-Caveat Lector-


Gunning for Saddam - but is the CIA capable of riggering his demise?

Secret War: Bush has ordered his intelligence chiefs
to drive out the Iraqi dictator, reviving all the
old questions over covert US actions

By David Usborne in New York
18 June 2002
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Gunning for Saddam - but is the CIA capable of riggering his demise?

Leading article: Stop trying to behave like a Hollywood hitman
Saddam Hussein now knows what he is up against: President George Bush has
given the green light to the Central Intelligence Agency to do all it can to
drive him from power ­ even killing him, although this would have to be in

But if the Iraqi leader is quaking at the news, is it from fear or just

On the one hand, the CIA has 55 years of experience in diverting the
politics of other nations, sometimes to historic effect. Governments have
been ousted in countries as far apart as the Congo and Chile thanks to its
dastardly doings.

And leaders have indeed been killed, with CIA connivance. During the 1950s,
60s and 70s the agency clandestinely and successfully masterminded coups in
Iran, Guatemala, Iraq, Chile, Guyana and the Congo, formerly Zaire.

On the other hand, the CIA's operations over the decades have frequently
either gone awry ­ remember the disastrous "Bay of Pigs" invasion of
communist Cuba in 1961 ­ or even when deemed a success, left a tragic
political legacy.

The CIA-backed assassination of Patrice Lumumba of the Congo in 1960 made
way for the 32-year reign of terror by the former dictator Joseph Mobutu,
later Mobutu Sese Seko. The 1954 coup in Guatemala led to 35 years of civil
war that left more than 140,000 dead.

And as secret documents have been declassified, Americans have learned of
many of the unsavoury alliances CIA operatives have forged to achieve their
aims ­ for example, in America's efforts to oust President Salvador Allende
of Chile. And there was Washington's silent approval of the invasion of East
Timor by Indonesia, along with the illegal use of US arms.

Mr Bush's order to the CIA, detailed by The Washington Post last weekend, to
use all its resources to precipitate Saddam's ousting, means the agency will
once more be up to its old tricks in Iraq. As well its own spies, it will
have crack teams of American special forces at its disposal. It is a mission
in the best ­ and arguably the very worst ­ of the agency's traditions. That
it might fail is something that the CIA director, George Tenet, has
reportedly put on record already.

According to the Post, Mr Tenet told the President and his cabinet recently
that the CIA's actions alone, without any kind of follow-up military
assault, stands only a 10 to 20 per cent chance of succeeding. He knows his
history and his caution was probably well-placed.

So dismal was the image of the CIA when it turned 50 in 1997 that voices
were raised in Washington ­ including those of two former directors ­ that
it be dismantled and a new
intelligence body be built from scratch. That didn't happen. It is ironic
that since 11 September, when its worst failure of all ­ protecting America
from foreign terror ­ was exposed, the agency has been given new and
multiplied burdens, notably hunting al-Qa'ida and now toppling President

Now all the old questions about the CIA and its methods will be asked anew.
How far can its operatives go in precipitating the murder of a foreign
leader? And what sort of tactics ­ ethical or repugnant ­ might it employ?
And in the event that the CIA does trigger President Saddam's demise, would
Iraq without him prove more benign or even more of a nightmare than it is

The killing of Saddam should be as easy as popping some poison in his
whisky ­ he is, we are often reminded, fond of more than an occasional glass
of the stuff. That sounds silly but it was, after all, the kind of approach
that was adopted by the agency in the early 1960s when Washington was
clamouring for the removal of Cuba's left-wing leader, Fidel Castro.

Early in 1961, the CIA sought the services of a mobster from Chicago to kill
the Cuban revolutionary. At a secret meeting in Miami, they furnished him
with tiny gelatine capsules filled with botulinum toxin. The gangster, John
Rosselli, was
instructed to drop the capsules in Mr Castro's food, with the warning they
wouldn't work in "boiling soup". The plan failed, of course, partly because
Mr Castro suddenly stopped frequenting the restaurant that Rosselli had

There were plenty of other, equally comical, plots hatched in the corridors
of the agency. Famously, one proposed lacing one of Castro's cigars with a
hallucinogenic similar to LSD, in the hope that he would then give a speech
under its effects and be revealed as a ranting madman. Someone else in the
agency thought of dusting his shoes with thallium to make his beard fall
out. There was also the idea of infecting his diving suit with a fungus to
cause a chronic skin disease.

