> blue mold on tobacco that hit Cuba beginning 79 counterspy 2/82
> 6-8
> Cuba, 81 various evidence including testimony suggests
> that CIA thru Cuban exile terrorist org omega 7 spread epidemic
> of dengue fever. covert action information bulletin (now covert
> action quarterly) fall 84 22 & summer 82 28-31
> Cuba, 61-81 Cuban sugar contaminated, infected turkeys
> virus, 8000 died. 71 created african swine fever, 500,000 pigs
> killed. 81 epidemic dengue fever 300,000 cases reported. blum, w.
> (1986). the CIA a forgotten history 211
> Cuba, plans against Cuba's sugar crop. ranelagh, j. (1986).
> the agency 386
> Cuba, 71 U.S. intel source said the CIA gave an
> anti-Castro group a container filled with african swine fever
> virus which caused the slaughter of 500,000 pigs to prevent a
> nationwide epidemic. wp 1/9/77, first principles 2/77 p12

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