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Note from Rayelan:

When the first plane hit the first tower on 9.11, everything that had been news, 
anywhere in the world, no longer mattered. Chandra Levy was forgotten. The disputed 
Florida Presidential race was suddenly a case of sour grapes. The changes in the 
banking system were torpedoed and their wreckage erased from memory.

I think it is time for us to take a close look at some of the stories that were posted 
in the Rumor Mill News Reading Room just prior to 9.11. RMNews Agents have a keen 
knack for choosing stories that most people miss. It is my belief that many of the 
missing threads to the 9.11 mystery lie in these stories. See the my next email WHAT 
YOU MISSED READING DUE TO 9.11 for MORE of the stories that you missed due to 9.11



A coup d'etat during the Reagan administration created a Reign of Darkness which 
continues to this day. Some have compared this Reign of Darkness to the Rise of the 
Third Reich.

>From the Rumor Mill News Reading Room



Posted By: Phoenix
Date: Saturday, 8 September 2001, 5:54 a.m.


  It is my contention that a coup d'etat occurred in the White House during the Reagan 
  Three of the Heart of Darkness, George Bush Sr., William Casey and Oliver North 
performed a coup d'etat, and proceeded to dictate the Presidency.
  The Reign of Darkness has continued since the Reagan administration.
  There are many seen and unseen in this Heart of Darkness.
  I call them The Family.
  In fact, as you will see, The Family ties even go back to Nazi Germany. Some have 
compared our current Reign of Darkness to the Rise of the Third Reich.

  According to the American Heritage Dictionary of the English language:
  "Fascism is defined as a philosophy or system of government that advocates or 
exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state 
and business leadership, together with an ideology of belligerent nationalism."

  We are currently seeing the transference of our government leaders' allegiance from 
our government as defined by The Constitution to global multinational corporations. 
Hence we are in the process of moving (or are already there!) to a Global Fascist 
Corporate State.

  The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate our transition to a Global Fascist 
Corporate State and to examine and explore The Family's agenda through the saga of the 
National Missile Defense system (NMD), AKA Son of Star Wars.

  The documentation of the above assertions is currently hindered by suppression of 
full disclosure of documents and testimony.

  At this time, there are the three following examples in the news of document 
suppression. By the way, the National Archives building was closed when I went to 
visit in August and perhaps still is.

  1. The current Bush in the White House, W, has arrogantly violated the law for the 
past seven months by preventing the National Archives from releasing 68,000 pages of 
Ronald Reagan's correspondence with his top presidential aides.


  2. W is prepared to invoke executive privilege if Congress demands to see documents 
about prosecutors' decisions in three Clinton-era cases, administration officials said 

  Some who do not realize that Clinton and his associates are part of The Family are 
having difficulty understanding why W is going to such extraordinary lengths to keep 
these documents hidden.



  Is W concerned we might learn more about his father and others in The Family who are 
being recycled through the White House such as Ashcroft, Cheney and Rumsfeld?
  Full disclosure of key operations such as October Surprise, Iran Contra and Mena, 
Arkansas would reveal much about The Family's global drug and arms business and the 
massive financial fraud that has been perpetuated upon the American public.

  3. W is still ignoring a demand from the General Accounting Office for the names of 
lobbyists and business executives the Bush administration met with in formulating its 
energy plan.


  Despite death and great suffering imposed by Gestapo-like actions from The Family, 
some have been able to tell the true stories of this Reign of Darkness. They include:

  COMPROMISED; CLINTON, BUSH AND THE CIA by Terry Reed and John Cummings


  DARK ALLIANCE by Gary Webb

  DISAVOW: A CIA SAGA OF BETRAYAL by Rodney Stich and T. Conan Russell


  And DIPLOMACY BY DECEPTION by Dr. John Coleman


  W and The Family have pursued with great zeal and determination the implementation 
of NMD since the occupation of their new business offices at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., 
Washington, DC.