It was also in 1961 and in Cuba that the CIA suffered possibly its most
humiliating disaster ever. That was the CIA-led Bay of Pigs mission:
designed to topple Mr Castro, it foundered almost as soon as the brigade of
anti-revolutionary fighters tried to come ashore. Despite attempts at
secrecy, Mr Castro apparently had ample warning to respond. When it was
over, 114 members of the invading force were killed and 1,189 more were
taken prisoner.

It is unclear, meanwhile, just how far the CIA could go in seeking, or
orchestrating the murder of President Saddam. Mr Bush couched his
authorisation for the Iraqi to be killed in "self-defence" for a very good
reason. Since the 1970s, the CIA ­ or any agent of the US government ­ is
prohibited from directly seeking the assassination of a foreign leader. The
attempts on Mr Castro's life were first revealed to a Senate intelligence
committee, known as the Church Committee after its chairman, Senator Frank
Church, in 1976.

Members also learned how the CIA tried to infect a toothbrush of Lumumba,
the first post-colonial premier of the Congo, with a deadly African plague.
That led President Gerald Ford to issue an executive order banning
assassinations by all US agencies. Later presidents renewed the ban.

There has always been debate, however, as to how water-tight the ban really

An executive order does not have the same legal standing as a law passed by
Congress. Nor is it obvious how far America's spies are at liberty still to
help engineer a murder of a
foreign leader, for instance by assisting would-be assassins from indigenous
dissident groups to commit the act so long as they leave no American
fingerprints. The other possible loophole ­ the one apparently chosen by
this White House ­ is to allow the killing of a leader "in self-defence".

Few people would mourn the death of President Saddam. But other unintended
consequences might flow from an extended CIA operation in Iraq. The
catalogue of the CIA catastrophes around the world ­ albeit some of them
catastrophes with the benefit of hindsight ­ is, after all, depressingly

Previous CIA plots

The 1951 nationalisation of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company by Iran's Prime
Minister at the time, Mohammed Mossadegh, brought him into conflict with the
Shah of Iran when Britain boycotted Iranian oil in protest. The US and
Britain orchestrated a coup by encouraging Iranians working for the CIA to
turn the Islamic community against the nationalist Mossadegh. In August
1953, the Shah signed a CIA-penned royal decree replacing Mossadegh with
General Fazlollah Zahedi, who was handpicked by America and Britain.

The CIA began undermining the coalition government of the socialist
President Salvador Allende even before he was elected in 1970, amid fears of
the impact of his election on US-owned mining firms. President Nixon ordered
the CIA to prevent him taking office but the first attempted coup failed.
The CIA did not give up, having been told to "make the economy scream". The
US approved $1m in covert aid to political parties and private organisations
three weeks before Allende's overthrow in 1973 by General Augusto Pinochet.
For years, Washington denied its role in the coup.

Two years after the overthrow of the US-backed dictatorship of Fulgencio
Batista in 1959 by Fidel Castro, the US launched its disastrous Bay of Pigs
invasion, which sent 1,300 CIA-trained Cuban exiles to the island. Their
defeat after three days of battles was a huge embarrassment for President
John F Kennedy. Various madcap assassination schemes followed. President
Castro has survived 40 years of sanctions, which the US is refusing to lift.

Patrice Lumumba, who led his country to independence from Belgium and became
its first elected Prime Minister in 1960, was assassinated in a CIA-backed
operation with the help of Belgian intelligence – and UN connivance -- four
months after he took office. He was abducted by Congolese rebels and killed
in the province of Katanga, which declared independence after Lumumba's
election. The order for his assassination came from President Eisenhower.
Belgium has apologised for its role in his killing.

President Suharto came to power in a CIA-backed coup in 1966 that ousted
Sukarno, the father of the current President, Megawati Sukarnoputri. The
coup followed an abortive putsch in 1965, engineered by America and Britain,
and blamed on Indonesia's Communist Party. Hundreds of thousands of
Communist sympathisers were massacred by the army.Historians have said
America passed on the names of Communists to the army. The new president
offered lucrative concessions to Western firms.

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