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Date sent:              Tue, 11 Jun 2002 13:39:06 -0400
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Subject:                YT News Update - Special report on al Mujahir
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YellowTimes.org News Update - Special Report

June 11, 2002:

Below are two full articles on the recent capture of Abdullah al


"Has God finally given us what we truly deserve? Lord have mercy!"
Printed on Tuesday, June 11, 2002 @ 11:05:50 EDT

 By George Lewandowski
YellowTimes.org Content Director

(YellowTimes.org) – Am I the only American sitting bolt upright in bed
tonight, in a cold sweat, thinking about the crime that has just
landed top dead center on the front page of every newspaper in the
country? The news that robs me of my sleep is the arrest of Abdullah
al Muhajir, who is accused of Lord knows what. The official spin on
this story is changing by the minute.

Incidentally, the arrest took place over a month ago but it didn't
come to light, for some reason, until our newspapers were full of
inconveniently embarrassing stories about ignored intelligence
warnings and tales of obvious incompetence at the highest levels of
our security apparatus.

A few timid members of Congress had even begun to think about asking,
ever so politely, if they could "pretty please, possibly convene a
hearing to pose some, er…well, some gentle questions" about what the
administration knew in advance of "hitting the trifecta," as Bush puts

The crime that has me sitting on the edge of my bed tonight, wide
awake at midnight, is not the cobbled and goobered-up half-retracted
story of a possible plan by persons unknown to maybe, somehow, commit
some sort of nasty terrorist bombing using a "dirty bomb." No, that is
not the crime that has me losing sleep, for no one, not even Ashcroft
asserts that the crime actually took place, that the bomb was
detonated, that the bomb was built, nor that the defendant had begun
assembling the materials for making such a bomb.

In fact, the most recent reports don't even assert that the defendant
had obtained any blueprints for this wonderful tyrants' toy, a
devilish device that, according to today's NPR report, had previously
been perfected and tested by our own Pentagon for use against
populations outside the U.S., that is, for proper and morally
righteous disposal of people who aren't us. No, that bomb is not the
criminally inspired catastrophe that haunts my nocturnal peace, and
robs me of my sleep.

In fact, the latest CBS coverage admits "U.S. officials are backing
away from assertions that a man arrested last month in Chicago was
plotting a 'dirty' bomb attack on the United States, CBS Correspondent
Jim Stewart reports… U.S. officials now admit they're not sure what
American-born Abdullah al Muhajir's plans were when he returned to the
U.S. last month."

No, I am dosing my insomnia with NyQuil tonight, trying to forget the
crime that actually DID happen. It took place right in front of
millions of American TV viewers and newspaper readers.

The crime that frightens me was not committed by the defendant, a
native born United States citizen. It was committed by his accusers,
my rulers. It was committed against that defendant, and by
implication, against all of us who want to be free of tyranny. The
defendant was summarily stripped of his civil rights and he has been
condemned to suffer the indignity of a "military tribunal."

This tribunal is a politically efficient form of rough justice,
carried out by military officers who answer through their chain of
command to the same Commander in Chief who created this new venue and
who formally accused the defendant in the first place.

The tribunal travesty was hastily concocted by photo-op politicians to
replace a full and fair civilian trial. Real trials, fair trials,
impose uncooperative rules of jurisprudence on the accusers, rules
that have been worked out through more than two hundred years of
judicial experience, on at least two continents.

The carefully constructed rules of evidence, the entitlement to a jury
of peers, the right to a defense attorney, the right of appeal to a
Supreme Court, a court that is subordinate to the U.S. Constitution,
even the right to be released from jail if not convicted, are all
being denied this defendant by the politicians who now seem to rule us
at their pleasure.

These politicians, the same men who saw fit to order thousands of
dollars worth of draperies to hide the shame of one offending tin…
booby, in the hall of justice, have now ruled that any defendant, any
person whom they choose to accuse, may be locked up for the rest of
their life, with no trial and no real avenue of appeal. The only
appeal open to Mr. Muhajir is to the tender mercies of the same
simple-minded ruler who made the quiet decision a month ago to lock
him up and throw away the key.

This absurdity gets worse. The reason given for this total disregard
of proven methods of impartial investigation is that this defendant is
accused of a crime so special in its evil intent that it doesn't
really matter if he is guilty or not.

