-Caveat Lector-


U.S. aid to Israel subsidizes a potent weapons exporter

Thursday, June 20, 2002
By JIM KRANE, Associated Press

At an arms trade fair in Paris this week, Israel showed the world's
military shoppers fruits of its high-tech arms industry, including its
Merkava tank, unmanned spy planes and the planet's most
sophisticated missile defense system.

Israeli soldiers guard an Israeli Merkava tank at the Eurosatory
military equipment show held in Villepinte, north of Paris, June 17.
Israel showed the world's military shoppers fruits of its hich-tech arm
industry. Michel Euler/AP With its tourist industry all but shuttered by
a 21-month Palestinian uprising and high-tech in a slump, the Jewish
state depends deeply on the foreign currency earnings of its
weapons industry, now the world's 10th largest.

Deftly marketed missiles, radar and other products from Israeli
companies now compete with those of top-tier arms producers
including the United States, reaping about $2 billion of a $27 billion
yearly worldwide market, said Kuti Mor, deputy director general of
Israel's Ministry of Defense.

In France, Turkey, The Netherlands and Finland, Israeli companies
have edged such U.S. firms as Raytheon, Northrop Grumman and
General Atomics out of arms deals worth hundreds of millions of
dollars in recent years.

The irony, experts say, is that tens of billions of U.S. tax dollars and
transfers of American military technology helped create and nurture
Israel's industry, in effect subsidizing a foreign competitor.

No other country receives as much U.S. aid or freedom to plow it
into its own export industries as Israel, say experts in academia,
industry and the U.S. government.

"It's allowed them to advance faster than Lockheed or Boeing or
Hughes would have liked," said David Lewis, a doctoral candidate at
Rutgers University who has researched Israel's defense industry for
a forthcoming book.

While the United States gets certain benefits from its 50-year
partnership with Israel — political leverage, a proving ground for new
weapons and intelligence cooperation among them — critics point to
a serious downside.

"It's a new concept for most people." said Joel Johnson, a vice
president at the Aerospace Industries Association of America, which
represents many of the largest U.S. arms producers. "We give them
money to build stuff for themselves and the U.S. taxpayer gets
nothing in return."

The rationale, said Richard Fisher, a defense analyst with the
Jamestown Foundation, is that Washington is willing to sacrifice
some defense industry competitiveness in order to give Israel
incentive to make peace.

Supporters of Israel tend to view the transfers of U.S. technology
and funds as good for both countries' economies, akin to post-World
War II assistance for Europe and Japan.

"It's true that Israel sometimes competes with the U.S., but so do all
those countries," said Mark Regev, a spokesman at the Israeli
Embassy in Washington D.C. "Is it that different than American aid
to Japan, or the Marshall Plan in western Europe?"

Beyond competing with U.S. armaments, Israeli weapons also flow
to countries off-limits to American companies. Its weapons buttress
the arsenals of nations such as China that the United States
considers strategic competitors, alarming U.S. military planners.

Last year, U.S. surveillance planes flying along China's coast were
threatened by Chinese fighter jets armed with Israeli missiles.

During the series of airborne confrontations, a Chinese jet crashed
after colliding with a U.S. spy plane, killing the Chinese pilot and
disabling the U.S. plane. The incident sparked a bitter diplomatic row
as China detained the American crew for 11 days.

Had Chinese fighter pilots been given the order to fire, they could
have brought down the U.S. planes with Israeli Python III missiles.

U.S. technology given to the Israelis in the form of the Sidewinder
missile was used in the development of the Python, said Larry
Wortzel, former U.S. Army attache in Beijing and now a military
analyst at the Heritage Foundation.

U.S. defense chiefs say Israel sold China the missiles without
informing the United States.

"Generally speaking, we're not in favor of such capable weapons
systems being proliferated to a variety of nations around the world,"
Rear Adm. Craig Quigley said in a Pentagon briefing last year.
"That's a good missile, and its capabilities are considerable."

