-Caveat Lector-
With individuals like Affleck "articulating" about terrorist threats in the United States, Bush should be a shoe-in for another four years.  But then, nobody ever said intelligence was a prerequisite for a job in Hollywood :-):


Source: http://abcnews.go.com/sections/GMA/GoodMorningAmerica/GMA020528BenAffleck.html

Too Real, Too Soon?
Ben Affleck on His New Film About Terrorism and Nuclear Threats

N E W   Y O R K, May 28 — In The Sum of All Fears, a film based on Tom Clancy's best-selling book, Ben Affleck plays CIA hero Jack Ryan. In the film, which was shot before Sept. 11, his character tries to stop the world's superpowers from bringing on the nuclear destruction of the human race. Affleck talked about the film and the controversy surrounding it in an interview with ABCNEWS' Diane Sawyer.
The following in an uncorrected, unedited transcript of the interview as it aired on ABCNEWS' Good Morning America.

ABCNEWS' DIANE SAWYER: There's a new political thriller about to charge into the theaters. It is called The Sum of All Fears, and it's based on that Tom Clancy best-seller. In it, neo-Nazis have their hands on nuclear weapons and are trying to trick the superpowers into all-out nuclear destruction. Affleck plays CIA hero Jack Ryan who knows the truth and is begging his superiors to listen. (Clip from The Sum of All Fears)

SAWYER: It is a movie that already has everybody talking. Ben Affleck joins us now. How are you?

AFFLECK: Good. How are you doing?

SAWYER: What'd you do on Memorial Day?

AFFLECK: I actually spent Memorial Day in Canada doing interviews and promoting the movie, since it wasn't a holiday there.

SAWYER: That's cheerless, isn't it? Doing interviews with people like me.

AFFLECK: Exactly. Exactly, it wasn't …

SAWYER: Well, what a sensation this movie is already causing. As we know, a number of people — it was made before Sept. 11.

AFFLECK: Yeah. It was made, we shot it last year, last winter.

SAWYER: And yet a lot of people are saying, 'Is there such a thing' — nuclear weapons, somebody desperately trying to get people to heed what's going on here. Is there such a thing as too real, too scary, too close to the bone?

AFFLECK: Yeah, I know. It's and I don't know what the answer is to that question, really. I mean, I know that, you know, we shot the movie and wanted to make a kind of smart, adult, political thriller and we made it last year. And, you know, at the time, it was just that, an escapist, political thriller. And then the whole, sort of, world changed, and the movie now has turned into a drama, you know, in a weird way without us having changed anything.

SAWYER: There's even a warning that says "Disaster Images" which I don't recall having seen before in a film. A warning for children.

AFFLECK: No. Yeah, and I think it's a reflection of the fact that, you know, recognizing that people may be, some people may be, really sensitive to these kinds of things.

SAWYER: But we have been reading that the White House, at least on sourced basis, is saying that this really could alarm people too much and you could whet the appetite somehow of terrorists.

AFFLECK: Yeah, that, to me, I think is probably not true. I mean, first of all, it's on these, like, tabloid Internet sites which, I think if the White House really wanted to say something, they probably would find a way to do it other than, like, The Drudge Report, or something. And secondarily, you know, the White House has known about the movie and been aware of it for a long time. We did a screening in Washington last week with, you know, a bunch of senators and military folks and intelligence folks. And if they were really concerned about it, I think they would have addressed some of that. And also, it seems that the White House has been, you know, as interested in raising awareness as anybody, with the many warnings from Bush administration officials, including Condoleezza Rice and Vice President Cheney about, you know, the inevitability of future attacks and being on guard and that sort of thing.

SAWYER: So no ambivalence on your part?

AFFLECK: No, I don't have any ambivalence in terms of the fact that, you know, we did it. The movie is told tastefully, it's not sensationalism for the sake of, you know, titillation, showing disaster for `oohs and aahs' from the audience. And this is not new, you know, "Black Sunday" dealt with this subject. The book has been out there for 11 years. There's another Tom Clancy book about somebody, you know, flying an airplane into the capitol. I mean, so, and I don't think anybody imagines that that was the source of, you know the inspiration for this previous terrorist act. It's just a reflection of a really different world that we live in now, you know?

SAWYER: I know you have said, on a lighter note, that growing up in Boston, to play Jack Ryan was like playing Hamlet.


SAWYER: And respectfully, you were respectfully wary of trying to follow Harrison Ford's foot-steps. But you're playing a very, a young and much more naive kind of Jack Clancy.

AFFLECK: Yeah. This, you know, this version of it, you know, Alec and Harrison played this part and did it expertly and I have nothing but, you know, admiration for those guys and didn't really imagine that I could follow them. And the way that I kind of felt good about doing this was that they were sort of starting at the beginning, that he was going to be kind of, you know, less capable, new on the job, still trying to figure things out. You know, only dating this woman who, we know from the other movies, he'll end up marrying, but still in that stage in his life where he's trying to juggle his romantic life and his career. And a little eager, sometimes saying the wrong thing. And it sort of gave us somewhere to go, you know what I mean? For the character. But nonetheless, it was scary and I didn't want to be the guy who ruined a franchise of movies that I really loved growing up, you know?

SAWYER: And you speak Ukrainian? It's Ukrainian you're speaking, really?

AFFLECK: Apparently, there's a difference between Ukrainian and Russian, yes. And although it's--they sort of sound similar, I speak some Russian and some Ukrainian in the movie, which was probably the most challenging thing for me.

SAWYER: It is alleged you can say, 'Put down the gun so nobody gets hurt.'

AFFLECK: (Foreign language spoken) What do you think?

SAWYER: Can you prove it, here?

AFFLECK: The Russian audience is cringing somewhere.

SAWYER: I was going to say, anybody out there

AFFLECK: Six Russians go, (Spoken with Russian accent) 'Well, that's terrible Russian.'

SAWYER: Yeah, somebody saying, 'Vanya dides,' or whatever he says there. OK, can you say …

AFFLECK: I can only say that and "take off your boots."

SAWYER: Is that — that's it.

AFFLECK: That's it.

SAWYER: "Take off your boots?"

AFFLECK: (Foreign language spoken) There you go. Because I figure that's all you need to know to get by in the Ukraine, you know?

SAWYER: Yeah. I think so, that …

AFFLECK: Just people just to put their guns down and take their boots off. And other than that, everything's going to be just fine.

SAWYER: Yeah, I think you're ready for diplomacy, myself.

AFFLECK: Exactly. I know there's no danger of me being asked to translate for the UN, I don't think.

SAWYER: All right. We only have a few seconds, but I want to roll a picture of you, because we only have a picture I'm going to show everybody of you when you were eight-years-old, I believe, and I want to leave everybody with. This is your life. Can we see you there?


SAWYER: Yes. There you were, about to begin your life in show biz. (Commercial break)
Edward   ><+>

UFOs exist.   It's the Air Force that's only in science fiction."~GB+
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