Mr. Muhajir, who may indeed be a very dangerous and evil person, is
simply a person who has been accused of thinking about doing an evil
deed. The alleged deed, a plan to detonate a "dirty bomb," is so nasty
that our rulers have decided to dispense with the rule of law and with
the carefully crafted judicial process that has proven, over the
centuries, to be more reliable than tribal politics for sorting out
the truth.

Apparently, that truth is secondary to the need to punish someone,
anyone. We may never know what Mr. Muhajir has, or has not done, for
our rulers have decided that it is more important to punish someone
than to spend the time and energy necessary to gather enough evidence
sufficient to convict.

This tribunal will jump straight to the sentencing phase,
dispensing "justice" without any need to construct the kind of formal
proof that would stand up in a real court, the kind of proof that
would assure the rest of us that the real culprit has indeed been
caught, that our Keystone Kops in Washington D.C. have actually hanged
the guilty man instead of merely lynching a conveniently dark skinned

Suddenly, two centuries of checks and balances, carefully constructed
rules of evidence, and logical frameworks for legal arguments, have
all been abandoned in favor of the Salem dunking stool.

This means two things: 1) That any citizen whom the President elects
to toss into jail, or to execute, can be legally dispatched by the
mere application of a convenient accusation, and 2) that we citizens
are no longer entitled to expect a formal and logical proof of guilt.

The President has given himself the right to set aside two centuries
of western thought and political reforms, for the sake of his
political necessities.

Most Americans felt that this judicial joke, the "tribunal," when
first unveiled several months ago, was a handy device for hanging
aliens, an appropriate way for disposing of those who were
undesirables born without God's blessing, without proper U.S.
citizenship. Now it turns out that the tribunal is also to be the
blunt instrument for dispatching the rest of us cattle.

Only Americans who are "logic challenged" will feel safer tonight.
Their TVs will tell them to close their eyes and relax, secure in the
knowledge that finally someone is going to be severely punished, in
retribution for a crime which might take place sometime in the future.
How comforting.

Using this logic, perhaps the royal monarch will see fit to toss the
Senate Majority Leader and a few uncooperative journalists into a vat
of boiling oil, for the murder of some poor damsel who has not yet
turned up missing. Surely someone should pay for such a heinous crime,
especially if it ever happens. Why wait until it's too late? Light the
fires now!

American foreign policy has, for generations, supported and subsidized
this ludicrous brand of quick and dirty justice for the victims of
third world despots. The monster of our own making has finally crawled
home to club us with our own nasty weapons. It is hard to argue that
we deserve better.

We have allowed our rulers to act without principles or mercy around
the globe. How can we now expect those same rulers to respect our
human rights? Why should they even pretend? What makes us so different
from other victims of U.S. arrogance? With a wave of the emperor's
hand and a reading of the royal decree we have just been alienated
from our "inalienable rights."

The Bush administration has finally spun a story sufficiently
horrifying to push the stories of its security scandals and
bureaucratic blunders off of the front pages. This will silence the
critics for as long as His Majesty chooses to keep Mr. Muhajir in the
public spotlight, dangling at the end of a rope, twisting in the wind.

I think I need another dose of that cold medicine. My throat suddenly
feels constricted.

[George Lewandowski is the Content Director for YellowTimes.org. He
lives in the United States.]

George Lewandowski encourages your comments:

YellowTimes.org encourages its material to be reproduced, reprinted,
or broadcast provided that any such reproduction must identify the
original source, http://www.YellowTimes.org. Internet web links to
http://www.YellowTimes.org are appreciated.



"The legality of Al-Mujahir facing a military tribunal"
Printed on Tuesday, June 11, 2002 @ 12:00:22 EDT

 By Christopher Reilly
YellowTimes.org Columnist (United States)

(YellowTimes.org) – The recent arrest of Abdullah Al-Mujahir, formerly
known as Jose Padilla, raises broad implications for the U.S. justice
system. Al-Mujahir, detained on May 8 at Chicago's O'Hare
International Airport, is accused, by the U.S. federal government, of
planning to build a "dirty bomb" and detonate it in Washington D.C.
However, instead of giving Al-Mujahir, a U.S. born citizen, his full
rights guaranteed by the U.S. constitution, he has been handed over to
the Defense Department where he will face a military tribunal.

