FDR and the Controllers: War-Time Traitors (part one - Pearl Harbor)

by Victor Thorn

When researchers study American history and try to pinpoint certain time-frames that signal the beginning of our "takeover" by a hidden ruling elite, the first glaring example is Woodrow Wilson - by far this country's most manipulated President. While Wilson and his evil cohorts like Colonel House were re-elected to their second term, the Controllers were already searching for another devil to take his place somewhere down the line. They found their pigeon in Franklin Delano Roosevelt, whose family had been in banking since the 1700's. In fact, FDR's uncle, Frederic Delano, was one of the original members of the Federal Reserve Board.

FDR was so familiar with elements of the "shadow government" that he said at one time, "Sixty families in America control the wealth of this nation." During the 1920's he held 11 corporate directorships, two law partnerships, and was the president of a law association. To highlight these associations with high level financiers, Anthony Sutton, in his book "Wall Street and FDR" said, "Roosevelt was a creation of Wall Street, an integral part of the New York banking fraternity." Curtis B. Dall, FDR's son-in-law, went even further with this startling confession. "Most of his thoughts, his political ammunition as it were, were carefully manufactured for him in advance by the CFR-One-World Money Group." Finally, Des Griffin, in "Descent Into Slavery," characterized the Roosevelt Presidency as such: "In the twelve years during which he occupied the White House, FDR probably did more than any other single politician in history to bring to fruition the plans of the 'Invisible Government' of the international bankers."

In this essay I could criticize President Roosevelt's policies that set the stage for creeping Socialism, or how he allowed the Soviets to begin a substantial land grab during World War II. But instead, I'll focus primarily on two different aspects of the FDR Presidency that incriminate both him and the Controllers as traitors to this great nation. The first example will focus on how Roosevelt had foreknowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack by the Japanese in 1941, while part two examines the larger implications of why we dropped the atomic bomb in 1945. Finally, part three of this essay will delve into a truly unforgivable act - how the Roosevelt administration gave nuclear secrets and raw materials to the Soviets at least two years before we even dropped the bomb! This was, in my opinion, one of the most shameful chapters in American history.

Keeping America Out Of War?

On October 30th, 1940, Franklin Delano Roosevelt assured the American public, "I have said this before, but I shall say it again and again and again: Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars."

Considering how brutal WWII was, and how Americans at that time wanted nothing to do with another European bloodbath, FDR's promise was quite noble. The only problem was; he didn't mean it. In fact, he was lying through his teeth while uttering these words. How did I arrive at such a conclusion? Well, in January, 1941, only three months later (and eleven months BEFORE the Pearl Harbor attacks), FDR's closest advisor, Harry Hopkins, traveled to England and met with Winston Churchill. There, he told the Prime Minister, "The President is determined that we shall win the war together. Make no mistake about it. He has sent me here to tell you that at all costs and by all means he will carry you through."

During this same time, a man named Tyler Kent, who served as a code clerk at the American Embassy in London, unearthed some secret wire transmissions between Roosevelt and Churchill where FDR disclosed that he intended to bring America into the war. Mr. Kent tried to reveal these transcripts to the American people, but, mysteriously, he was imprisoned until the war was over. The behind-the-scenes deceit was so blatant that FDR biographer Robert Sherwood concluded, "If the isolationists had known the full extent of the secret alliance between the U.S. and Britain, their demands for the President's impeachment would have rumbled like thunder through the land."

Adding fuel to the fire, Henry Stimson, FDR's War Secretary and a Council on Foreign Relations big wig, wrote in his diary after meeting with Roosevelt in the fall of 1941, "We face the delicate question of the diplomatic fencing to be done so as to be sure Japan is put into the wrong and makes the first bad move - overt move." After his next conference with FDR, Stimson wrote on November 25, 1941 (still two weeks prior to the Pearl Harbor attacks), "The question was how we should maneuver them into the position of firing the first shot without too much danger to ourselves. It was desirable to make sure the Japanese be the ones to do this so that there should remain no doubt in anyone's mind as to who were the aggressors."