  Actually, since the Reagan administration, there has been a concerted effort to 
promote and deploy the Star Wars technology now known as Son of Star Wars or the NMD 

  NMD is in fact, a Family Program.






  The technology of the NMD is the same we've been hearing about since Reagan's Star 
Wars and we have seen each successive administration continue with testing and alleged 
technological refinements.



  This Family Program has been preserved and promoted despite the fact that the NMD 
technology does not work.







  The Family knows the NMD technology does not work and yet have still perpetuated 
this fraud through lying, deception, falsifying data and Gestapo-like methods to 
attempt to silence those who expose this fraud.










  Despite what we've heard in the mainstream media, the last missile test was not only 
a failure, as usual, but according to the Pentagon's own admission, was rigged as well.




  With full knowledge of its failure, The Family has nonetheless continued to push the 
NMD system despite worldwide acknowledgement that it is in violation of the 1972 ABM 
Treaty. There is great concern about the ramifications of violating the ABM Treaty. At 
a minimum, it is expected this would initiate rearmament and an arms race and bring us 
closer to full-scale global nuclear warfare.






  One astute political analyst sums up NMD as:

  1. It doesn't work
  2. It won't ever work
  3. Even if it worked, it wouldn't work
  4. It's likely to initiate an arms race


  Putin has made it clear that Russia will no longer abide by the ABM Treaty if NMD is 




  The Defense Intelligence Agency and the CIA have warned there would be serious 
repercussions with Russia, China and Taiwan.



  Despite this, W has recently stated that; ""We will withdraw from the ABM Treaty on 
our timetable at a time convenient to America."
  "I have no specific timetable in mind," Bush said. "I do know that the ABM Treaty 
hampers us from doing what we need to do. And, secondly, I do know that Mr. Putin is 
aware of our desires to move beyond the ABM Treaty and we will."


  So, W is saying HE will violate the ABM Treaty because it hampers US from what we 
want to do.

  If W thinks HE can just go ahead and violate the ABM Treaty perhaps he thinks he's 
the dictator he said he wanted to be on 12-18-2000.

  "If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm 
the dictator."


  Are we to presume that US is The Family?

  At this time, there is much confusion about who is really in charge in the 
Bush-Cheney administration. The general consensus is that it's a very small group of 
people associated with the campaign staff. Sound familiar? Again, in the White House 
there is a small group with total covert control.


  Why is The Family pursuing this NMD program that not only increases the likelihood 
of global war and nuclear rearmament, but also in the event of a nuclear attack, 
leaves the United States citizens totally at the mercy of a faulty defense system?

  Even if the NMD did happen to work intercepted missiles could fall on the US, Europe 
or Canada.


  So, since the NMD system will not serve the interests of the American citizens, the 
obvious question is whom does it serve?
  The answer is it serves those who are dedicated to its implementation, The Family.

  How does the NMD serve The Family?
  One way is to promote defense industry contracts for one of The Family businesses; 
global arms dealing.
  The long-term association of the Bush Family with the defense industry is well known 
even beyond Iran-Contra.

  From: Bush and Cheney: the Arms Industry's 'Dream Team'

  "George W. Bush has strong ties to Lockheed Martin from his service as Governor of 
Texas, where he tried to give the firm a contract to run the Texas welfare system 
before he had to relent in the face of public protests and an unfavorable regulatory 
ruling by the Clinton administration. Lockheed Martin VP Bruce Jackson is a finance 
chair of the Bush for President campaign, and was heard to brag at a conference last 
year that he would be in a position to "write the Republican platform" on defense if 
Bush gets the nomination (which he will, later this week). Dick Cheney, the man who 
presided over the U.S.-led victory over Saddam Hussein in the 1991 Gulf War, has spent 
the past few years running the oil services giant Halliburton , which ranked 18th in 
the Pentagon's top contractors list in FY 1999.

  Cheney's wife, Lynne, serves on Lockheed Martin's board, a service for which she 
receives $120,000 in compensation.
  That's small change for the Cheney family -- Dick earned $26.7 million in wages, 
bonuses, and stock options last year -- but it raises serious questions of conflict of 
interest when the potential "second lady" is on the payroll of the nation's largest 
weapons maker."



