
Take out Saudi Arabia (the country, not just a few token cities), Afghanistan (same here), Iraq (ditto) and maybe Egypt and Iran for good measure.  Whatever is left of the "Arab" and/or "Islamic world" will be too fucking scared to breathe much less cause trouble.

Simpler solution is to end our blind support for Israel's brutal occupation of Palestine.

Maybe.  First, it would be really nice to know where the idea of a "Palestine" apart from Israel came from. :-^)

Stop arming them and let them figure out a fair and equitable peace on a level playing field.

It'll never happen.  "They"--meaning Israelis AND "Palestinians" have no desire for peace.  In the interim--or until they finish killing themselves off--I'd go for a world quarantine of the region.  Rope the whole area off with steel and concrete, and let them have at it to their heart's content.  Whoever wins gets the sand.

I hear Madagascar is nice this time of year...


Edward   ><+>

UFOs exist.   It's the Air Force that's only in science fiction."~GB+

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