-Caveat Lector-

forwarded message below highlight

In a message dated 6/10/02 3:29:07 AM Central Daylight Time,

> __Fort Stewart Terrorist Is Set Free - What the HECK is Going On Here???
>  "The soldier from Fort Stewart, Ga, who was arrested on charges of
> an explosive device on a dirt road will serve 18 months probation after
> pleading no contest yesterday. A Jacksonville police officer stopped Derek
> Lawrence Peterson in May and found him wearing all black clothing and black
> plastic pads on his knees and elbows. Police said Peterson, 27, told them
> was in the area practicing 'recon tactics.' After he was arrested,
> who has served on an Army tank crew at Fort Stewart since March, at first
> held on a $5 million bond. Peterson's attorney, Hank Coxe, said yesterday
> client's case had been blown out of proportion because police initially
> suspected Peterson's actions were related to terrorism." WHAT? "No contest"
> means the Government did not want the truth to come out. Probation means
> Peterson will return to ACTIVE DUTY. This looks like a BLACK OPERATION by
> Pentagon to create a "terrorist" attack. Call your rep at 202-224-3121 and
> demand the truth!
>  http://www.jacksonville.com/tu-online/stories/060802/met_9616747.html

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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-Caveat Lector-

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___.COMPOSITION______In This Issue_______________________________

Anti-Bush Protests

Demand Media Coverage for Monday Press Conference By UnansweredQuestions.org

Greg Palast Tours the West Coast

Artists and Web Activists Must Lead a 'New Democratic Revolution'

Fort Stewart Terrorist Is Set Free - What the HECK is Going On Here???

Salon Delivers a NEW Enron Bombshell -- The Bushies Were Tipped Off in August!

Before 911, the NSA Monitored Calls between the Chief Hijacker and 911 Mastermind - 
And Then Sat on The Info?!

Bush and White House Staff Started Taking Cipro for Anthrax on Sept 11 - What Did They 

We Want David Frasca's Head on a Platter - But Just For the Appetizer

Like FBI Agents Coleen Rowley and John O'Neill, Robert Wright's Terrorism 
Investigations Were 'Intentionally and Repeatedly Thwarted'

Smoking Gun 5: The Events, Planes and Players of September 11 - Putting It All Together

John Ashcroft's FBI Spent A Year In The French Quarter - And Found Just 12 Prostitutes

Right Wing GOP Hypocrites Play Politics with OUR Safety

Department of Homeland Insecurity -- or is it the Department of Distract and Divert?

Public Support for 'War on Terror' Wanes as 'Boy Who Cried Wolf' Warnings End in 'But 
Have a Nice Weekend'

Karl Rove Uses the FBI to Teach Public Relations 101 : Change the Subject

Why Are the Whistleblowers Women? Why Are The Men Keeping Quiet About Enron and 911?

The Criminal Audacity of George Bush Never Ceases to Amaze

If Reagan was the 'Teflon' President, Bush is the 'Tinkerbell' Resident

Chicago Police Will Fingerprint and Investigate Journalists!

__Anti-Bush Protests

On 6/11, join 911 families in Washington, DC for a rally in support of a 911 
investigation. On 6/11,  protest Bush in Kansas City. On 6/14, Turn Your Back on Bush 
at the Ohio State University commencement. On 6/27, protest Cheney in Charlotte, NC.

__Demand Media Coverage for Monday Press Conference By UnansweredQuestions.org

"A press conference and web site launch for UnansweredQuestions.org will be held on 
Monday, June 10th from 2-5 PM at the National Press Club in Washington. The goal is to 
pose pointed, as yet unanswered, questions regarding the failure of our national 
security infrastructure, and the response that has sacrificed civil liberties and 
rewarded failure as opposed to ensuring performance and guaranteeing freedoms. 
UnansweredQuestions.org is being launched by an independent, non-partisan network of 
citizens concerned about the growing number of issues surrounding September 11th that 
have yet to be addressed or resolved; and their related public safety and 
Constitutional implications. Panelists will present statements, research, and ask 
questions relative to these issues while addressing how citizens can act now to ensure 
accountability from those in government directly responsible for public safety and 
upholding the Constitution." E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] and call talk shows!

