-Caveat Lector-


49961022 AA1  Hail Satan!


it is important to me, when beginning the discussion of the WS&OC:WW&WW
booklet, that we include discussion about the historical background and
possible motivations for CAW's continuing publication of this booklet
over the years, inclusive of how much information has been available
to the Editor of the publication and those of the Church of All Worlds.

it does seem that the matter of 'Satanism and Neo-Paganism' came to a
flux-point at or near the Summer of 1988, with articles within 'Green
Egg' (GE) continuing a focus on this issue.  the appended letters which
were contained within GE describe more or less what FBI source Lanning
has confirmed and illustrate the feeling and attitude of the Editor,
even when provided with information which appears more clearly
substantiated than may be obtained from Christian Scare Scams.


the text below is excerpted from the Beltane, 1989, Vol. XXII,
issue (#85) of GE (the earliest issue I could find in my files --
far from complete -- that pertains to this debate in some way):

Dear GREEN EGG;                     [not dated]
     The origin of the modern Satanic Child Abuse hysteria appears
to be a book titled: _Michelle Remembers_, which purports to be the
reminiscences of a woman, under hypnosis, who was raised in Victoria,
BC, Canada.  This woman claims to have been raised by a Satanic Cult,
and to have suffered numerous atrocities at their hands.
     I have been unable to document any public appearance of Satanic
Child Abuse Survivors prior to the publication of this book.  The
supposed proof of the truth of this woman's claims is a statement by
Len Olsen, former "Satanist" and now a Fundamentalist Minister, that
he and his wife were saved from Satanic sacrifice by the intervention
of Christ, at a Coven meeting in Victoria.  He goes on to claim that
he therefore knows that there have been and continue to be Satanic
Cults practicing human sacrifice in Victoria.  The man named by Len
Olsen as being the head of this "Satanic Cult," Lion Serpent Sun,
successfully sued Olsen for slander and libel in 1987-8.  Lion
Serpent Sun was awarded $10,000 damages, plus court costs.  Lion
Serpent Sun says that he has never been a "Satanist," but is rather
a Wiccan.  The jury found that, as Sun admitted to being a Witch,
and since the general public sees Witches and Satanists as being
identical, that Sun was a Satanist.  However, they also found that
Olsen's claim that Sun and his covern attempted to sacrifice him
and his wife was a total fabrication.
     Since the supposed "proof" of this book has now been proven
in a court of law to be a total lie, the truth of any other aspect
of the book is beyond serious consideration.
     *Re: The Sandi Gallant Interview:* [I'd like to see a copy of this - tn]
     Ms Gallant states: "...the children were very, very specific in
alleging behaviour that to the investigators appeared to have Satanic
overtones."  The phrase "appeared to have Satanic overtones" is very
revealing.  Recently, an article appeared in my local paper saying:
"Devil worship alleged in Medicine Hat, Alta."  The article stated
that local police were investigating two suicides that "appeared to
have Satanic overtones."  When I called them to ask what these "over-
tones" were, I was told that -- in one case, a young man who
apparently drove his care deliberately into a pole had been telling
his friends that he was "possessed by devils."  In the other case,
a young woman -- found dead of a drug overdose, was found to be in
possession of "Dungeons and Dragons" games and books on Witchcraft.
Does this sound Satanic to you?
     _Michelle Remembers_ has been on library shelves for almost
ten years.  Therefore any testimony during this time must be
considered possibly contaminated.  Further, I have discovered
some Fundamentalist propaganda dated 1922, which claims that various
groups are kidnapping children and sacrificing them to Satan.  As
this slander has been circulating amongst these groups for so long,
no person who is now a Fundamentalist and claims to have once been
a Satanist or Satanic victim can be considered a reliable witness.
As demonstrated by Len Olsen, Fundamentalists are prepared to lie
about this topic, if they think that such lies will increase
attendance at their church.
     Otter Zell asks if there have been substantiated convictions
for crimes of ritual abuse.  Ms Gallant assures him that there are,
but she does not give the specific charges resulting in conviction
in these cases.  Is Ms Gallant suggesti g that anyone in North
