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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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___.COMPOSITION______In This Issue_______________________________

Read 'The Bush Dyslexicon' - Updated Post-911!

Senate Democrats Demand Answers from Ashcroft about the Florida Voter Purge

Ashcroft Scrubs the Stolen Election in Florida - We Demand Senate Judiciary Committee 

Florida's Voting Machine Suppliers Make Corrupt Deals with Republicans

Conyers Says Bush and Ashcroft 'Decimated the Fourth Amendment'

Democracy Corps Study Finds Voters Focusing on Democratic Priorities, Republican 
Giveaways and Enrongate

SEC Investigates Halliburton for Fraudulent Accounting Under Cheney

FBI Head Takes the Fall on 911 for the CIA, NSA - and Bush!

Why IS the FBI Taking the Fall for Bush, Who Told Them to 'Back Off' on the Bin Ladens 
and Saudis?

Despite FBI's Mea Culpa, BUSH is Responsible for 911

US Ignored Explicit Warnings from France About Moussaoui on 9/5/01

On 6/9/01, FBI Special Agent Robert Wright Warned Americans Would Die Because of FBI 

Ashcroft Is Not Up for the Job and It's Time for Him to Go

Chris Dodd Tells Imus 'It Happened on Bush's Watch'

If Gore Had Let 911 Happen - As Bush Did - Republicans Would Have Impeached Him 

Did Con Man Get FBI Tip to Sell Stock on 9/10?

Amnesty International Blasts Bush and Blair for Rights Abuses in the Name of 'Fighting 

Former Student Faces Criminal Charges for Cursing at Bush

Karl Rove is Smiling: Green Party Set to Fight to the Death - Against Paul Wellstone

Rep. Bernie Sanders (I-VT): Taxpayers Fund the Ex-Im Bank's 'Corporate Welfare'  Plan 
that Exports Their Jobs

__Read 'The Bush Dyslexicon' - Updated Post-911!

"Was George W. Bush 'transformed' by 9/11? Confronted with that crisis, did he 
suddenly become 'Churchillian,' 'Lincolnesque,' 'another Roosevelt'- a man of 
'gravitas' and 'splendid eloquence,' 'astute,' 'commanding,' 'strong' and 'wise'? 
Absolutely not, writes Mark Crispin Miller. In substantial new additions to 'The Bush 
Dyslexicon: Observations on a National Disorder', the noted media expert makes the 
opposite case--that Bush was not changed in the slightest by our national ordeal. With 
lucidity and care, Miller demonstrates that, after 9/11, Bush made just as little 
sense as ever. Rather, it was Bush's audience that was temporarily changed by the 
attacks; Americans needed the sort of leader that they now imagined George W. Bush to 
be. Remember Chauncey Gardner in 'Being There?'" That's our Bush!

__Senate Democrats Demand Answers from Ashcroft about the Florida Voter Purge

"Senate Democrats on Thursday asked AG John Ashcroft to explain why the Justice Dept 
chose not to file lawsuits in nine cases it was investigating for possible voting 
rights violations. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., and four 
other Democrats requested in a letter that Ashcroft supply them with the jurisdictions 
involved, the violations alleged and the reasons for closing the nine cases… Senate 
aides said those writing the letter - including Democrats Edward Kennedy of 
Massachusetts, Bill Nelson and Bob Graham of Florida, and John Edwards of North 
Carolina - want to know how many of the cases are in Florida. Disputes over the 
election outcome and numerous claims of voting rights violations in Florida…'I am 
deeply concerned that the department apparently has chosen not to address the critical 
issues in Florida: the widespread purges of voters and the poor voting equipment that 
heavily affected African-American communities,' Edwards said." You go, Democrats!

__Ashcroft Scrubs the Stolen Election in Florida - We Demand Senate Judiciary 
Committee Hearings!

After receiving 11,000 complaints from Florida voters, Ashcroft's Justice Dept sent a 
letter to Congress with its conclusion: "The Civil Rights Division found no credible 
evidence in our investigations that Floridians were intentionally denied their right 
to vote during the November 2000 election," according to Asst AG Ralph Boyd. That is 
PURE BUSHIT! Even worse are the headlines on CNN (Florida voting rights not denied, 
Justice finds), the NY Times (DOJ: Floridians Weren't Denied Vote), and the Washington 
Post (Report: No Intentional Rights Denial). What about the 8,000 Floridians who were 
scrubbed from the voter rolls in the fraudulent felon purge, and could not cast a 
vote? What about the 175,000 voters whose votes were never counted because of the 
Supreme Court? What about the DOZENS of crimes committed by Florida election officials 
(see http://democrats.com/floridagate ) ?? We demand hearings on the Justice Dept's 
coverup of Stolen Election 2000 by the Senate Judiciary Committee!

