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> =======================================
> [Posted 2 June 2002]
> =======================================
> Note from Jared Israel: On May 24th I spoke via three way telephone
> with BORISLAV MILOSEVIC, Yugoslav Ambassador to Russia from 1998-2000
> and before that Ambassador to Algeria.
> We discussed the significance of widespread Russian support for
> Slobodan Milosevic; the New World Empire's efforts to destroy
> international judicial standards and political discourse; and the
> highly deceptive character of Sept. 11 and the War on Terror.
> Ambassador Milosevic mainly spoke Serbo-Croatian, which was kindly
> translated by Vladimir Krsljanin, International Secretary of the
> Socialist Party of Serbia. A few times Ambassador Milosevic spoke
> English, as indicated in the text.
> [To make following the conversation easier, we have preceeded
> comments with the name of the speaker.]
> Mr. Ambassador it's a great honor to speak with you.
> For our readers, let me say that your brother, Slobodan Milosevic,
> has just won the Sholokhov prize, named for Mikhail Sholokhov, author
> of the great Russian novel, 'And Quiet Flows the Don.' Could you say
> a bit more about the prize?
> Yes. It is perhaps the most distinguished Russian award, given to
> artists and political leaders of outstanding achievement. Today at
> the award ceremony I accepted the prize for Slobodan Milosevic
> because, as the writer Yuri Bondarev said in bestowing this honor,
> Slobodan is being held in the dungeon of The Hague.
> Dungeon is the word, isn't it? They don't even let him meet with
> Chris Black, the head of his lawyers' committee. And his living
> conditions are outrageous - terrible food, no exercise, no right to
> see his own doctors - or any heart specialist - even though his heart
> condition is a matter of record. And forced to be in court all day
> and to cross-examine witnesses virtually every day, week after week,
> which is unheard-of.
> I think this award will further strengthen the fighting spirit of
> Slobodan Milosevic and his courage as well.
> Also it suggests that the Russians see President Milosevic's
> resistance as important to their own experience.
> Yes. The greater part of Russian society strongly supports Slobodan
> and practically nobody approved his delivery to The Hague, not even
> those Rightist parties who were hostile to his government. Both
> houses of the Russian parliament voted overwhelmingly to condemn his
> kidnapping. Even the mainstream newspapers publish articles critical
> of The Hague.
> Russian people consider Slobodan Milosevic a hero of resistance to
> imperialist intervention, a patriot who defends his country and his
> people.
> This support from Russia is very encouraging to me.
> I interviewed your brother on March 23rd 2001, just before he was
> arrested.
> During that interview he said that one of the things US and West
> European leaders hated about Yugoslavia was the way you handled the
> question of national and religious group relations. There had been so
> much conflict in the past. Some groups had been organized by the
> Nazis and earlier by the Ottoman Empire to attack Serbs, and Roma and
> Jews as well of course - and yet in Yugoslavia, and this is still
> true in Serbia, you had schools in 24 different languages and court
> proceeding in nine languages. When I was in Serbia this past year I
> saw that there is still an attitude of mutual appreciation among
> different groups.
> It seems to me that the strategy of the New World Empire that has
> attacked you is to stir up hatred. They use the guidelines laid down
> by the Nazis, finding points of weakness in ethnic or religious
> groups that will allow the Empire's mass media and operatives to play
> on cultural traits that if left alone wouldn't necessarily be a
> problem. They stir up hatred in one culture against another in a
> hideous way, especially appealing to groups that were once in a
> dominant position, empowering their worst elements. The Empire does
> this more effectively than the Nazis because they have much more
> sophisticated mass media. Perhaps the worst thing is that the mass
> media romanticizes racist violence by calling it revenge.
> But, contrary to the media lies, (1) your government never engaged in
> racism. You always tried to promote fraternity. This was clear in
> Slobodan Milosevic's speech at Kosovo Field in 1989 (2) and before
> then too, despite the extremely provocative situation.
> Some people say Russia and Serbia are linked, that Serbia is little
> Russia. And so the fact that the Russian people, after what they've
> been through, the terrible trauma of the 1990s, the fact that they
> can see as their beacon this man who stands for social justice and
> tolerance, this gives me hope. Because there is another possible
> beacon - ethnic hatred, anti-Semitism, which has reared its head in
> Russia in the past, a Black Hundreds solution.
> You're completely right. There was no kind of discrimination in
> Yugoslavia, and while some former Yugoslav Republics have become
> virtual mono-ethnic states, Serbia hosts a million refugees of all
> national and religious groups and one third our population is not
> ethnic Serbs. (3)
> Serbia did not abolish the autonomy of Kosovo in 1989 as some
> so-called experts claim. Only certain extreme and inappropriate
> elements of statehood were removed from what was after all a
> provincial government. This was done to prevent the de facto creation
> of a separate state in Kosovo.
> Which is precisely what NATO and the UN are supporting now - a
> separate Kosovo.