What is interesting about this case is that Al-Mujahir is a U.S. born
citizen; the military tribunals unveiled by the Bush administration on
November 13, 2001 clearly state that they are not intended for U.S.

The President wrote, "To protect the United States and its citizens,
and for the effective conduct of military operations and prevention of
terrorist attacks, it is necessary for individuals subject to this…to
be detained, and, when tried, to be tried for violations of the laws
of war and other applicable laws by military tribunals." (1)

However, in the next section of his executive order, President Bush
states: "The term 'individual subject to this order' shall mean any
individual who is not a United States citizen…" (2)

But in the case of Al-Mujahir, the Bush administration has decided
that a U.S. citizen could face a military tribunal, despite the
President's own order declaring that military courts apply to "any
individual who is not a United States citizen…" Attorney General John
Ashcroft and the Defense Department advised the President to label
Al-Mujahir as an "enemy combatant." The President agreed.

The Attorney General said, "In determining that Al-Muhajir is an enemy
combatant who legally can be detained by the United States military,
we have acted with legal authority both under the laws of war and
clear Supreme Court precedent, which establish that the military may
detain a United States citizen who has joined the enemy and has
entered our country to carry out hostile acts."

The "Supreme Court precedent" given by the Attorney General, as
reported in the Associated Press on June 10, was from the World War II
case in 1942, ex Parte Quirin. However, this justification is not
crystal "clear."

Ex Parte Quirin dealt with eight German born U.S.
residential "individuals" who were convicted for carrrying out
sabotage acts for the Third Reich against the U.S. government. Former
President Franklin Roosevelt appointed a military commission to try
the "individuals."

The defendents appealed the President's decision to the Supreme Court,
which struck down their appeal favoring the Roosevelt administration.

However, this incident sharply contrasts with that of Al-Mujahir's
situation because Al-Mujahir was a U.S. born citizen. On the contrary,
seven of the eight Germans convicted still held citizenship in Germany
despite their resident alien status. The eighth German, whose last
name was Haupt, claimed that he was a U.S. naturalized citizen because
both of his parents were naturalized. The U.S. government at the time
countered that Haupt gave up his U.S. citizenship because of his
German allegience.

Another flaw in Ashcroft's argument is that the U.S. was in a
Congress- sanctioned war on Germany. But in the current situation, the
U.S. is only in a verbal war against an enemy that is so broad that it
is only known as "terror."

If Al-Mujahir is forced to face a military tribunal this defendent
will find that he is not accorded the same level of "justice" that a
regular U.S. court trial would guarentee to any other citizen. He has
already been held by the Bush administration for over a month without
any charges being brought forth against him.

If he were to be brought in front of a military tribunal,
TerrorismAnswers.com highlights the differences between the tribunals
and a conventional U.S. court:

Instead of the jury consisting of a 12-member public panel, the jury
will consist of three to seven military officers. Only a two-thirds
vote is needed for conviction and sentencing in a military tribunal,
except in cases where the death penalty is involved. Secondhand
evidence and hearsay, which are banned from traditional courts, will
be allowed as long as it would have 'probative value to a reasonable
person.' The tribunals "will not require prosecutors to establish the
'chain of custody' of evidence - that is, to account for how the
evidence was transported from where it was found to the courtroom."
Defendants will not be allowed to appeal decisions in federal courts,
but "instead petition a panel of review, which may include civilians
as well as military officers, to review decisions. The president, as
Commander in Chief, will have final review." Therefore, based on this
short analysis, there are still many questions on these tribunals;
moreover, their usage is not "clear" as the Attorney General insisted.

It is disheartening that the mainstream news sources, such as the New
York Times, and even the Associated Press, did not explain ex Parte
Quirin to readers after referencing it.

It is even more disheartening that conservatives have allowed an
American president to determine how many rights an American citizen

[Christopher Reilly writes news reports for YellowTimes.org. His main
goal is to increase human rights for all people in the world. He lives
in the United States.]

Christopher Reilly encourages your comments: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


(1) http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/11/20011113-27.html
(2) Ibid.

YellowTimes.org encourages its material to be reproduced, reprinted,
or broadcast provided that any such reproduction must identify the
original source, http://www.YellowTimes.org. Internet web links to
http://www.YellowTimes.org are appreciated.


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