  The defense industry is also well represented in the W's appointees.

  "Under President George W. Bush, who is running the most pro-corporate 
administration in a long, long while, it's a case of what's good for Halliburton (the 
oil services company that was run by Dick Cheney), what's good for Chevron (which 
named a tanker after its former board member, Bush National Security Advisor 
Condoleeza Rice), what's good for Lockheed Martin (the nation's number one weapons 
contractor has snagged the top two positions in the Transportation Department for its 
former executives Norman Mineta and Michael Jackson), and on down the line. As we note 
below, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has made "corporate experience" a 
prerequisite for key jobs in the Pentagon, including the chiefs of the Army, Navy, and 
Air Force."


  In fact, a Family partner currently operating out of the new exclusive business 
address at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Dick Cheney, was, until recently the CEO of 
Halliburton. Before that...
  " US Secretary of Defense under President George Bush from March 1989 to Jan 1993, 
Cheney oversaw the Gulf War. After leaving the White House he served on both the board 
of directors, and the Public Policy Committee, of the American Petroleum Institute. He 
joined Halliburton in 1995 and took up directorships on the board of both Proctor and 
Gamble and the Electronic Data Systems Corporation (EDS) which has run so many of the 
UK's public service databases with varying success."

  In this article titled "The Bush-Cheney Drug Empire", are detailed some of the past 
connections between Bush Sr., Cheney and Halliburton. This is a prophetic excerpt on 
the Bush-Cheney administration.

  "Make no mistake about it. The United States is preparing for war. Events 
immediately following the 2000 US election debacle are ominous predictors for the 
Bush&Cheney Administration. While not all of the cabinet posts are yet filled, the key 
posts of Treasury, Defense, Justice and National Security Advisor point to the most 
militarised oil-and-big-business-friendly administration in 35 years.
  So thorough is the plan for control of the government that the son of Secretary of 
State (Designate) Colin Powell, in an appointment which has yet to receive much 
notice, has been appointed the new Commissioner of the Federal Communications 
Commission. This is the body which monitors and polices all commercial broadcasting in 
the United States.
  With Colin Powell as Secretary of State, Donald Rumsfeld as Secretary of Defense and 
Dick Cheney as Vice-President, the highest levels of the US Government now house two 
former Secretaries of Defense and the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. 
The new National Security Advisor, Condoleeza Rice, while African-American, has a long 
track record of service to Republican administrations and also sits on the board of 
directors of Chevron Oil, which has recently named an oil tanker after her. Her 
lacklustre operational credentials indicate that she will probably serve as the 
designated messenger between Bush, Powell, Rumsfeld and Cheney and as the 
African-American poster girl for coming military adventurism.
  Of special interest as this story goes to press is the strongest rumour among my 
sources that current CIA Director George Tenet, appointed to the post by President 
Clinton in 1997, will remain in the new Bush Administration. Based upon this writer's 
study of CIA operations and history, this strongly suggests two things. Firstly, it 
implies that the CIA, as a non-partisan servant of Wall Street, feels that its 
interests have been - and will continue to be - well served by Tenet, who is well 
liked at Langley. Most importantly, however, it suggests that there are operations, 
both covert and otherwise, in motion under CIA control which are moving at a speed and 
with a force that will not accept a break in rhythm for a change in directors. Most 
critical among these would be the start of the planned conflict in Colombia.
  Since the advent of the atomic bomb, the United States has always needed two kinds 
of enemies. On one level, it has needed a tactical enemy that it can go out and fight 
in the field in a shooting war. Since 1945, these enemies have been created and 
appeared as North Korea, North Vietnam, Grenada, El Salvador, Panama, Iraq and now 
Colombia. On another level, however, the US needs a strategic enemy that will justify 
outrageous expenditures of capital for strategic weapon systems like ICBMs, Trident 
submarines and "Star Wars" missile defence systems.
  With the new Bush Administration already contemplating a policy change that would 
make Colombian rebels (as opposed to drug traffickers) the targets of US military aid, 
as has been reported by AP, there is no doubt where the next shooting war is going to 
be. And with the militarised Bush cabinet making a missile defence shield a priority, 
it looks as though either China or Russia will become the next big enemy of choice. In 
the end, profitability will decide. For the moment, the less-than-credible paper 
threat is from unspecified "rogue nations". We can be certain, however, that the 
shifting economic pressure plates around the world will reveal our next demon soon 
enough. Halliburton is uniquely placed to profit from either eventuality.
  As it was in Vietnam, Central America and Kosovo, drugs continue to be a huge part 
of the financial plan for prolonged ground wars. As one cynic put it, "GOD" stands for 
"Gold, Oil and Drugs". We can be assured that an empire (as opposed to a republic) is 
emerging in the United States more quickly than many have expected. And the Bush 
Administration is already acting in a "godlike" manner. It is an empire that may have 
little need of even the pretence of democracy as American corporate fascism removes 
its mask in the wake of our election circus, the prostitution of our Supreme Court and 
the virtual destruction of American government as a servant of anything other than 
money, greed and power."


