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Editor-in-Chief                                                              Number 78

          Carol Adler                                                                   May 20, 2002

Contributing Editors

          Gordon Thomas

Contributing Writers

          Mark Dankof…David McGowan…Joseph Ehrlich…

          John Kusumi… Tariq Saeedi…Takashi “Thomas” Tanemori





by Joseph Ehrlich


          Dick Cheney is out there warning of a more serious terror attack on the U.S. than 9-11. He is correct.

          Regrettably, and we emphasize regrettably, we issued to some colleagues immediately after 9/11, evidence that we were able to ascertain that the government did know about the attack on the World Trade Center and Washington targets.

          When President Bush came out and said this weekend that no one should doubt that if he knew there would be attacks “on that fateful morning,” he would have done everything to stop them, we recognized this statement was not a lie.

          It is however disinformation.

          Although President Bush didn’t know the day and time, in our respectful opinion, he knew that what we now know as 9/11 was coming within a narrow time window.

          In other words, if you take out that phrase “on that fateful morning,” the statement then becomes putatively untruthful.

          “Had I known that the enemy was going to use airplanes to kill on that fateful morning, I would have done everything in my power to protect the American people,” Bush said.

          We do not intend to get into this sad possibility now opened by the behavior of the political parties in Washington. Suffice it to say that even without the evidence we have secured that it sufficient to recognize that the major lies now undermine President Bush’s chances of re-election in 2004.

          Here is why we believe this to be the case.

          First, the major error committed concerned the statements made by Condoleezza Rice, his national security advisor, that the White House had no thought or idea that a plane would be used as a missile. To wit: this was a new perspective, to which the White House was otherwise unaware.

          This is easily proven untrue by a series of reports throughout a four or five year period where the CIA and other agencies uncovered the strategic intent to use a plane as a missile to take out government related facilities/buildings. 

          We can conclude that Ms. Rice has cost herself her job because if she remains in this position she will be a political liability in 2004. Thus, when no one is looking, she will be replaced.

          Second: Dick Cheney coming on so strong against an investigation of 9/11.

The American public doesn’t care if it is an open or closed investigation, but it surely wants to know that the check and balance system in Washington is in operation against the threat that its government serves as its greatest opponent, if not enemy.

          It surely wants to know that no one really knew this was forthcoming and allowed it to happen -- especially with someone like Dick Cheney rattling their instincts.

          Thus, when Dick Cheney comes out in the name of the administration and

declares that there is a war going on and that the Democrats and no one else should have the audacity to look into the truth, the damage is more severe than President Bush, Sr.’s tax gaffe.

          Third, while TWA Flight 800 proves that there is no real intent of the Democrats to unmask the sordid truth behind 9/11, it is political fodder that can be used to blackmail the Republicans. When Democratic Congressman Dick Gephardt implores the press to act accountably in their role as the fourth estate, it makes us ill, when both parties and the fourth estate stood intentionally blind to TWA Flight

800 and other major stories.

          The fourth estate doesn’t need to know what we know. Just look again at what we wrote immediately concerning 9/11. We said that when four planes went off transponders, why didn’t bells ring everywhere? (Honestly, in the environment known to the White House as just admitted since Friday, one plane off transponder should have rung bells everywhere.)

          Now, we also know that when the threat was known, that U.S. military fighters were told to sit on the runway for some 30 minutes or more before taking to the

air! So the fourth estate and the political opposition need little else in order to inquire as to what happened.

          Gordon Thomas, in his book, Seeds of Fire, proffers that the Mossad told the U.S. about an imminent attack by bin Laden-trained terrorists, and the Mossad itself said as much to the CIA. The CIA denied the Mossad saying any such thing. Israeli military experts pointed out, contrary to C. Rice’s position that the FAA was on full alert for a plane hijacking, that air and sea monitoring by the US was direly lacking on 9/11.

          The truth of it is that everyone was asleep and when the serious threat was

known, someone kept our military fighters on the ground.


          Conclusion: Thus, Dick Cheney who we ascertained scares a lot of people for a reputation that connects not only with cold-heartedness but sheer cruelty, proffers that the U.S. faces the threat of a worse attack.

          From our experience in geopolitical analysis and events, Sender, Berl & Sons understands and interprets this to mean that a worse attack will make 9/11 and the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings, and the myriad of serious questions never asked or answered, a thing of the past, forgotten in the death and destruction of the forecasted more horrific attack.

          The American people cannot absorb anything beyond the scope and issues connected to a worse attack. Thus, we are sick and disheartened to conclude that if the investigation into 9/11 gets into the nerve to the administration’s tooth, what Cheney and Rumsfeld both immediately announced contemporaneous with the new hotbed discussion of 9/11, might in fact prove true.

          Then, from our perspective we have a shadow government out of control (one which should have been lassoed in under Clinton).

          Let us conclude with a very important point in this critical and sad time in


          Jimmy Carter went to Cuba and spoke forcibly for the importance of democratic elections. Many years ago Sender, Berl & Sons Inc. detected the major strategic design of the new world order group. Although they permitted free and open elections, they controlled the candidates running for office.

          Thus, although the Israeli people elected Sharon, they really got Peres.

          Similarly today, Netanyahu stands against Sharon, as Sharon recently stood

against Barak.

          So if Sharon gets into political trouble, Netanyahu will carry the day and the Israeli people will have elected Netanyahu and still get Peres (meaning a government willing to give up the West Bank on new world order direction). In Recapturing America, we proffered that when John Smith died at 52 of a heart attack (despite his poor health history), that the timing was impeccable to bring in Clinton clone Tony Blair who has served as did Clinton (after he proved himself a failed President his first year in office) the new world order agenda.

          Thus, we never doubted from the very first day of political office, Tony Blair’s commitment to sandbag the British Pound.

          Why is Sender, Berl & Sons Inc. against the new world order? It is anti-religion, anti-democratic, anti-U.S., and portends a leadership equating with one historical reference: Rome.

          Many of the people serving the current administration believe they are serving the country. But the failure of the fourth estate buries appropriate discussion of events and issues and thus why control of the mainstream media and press were critical to the new world order agenda.

          Now, with the advent of the Internet, new world order forces are able

to control new news figures by a familiar route: money, greed and power.

          Let us say this: when you saw the American people give huge amounts of

money to the United Way and American Red Cross and witnessed the entire government sitting on their hands with tape over their mouths as these elitist organizations took the position that they would do with this money as they pleased, this was a microcosmic example of why we have to make an effort to shake up anyone we can, to make them aware of the sordid state of affairs in America and the world today.

          We support the Constitution of the United States of America, the religious tenets upon which it was founded, including but not limited to an operational fourth estate.         Without it, the future will be as dire and dark as we are telling you, evidenced by the worldwide movement to attack G-d.

          Without a religious resolution in the Middle East, brace yourselves for a future

completely opposite to the one the rosy media has instilled in your minds.


Joseph Ehrlich, an attorney and noted geopolitical analyst, is president of Sender, Berl & Sons, Inc. and author of Recapturing America, to be published by Dandelion Books.


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