__Greg Palast Tours the West Coast

Greg Palast begins round 2 of his book tour to discuss his new book, "The Best 
Democracy Money Can Buy." Wednesday June 12: Los Angeles, 2 PM at Skylight Books... 
North Hollywood, 7 PM at the Beverly Garland Hotel...Saturday June 15th: 5 PM in the 
Oakland Hills...Sunday, June 16: San Francisco, 7 PM at Mission High School...Monday 
June 17: 7 PM at Sonoma State University...Tuesday June 18: Portland, 3:30 PM at 
Powell's Bookstore; 7:00 PM at the First Unitarian Church... Wednesday June 19: 
Eugene, 6 PM at Tsunami Books; 7:30 at McDonald Theatre... Thursday June 20: 
Vancouver, BC , 7:30 PM at the IWA Hall...Friday, June 21: Bellingham, WA, 11:30 AM at 
The Majestic; Bellevue, WA, 6 PM at Barnes & Noble...Saturday, June 22nd: Seattle, 4PM 
at the Seattle Independent Media Center; 7:30 PM at  Town Hall Seattle...Other 
appearances: Washington DC, Baltimore, New Orleans, Toronto, Houston, Austin...

__Artists and Web Activists Must Lead a 'New Democratic Revolution'

"The perversion of technology for killing and oppression has certainly been dramatic, 
but our very language has been perverted and no longer serves to defend us from 
takeover by fascism. Fascism has succeeded by controlling the dialogue, limiting the 
flow of certain kinds of information. It will not be from the politicians, but from 
the artists, those who dare to think beyond the prescribed limitations, that the way 
toward the future will be revealed. It will begin with the artists, ignite in the 
heart of the population, and then the politicians will follow and do what they are 
forced to do. It is time for a new democratic revolution. It will begin with an 
alternative media. It is now happening, facilitated primarily by the Web. But the 
ideas, once freed, may travel through any media. We are at the brink. We must decide 
whether we will have a democratic or totalitarian future." So writes David Cogswell.

__Fort Stewart Terrorist Is Set Free - What the HECK is Going On Here???

"The soldier from Fort Stewart, Ga, who was arrested on charges of planting an 
explosive device on a dirt road will serve 18 months probation after pleading no 
contest yesterday. A Jacksonville police officer stopped Derek Lawrence Peterson in 
May and found him wearing all black clothing and black plastic pads on his knees and 
elbows. Police said Peterson, 27, told them he was in the area practicing 'recon 
tactics.' After he was arrested, Peterson, who has served on an Army tank crew at Fort 
Stewart since March, at first was held on a $5 million bond. Peterson's attorney, Hank 
Coxe, said yesterday his client's case had been blown out of proportion because police 
initially suspected Peterson's actions were related to terrorism." WHAT? "No contest" 
means the Government did not want the truth to come out. Probation means Peterson will 
return to ACTIVE DUTY. This looks like a BLACK OPERATION by the Pentagon to create a 
"terrorist" attack. Call your rep at 202-224-3121 and demand the truth!

__Salon Delivers a NEW Enron Bombshell -- The Bushies Were Tipped Off in August!

Salon's Jason Leopold reports that the Bush administration was tipped off "last August 
about [Enron's] impending financial problems. Enron lobbyist Pat Shortridge met with 
White House economic advisor Robert McNally Aug. 15, the day after Enron president 
Jeff Skilling resigned, to alert the White House that Enron could face a financial 
meltdown that could possibly cripple the country's energy markets... If McNally was 
tipped off to Enron's troubles it would mean that the White House had been warned 
several months earlier than it has previously acknowledged... It would also mean the 
White House received such a warning even before Sharon Watkins delivered her famous 
memo to then Enron chairman Kenneth Lay... It also fuels the most common question 
plaguing the administration these days: What did Bush know, and when did he know it?"