> Yes.
> Kosovo Albanians were not deprived of any human or cultural rights in
> 1989. The same was true of people in [the Serbian province of]
> Vojvodina. In fact, Kosovo Albanians continued to have cultural
> rights unequalled in the rest of Europe.
> The accusations of loss of autonomy were contrived. The secessionists
> organized or forced ethnic Albanians to boycott State institutions
> and set up parallel institutions for purely political reasons. (4)
> Everyone knows that schools, universities, the press, hospitals and
> TV were maintained in Kosovo in the Albanian language, even during
> this decade-long boycott. The secessionists organized this boycott to
> provide Western media with provocative images and to create a
> no-alternative situation for Albanians. All political manipulation.
> (4a)
> This is clear from the leaflet which Slobodan Milosevic showed The
> Hague 'court' while he was cross-examining [ethnic Albanian leader]
> Ibrahim Rugova. The leaflet, which was signed by the KLA and Rugova,
> ordered ethnic Albanians to leave Kosovo during the bombing. Do you
> see the game they played?
> This demonstrates their dual purpose: creating the false appearance
> that Serbia was causing ethnic Albanians to suffer, so that this
> could be broadcast to the NATO countries, and fostering a situation
> within Kosovo where compromise was near impossible. This was behind
> everything they did, including the so-called Racak massacre and the
> exodus of the ethnic Albanian population during the NATO aggression.
> [ Note: regarding the above, please see, 'The Racak Hoax' at
> http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/Johnstone/racakhoax.htm
> And 'Why Albanians Fled During NATO Bombing,' at
> http://emperors-clothes.com/interviews/keys.htm]
> And once they got the Albanians to leave, they put them in refugee
> camps under KLA control, with NATO's blessing. Even the Western media
> had stories reporting that these camps featured non-stop
> hate-the-Serbs-and-'Gypsies' indoctrination.
> Yet during the three months in this Hague 'court', we have seen one
> after another witness testify they never even heard of the Kosovo
> Liberation Army.
> It would embarrass NATO. They claim they are fighting terrorism, but
> these people are all members - or leaders - of a terrorist group.
> Yes. It is a problem.
> At the very beginning of the trial it seemed as if Mr. May, whom they
> call 'judge,' was trying to create the impression of impartiality.
> But now he openly behaves as an extension of the prosecutor. He
> prompts and assists witnesses, allowing them every liberty including
> making political speeches. But he cuts off Slobodan Milosevic and
> does not allow him to conduct cross-examination fully or to express
> his opinion.
> This is very alarming. It creates a precedent for violating accepted
> legal principles including the impartiality of courts, the very basis
> of law. It requires the strongest international protest.
> This on top of the fact that Slobodan Milosevic is a head of state,
> overthrown by foreign money and then kidnapped by foreign agents. Who
> is next?
> I think this so-called trial makes the Reichstag Fire case look good.
> At least Dimitrov was allowed to present his case.
> Yes, this Hague 'court' behaves like someone's instrument. Since its
> foundation it has been a tool of aggression against Yugoslavia.
> In some of my statements here in Russia I often say that the Yugoslav
> crisis was created in order to reorganize the whole of international
> relations in accordance with American interests and expansionism and
> it was done in a very conscious way.
> You know, also it was a step towards the encirclement of Russia,
> wasn't it? Because isn't it true that those who would attack Russia
> need to consolidate their hold in the Balkans first? And if you look
> at what has happened, NATO now surrounds Russia from Central Asia to
> the Baltic. They have penetrated a dozen countries. (5)
> The aggression in Yugoslavia was an attempt to impose new
> International rules to justify NATO, a regional military
> organization, usurping the sovereign rights of countries outside its
> previously claimed zone of responsibility. So military and
> geopolitical expansion is presented as humanitarian peace making.
> Terrorist attacks are launched and then intervention is threatened if
> a country defends itself, and all this is justified by a whole new
> interpretation of international law so that now even the United
> Nations is employed to legitimize geopolitical expansion.
> There were in the past many other examples of violations of the UN
> charter: Vietnam, Granada, and so on, and this includes the sending
> of Russian troops to Afghanistan. However, none of these instances
> were sanctioned by the Security Council.
> In this sense, the Yugoslav case was something new, an attempt to
> create an international legal framework to justify the destruction of
> a country by terrorist forces. And what took place after Sept. 11,
> that is NATO's expansion into Central Asia, is a continuation.
> So, in the Yugoslavia crisis we saw this new quality - aggression
> condoned by international law and international legal structures. And
> after September 11 we see this process moving into a new stage. This
> makes it clear that both the aggression against Yugoslavia and the
> expansion of NATO from a West European organization into Eastern
> Europe - these were of more than regional importance. (5)
> You know one of the interesting things about September 11th is that
> here we see an Empire which has organized most of the terrorism in
> the world, mainly starting with Afghanistan, but they claim to be
> leading a crusade against terrorism.
