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Full English Text Of The German Intelligence Report

We Have It!

6/15/02 11:30:26 AM

Bill White

Internet Exclusive -- [Bill: I am currently at a Kinko's outside the conference trying to upload
the .pdf's, but they are not letting me install FTP. These will go on in pdf
form this evening. Here is the transcribed text. I apologize for typos.]

[Translation of BND Report on September 11, 2001]


Background Report on 9/11/2001


[page 2]

On Monday 6, August, 2001, at 17:50, [German] Ambassador Ischinger personally
notified the President of the United States that information developed by the
Bundesamt fur Verfassungsschutz [German domestic secret service] as well as the
BND [Bundesnachreichtendienst, German foreign secret service] indicated that an
attack by a radical Arab group partially based in Germany was to occur on 10-11
September, 2001. The President was at that time in residence at his farm in
Texas. Our [the German's] Ambassador was acting in direct response to
instructions from Foreign Minister Fischer.

This information was developed from official surveillance of Arab extremist
groups operating in the Federal Republic as well as from intercepted
communications between the Embassy of Israel and the Israeli Foreign Ministry
in Tel Aviv concerning this matter.

The information was "gratefully received" by the US PResident who stated at the
time that he was also aware of the same pending assaults.

Subsequent to these attack, the office of the US President, through the US
Department of State, made an urgent request to the government of the Federal
Republic of Germany that no reference whatsoever should be made to the official
warnings given by Ambassador Ischinger.

In order to clarify the background of this matter, this Gesamtubersicht
[overall survey] of the events leading to the assault was prepared, basing on
extracts of reports from our [BND's] foreign stations.

[page 3]

Overall, it is evident that the American authoritie were aware of the pending
attacks. Why they did nothing, is explained in the following.

Background: General Overview

Because of the Bush family's involvement in oil (Zapata Oil Company), many
important and wealthy individuals and corporations with oil interests
financially supported the Bush political career. Today, the Bush
administration is therefore strongly influenced by major American business

The candidate for American Vice President, Richard "Dick" Cheney, had been the
Chief Director of the Halliburton Company. This company, based in Dallas,
Texas, where Bush was GOvernor, is the largest oil service company in the world.

Between 1991 and 1997, such important American oil companies as Texaco, Unocal,
Shell, BP Amoco, Chevron and Exxon-Mobil became involved with the former Soviet
state of Kazakhstan who holds enormous oil reserves. The government of
Kazakhstan eas eventually paid over $3 nillions of corporate money to allow
these companies to secure oil rights. At the same time, these companies agreed
further to give the sums of 35 billion US Dollar in investments in plant and
equipment to the Kazakhstan projects. Ac onfidential project report of said US
firms announced that the gas and oil reserves in Kazaqkhstan would amount to 4
trillion US Dollar.

[page 4]

The United States is not self-sufficient in oil and 50% of their supply is
imported from various foreign sources. Some 80% of oil imported to the US
comes from OPEC-Countries, the Arabian oil cartel. Because of the
unconditional support by American political leaders of the state of Israel,
these Arab governments hav a very strained relationship with the USA.

A further small percentage of oil imported to the US comes from Venezuela.
Just recently, the US government has been attempting to overthrow the
government of Chavez with the help of the CIA and replace it with a
government "more sympathetic to American oil needs."

A position paper prepared by the office of the later-Vice President Cheney
states that the Kazakhstan oil reserves would be "more than sufficient to
supply US needs for at least a decade" and would further "reduce American
dependence on OPEC."

Unocal Oil Company signed an agreement with the reigning Taliban forces as well
as their opponents, the Northern Alliace, in order to ermit an oil pipeline to
be built through Afghanistan direct through pakistan to the Indian Ocean. by
this, the exorbitant rates charged by the Russian to use their pipelines would
be avoided. Unocal then opened official offices in Uzbekistan, Pakistan,
Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan to facilitate the construction of this oil pipeline.

In December of 1997, official Taliban representatives were in the United States
to attend a conference at Unocal headquarters in Texas to discuss the

[page 5]

Afghanistan pipeline. These talks failed because the Taliban made what Unocal
felt were excessive financial demands.

In 1998, internal strife in Afghanistan and inherent instability in Pakistan
reached such levels as to render the pipeline project impossible to execute.
In the same year, the Houston, Texas based firm of Enron suggested instead to
build a $3 billion oil pipeline parallel to the Russian pipelines, running
westwards rather than taking the shorter but more problematic route south.