America has been convicted of murdering an infant as part of a
Satanic ceremony?  If so, I challenge her to publish specifics of
such a case in GE.  There has never been such a conviction!  Even
in the clebrated McMartin case, the convictions were for sexual
assault, with no reference to Satanic ceremonies.  In fact, the
allegations of a Satanic component in this case only surfaced
*after* the convictions.
     In a recent (1988) publication in Canada, _Ritual Abuse_,
a child custody case involving allegations of "Satanic Child
Abuse" in Hamilton, Ontario is documented.  The author, who attended
all the hearings for 'The Globe and Mail' newspaper has since written
to me stating that he thinks it very unlikely that the children
were victims of a Satanic Cult.  He feels it is much more likely
that they were exploited by pornographers using Satanism as a theme.
     *Re: Joan Christianson and Satanic Abuse Survivors:*
     I do not wish to challenge Ms Christianson's sincerety.  However,
there are many explanations for this "Survivor" phenomenon.  There
are now hundreds of persons in North America claiming to have been
kidnapped and operated on by UFO's, including the author Whitley
Strieber.  Many of these persons appear totally sincere.  Does
this mean that UFO abduction is therefore a *proven fact*?  NO!
Until there is objective and unbiased verification of these claims,
they remain simply that.  Similarly, unless there is objective and
unbiased verification of Ms Christianson's claims, they remain
simply that -- CLAIMS, and NOT proven fact.
     Ms Christianson, if used as a "breeder" as she claims, must
have been old enough to remember exact addresses, names, and dates.
Is she willing to publish, in GE, the exact street addresses where
these atrocities took place?  The full names and ages of the other
participants?  The exact dates of ritual sacrifices, and the
locations of the infants' remains?  If not, WHY NOT?
     Children are being abused all the time.  The most massive case
of Child Sexual Abuse ever recorded involves Native American
communities in the Canadian north.  Studies have shown that as many
as 80-90% of the residents of these communities, male and female,
have suffered sexual abuse as children.  A definite link has been
drawn with the Christian residential school system in these
communities.  Apparently, there was a massive "conspiracy" involving
Priests, Nuns, and other Ministers, to sexually abuse these children
over a 50-year period.  One Priest has been charged with 650 counts
of sodomy with young Native boys.  (A CBC documentary on this case
is available on VHS video by writing to me.)
     Does this mean that there exists an international conspiracy
of Christian Ministers to commit 'Christian Ritual Abuse" of
children?  Of course not!
     Persons who sexually abuse children may be Christian, Moslem,
Buddhist, Pagan or SATANIST.  But there is no evidence of a causal
link between someone's religious convictions and their sexually
abberant behavior.
                        Gordon Harrold
                    10806 - 107th Ave., Box #5
                 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5H-0X2

Dear GREEN EGG:                     3/7/89
     Enclosed is my completed reader survey.  I thought that
you might appreciate some more detailed feedback.  What follows
is [sic] mostly the reactions of people who have read/purchased
your magazine in our store.
...[some comments positive and negative removed as unrelated]
     Negative comments:
     Very bad reaction to the pieces on Satanic child abuse and
interview with Sandi Gallant.  Several persons who at first
appeared interested refused to buy the mags when they spotted
this material.  We have a somewhat different perspective on this
up here, as some of our more prominent "Witch-Hunters" have
recently been exposed as frauds and liars.
     People generally seem dismayed that you appear to endorse
the claims of the "Anti-Satanist Witch-hunt" and appear to endorse
J. Christianson and S. Gallant.
     I sent a couple of copies of issues #81, 82 and 83 to an
outlet in Calgary.  They were returned with a terse note stating:
"We do not carry material which supports hysteria-mongering."
     I think that the article in *84 about Christian Minister
abusers will help to redeem you for some of these people.
     I hope that the above is of use to you.
     "Blessed Be"           Gordon Harrold, Starfire Books
                       11111 - 81st Ave., Edmunton
                           Alberta, Canada T6G 0S6