__Before 911, the NSA Monitored Calls between the Chief Hijacker and 911 Mastermind - 
And Then Sat on The Info?!

According to Knight-Ridder, the National Security Agency "monitored telephone 
conversations before Sept. 11 between [Khalid Shaikh Mohammed,] the suspected 
commander of the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks and [Mohamed Atta,] the 
alleged chief hijacker, but did not share the information with," the CIA or FBI. "When 
the NSA monitored their conversations, Mohammed was overseas and Atta was in the US. 
Mohammed was included on the FBI's Most Wanted Terrorist List when it was published in 
October because he had been indicted on charges of being involved in a failed 1995 
plot to bomb 11 U.S. airliners flying over the Pacific Ocean on a single day. The U.S. 
Justice Department has offered a $25 million reward for him." The NSA has a $5 BILLION 
budget and 30,000 employees, and it wasn't PAYING ATTENTION to calls from TOP Al Qaeda 
terrorists TO THE US? This is the THIRD published 911 screwup by the NSA We think the 
NSA told Bush, and is now lying - we demand a Blue Ribbon Commission!

__Bush and White House Staff Started Taking Cipro for Anthrax on Sept 11 - What Did 
They Know???

Judicial Watch "is suing the Bush administration for access to documents about last 
fall's anthrax attacks, asserting that top officials might have known the bioterrorist 
attack was coming... Larry Klayman, chairman of Judicial Watch, said administration 
officials said last fall that some White House staff members had begun taking the 
antibiotic Cipro on Sept. 11, weeks before the anthrax attacks were made public. 'We 
believe that the White House knew or had reason to know that an anthrax attack was 
imminent or underway,' Klayman said. 'We want to know what the government knew and 
when they knew it.' 'We did not know about the anthrax attacks. Period!' said Gordon 
Johndroe, a White House spokesman." [Gee Gordon, why don't we believe a word you say?] 
Klayman said the mistake goes beyond a bad judgment call. 'They deliberately withheld 
information,' he said. 'The political elite, they'll be protected from day one. The 
ordinary folks will be treated in a lesser fashion.'"

__We Want David Frasca's Head on a Platter - But Just For the Appetizer

Anthony York reports, "The search for a fall guy at the FBI continues, and FBI 
counterterrorism chief David Frasca has come under increased congressional and media 
scrutiny as probes into the Sept. 11 attacks get underway... Sen. John Edwards, 
D-N.C., raised concerns that Frasca, head of the FBI's Radical Fundamentalist Unit, 
intentionally misled Senate Judiciary Committee staff in a January briefing about the 
case of Zacharias Moussaoui. [Coleen Rowely said the FBI supervisory special agent] 
involved in the Moussaoui case 'seemed to have been consistently, almost deliberately 
thwarting the Minneapolis FBI agents' efforts.' Without naming names, Rowley was 
clearly pointing toward Frasca, and other media accounts named Frasca as the agent who 
interfered with Rowley's efforts. Frasca made headlines on his own this week when he 
told a closed Judiciary Committee meeting that, although the Phoenix memo was 
addressed to him, he did not see the memo until October."

__Like FBI Agents Coleen Rowley and John O'Neill, Robert Wright's Terrorism 
Investigations Were 'Intentionally and Repeatedly Thwarted'

Wright "worked in the Chicago office on counter-terrorism cases that focused on 
money-laundering efforts by terrorist cells operating within the US. His work 
developed into an operation that was named 'Bulgar Betrayal,' which seemed on the 
verge of becoming officially designated as a major case because of its far reach and 
national security implications. Before he was finished, a Saudi businessman named 
Yasin Kadi became implicated in the terrorism funding... One month after the 9/11 
attacks, Kadi was named by the Federal government as a financial supporter of Osama 
bin Laden. Yet Kadi's name was known to Wright well before 9/11, when the Bulgar 
Betrayal investigations were taking place. Did his work take root within the FBI?... 
'FBI management,' said Wright on Thursday, 'intentionally and repeatedly thwarted my 
attempts to launch a more comprehensive investigation to identify and to neutralize 
terrorists.'" We demand Judiciary Committee hearings on Wright's explosive allegations!

__Smoking Gun 5: The Events, Planes and Players of September 11 - Putting It All 

Americans have been suffering from a sort of amnesia, borne of grief and stress - a 
state the Bush administration took full advantage of. Alas, until now, we have been 
unable to see Bush's sleight of hand through the blur of tears. Now we are shaking off 
the fog and it's time to take a good hard look at the facts. Here is the clearest, 
most concise summary of 9/11 yet! Be prepared: This may be particularly upsetting 
material for those who lost loved ones on 9/11.

