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Number 80

May 23, 2002









*From Seeds of Fire: China and the Story Behind the Attack on America, by Gordon Thomas (Dandelion Books)


There was no doubting Maxwell was a brilliant marketer of Enhanced Promis or, as far as Mossad was concerned, of the effectiveness of the system.  The service had been the first to obtain the program and it had been a valuable tool in its campaign against the Intifada.  Many of its leaders had left Jordan for safer hideouts in Europe after several had been assassinated in Jordan.

A spectacular success came when an Intifada commander who had moved to Rome called a Beirut number that Mossad’s computers already had listed as the home of a known bomb-maker.  The Rome caller wanted to meet the bomb-maker in Athens.  Mossad used Enhanced Promis to check all the travel offices in Rome and Beirut for the travel arrangements of both men.  In Beirut further checks revealed the bomber had ordered the local utility companies to cut off service to his home.  A further search by Enhanced Promis of the local PLO computers also showed the bomber had switched flights at the last moment.

It did not save him.  He was killed by a car bomb on the way to Beirut airport.  Shortly afterwards, in Rome, the Intifada commander was killed in a hit-and-run accident.

Soon other examples would create complete satisfaction of the efficiency of Enhanced Promis as a powerful weapon with which Mossad could fight terrorism.


In the months which followed, Maxwell continued to sell the version that Rafi Eitan’s programmers had reconstructed around the world.  Using the same pitch—“what I have is better and cheaper than anything else on the market”—Maxwell persuaded the South African regime to purchase the software to track black revolutionary groups.  A planned strike by black miners protesting apartheid was stopped when the software was used to track down the strike leaders through their required identity passes.  All were incarcerated without trial.

In Guatemala the system was sold after Maxwell had personally demonstrated how it could track all opponents of the regime.  Using the software, some 20,000 government opponents were rounded up.  They were either killed or joined the ranks of “the disappeared.”

Maxwell rampaged through South America hawking Enhanced Promis.  The security forces of Brazil, Columbia and Nicaragua all bought the system.  In Tel Aviv, Rafi Eitan’s technicians knew who had been arrested even before the families of a regime’s opponents were picked up.

Maxwell launched his sales offensive into the very bastion of security—the Swiss banking world.  He persuaded Credit Suisse Bank to install the Israeli version.  Through the trap door installed in the system, Rafi Eitan could learn many of the secrets of sensitive bank accounts.  The data was passed on to Mossad.  Often the depositors were Israeli millionaires who had opened overseas accounts, illegal under the country’s strict financial controls.  After finding out who had lodged overseas deposits, they were approached to make a donation to help Israel.  If they refused they were exposed—and faced heavy fines and imprisonment.

Maxwell’s greatest coup was to persuade the Soviet Union to accept the system.  Through the secret trap door microchip, Enhanced Promis was able to access Soviet military intelligence.  The information passed to Mossad made it probably the best-briefed service on Russian intentions.

Next, South Korea, Australia and Canada were persuaded by the tireless Robert Maxwell to buy the software.

He might have gone on forever but for the fact that, massive though the sales were, Maxwell’s cut did not give him enough to save his publishing empire.  Even worse, he started to throw his weight around Tel Aviv.  He behaved like a modern day pharaoh.  But his boasting and bluffing had finally become too much.  Time was running out for Maxwell,” Rafi Eitan was to recall.

More dangerous for Maxwell, Mossad decided his instability could become a threat to their operations.  A senior katsa, a field agent, code-named Shimon Goldstein was assigned to track the tycoon’s trips.

Early in 1985, Maxwell made another, his third, visit to Beijing.  Once more he stayed in one of the guest houses the regime reserved for its most important visitors.

According to Goldstein’s report, Maxwell met over several days with leaders of China’s computer industry, which was beginning to expand.  According to Goldstein, present at some of those meetings were senior members of CSIS, China’s secret service.  As usual Maxwell was expansive as he described the undoubted qualities of Enhanced Promis. 

But while the Chinese were undoubtedly impressed, they wanted to know more.  Goldstein would recall in his subsequent report that one of the Chinese computer experts mused if the software was powerful enough to penetrate the vaunted security that the United States had long placed around its most sensitive establishments. 

Maxwell had no doubt:  there was no place on earth that could defend itself against the trap door in the version of Enhanced Promis he was selling.  What about Los Alamos, one of his hosts was later reported by Goldstein to have mused; was even Los Alamos no longer impenetrable?  Maxwell had laughed and said that even Los Alamos’ defenses, like the walls of Jericho, would tumble under the electronic power of Enhanced Promis.

In revealing details about the trap door, Maxwell had broken a strict order never to reveal its existence.  The most likely explanation is that he now betrayed its existence because he was so desperate to make a sale from which he would obtain more money to try and save his newspaper empire.  If there was one final turning point in the self-destruction of Robert Maxwell, it was that moment in Beijing.

The Chinese government placed an order for six sets of software—a sale worth $9 million.  The key to the secrets of Los Alamos was cheap at that price.


 [To be continued]


* Seeds of Fire, by Gordon Thomas ISBN 1893302547. Copyright, 2001, all worldwide rights exclusively reserved. Published by Dandelion Books, Tempe, Arizona, www.dandelion-books.com .


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Global News Net is published by Dandelion Enterprises, Inc., Tempe, Arizona… Editor-in-Chief – Carol Adler… Contributing Writers… Mark Dankof…David McGowan…Joseph Ehrlich…John Kusumi… Tariq Saeedi…Takashi “Thomas” Tanemori





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