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-Caveat Lector-

Humanity VS The New World Order

Mind Control and Ritual Child Abuse--The True Weapons of 
Mass Destruction 

by Peter Farley 

Part 3
   Dick Sutphen continues:  

Steps in the Decognition Process 
   "Once the initial conversion is effected, cults, armed services, 
and similar groups cannot have cynicism among their members. 
Members must respond to commands and do as they are told, 
otherwise they are dangerous to the organizational control. This 
is normally accomplished as a three-step Decognition Process. 
Alertness reduction 
    "Step One is alertness reduction: The controllers cause the 
nervous system to malfunction, making it difficult to distinguish 
between fantasy and reality. This can be accomplished in 
several ways. poor diet is one; watch out for Brownies and 
Koolaid. The sugar throws the nervous system off  (**The use of 
sugar as a drug of mass control in our modern day diets. 
Aspartame, the most popular `non-nutrive sweetener was 
experimented with as a mass mind control drug by the Nazis in 
WWII). More subtle is the "spiritual diet" used by many cults. They 
eat only vegetables and fruits; without the grounding of grains, 
nuts, seeds, dairy products, fish or meat, an individual becomes 
mentally "spacey." Inadequate sleep is another primary way to 
reduce alertness, especially when combined with long hours of 
work or intense physical activity. Also, being bombarded with 
intense and unique experiences achieves the same result. 
Programmed Confusion 
   "Step Two is programmed confusion: You are mentally 
assaulted while your alertness is being reduced as in Step One. 
This is accomplished with a deluge of new information, lectures, 
discussion groups, encounters or one-to-one processing, which 
usually amounts to the controller bombarding the individual with 
questions. During this phase of decognition, reality and illusion 
often merge and perverted logic is likely to be accepted. 
Thought Stopping 
   "Step Three is thought stopping: Techniques are used to 
cause the mind to go "flat." These are 
altered-state-of-consciousness techniques that initially induce 
calmness by giving the mind something simple to deal with and 
focusing awareness. The continued use brings on a feeling of 
elation and eventually hallucination. The result is the reduction of 
thought and eventually, if used long enough, the cessation of all 
thought and withdrawal from everyone and everything except that 
which the controllers direct. The takeover is then complete. It is 
important to be aware that when members or participants are 
instructed to use "thought-stopping" techniques, they are told 
that they will benefit by so doing: they will become "better 
soldiers" or "find enlightenment." 
Thought-Stopping Techniques 
   "There are three primary techniques used for thought stopping. 
The first is marching: the thump, thump, thump beat literally 
generates self-hypnosis and thus great susceptibility to 
   "The second thought stopping technique is meditation. If you 
spend an hour to an hour and a half a day in meditation, after a 
few weeks, there is a great probability that you will not return to 
full beta consciousness. You will remain in a fixed state of alpha 
for as long as you continue to meditate. I'm not saying this is 
bad--if you do it yourself. It may be very beneficial. But it is a fact 
that you are causing your mind to go flat. I've worked with 
meditators on an EEG machine and the results are conclusive: 
the more you meditate, the flatter your mind becomes until, 
eventually and especially if used to excess or in combination 
with decognition, all thought ceases. Some spiritual groups see 
this as nirvana--which is bullshit. It is simply a predictable 
physiological result. And if heaven on earth is non-thinking and 
non-involvement, I really question why we are here. 
    "The third thought-stopping technique is chanting, and often 
chanting in meditation. "Speaking in tongues" could also be 
included in this category. 
  "All three-stopping techniques produce an altered state of 
consciousness. This may be very good if you are controlling the 
process, for you also control the input. I personally use at least 
one self-hypnosis programming session every day and I know 
how beneficial it is for me. But you need to know if you use these 
techniques to the degree of remaining continually in alpha that, 
although you'll be very mellow, you'll also be more suggestible. 
True Believers and Mass Movements 
   "Before ending this section on conversion, I want to talk about 
the people who are most susceptible to it and about Mass 
Movements. I am convinced that at least a third of the population 
is what Eric Hoffer calls "true believers." They are joiners and 
