-Caveat Lector-
The more corrupt the state the more numerous the laws
WAKEUP, Folks!!
Worshiping The god That Failed
By Michael Gaddy
Published 06. 14. 02 at 22:25 Sierra Time
Amazing by any standard is the blind faith placed in government by the citizens of this country. No matter how many times this government lies and obfuscates, the majority of Americans meet their next story with blanket acceptance. This government, worshipped by many with more fidelity than that accorded the creator, has a miserable record when it comes to integrity. The 300 billion dollar per year defense industry failed us utterly on 9/11. The White House initially told us this was a surprise attack, a cowardly act, directed against American Citizens because the "enemy" hates our freedom. Now they tell us there was a plethora of intelligence, but because our intelligence agencies do not share information, the attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon were unpreventable. Well, what is the truth? Our media, enjoying their incestuous relationship with government, is not in any way concerned with investigating the issue.
Even more egregious is the fact our government knew four planes were hijacked and yet the Pentagon was struck 40 minutes after the last plane hit the World Trade Center. What in the name of freedom, were our leaders doing for 40 minutes with all this information? Should this not prove to even the most doting lover of government that it is at best impotent in the protection of its citizens? Do not forget for a moment that a scant 9 miles away at Andrews Air Force Base, USAF F-16's were sitting idle on the runway and scrambled only after the Pentagon attack.
Americans, why do we trust this freedom-eating monstrosity with our safety and that of our children? How many catastrophic failures do we need to awaken from this apathetic slumber?
FBI Director Mueller on June 6 told Congress, that fears of being politically incorrect did indeed impede the investigations of Arab men that might have prevented 9/11. With this admission that the agency was too politically correct to protect us from terrorism, he then assured Congress, the FBI "is, has been, and will be, against any form of racial profiling." Was this not an admission the FBI views being politically correct more important than protecting Americans from future terrorist attacks? There is little wonder our leaders keep insisting more attacks are inevitable.
Yet, we Americans place our very lives in the hands of this bureaucratic abyss. We trade our rights, granted by our creator, to some representative of this new police state for convenience, or out of fear. Why do the people in Washington allow unconstitutional searches of their belongings just to cross on a ferry? If everyone there refused, what would the bureaucrats do? Is the crossing of that ferry the price Americans are willing to pay for their freedom?
How soon would the airline industry demand the relaxation of these idiotic security procedures that allow the search of little old gray haired ladies, while turban adorned Arabs walk freely onto the same plane, if we refused to fly? We have the power. Do we have the courage to use it?
It is my firm belief we are at the point of no return. If we continue to allow "Fatherland Security" to enslave us in the name of freedom, we are "toast" as a free society. As Butler Shafer so poignantly said in his article: When didn't they know it and what about you. "The same issues that were placed before the German people in 1933 are now before us, and our grandchildren may one day implore us to explain our silence in the face of a vicious tyranny."
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A small percentage of the world population  know that the
elites in control of  big business and government,
trans-nationally,  are, and for at least several decades
have been, planning and running  the planet to suit THEIR interests, not the interests of
the peoples of the world. This hidden aristocracy of the
rich are forming a global monopoly on planetary resources/wealth and
governmental powers. The United Nations is a front or 'cut-out' for
those seeking this world empire. Gradually - as rapidly as
public opinion will allow - national sovereignty is being
handed over to this global monopoly government.
In part because this  same power elite control  most
of the world centers of power, including  the
mainstream information-delivery and opinion-shaping
systems, such as  mass media and  schools at all levels,  
the people by and large are not aware of "the shape of
things to come".-
Archibald Bard  

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