(*....[some removed in response to that omitted above]...
    However, I feel really weird about being accused of "hysteria-
mongering."  We are actively engaged in combatting this Witch-hunting
hysteria that seems to be sweeping the continent.  We're trying to
report to our community what's going on around us, and what people are
saying about us, and trying to work out an appropriate response.
Denial that there is a problem does not address the issues.  We do
have solid evidence [third time I'll ask, please provide??? tn] that
a great deal of religous abuse of children is occurring, and as near
as we can discover, and as we are reporting, it seems to be mostly
Christians who are the perpetrators.  Even Satanists are still some
kind of Christian heretics, as Satan is a Christian demon, not one
of ours.
     What we are reporting is that certain people have been generating
a great deal of sensationalistic publicity around this issue, and are
reaching a lot of people with it, whipping up an hysterical public
reaction which they are directing at us, the Pagan/Craft/Occult/Magickal
community, whom they are identifying in the public eye as Satanic
abusers and sacrificers of babies.  This is not a thing we can afford
to just ignore.  We don't relish the thought of being dragged off into
the night and burned at the stake because our neighbors think we are
a threat to their children!
     Joan Christianson and Sandi Gallant can reach the same audience
as the Witch-hunters are reaching.  We cannot.  We have made good,
solid contacts [? is this still considered to be true? tn] with Joan
and Sandi, among others, and they are now out there speaking up for
us.  By building bridges instead of walls into the camps of our
opponents, we are working to save* all *our asses, including those
of some Pagans who don't want to read or think about all this.  And
to be clear: we do not feel ourselves particularly threatened by
"Satanists," whoever and wherever they may be.  We are threatened
by those who can convince our legislators, educators, police
"Satanists," whoever and wherever they may be.  We are threatened
by those who can convince our legislators, educators, police and
neighbors that we are evil minions of Satan who would murder their
babies and abuse their children.  This is the kind of stuff that
gets innocent people killed, and this is the bomb we are trying to
defuse.  BB - OZ]

pp. 34-5; #85 GE [all typos on these mine unless otherwise noted - nocT]

the following letters are taken from SUBSEQUENT ISSUES of GE,
illustrating the social role and attitude toward Satanism taken by
Neopagans who wrote into "The Legendary GREEN EGG Forum!"

Samhain '89, Vol. XXII, #87 GE (pp. 29-30):

[Timothy Rutt asked that his letter be taken off this page. See the
 original publication if you want to read his letter. nocT]


Beltane '90, Vol. XXIII, #89 GE (pp. 34-5):

Hi gang!                        [no date]
     I feel that it is important to make it clear to the public
and ourselves that Satanism is a cultural fantasy promulgated
first by the Christian churches, then taken up by romantic
novelists, lunatic political theorists and the sort of occultist
that treasures notions of "black order."  Like any powerful myth,
Satanism draws the attention of a few unbalanced people, though
no less so than Christianity itself [#s?  Neopagan draw?? - nocT].
There is *no* historic evidence for organized Satanism of any
sort, outside specific psychotic types.
     Christian propagandists are currently working very hard to
revive the myth of Satanism.  Many authors make no bones about
including Wicca along with Satanic groups.  Church of All Worlds
heads the list of "community Satanists" in The New Age, the Occult
& Lion Country!  It seems to me that we must do our best to weaken
and ground the Satanic thoughtform, and not accept or promote it
ourselves.  Nevertheless it is good to consider these matter in a
Pagan magazine.             Ian and Moira c/o Wyndham
               1634 Coventry, Cleveland Hts. OH 44118