In a secret memorandum by Cheney, it is stated that the Unocal company was
prepared to finance the southern route. According to this, this project would
take five years to complete and its annual revenues from the successful
completion of this pipeline would approximate $2 billions. however, and this
had been the subject of a number of secret American reports, the only thing
standing in the way of the construction of the pipeline was the basic
opposition of the Afghanitan government and its political supporters.

On May 8, 2001, the US Department of State, in the name of Secretary of State
Powell, gave 43 million US Dollars to the Taliban in order to facilitate their
cooperation in the pipeline project.

On June 10, 2001, the BND warned the CIA office in the US Embassy to the
Federal Republic [of Germany] that certain Arab terrorists were planning to
seize American commercial aircraft for use as weapons of destruction against

[page 6]

significant American symbols. This was considered a general warning only. The
Federal Republic's warning of August 6, however, was specific as to date, time
and places of the attacks.

On July 11, 2001, in Berlin, US officials: Thomas Simmons, a former American
Ambassador to Pakistan, Lee Coldren, State Department expert on Asian matters,
and Karl Inderfurth, Assistant Secretary of State for Asian matter met with
Russian and Pakistani intelligence officers. At this meeting, which was under
surveillance, it was stated by the Americans that the United States planned to
launch miltiary strikes against Afghanistan in October of that year. The
purpose of these strikes was to toplles the Afghanistan government and the
Taliban in order to replce it with a government "more sensotive to the needs of
American oil interest."

In mid-August 2001, President of the Russian Federation Putin ordered that the
American authorities be warned of pending attacks on government buildings
inside the United States. This warning was conveyed to the US Ambassador in
Moscow and via the Russian Ambassadors office directly to the US President.

On August 20, the Government of France, through the American Embassy in Paris
and their Embassy in Washington, issued a more specific warning. This warning
specified the exact date, time and places of the attacks.

On September 11, President Bush and top sides flew to the state of Slorida so
that the President could speak with children in

[page 7]

a kindergarten. Also at that time, Vice President Cheny absented himself from
Washington and went ot the safety of the Presidential compound in the mountains
of MAryland.

It was noted in Washingotn that Cheney remained sequestered in Maryland for
some time and only appeared in public surrounded by heavy security.

The role of the Israeli Mossad in the terrorist attacks

Note: The follwing two sections are considered to be extremely sensitive
due to the special relationship between the Federal Republic [of Germany] and
its Jewish citizens as well as the State of Israel. This material is compiled
from German and American sources.

During the term of President George HW Bush, the government of Israel made an
official, but very secret, request to the American president. This request was
to permit agents of the Mossad, Israeli Foreign Intelligence, to enter the
United States and conduct surveillane operations against various Arab groups
residing in that country.

The stated purpose of this surveillance was to permit Israeli early warning of
terrorist plots against their country. Permission for this surveillance was
granted with the caveat that the Mossad would have a liason with the FBI and
report any and all finding to that agency.

[page 8]

However, these conditions were not observed. The Mossad not only did not
inform the FBI of any of its findings, it is known to have engaged in commercee
with several groups of Israeli criminals of Russian backgrounds. These groups
were engaged in extensive criminal activities inside the United States, to
include the smuggling of the Ecstasy drug. Mossad agents were able to subvert
American criminal investigations through their knowledge of American telephone
surveillance of such groups.

It is very evident from surveillance conducted against Mossad agents in the
Federal Republic as well as interceptions of israeli diplomatic communication
from the Federal Republic to Tel Aviv, that the Mosad has successfully
penetrated various extremist Arab groups in both the Federal Republic and the
United States.

These investigations disclosed in late May of 2001 that an attack was to be
made against certain specified targets in the American cities of Washington and
New York. But it was apparent that the Mossad was not only fully aware of
these attacks well in advance but actually, though their own agents inside
these Arab groups, assisted in the planning and the evenutal execution of the

That the Israeli government was fully aware of these attack is absolutely
certain and proven. Diplomatic traffic between the Israeli Embassy in the
Federal Republic and the Israeli Foreign Office made it very clear that
Minister President Sharon was fully aware

[page 9]

of this penidng attack and urgently wished that no attempt was made to prevent
the attacks.

Although the Israeli officials were instructed to warn the American
intelligence community that some kind of an attack might be possible, at no
time were the specific dates and targets (known at that time to Israeli
officials) to be given to the Americans.