In 2000, Israel bowed to U.S. pressure and canceled the sale to
China of its AWACS-style airborne early warning radar planes. The
director general of Israel's finance ministry, Ohad Marani, said Israel
typically discusses arms sales with the Americans.

"We don't sell systems that upset the Pentagon," Marani said.

Israel's arms industry nevertheless continues to put great emphasis
on the Chinese market, hawking its spy planes and radar systems at
recent trade shows in Beijing and Singapore.

China may unveil as early as this year its new J-10 jet fighter, which
experts say is modeled on Israel's Lavi. The Lavi, now discontinued,
was based on the U.S. F-16 and built with $1.3 billion in aid from

"There's no doubt in my mind that the F-16 is the Lavi and the Lavi
is, in substance, the J-10," said Wortzel.

In fact, Israel's arms industry now leads America's in areas such as
the instruments used for fighter aircraft targeting, Fisher said. "We're
now reaching a point that the U.S. military looks to Israel as a source
of advanced technology."

Even critics of U.S. largesse are quick to note that Israel's weapons
industry also owes its success to the country's world-class science
education and its urgent security needs. Luring emigres from the
former Soviet weapons industry has also helped.

The U.S. role, however, is formidable.

Since 1976, Israel has received more U.S. assistance than any other
country, with the largest aid flows beginning after Israel and Egypt
made peace in 1979.

Washington currently gives Israel about $3 billion per year, two-
thirds of it in military grants, the Congressional Research Service
says. As U.S. civilian aid is phased out at Israel's request, military
grants are expected to reach $2.4 billion by 2007.

Alone among U.S. aid recipients, Israel is allowed to use about a
quarter of its military aid to develop its own arms production rather
than for flat-out purchases of U.S. arms, according to the
Congressional Research Service.

Other aid recipients wishing the same must seek State Department
approval, a difficult process, said a department spokeswoman who
spoke on condition of anonymity.

Though Israel is the wealthiest country to receive U.S. aid — with a
per capita income higher than Greece or Spain — the largesse
triggers little opposition in Congress or among the U.S. electorate.
Elsewhere, it can provoke deep resentment. To many of the world's
Muslims, it places the U.S. taxpayer on the Israeli side of its conflicts
with Arabs.

U.S. foreign policy experts such as Richard Perle, a senior Pentagon
official in the Reagan administration, say there's reason behind
Washington's generosity.

The aid is an "inducement to get Israeli concessions in the Middle
East," said Perle, though he called it "unfortunate that the Israelis
have been so willing to sell to the Chinese."

Asked about the situation, U.S officials who monitor foreign arms
transfers called it too politically charged to discuss publicly.

"There's not a whole lot we can comment on," said Jay Greer,
spokesman for the State Department's Bureau of Political-Military
Affairs. "It's a sensitive matter."

In private conversations, however, U.S. officials said there is no
doubt Israel is afforded special latitude to develop and export
equipment made with U.S. help.

And indeed, American and Israeli companies aren't just competitors.
Israeli firms often team with U.S. counterparts, trading technology for
lobbying access to the U.S. military, said Barbara Opall-Rome, Tel
Aviv-based reporter for Defense News.

The Pentagon has also granted Israel permission to demand so-
called "offsets," or contract givebacks, on American hardware
bought with U.S. aid.

Offset agreements require U.S. arms companies to spend or invest
a portion of the contract's value inside the purchasing country. Other
countries, including Egypt, South Korea, Turkey and Greece also get

The agreements often transfer part of a production line — and U.S.
jobs — to a foreign country.

For instance, in 1999, Lockheed Martin awarded Israel $900 million
in offsets on a single $2.5 billion sale of F-16s, even though Israel
used U.S. military grants to pay for the planes.

It was just one example, analysts say, of how the combination of
U.S. aid, technology and political favors have given Israel an
unprecedented leg up on the competition.

"The Israelis wouldn't be where they are today if they didn't have the
Americans behind them," said Bjorn Hagelin, an arms sales
researcher at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

Copyright © 2000 Naples Daily News.

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