Hi!                         1/7/90
     Does anyone out there have any ideas on what I can do in my
community to stop a Satanic group (calling themselves Witches)
who are threatening kids and killing animals?  They are all
Jr. High & High School kids and so far the cops aren't taking it
seriously & won't investigate.  I *think* I'm the only witch in
my area, so anything I do I have to do by myself as far as the
Satanists or PR goes.  Thanks!              Kim Wildner
             404 E. Market St., Greenville MI 48838


Samhain '90, Vol. XXIII, #91 GE (pp. 36-7):

Blessings.                      [no date]
     Recently received a letter from a Pagan correspondent who
had been hearing lately that "Pagans are not Nature worshippers."
I find this disturbing as Nature Worshipper is about all I can
be defined as...Unlike you and many Neo-Pagans, I have no objection
to Satanists calling themselves witches.  From all I've learned
the name 'witch' was universally used to designate an evil-doer --
including by our Pagan W. European ancestors.  The highly disputed
origin 'wik' is often translated 'weal.  evil' or 'knowing'.
     "Starhawk's interpretation of 'wik' as bendable or shaping is
rather spurious.  As much as I admire her philosophy and as useful
as I find her teachings I think her history is often way off.
Anyway, it's a sure thing the word 'witch' was hung on stubborn
old-believers to set them apart in the most negative way from
Christianized peoples.  I suppose what I'm trying to say is that
the name was hung on Nature peoples in a derogatory manner by
those opposed to them, was picked up and fits the average Satanist
better than modern Nature peoples anyway.  I'm all for scrapping
the word myself.  Christians will *still* call us witches but at
least *we* would not be calling ourselves by a false name."  [I
have no idea why this single paragraph is set off in quotes -- nocT]
     Would be interested in your response to this.  Personally, I
have understood that "wiccan" means wise.  Also that Satanism has
nothing to do with Witchcraft, although I once got mail from a
self-styled "Satanic Witch" who added a description as being a
disciple of Gavin and Yvonne Frost. [!]
     ... [balance deleted as unrelated to Satanism]
                 Regards, David M. Taylor (Duada Makalini)
                    907 E. Willow Dr., CA 9262

(*Duada, if there's one single concept I would use to define* Pagans,
*I would say it is "Nature worshippers."  And I strongly resent any
association of the terms "Witch" and "Satanist" in the same breath.
Witchcraft is, essentially, Pagan European shamanism.  Satanism is
a Christian heresy involving an inversion of all Christian symbology
and mythology.  The only reason Witches and Pagans have been linked
with Satanists is that to the Fundys,* anything * not of their trad
is, by their definition, of the devil, or "Satanic."  BB -- OZ*)

Editor: Police Marksman                      5/18/90
6000 E. Shirley Ln, Montgomery, AL 36117 [huh?? -- nocT]
     In your March/April issue on Satanism, Cults and Ritualistic
Crimes [someone care to quote some things from this?? -- nocT], on
p. 34 you indicated statistics of "50,000" Ritual Murders per year.
As you showed obvious religious prejudice and ignorance, I took the
trouble to consult the FBI Bureau of Uniform Crime Statistics for
the truth.  There are approximately 18,000 murders total per year
committed in the US, and, as you can see by your copy of their
   You are supposed to be dedicated to the truth, facts, and non-
discrimination; yet you pinned a bullseye on every non-Christian!
Pagans do not believe in either Christ or Satan and have absolutely
nothing to do with either!  The Satanic Mass is a backwards Catholic
Mass, indicated clearly in the odious _Malleus Maleficarum_ of the
Dark Ages!  If you claim to be a Law Enforcement publication, then
you are required to be fair and unbiased, and have a duty not to
print crap and propaganda dedicated solely to religious persecution!
     The laws of most states forbid the interference with any
religious service.  I intend to continue to worship the Goddess and
any cop or anyone else who interferes [sic] with my worship, or
slanders me in public will be subjected to legal consequences for
conspiracy to deprive me of my First Amendment Rights.  You may wish
to retract portions of your story and advise law enforcement
personnel of the legal consequences of persecution of religions
with state and federal tax exemptions.  Thank you.
     Respectfully,                    Travis Kenneth Bynum, I
                      Rt. 1 Box 784, Jay FL 32565

