Matt Druge and The Drudge Report
Outlet for Covert Disinformation?

>From Ken Adachi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
May 26, 2002

I repost the following article posted at the Drudge Report for one reason: to illustrate a typical discrediting takedown operation. David Brock hit a lot of tender nerves in his book and it required a smear job to discredit him and reduce his credibility. And here it is, provided courtesy of an 'exclusive' by that kitchen table to riches kid, Matt Drudge. I suppose Brock was sent a message when Bill Clinton, a major player in the Illuminati hierarchy, couldn't resist saying: " ..they should read Brock's book to illuminate anew what they were all fighting against for eight years..."



TUESDAY MAY 21, 2002 20:01:39

Controversial author David Brock suffered a breakdown last summer and was committed to the psychiatric ward of Sibley Hospital in Northwest Washington, sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT. The breakdown came just months before Brock finalized production of his bestselling book BLINDED BY THE RIGHT -- a book that has been widely challenged on points of accuracy! "He had delusions, he thought people were trying to kill him," reveals a source who befriended Brock last July at the hospital. Brock told fellow patients that he did not feel safe -- even inside of the hospital's secure medical setting! "He spent time in the ''The Quiet Room', there was just a mattress on the floor, and he had some books. He was so tired and stressed." Reached by phone in Washington late Tuesday Brock strongly denied the hospitalization and breakdown in any way affected his ability to recall events depicted in BLINDED BY THE RIGHT. Brock strongly denied that any portion of the book was written at the hospital while he was under medical treatments, as is claimed by one source.

Publisher CROWN could not be reached late Tuesday.

Brock's book of personal observations and first-hand accounts involving various Clinton scandals and scandal players generated divided opinion. Former President Clinton chatted up Brock's effort in Los Angeles last weekend. "Clinton, who seems to have practically committed passages to memory, told his former aides that whenever they feel down, they should read Brock's book to illuminate anew what they were all fighting against for eight years, and as a reminder of what 'unhappy' people their counterparts on the right truly are," the LOS ANGELES TIMES reported. But one source familiar with Brock's breakdown questioned: "With all of this, how can he be considered credible?" Brock said by phone, "I am not going to comment on private medical matters."

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