__John Ashcroft's FBI Spent A Year In The French Quarter - And Found Just 12 

The LA Times reports, "For more than 13 months, the Justice Department has conducted a 
major investigation of this bordello, producing hundreds of pages of surveillance 
transcripts and reports by 10 FBI agents. With considerable fanfare, the Justice 
Department touted its 'catch' in a news conference: 12 prostitutes. Only the FBI could 
go to the French Quarter and find just a dozen prostitutes after a year of 
investigation. Given the roughly one-to-one ratio between agents and prostitutes, the 
FBI could have produced a hundred times this number by having agents walk down Bourbon 
Street. In some parts of New Orleans, a 'sting operation' for prostitutes requires the 
simple opening of a car door." THIS is Ashcroft's priority? Dump Ashcroft Now!

__Right Wing GOP Hypocrites Play Politics with OUR Safety

Eric Boehlert writes, "Fixing the FBI has become a priority among members of Congress 
in recent weeks, as revelations of the bureau's intelligence breakdowns have mounted. 
But while many see an urgent, bipartisan need for reform, one effort is being checked 
by a hardball political maneuver. Using a century-old procedural tactic, an 
unidentified Republican senator has placed a hold on the FBI Reform Act of 2002, 
making it virtually impossible for the legislation to reach the full Senate for a 
vote. Speculation on Capitol Hill suggests it may be Republican payback for the 
contentious defeat of conservative Mississippi District Court Judge Charles 
Pickering... At the time, some Republicans vowed revenge and threatened to delay 
Democratic legislation. The bill... passed the Judiciary Committee by a unanimous vote 
in April. But just days after the vote, a hold was placed on the bill anonymously and 
without explanation." Where is the outrage???

__Department of Homeland Insecurity -- or is it the Department of Distract and Divert?

Frank Rich writes, "No one seems to remember anymore that President [sic] Bush put Mr. 
Cheney in charge of not one but two task forces last year... On May 8, 2001, the 
president charged Mr. Cheney with overseeing a 'national effort' to coordinate all 
federal programs for responding to domestic attacks... Did Mr. Cheney take on that 
responsibility with the same urgency with which he met with Enron executives to 
develop energy policy? [After 9/11, The Washington Post reported] that the 
government-wide review that Mr. Bush had entrusted to Mr. Cheney had never taken 
place... Were the vice president to be quizzed about his pre-Sept.-11 efforts at 
preparedness, he'd likely either invoke secrecy or impugn the questioner's patriotism. 
[The cure Mr. Bush now proposes for such ailments is still another avoidance of 
accountability that reshuffles the same deck of lightweights we have now]. These days 
that's a sure sign that the buck-passing will never stop."

__Public Support for 'War on Terror' Wanes as 'Boy Who Cried Wolf' Warnings End in 
'But Have a Nice Weekend'

"By billing Bush as a 'wartime commander,' the White House found a useful way to 
stifle dissent, and build support for the Justice Dept. campaign to restrict the 
rights of people with plans like fingerprinting every American who is tanned and 
suspected to be from the Middle East. The public, however, has caught on to the game. 
Support for Bush's 'war on terror' is on the wane. Many call the battle a 'draw,' or 
even say the bad guys are winning. That was the conclusion of a USA Today/CNN/Gallup 
Poll survey released on June 2… Bush is hard-pressed to get people interested in 
swallowing his war line, when the only evidence of a threat are the vague terror 
warnings offered by the Administration. The public is more than tired of the 'boy that 
cried wolf' warnings given by various Administration officials. E.g., terrorists may 
strike the Brooklyn Bridge, Statue of Liberty, Sears Tower, DisneyWorld, Golden Gate 
Bridge or Grand Canyon but don't worry and have a nice weekend."