> The whole strategy of the US intervention in Afghanistan, beginning
> in 1979, was to promote terrorism. They and the Saudis used the
> Wahhabi form of Islam, pouring money into the madresses which became
> schools training the terrorists that subsequently plagued Chechnya,
> Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Kashmir and I think they are in the Middle
> East as well.
> And this same terrorism which they have created - and there is a lot
> of indication that Mr. bin Laden is still connected with the CIA (6)
> although now that NATO is entrenched in Central Asia they
> conveniently stopped talking about him - this same terrorism which
> they unleash in order to destabilize areas is also used as an excuse
> to intervene. So it is a tool of many purposes. Very convenient and
> very American, because it's very American to have a tool that does
> two things at once. A gadget. Terrorism is a political gadget because
> on the one hand they can use it to attack multiethnic society as they
> did in Bosnia and then on the other hand they can use it as the
> excuse to invade, as they are now doing with Central Asia.
> But what shows their hypocrisy is - and you may or may not know about
> this - the United States is still shipping in millions of militant
> Islamic fundamentalist textbooks (6a) into Afghanistan. Now why on
> earth would they be doing this if they were sincerely fighting
> against Islamic fundamentalism? They just used this terrorist
> movement which they themselves had created as an excuse to move in.
> Just one other point that occurred to me when you were talking is
> that the conduct and discourse of your government, which was the last
> legitimate government in Yugoslavia since what's there now was
> created by the US, Germany and Norway - the discourse of your
> government respected political ideas. (7)
> This New World Empire attacks the very possibility of political
> discourse by shattering the link between words and what they define -
> the Empire bombs people and calls it humanitarian. They manufacture
> events - we saw that with Racak. And they simply rewrite history (8),
> including manufacturing a fictional version of your brother's famous
> 1989 speech. (1)
> By doing these things they undermine the possibility of rational
> discussion because truth becomes whatever the powers-that-be and
> their media portray as true - it's a function of what's shown on TV.
> And at the same time, they reduce politics to threat and violence and
> then they say, "Alas, that's reality." But your brother takes ideas
> seriously.
> One of the organizations orchestrating the *anti-human* actions at
> The Hague is called, amazingly, Human Rights Watch. I was present the
> first few days of President Milosevic's 'trial' at The Hague and I
> got to observe Richard Dicker, a top HRW bureaucrat, in operation.
> Not only was he virtually the only person representing the 'Tribunal'
> to the press - I mean, he was Carla del Ponte's spokesman! - but both
> the press and 'Tribunal' officials clearly deferred to him, and he
> was often closeted with the prosecutors. I saw this with my own eyes.
> I commented to one of the senior reporters, "It looks like Dickers is
> running the show," and the reporter laughed and said, "Dickers *is*
> the show."
> We have several articles in preparation about HRW. Their board of
> directors is a Who's Who of the Imperial establishment, including
> Warren Zimmermann, the U.S. Ambassador who helped destroy Yugoslavia
> including by sponsoring Alijah Izetbegovic, the fundamentalist who
> devastated Bosnia (9) and George Soros who boasts that he helped his
> father run an extortion racket for the Nazis in Hungary during World
> War Two, visiting Jewish families targeted for death camps and
> demanding all their money in exchange for safe passage. And now he
> runs a privatized adjunct to the CIA. And this is *Human Rights*
> Watch.
> HRW demonizes anybody who stands up to Imperial-organized terror.
> When NATO sent the KLA to attack Macedonia, Human Rights Watch
> condemned Macedonian security troops for resisting.
> When I interviewed President Milosevic I asked why your government
> accepted defeat during the coup of 2000 instead of going to war
> against your opponents. He said something like, "We wanted to avoid
> being sucked into a civil war, which would allow NATO to intervene on
> the grounds that Serbs are 'hopelessly violent.' Moreover, it is easy
> to kill people but it isn't easy to bring them back."
> Despite everything that has been done to you, you resisted descending
> into a nightmare pit. You have upheld political discourse against
> this Imperial onslaught.
> I read a thing the other day by Noam Chomsky, whom a lot of people
> put on a pedestal. In it Chomsky makes the sweeping generalization
> that counter-terrorism "is terrorism carried out by the state." But
> that's a very simple minded approach. Because, contrary to what
> Chomsky says happened in Yugoslavia, when you fought the terrorists
> in Kosovo - who were themselves sponsored by NATO countries - when
> you fought them, the Yugoslav Army took causalities rather than
> endangering civilians. (10)
> Now one cannot say that *taking* causalities rather than hurting
> civilian is the same as *not* taking casualties and hurting the
> civilians. So all counter-terror is not terror. There are choices in
> the unfortunate situation of fighting terrorism as in everything. And
> of course saying, "counter-terrorism is state terror" has the effect
> of obscuring these choices and may end up justifying terrorism -
> because after all the terrorists are by definition no worse than the
> people fighting them.

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