__Florida's Voting Machine Suppliers Make Corrupt Deals with Republicans

Election 2002 is approaching, but Florida Republicans are STILL making corrupt deals 
with the companies whose computers will be used to count - or scrub - the votes. 
According to the AP, "At least five companies whose state contracts were questioned 
recently in an audit of the State Technology Office have given money to the Republican 
party and various political candidates. Accenture LLP, Gartner Inc., Information 
Systems of Florida, KPMG Consulting and Oracle, their corporate officials and 
representatives have given campaign contributions to the party and candidates who 
could make decisions about state technology purchases, the Tallahassee Democrat 
reported Tuesday. Auditors in Comptroller Bob Milligan's office said in a draft report 
this month the state office that coordinates technology purchases paid for work with 
no proof it was completed and contracted firms for expensive jobs with only oral 

__Conyers Says Bush and Ashcroft 'Decimated the Fourth Amendment'

"Rep. John Conyers, the top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, issued a 
scathing statement Thursday in response to new Justice Department guidelines on 
terrorism investigations. 'The administration's continued defiance of constitutional 
safeguards seems to have no end in sight,' Conyers said in a written statement. 'This 
decision decimates the Fourth Amendment.' Conyers went on to criticize the Justice 
Department's handling of information related to the September 11 terrorist attacks. 
'The Justice Department is intent on another power grab when it has become clear that 
a lack of competence - not law enforcement authorities - prevented the administration 
from connecting the dots before September 11,' he said. Conyers, a longtime proponent 
of civil rights causes, said the Bush administration should 'immediately halt any 
efforts to unilaterally expand surveillance authority' and that Congress should be 
consulted 'before implementing further intrusions on our civil liberties.'"

__Democracy Corps Study Finds Voters Focusing on Democratic Priorities, Republican 
Giveaways and Enrongate

The Democracy Corps, a Washington-based progressive think-tank, recently conducted a 
study which "revealed a shift away from foreign policy concerns and towards a growing 
focus on domestic issues. Driving those concerns were Enron, the future of Social 
Security, healthcare and the environment...recent scandals surrounding Enron, Wall 
Street and the accounting industry have begun taking a toll on GOP 
support...issues...important to voters were accountability, health care, Social 
Security, protection of 401K retirement plans and the environment - all strong 
Democratic policy areas... Another bone of contention among voters, the study found, 
was the Republican-backed 'stimulus' bill that contained a 15-year retroactive tax cut 
for corporations. Enron - which paid no taxes during most of that period - was in line 
for a $254 million tax refund. The measure was defeated by House Democrats. But, the 
effort by House Republicans to pass such a measure did not go unnoticed by voters."

__SEC Investigates Halliburton for Fraudulent Accounting Under Cheney

"Halliburton said the SEC was investigating a change in its accounting practices that 
enabled the company to postpone possible losses of hundreds of MILLIONS of dollars. 
Halliburton did not reveal the change to investors for more than a YEAR after 
instituting it… Whether the SEC inquiry will reach Mr. Cheney, who as chief executive 
had final responsibility for Halliburton's books, is unclear. In a memo in 2000 to his 
colleagues at Arthur Andersen, which was Halliburton's auditor, the partner who 
managed the Halliburton account boasted of his close relationship with Mr. Cheney… 
Seth Taube, former director of enforcement for the NY office of the SEC, said he 
believed that the SEC would not shy from investigating Cheney's role in Halliburton's 
accounting practices… "The SEC has a history of investigating administration officials 
as much as the party out of office," Mr. Taube said. "If the investigation leads to 
Cheney, I believe the staff will pursue it." Yeah, sure. Impeach Cheney Now!

__FBI Head Takes the Fall on 911 for the CIA, NSA - and Bush!

The NY Times reports: "The director of the FBI., Robert S. Mueller III, acknowledged 
today for the first time that the attacks of Sept. 11 might have been preventable if 
officials in his agency had responded differently to all the pieces of information 
that were available… Mueller's statements about how the F.B.I. dealt with intelligence 
reports before Sept. 11 were a sharp turnabout from both the substance and tone of 
remarks he and other other administration officials made in the weeks after the 
attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. As recently as May 8, Mr. Mueller 
told a Senate hearing that there was nothing the agency could have done to prevent the 
attacks. But that stance became increasingly untenable in recent weeks after news 
reports that two F.B.I. field offices might have had important pieces of information 
that were never connected by officials at headquarters." But what about the CIA, NSA - 
and BUSH? We demand a Blue Ribbon Commission to connect ALL the dots!