__Karl Rove Uses the FBI to Teach Public Relations 101 : Change the Subject

>From TomPaine.com writes: "Change the subject. In the practice of public relations, 
>that is the first rule of crisis management, and FBI Director Robert Mueller III 
>tried to do just that in his briefing on May 29. Mueller acknowledged that FBI 
>headquarters failed to connect important dots -- information, hunches and leads... 
>that, if pursued, might have revealed the 9/11 plot before it unfolded. But Mueller 
>moved quickly past the mea culpa... But talk about putting the cart before the horse 
>-- Mueller wants the case closed before it’s opened. At least one media outlet helped 
>broadcast Mueller's spin. When CNN... reported on the briefing, the words 'Improved 
>FBI' were electronically pasted on the screen. The bureau’s public relations team 
>must have cheered... Mueller’s boss, Attorney General John Ashcroft, did his part to 
>change the subject, too, and what better way than to threaten the First Amendment?"

__Why Are the Whistleblowers Women? Why Are The Men Keeping Quiet About Enron and 911?

Anita Hill asks, "Is it a coincidence that the whistle-blowers in what may turn out to 
be the most significant examples of government incompetence and corporate wrongdoing 
in our time are women? I don't think so. I think the increase in the number of women 
in positions of prominence, coupled with the tension that can develop between insider 
status and outsider values, brings us to this point... Like those who have had to 
challenge workplace bias, Ms. Rowley and Ms. Watkins differed from their superiors in 
their notions of appropriate institutional conduct. Similarly, Ms. Rowley and Ms. 
Watkins ultimately found that their chances for bringing change to their workplaces 
existed only outside those workplaces. Coincidence or not, the fact is that in the 
public and private sectors the number of women in positions of authority is growing. 
As their numbers increase, so will their opportunities, not only to be whistle-blowers 
but, more important, to shape institutional standards from the top."

__The Criminal Audacity of George Bush Never Ceases to Amaze

Mike Hersh writes "In some ways, I am awestruck by their audacity and aplomb. Bush ran 
promising to 'trust the people,' but when the people elected Al Gore, Bush's people 
sued the people... At a stroke, the highest court in the land [blew up the Equal 
Protection doctrine] like a party balloon -- a Republican Party balloon. These 
'conservatives' legislated from the bench, threw out the well-established law, and 
wove new, unfounded 'doctrine' from whole cloth. Everything conservatives ever 
complained about regarding 'liberal' judges -- and worse... Bush stole the election in 
a crooked lawsuit, defiling the US Supreme Court to do so. He unleashed his pal 'Kenny 
Boy' and Enron who looted California and their own investors and employees. Bush got 
away with all this. If Bush's magicians get away with blaming 9/11 on the FBI -- which 
did its job and warned them about the terrorists -- I can't imagine anything they 
can't get away with. Can you?"

__If Reagan was the 'Teflon' President, Bush is the 'Tinkerbell' Resident

Gene Lyons writes: "Everybody knows that President [sic] Junior doesn't write his own 
speeches. Given his embarrassing performances of late, however, it's an open question 
whether Bush even comprehends the speeches he reads. Consider his recent European 
foray, for example, where the president's ignorance was matched only by his petulance. 
At a diplomatic reception Bush astonished the president of Brazil,  Fernando Henrique 
Cardoso, by asking, 'Do you have blacks too?' Cardoso diplomatically told Der Spiegel 
that Bush is 'still in training' on Latin America. Oh well, what's Brazil got to do 
with anything? In keeping with what I call the 'Tinkerbell Effect,' the American press 
ignored the incident. See, if we all just close our eyes and make believe, we can be 
confident that when Bush makes sweeping historical pronouncements like those in his 
bellicose West Point speech last weekend, he has the first bleeping idea what he's 
talking about."

__Chicago Police Will Fingerprint and Investigate Journalists!

"In Chicago, some 3,000 journalists possess press credentials issued by the police 
department...But when the current laminated badges expire at the end of May, lots of 
reporters and photographers plan to let the deadline slide. For the first time, the 
police will require members of local media to be fingerprinted and undergo criminal 
background checks to obtain a pass... Many local journalists believe the measures are 
unacceptable invasions of privacy, as well as a First Amendment violation. They don't 
like the police, in effect, deciding who can and cannot be a journalist. 'I think 
editors and news directors should make that decision,' says James Anderson, news 
director of the Illinois Radio Network. Credentials will be denied to applicants found 
to be registered sex offenders or who have an outstanding arrest warrant, the police 
say." Where is the outrage?

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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