Cracking the Japanese Code

The most damning evidence of FDR's complicity in allowing Pearl Harbor to be attacked was the fact that American Intelligence had broken the Japanese military and diplomatic codes that were used to communicate between Tokyo and its U.S. Embassy as early as 1940. In addition, both Roosevelt and his cabinet knew the exact time and date of the attack from these transmissions. I realize this pill is a bitter one for many people to swallow, but FDR betrayed his country and his soldiers, for our Intelligence knew what the Japanese were doing from hour-to-hour. These cracked codes were then sent to FDR and his Army Chief of Staff, General George Marshall. But cracked codes were only one part of the incriminating evidence against FDR and his cabinet.

* Admiral James Richardson adamantly urged FDR to not move his Pacific Fleet to Pearl Harbor because it was so exposed and vulnerable. And what thanks did he get? The Admiral was released from his position because he would not issue FDR's traitorous orders.

* After decoding their messages, our Intelligence knew that Hawaiian spies had told the Japanese every possible detail about our base at Pearl Harbor.

* A plethora of warnings about this imminent attack flooded in from: Joseph Grew, Japanese Ambassador; FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover; Senator Guy Gillette & Congressman Martin Dies; The Korean underground; and various military personnel such as Brigadier General Elliot Thorpe and Colonel F. G. L. Weijerman.

* U. S. Army Chief of Staff George G. Marshall telegraphed his officers at Pearl Harbor on November 27, 1941 with this odd request: "Hostile action possible at any moment. If hostilities cannot, repeat CANNOT, be avoided; the United States desires that Japan commit the first overt act." How incredible and despicable! What in God's name were they thinking? Our ships were anchored, and our planes were grouped together in broad daylight, and George Marshall tells his officers at Pearl Harbor to wait until the Japanese make the first move! Unbelievable.

* Captain Johan Ranneft, Dutch Naval Attache in D.C., said that on December 6, 1941, Naval Intelligence officers said the Japanese warships were only 400 miles from Honolulu.

* As the month of December, 1941 began, our Intelligence intercepted the Japanese "Purple" code saying that their emissaries in D.C. should eliminate all official papers and evacuate the premises.

* On December 4, Australian Intelligence told U. S. Representatives that Japanese warships and military jets that had dropped from sight a few days earlier were now moving toward Pearl Harbor. How did FDR react? He brushed aside the information as "pro-war propaganda" by the G.O.P.

* U. S. Intelligence tracking the Germans, in addition to British sources, informed FDR's Administration about the attack, but their pleas fell on deaf ears.

* Army Chief of Staff George Marshall and Navy Secretary Frank Knox said that they couldn't remember where they were on the night of December 6th - a day that will live in infamy - permanently tattooed into every person's memory alive at that time - yet they couldn't remember. Well, their whereabouts were later discovered - both of them were at the White House with one individual. Guess who. Yup, FDR! I suppose something like that would be easy to forget, huh?

* Finally, consider this. Although our ships and aircraft were sitting ducks, the U.S. didn't have one AIRCRAFT CARRIER at Pearl Harbor when it was bombed! Why? Because battleships were outdated WWI remnants. To WIN in this theater of war, ya needed carriers to transport bombers for flight. So, even though we sacrificed our old battleships and some aircraft, the real strategic aces-up-our-sleeves - our CARRIERS - weren't present. We needed them to REALLY keep fighting with.

If you're still not convinced, the following is a telephone conversation between Winston Churchill and FDR that was intercepted by Axis spies in Holland on November 26, 1941 (ten days before the Pearl Harbor attacks):

Churchill (referring to Japanese warships in the Pacific): I can assure you that their goal is the fleet in Hawaii at Pearl Harbor.

Roosevelt: This is monstrous. Can you tell me - indicate - the nature of your intelligence?

Churchill: Reliable.

Roosevelt: The obvious implication is that the Japs are going to do a Port Arthur on us at Pearl Harbor. Do you concur?

Churchill: I do indeed unless they add an attack on the Panama Canal to this vile business.

Roosevelt: I will have to consider the entire problem. A Japanese attack on us which would result in war between - and certainly you as well - would certainly fulfill two of the most important requirements of our policy. (Roosevelt then mentions leaving the White House, adding): What I don't know can't hurt me, and I can't understand messages at a distance.

Let these words stew around in your head for awhile!

(to be continued)

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