Dear GREEN EGG:                     [no date]
     The March/April 'The Humanist' magazine cover story, 'Giving
the Devil More Than His Due," is based on a three-year investigation
by a research team under the auspices of the Committee for the
Scientific Examination of Religion.  The report concluded that there
is NO vast, organized conspiracy of Satanists kidnapping, ritually
abusing or sacrificing 50,000 to two million children a year.  The
article delves into the facts behind some of the "experts" who
promote the Satanist hysteria.  Some of the high points:
     *Dr. Rebecca Brown* appeared on "Geraldo," claiming to be a
"Satanic cult detoxifier" who has rescued over 1000 Satanists.
Her real name is Ruth Bailey, a former doctor in Indiana who lost
her medical license for such offenses as misdiagnosing serious
illnesses like brain tumors and leukemia as being caused by demons
and devils, addicting her patients with narcotics, and injecting
herself with Demerol several times a day.  She fled to California
and changed her name.
     _Michle Remembers_, the book that helped launch the current
Satanic-conspiracy craze: Michelle Smith's "memories" of ritual
abuse -- which do not include names or places -- surfaced *under
hypnosis* during her second round of therapy.  Her therapist,
Dr. Lawrence Pazder, became sexually involved with her, and she
divorced her husband and married him.  He coauthored _Michelle
     Los Angeles-area Pagans might also want to check into a
pamphlet, "Ritual Abuse," put out by the Los Angeles County
Commission for Women, which is much in the vein of other
Satanic-conspiracy literature.  In its list of "Groups
Identified with Satanism" it includes the Ordo Templi Orientis.
Under "For Further Information," it lists such reliable resources
as Maury Terry's _The Ultimate Evil_ (for which Terry was
successfully sued by the O.T.O.), _Michelle Remembers_, and
Lauren Stratford's _Satan's Underground_.  When I confronted
one of the Commission's members with the background of some of
these books and their authors, she said, "Well, we don't exactly
recommend them, they're just for further reading."  She also
admitted the pamphlet's material was based on five public hearings
with alleged ritual abuse survivors, who were never questioned
about the names, dates and locations involved with their abuse,
and that she did not even know if any arrests or police investi-
gations had been made in connection with the alleged abuse!
   Unfortunately, you'll have to send the Commission $5 to see
this monstrosity for yourself.  It can be ordered from: Los Angeles
County Commission for Women, 383 Hall of Administration, 500 W.
Temple St., Los Angeles, CA 90012.  Their phone number is (213)
974-1455.  My source stated they were making another edition of
"Ritual Abuse," so they might be susceptible to public comment.

                              Robin Weare
                5654 Sidney Ave., Long Beach CA 90805

(Thank you for that information, Robin.  Our own manual, "Witchcraft,
Satanism and Ritual Crime: Who's Who and What's What," has
completely sold out of 3,00.  We are preparing a 3rd edition,
expanded to 28 pages, and need paid-in-advance orders to cover
printing costs: $3/copy; 10/$20; 25/$45; 50/$75; 75/$95; 100/$110.
The State of California has also put out an excellent "Law
Enforcement Primer" on "Occult Crime"* {Research Update, *special
edition, Winter '89-'90; vol. I, no. 6}, which I recommend everyone
obtain from: Office of Criminal Justice Planning, 1130 "K" St. Suite
300, Sacramento, CA 95814. Phone (916) 324-9100.  It's not bad, and
it clearly exonerates Witches and Pagans from any association with
Satanism -- OZ)


Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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