__Why IS the FBI Taking the Fall for Bush, Who Told Them to 'Back Off' on the Bin 
Ladens and Saudis?

On 11-6-01, Greg Palast interviewed intelligence officials who said Bush ordered all 
agencies to "back off" the Saudis and the bin Ladens. But currently, our National 
Security Newspapers, eager to spin this as FBI bureaucracy, still haven't figured out 
it came from the top. In "Bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth," Brisard and Dasquie were 
told the same story. It's outrageous that the only journalists investigating Bush's 
complicity in 911 are from overseas!

__Despite FBI's Mea Culpa, BUSH is Responsible for 911

Collen Rowley charged FBI HQ with deliberate efforts to block a search warrant for 
Zacarias Moussaoui. According to Michael Hasty, "These allegations are consistent with 
a November 2001 BBC report that the FBI was ordered by the Bush White House to curtail 
its investigation of the bin Laden family; and with a lawsuit recently filed by an FBI 
agent charging that higher-ups had negligently shut down his investigation of bin 
Laden; and with the August 2001 resignation of John O'Neill, FBI Deputy Director of 
Counterterrorism, who told two French authors he had been frustrated that Bush's 
priority of protecting his oil friends in Saudi Arabia had overruled FBI 
counterterrorism efforts. When asked last winter by a kid in a Florida audience to 
describe his first reaction to the news of what happened in New York on 9/11, Bush 
replied that his first thought was, 'What a terrible pilot.' Is he really that much of 
a moron?"

__US Ignored Explicit Warnings from France About Moussaoui on 9/5/01

James Ridgeway writes, "French officials were long known to have been frustrated with 
Washington's neglect. Shortly after the attack, Le Monde reported on a meeting between 
French and U.S. intelligence: 'French and American officials did in fact hold 
important meetings in Paris from the 5th to the 6th of September, that is, a few days 
prior to the attacks... During these talks, the DST directed the American visitors' 
attention to a Moroccan-born Frenchman who had been detained in the US since August 17 
and who was considered to be a key high-level Islamic fundamentalist. But the American 
delegation, preoccupied above all with questions of administrative procedure, paid no 
attention to this 'first alarm,' basically concluding that they were going to take no 
one's advice, and that an attack on American soil was inconceivable. It took September 
11 for the FBI to show any real interest in this man'" Which US officials ignored 
these warnings? We want names - and explanations!

__On 6/9/01, FBI Special Agent Robert Wright Warned Americans Would Die Because of FBI 

"In a memorandum written 91 days before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, an FBI agent 
warned that Americans would die as a result of the bureau's failure to adequately 
pursue investigations of terrorists living in the country. FBI Special Agent Robert 
Wright, Jr... led a four-year investigation into terrorist money laundering in the US. 
Wright began crying as he concluded his remarks at a Washington press conference... 
Wright's June 9, 2001 'Mission Statement' memo warned that, 'Knowing what I know, I 
can confidently say that until the investigative responsibilities for terrorism are 
transferred from the FBI, I will not feel safe. 'The FBI has proven for the past 
decade it cannot identify and prevent acts of terrorism against the United States and 
its citizens at home and abroad,' he continued. 'Even worse, there is virtually no 
effort on the part of the FBI's International Terrorism Unit to neutralize known and 
suspected international terrorists living in the United States.'".

__Ashcroft Is Not Up for the Job and It's Time for Him to Go

As Robert Sheer writes on Working Assets, "the good news is the FBI has some very good 
agents who picked up these troubling signs. The bad news is that these warnings 
stalled in a chain of command that included Ashcroft and never made it to the 
president [sic]."  He concludes that if the best that the top law enforcement official 
in the country can do is to warn us that further criminal lawlessness on a mass scale 
is "inevitable," then he needs to move aside so we can get a better top cop.

__Chris Dodd Tells Imus 'It Happened on Bush's Watch'

RightWingMax reports, "Since the 9-11 terrorist attacks happened on President [sic] 
Bush's watch, he should hold himself and his administration responsible - and stop 
trying to shift blame to Sens. Hillary Clinton and Tom Daschle, Connecticut Sen. Chris 
Dodd said Wednesday morning. 'If I were the president - I mean, look, the president in 
this case, he ought to be angrier than any member of Congress,' Sen. Dodd told 
radioman Don Imus. 'Instead of pointing fingers at Tom Daschle or Hillary Clinton, I'd 
be bringing in these people [in my administration] and saying, 'Don't ever let this 
happen again. And as mad as they are at you, I'm a lot madder at you, 'cause 
ultimately it's on my watch. If something goes wrong, I'm going to be held accountable 
both today and historically. So don't ever let this happen again.'" You go, Chris - 
it's about time Bush learned something about PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!