followers...people who want to give away their power. They look 
for answers, meaning, and enlightenment outside themselves. 
   "Hoffer, who wrote "The True Believer", a classic on mass 
movements, says, "true believers are not intent on bolstering 
and advancing a cherished self, but are those craving to be rid of 
unwanted self. They are followers, not because of a desire for 
self-advancement, but because it can satisfy their passion for 
self-renunciation!" Hoffer also says that true believers "are 
eternally incomplete and eternally insecure"! 
   "I know this from my own experience. In my years of 
communicating concepts and conducting trainings, I have run 
into them again and again. All I can do is attempt to show them 
that the only thing to seek is the True Self within. Their personal 
answers are to be found there and there alone. I communicate 
that the basics of spirituality are self-responsibility and 
self-actualization. But most of the true believers just tell me that 
I'm not spiritual and go looking for someone who will give them 
the dogma and structure they desire. 
   "Never underestimate the potential danger of these people. 
They can easily be molded into fanatics who will gladly work and 
die for their holy cause. It is a substitute for their lost faith in 
themselves and offers them as a substitute for individual hope. 
(**A profoound reason for keeping wives and women in general 
in a perpetual state of low self-esteem so that female energy 
spoken of in the theme of this article can be better controlled and 
utilized by the patriarchal orders.)  The Moral Majority is made up 
of true believers. All cults are composed of true believers. You'll 
find them in politics, churches, businesses, and social cause 
groups. They are the fanatics in these organizations. 
   "Mass Movements will usually have a charismatic leader 
(**Lawyers are trained communicators and people manipulators 
and make up so many leadership positions from government on 
down.) The followers want to convert others to their way of living 
or impose a new way of life--if necessary, by legislating laws 
forcing others to their view, as evidenced by the activities of the 
Moral Majority. This means enforcement by guns or punishment, 
for that is the bottomline in law enforcement. 
   "A common hatred, enemy, or devil is essential to the success 
of a mass movement (**Hence the need for pointing out 
enemies such as myself to those who might be seeking some 
direction and answers they are not getting from their religions 
and spiritual groups.)  The Born-Again Christians have Satan 
himself, but that isn't enough--they've added the occult, the New 
Age thinkers and, lately, all those who oppose their integration of 
church and politics, as evidenced in their political reelection 
campaigns against those who oppose their views. In 
revolutions, the devil is usually the ruling power or aristocracy. 
Some human-potential movements are far too clever to ask their 
graduates to join anything, thus labeling themselves as a 
cult--but, if you look closely, you'll find that their devil is anyone 
and everyone who hasn't taken their training. 
  "There are mass movements without devils but they seldom 
attain major status. The True Believers are mentally unbalanced 
or insecure people, or those without hope or friends. People 
don't look for allies when they love, but they do when they hate or 
become obsessed with a cause. And those who desire a new 
life and a new order feel the old ways must be eliminated before 
the new order can be built. 
Persuasion Techniques  
  "Persuasion isn't technically brainwashing but it is the 
manipulation of the human mind by another individual, without 
the manipulated party being aware what caused his opinion 
shift. I only have time to very basically introduce you to a few of 
the thousands of techniques in use today, but the basis of 
persuasion is always to access your right brain. The left half of 
your brain is analytical and rational. The right side is creative and 
imaginative. That is overly simplified but it makes my point. So, 
the idea is to distract the left brain and keep it busy. Ideally, the 
persuader generates an eyes-open altered state of 
consciousness, causing you to shift from beta awareness into 
alpha; this can be measured on an EEG machine. 
 "Yes Set"  
  "First, let me give you an example of distracting the left brain. 
Politicians use these powerful techniques all the time; lawyers 
use many variations which, I've been told, they call "tightening the 
    "Assume for a moment that you are watching a politician give a 
speech. First, he might generate what is called a "yes set." 
These are statements that will cause listeners to agree; they 