The rationale for this attitude was expressed in a conversation on August 1,
2001, between the Israeli Military Attache in the Federal Republic to a member
of the Israeli General Staff. There it was stated that Israel believed an
attack on the continental United States would so inflame american public
opinion that they would permit Israel to "cleanse" their state of "Arab
terrorists and those who support such terrorists". This "cleansing" was
explained as the expulsion of all Arabs, and even Christian groups, from the
Palestine area.

American intelligence officials have repeatedly expressed great concern in
meeting with our people that the Israeli government, through a company called
Amdocs, was able to conduct surveillance of all telephone communications within
the United States. It was categorically stated that this Israeli-based firm
was given the American contract with 25 of the largest American telephone
companies. This contract was granted over the objections and concerns of the
American intelligence community.

[page 10]

The official reason given for this extraordinary arrangement that permitted
Israeli agencies to observe all highly confidential investigative telephone
calls was that the United States has a "special relationship" with the State of
Israel and they had requested this.

The Israeli Political Influence in the United State

It should be noted here that the professional Israeli lobby in America is huge
in size and is considered even by our American colleagues to be a very powerful
and entirely dominant factor in American politics.

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee is the largest foreign lobby in
Washington and fourth most pwoerful lobby in the country. Other Israeli groups
also include the Anti-Defamation League (from whose national offics, along with
the Israel Trade Mission and the many Israeli Consulates, many Mossad agents
were working,) the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs and the
Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America.

Thes groups, in conjunction with Jewish cominated media giants like the New
York Times, the Washington Post, Newsweek Magazine, the Los Angeles Times, Time-
Warner-AOL and their CNN news network, basically control the dissemination of
news in the United States.

[page 11]

It is therefore almost impossible for any news that would be considered in
opposition to Israeli interests to appear before the American public, although
such stories are readily available in most European media.

The Role of the Christian Fundamentalists in American Politics

The so-called "Christian Right" consists of Protestant fundamentalists, where
the so-called Pentecostals play a dominant role. This is a very fanatical and
aggressively missionary denomination that believes in the return of a living
Christ to earth and the subsequent elevation of its members to heavenly

In order for this appearance of Christ to occur, several factors must be in
place according to the views of this denomination. In the first place, a
number of Jews must convert to Christianity, and, in the second, there must be
a rebuilding of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. As the site of this temple is
now occupied by a major Islamic mosque, it will be necessary to destroy this

Starting as an Episcopalian, Bush tried other Protestant denominations before
joining the Pentecostals. Apart from US President Bush and his Attorney
General Johnh Ashcroft, other members of his administration are member sof this
denomination, too, which is the second largest Christian denomination after the
Catholic Church. As a considerable

[page 12]

part of the American public sentiment is strongly opposed to religious
fanatics, these facts have been kept very quiet.

Bush and his entourage are very strong supporters of the State of Israel
because of their belief, that the founding of this nation is viewed as another
requirement for the return of Christ. For this reason, Bush unconditionally
supports any program put forward by the Israeli government and is a devoted
follower and supporter of Sharon, the Israeli right wing extremist Minister

Attorney General Ashcroft has stated in a public sermon (he is a lay preacher
of the Pentecostal church) that Muslims are "agents of the Anti-Christ" and
must be destroyed in the so-called "Battle of Armageddon". According to the
beliefs of fundamentalist Christians, this battle will be fought over ISrael's
existence and will lead to the end of the world and the return of Christ.

It is generally known in Washingotn that Bush is entirely guided by his
religious beliefs and that he has been attempting repetaedly to force his views
onto the American public by mens of various disguised programs, such as
religious control of charities, unconditional support of Israel, and so forth.

Summary and Outlook

The terrorist attacks on American targets were fully known to many entities
well in advance. The US President was fully informed as to the

[page 13]

nature and exact time of these attacks.

The US government in general and the US President in specific have become
subservient to the rishes and plans of the Israeli government. As these plans
encompass the removal of the Arab population of Israel and adjoining
territories, it is evident that the opulation of the United States if being
pushed into a situation thjat could easily result in more, and terrible,
attacks on their home country.

In view of this possibility, the US authorities are determined to limit any
discussion of the 11 September attacks to the official version as it appears
regulaly in the US media.

It also appears from confidential sources that Bush's plan to attack Iraq are
based mainly on a desire on the part of Israel to remove Saddam Hussein. Tel
Aviv views hussein as a real threat and has already attack that country before.

There is also evidence that if Hussein is toppled by American military forces,
the oil resources of Iraq would be put under the control of a consortium of the
American oil interests that so avidly support the Bush administration.

Pullach, April 5, 2002

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