__If Gore Had Let 911 Happen - As Bush Did - Republicans Would Have Impeached Him 

"Imagine two better-functioning voting machines in Florida, and imagine President 
Gore. Then imagine the news of the past two weeks about reports coming into different 
parts of the federal government about the likelihood of Osama bin Laden launching a 
major assault in the US. Imagine an FBI agent informing Gore's attorney general about 
Middle Eastern students in flight schools not interested in learning how to take off 
or land. Imagine earlier intelligence reports projecting a new terrorist strategy of 
flying airliners into buildings. Imagine President Gore. Then duck. Hours into the 
news story... a Republican congressman would have introduced an impeachment 
resolution. Several might have been trampled in the stampede to get to the House 
floor. By the next day... the Gore White House would have vanished under a blizzard of 
faxes generated by talk radio." So writes David Sarasohn of Newhouse.

__Did Con Man Get FBI Tip to Sell Stock on 9/10?

Newsday reports, "In a criminal case with a specter of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, 
prosecutors disclosed yesterday that classified information had been found during a 
search of possessions of a former FBI agent allegedly part of an insider trading 
conspiracy. The tantalizing revelation was made by Assistant U.S. Attorney Kenneth 
Breen in U.S. District Court in Brooklyn... [Alleged financial shakedown mastermind 
Amr] Elgindy, 34, was being held without bail. During a hearing in San Diego last 
week, Breen said that Elgindy's attempt to liquidate the trust accounts of his 
children on Sept. 10 might 'perhaps' mean he had 'pre-knowledge of the Sept. 11 
attacks, and, rather than report it, he was attempting to profit from that 
information.'" Stay tuned for more...

__Amnesty International Blasts Bush and Blair for Rights Abuses in the Name of 
'Fighting Terrorism'

Amnesty International blasted the Bush and Blair regimes for their abuse of civil 
rights in the name of 'fighting terrorism.' "Undermining human rights in the name of 
security was something we had seen before ... what was new was the way in which 
democratic [sic] states, based on the rule of law, jumped as eagerly on the bandwagon 
as autocratic regimes, to create shadow criminal justice systems," Irene Khan, 
Amnesty's secretary-general, said in London. In true Bushian style, mouthpiece 
Victoria Clarke defended the Reich, citing the "excellent" conditions at Camp X-Ray, 
while failing to mention the Auschwitz-like prisoner camps in Afghanistan.

__Former Student Faces Criminal Charges for Cursing at Bush

A former college student, Thomas Markovich, stood up and cursed at Texas Gov. George 
Bush in 1998 after Bush said something outrageous about Nicaragua. Markovich was 
arrested and charged with "disrupting a meeting." The highest court in Texas - 
dominated by Bush appointees - upheld the law, which criminalizes speech that is 
CLEARLY protected by the First Amendment. Markovich has not decided whether to appeal 
to the U.S. Supreme Court or prepare for trial, which could involve the former 
president testifying. Hey Thomas - take it to the Supremes! We're behind you all the 

__Karl Rove is Smiling: Green Party Set to Fight to the Death - Against Paul Wellstone

As if fighting against Bush on a wide range of issues and struggling to pull the 
Democratic Party back to a bold progressive agenda were not enough of a challenge, 
Senator Paul Wellstone (D-MN) now has to contend with a Green Party candidate for the 
U.S. Senate named Ed McGaa. To make matters more absurd, McGaa proudly disavows the 
Green Party's own positions on a range of issues - the very issues the Greens cited 
when trying to make the feeble case that they needed to run a candidate against 
Wellstone. As Ruth Conniff writes in The Progressive, "As for the possibility that his 
candidacy might tip the scales in the Senate, McGaa is perhaps the only person 
involved in the hotly contested Minnesota race who hasn't given it much thought." Will 
McGaa follow Ralph Nader's lead and argue there is "no difference" between Tom Daschle 
and Trent Lott? Have the Greens learned nothing from Election 2000 - or the 2001 
fiasco in France? Democrats and progressives unite - it's now or never!

__Rep. Bernie Sanders (I-VT): Taxpayers Fund the Ex-Im Bank's 'Corporate Welfare'  
Plan that Exports Their Jobs

"When the government is under-funding veterans' needs, education, health care, 
housing...over 80% of the subsidies distributed by the Export-Import Bank goes to 
Fortune 500 corporations... Companies that receive taxpayer support from the Ex-Im are 
Enron, Boeing, Halliburton, Mobil Oil, IBM, General Electric, AT&T, Motorola, Lucent 
Technologies, FedEx, General Motors, Raytheon, and United 
Technologies...Many...receiving taxpayer support pay exorbitant salaries and benefits 
to their CEOs...The great irony of Ex-Im policy is...American workers are providing 
funding to companies that are shutting down the plants in which they work, and are 
moving them to China, Mexico, Vietnam and wherever...they can find cheap labor... 
According to Time Magazine, the top five recipients of Ex-Im subsidies over the past 
decade have reduced their workforce by 38% -- more than a third of a million jobs down 
the drain. These same five companies have received more than 60% of all Export-Import 
Bank subsidies."

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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