  Halliburton originated from the Brown Brothers Harriman Company. Harriman and 
Prescott Bush were directors of the company back in the 1940s. They were also 
directors in a bank for Nazis during WW II until the US government shut it down for 

  "In October 1942, ten months after entering World War II, America was preparing its 
first assault against Nazi military forces. Prescott Bush was managing partner of 
Brown Brothers Harriman. His 18-year-old son George, the future U.S. President, had 
just begun training to become a naval pilot. On Oct. 20, 1942, the U.S. government 
ordered the seizure of Nazi German banking operations in New York City, which were 
being conducted by Prescott Bush.
  Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, the government took over the Union Banking 
Corporation, in which Bush was a director. The U.S. Alien Property Custodian seized 
Union Banking Corp.'s stock shares, all of which were owned by Prescott Bush, E. 
Roland `` Bunny '' Harriman, three Nazi executives, and two other associates of Bush."

  Much more detail of The Family business ties to the Nazis is detailed in the book:

  GEORGE BUSH: THE UNAURHORIZED BIOGRAPHY, Chapter II-The Hitler Project by Webster G. 
Tarpley and Anton Chaikin.


  In fact, it was The Family that financed Hitler. John Loftus, the US Justice 
Department Nazi War Criminal Prosecutor, also stated that the Bush family fortune came 
from the Third Reich.


  The Family was also instrumental in bringing many Nazis to the US after WW II to 
continue their projects. The Family has remained active in the Eugenics movement along 
with many of W's appointees.

  See Chapter III-Race Hygiene: Three Bush Family Alliances in Tarpleys book


  Some have noted a disturbing similarity to the Third Reich and our current 

  "As promised GW Bush has recruited competent and experienced advisors. Despite their 
seeming diversity however they have a common denominator. The America they reflect is 
the oil, pharmaceutical, armament, Wall Street and eugenics interests long associated 
with the Bush family.
  Seventy years ago a similar configuration of oil, pharmaceutical, chemical, military 
supply and eugenics interests were organized by Wall Street into IG Farben/Standard 
Oil-Hitler's industrial powerhouse. To grasp the real significance of what GW Bush's 
cabinet has been brought together to accomplish it is essential to understand the 
history of IG Farben, its relationship with American corporations and how together 
they applied modern technology to the task of eugenics or scientific racism."


  It has been noted, in general, many family associates are appointees.


  For more information on the Bush Family Nazi connection see:




  Halliburton is a well known global company that supplies support services to the 
military and the oil industry.


  Halliburton and Cheney have also been implicated in illegal arms sales to Angola via 


  Halliburton and Russia have had business deals before. One was to give a 500 million 
dollar US loan to the Russian oil industry connected to the Russian Mafia and drug 
trafficking until the State Department decided it would threaten the US national 



  It is of interest that Russia has recently offered to provide Europe with a NMD 
system. Sounds like Russia has become a Family business partner.