might even unknowingly nod their heads in agreement. Next 
come the truisms. These are usually facts that could be debated 
but, once the politician has his audience agreeing, the odds are 
in the politician's favor that the audience won't stop to think for 
themselves, thus continuing to agree. Last comes the 
suggestion. This is what the politician wants you to do and, 
since you have been agreeing all along, you could be persuaded 
to accept the suggestion. Now, if you'll listen closely to my 
political speech, you'll find that the first three are the "yes set," the 
next three are truisms and the last is the suggestion. 
    "Ladies and gentlemen: are you angry about high food prices? 
Are you tired of astronomical gas prices? Are you sick of 
out-of-control inflation? Well, you know the Other Party allowed 
18 percent inflation last year; you know crime has increased 50 
percent nationwide in the last 12 months, and you know your 
paycheck hardly covers your expenses any more. Well, the 
answer to resolving these problems is to elect me, John Jones, 
to the U.S. Senate." 
Embedded Commands 
   "And I think you've heard all that before. But you might also 
watch for what are called embedded commands. As an 
example: On key words, the speaker would make a gesture with 
his left hand, which research has shown is more apt to access 
your right brain. Today's media-oriented politicians and 
spellbinders are often carefully trained by a whole new breed of 
specialist who are using every trick in the book--both old and 
new--to manipulate you into accepting their candidate. 
   (**In advertising lately it is `Obey your thirst', `Surrender to your 
tastes' `Drive equals love' etc etc . . reprogramming us for the 
New World Order takeover taking place.) 
The Power of NLP 
   "The concepts and techniques of Neuro-Linguistics are so 
heavily protected that I found out the hard way that to even talk 
about them publicly or in print results in threatened legal action. 
Yet Neuro-Linguistic training is readily available to anyone willing 
to devote the time and pay the price. It is some of the most subtle 
and powerful manipulation I have yet been exposed to. A good 
friend who recently attended a two-week seminar on 
Neuro-Linguistics found that many of those she talked to during 
the breaks were government people. 
Interspersal Technique   
   "Another technique that I'm just learning about is unbelievably 
slippery; it is called an interspersal technique and the idea is to 
say one thing with words but plant a subconscious impression 
of something else in the minds of the listeners and/or watchers. 
Practical Examples 
   "Let me give you an example: Assume you are watching a 
television commentator make the following statement: Senator 
Johnson is assisting local authorities to clear up the stupid 
mistakes of companies contributing to the nuclear waste 
problems." It sounds like a statement of fact, but, if the speaker 
emphasizes the right word, and especially if he makes the 
proper hand gestures on the key words, you could be left with the 
subconscious impression that Senator Johnson is stupid. That 
was the subliminal goal of the statement and the speaker 
cannot be called to account for anything. 
     "Persuasion techniques are also frequently used on a much 
smaller scale with just as much effectiveness. The insurance 
salesman knows his pitch is likely to be much more effective if 
he can get you to visualize something in your mind. This is 
right-brain communication. For instance, he might pause in his 
conversation, look slowly around your livingroom and say, "Can 
you just imagine this beautiful home burning to the ground?" Of 
course you can! It is one of your unconscious fears and, when he 
forces you to visualize it, you are more likely to be manipulated 
into signing his insurance policy. 
Shock and Confusion 
   "The Hare Krishnas, operating in every airport, use what I call 
shock and confusion techniques to distract the left brain and 
communicate directly with the right brain. While waiting for a 
plane, I once watched one operate for over an hour. He had a 
technique of almost jumping in front of someone. Initially, his 
voice was loud then dropped as he made his pitch to take a 
book and contribute money to the cause. Usually, when people 
are shocked, they immediately withdraw. In this case they were 
shocked by the strange appearance, sudden materialization and 
loud voice of the Hare Krishna devotee. In other words, the 
people went into an alpha state for security because they didn't 
want to confront the reality before them. 

End of Part 3


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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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