Netanyahu's Prophecy Confirmed by FBI Director Mueller

Last month former Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu made the following prophecy: "It is only a matter of time before suicide bombers will terrorize your cities" (Speech to the US Congress, April 10, 2002).

On Monday, FBI Director Robert Mueller repeated the cue given by Netanyahu: "It is inevitable that suicide bombers like those who have attacked Israeli restaurants and buses will strike the United States." (Speech to the National Association of District Attorneys, May 20).

The probability of such attacks is predicated on continued US support for Israeli terrorism. What makes such attacks likely, though not "inevitable," is the enormous financial and media clout of the Zionist power bloc in the U.S. which ensures continued support for Israeli terror and occupation. However, "inevitable" is a word that can only be used authoritatively by perpetrators and their co-conspirators. In other words, Netanyahu and Mueller know for certain that there will be suicide bombings in the United States because either they are the ones who will plan and implement such bombings through Arab and Muslim patsies under their surveillance and indirect control, or they are associates of those who exercise such surveillance and control. This is the esoteric significance of the FBI director's declaration.

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