  Is China primed to become a Family business partner as well?

  Well, interestingly enough, over the Labor Day weekend Bush announced plans to do 
just that.

  "President George Bush's determination to forge ahead with his proposed missile 
defence system could see China being granted an early view of the plan and receive a 
tacit undertaking that America would not object to it expanding its own arsenal of 
nuclear weapons.




  Besides making money for The Family, selling arms to Russia and China serves another 
  Their increased weapons capability will recreate "cold war" enemies.
  This will engender an atmosphere of fear and crisis, which will give The Family a 
platform from which to further increase control, intimidation and manipulation.
  This fearful atmosphere will also focus our attention on The Family leaders to "keep 
us safe".
  This not only maintains their control, but also offers many opportunities for them 
to implement more legislation and emergency Executive Orders for "our protection".
  These espionage, treason and security laws further erode our rights by transfering 
power from the people to the government.

  In support of this idea was the recent action taken by the National Intelligence 
Council (NIC) against the Rand Corporation for not portraying China as a big enough 
threat in a report.


  The National Intelligence Council (NIC) pressured the RAND Corporation to provide a 
hawkish assessment of the future threat from China, and fired RAND from a classified 
project last month when its analysts failed to offer a sufficiently gloomy evaluation, 
according to U.S. News and World Report.

  "As RAND held conferences with experts and conducted its analysis, it seemed that 
[its] eventual report would depict China as a growing military power -- but as no 
match for the United States in the near future. The NIC-- itself under pressure from 
Republican hawks in Congress -- appeared to
  be looking for a different, more alarming conclusion," the U.S. News story stated.

  "Faced with resistance from RAND, according to some sources, the NIC decided to seek 
a more compliant contractor. A senior intelligence official denies that the NIC was 
shopping for a predetermined result."


  So, madness it is, but it seems our "elected" Family, currently operating their 
business out of their new exclusive address, is trying to portray China and Russia as 
powerful enemies whilst courting them as business partners to sell weapons to that 
would then increase their threat to us.

  What kind of MIND WARP PSY OP is that???

  By the way, did anyone notice that Bush, Sr. just happened to be in China when the 
"spy plane went down"? What a convenient delivery system of our technology to the Red 
Chinese. Perhaps our old friend was there to insure a smooth delivery and discuss 
future arms and technology transfers. Or perhaps it was to discuss his lucrative 
global drug trade.





  Now, moving on to further possible reasons for The Family's drive to deploy this 
particular technology.
  It makes sense that some use will be made of it.
  So perhaps it does work, but not for the stated purpose.

  It is worth noting that following the recent rigged missile test in July, it was 
announced that construction was to begin for a NMD testing facility site at the Army's 
Fort Greely, Alaska base.


  It so happens that less than 100 miles away is the HAARP facility at Gakona, Alaska.
  How interesting!
  How does this fit into The Family's agenda?
  Perhaps whatever is to be built at Fort Greely will hook up to the HAARP system.
  From what I understand the HAARP technology offers many opportunities for control. 
Some suggested possibilities have been weather control, earthquake initiation and 
psychological and physiological interference through broadcasted ELF frequencies.
  But that's another story.

  So, what is The Family's agenda?
  I suggest it is self-serving control and manipulation.
  I stand by my contention that our government has been usurped and become a Fascist 
Corporate State.
  The evidence is overwhelming that The Family intends to pursue global arms sales to 
China, Russia and anyone else.
  It is evident that The Family will pursue this despite the subsequent destruction of 
the ABM Treaty.
  It is expected that this will result in global rearmament and increased possibility 
of nuclear war.
  It is despicable that The Family pursues this goal with the knowledge that we do NOT 
have a functional defense system.
  All of the above is evidence of allegiance of our current administration, The 
Family, to the Global Fascist Corporate State.




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