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This article appears in the <A 
HREF="http://www.larouchepub.com/eirtoc/2002/eirtoc_2924.html";>June 21, 2002 issue</A> 
of Executive Intelligence

Pentagon/Justice Take PoliceState Moves, As LaRouche Warned
by Edward Spannaus and Michele Steinberg

Attorney General John Ashcroft's suspension of the constitutional rights of
an American citizen, in the "radioactive dirty bomb" case, is the latest
step-wise escalation in the assault on civil rights and liberties which began
in earnest immediately after Sept. 11.

On June 10, exactly as Democratic Party Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon
LaRouche had warned in May, the Pentagon did "cross the Rubicon"-or at least
the Potomac-to hold a press conference with Justice Department officials,
where they announced the arrest and transfer to a military prison of José
Padilla, an American citizen.

This unprecedented and legally dubious action occurred only weeks after
LaRouche's EIR article of May 24, 2002, entitled, "The Northern Command:
Crossing The Rubicon."

LaRouche said: "The proposal for the probably unlawful, U.S. Army Northern
Command ('USNORTHCOM'), when taken in its current strategic-policy setting,
is clearly a proposal to 'cross the Rubicon,' a preparation to create a
Caesarian military dictatorship over both the North American continent and
the Caribbean.... In today's world, it is a preparation for the Pentagon to
cross the Potomac one morning, to place the U.S. Attorney-General and his
minions in power, reducing the President himself to a ceremonial, or even
lesser figure in the configuration."

The night before the June 10 press conference, Ashcroft's Justice Department
got President George W. Bush to sign an order classifying Padilla as an
"enemy combatant," because of his alleged ties to al-Qaeda.

This then allowed the former member of a Latino street gang, to be
transferred to a military brig where he may never be tried, from Justice
Department custody. One of the main reasons that Padilla was transferred, was
that there is no evidence to prove the charges against him.

A high-level intelligence source in Washington told EIR that, while the U.S.
government had "intelligence" about Padilla, they had no real evidence.

But as alarming as the legal maneuverings are, equally dangerous, and
indefensible, were the actions by Ashcroft and his war-mongering allies,
Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and FBI Director Robert Mueller,
resorting to a Nazi Party-style "Big Lie" tactic.

To cause maximum panic, the announcement about the military transfer of
Padilla, was made in Moscow by Ashcroft, mouthing off that the arrest of this
"top" al-Qaeda terrorist justified U.S. concerns about the "axis of evil,"
state-sponsored terrorism, and the threat from weapons of mass destruction.

Ashcroft announced that Padilla had entered the United States to carry out an
al-Qaeda plan to set off a "radioactive bomb" in Washington.

But just hours after Ashcroft's "Big Lie" announcement, the officials
themselves had to backtrack on this outrageous propaganda. Not only was it
later stated by Wolfowitz and FBI officials that there was "no actual plot"
to which the U.S. government can tie Padilla; it was further admitted that he
is not a "top" figure in al-Qaeda, or any other known terrorist group.

In fact, intelligence analysts admitted that al-Qaeda leaders would not make
a recent American convert to Islam, such as Padilla, anything more than a
courier or low-level operative.

 - Ripping Up the Constitution -

The Justice Department's actions in the case of Padilla, who reportedly goes
by the name Abdullah al-Muhajir after converting to Islam in the United
States around 1993, goes well beyond what was contemplated in the President's
Oct. 13 Military Order establishing military tribunals to try terrorist
suspects captured in Afghanistan.

The Military Order explicitly excluded United States citizens, and also
provided a procedure for trials and access to a lawyer.

Padilla's case stands in contrast to that of John Walker Lindh, the so-called
"American Taliban," who had been captured in Afghanistan, as part of the
military forces of Taliban and/or al-Qaeda.

Lindh is standing trial under Department of Justice charges in a Federal
criminal court in Alexandria, Virginia.

Padilla's sudden transfer was apparently triggered by a scheduled court
hearing at which the Justice Department would have been compelled to state
whether or not it was bringing criminal charges against him.

Since, by all accounts, the government has virtually no evidence against
Padilla-or at least, no evidence that it is willing and able to use in
Federal court-the Justice Department went to President Bush on the evening of
June 9, and got him to sign an order declaring Padilla an "enemy combatant"
who was to be tranferred to military custody.

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has made it clear that the government has
no interest whatsoever in putting Padilla on trial-in front of a military
commission or any place else-but that it simply wants to detain him,
incommunicado, and interrogate him.

This has been done already with non-citizens since Sept. 11-hundreds of men
captured in Afghanistan, many of whom are not Taliban or al-Qaeda fighters,
are being held in military custody at Guantanamo; and a Syrian citizen, who
is a former cab driver in Boston, was held incommunicado for eight months in
New York, before being brought before a Federal magistrate.

But what makes the Padilla case so extraordinary, is that the Justice
Department, with the stroke of the President's pen, has now suspended all
constitutional rights of an American citizen.

But the actions by Ashcroft, Wolfowitz, and company are so egregious that the
action against Padilla may backfire. On June 12, the New York Times, in its
lead editorial, accused Ashcroft of "suspending the U.S. Constitution."

The Times noted that the U.S. government seems to have no interest in giving
Padilla a trial, but it seems only interested in detaining and interrogating

"So far," says the Times, "the government has produced no evidence that a
dirty-bomb plot existed, or of Mr. Muhajir's role in one.

We do, however, have President Bush's assurance ... that 'This guy Padilla is
a bad guy.'

"The government's position is unacceptable," says the Times, since the
government says it can revoke constitutional rights by labelling someone an
"enemy combatant."

Further, it shows that "the government is prepared to strip away the rights
of American citizens as readily as those of foreigners."

"The real problem with the government's approach has been evident since Sept.

The Bush Administration has too little faith in the criminal justice system,"
the editorial concludes.

"The government must be vigilant about fighting terrorism, but this war can
be waged without suspending the Constitution."

 - Police State's Global Agenda -

Similar concerns have appeared in leading international publications.

On June 11, the London Independent carried an article entitled "British
Security Sources Raise Doubts Over U.S. Claims About 'Dirty Bomber.'

" The Independent says that British and European security officials are
"highly skeptical of American claims" that Padilla "was preparing to unleash
a radioactive attack.... No evidence has been produced to show that he had
access to the radioactive material needed to build the bomb, or indeed, that
he had even worked out a time or place to launch the attack."

The Israel newspaper Ha'aretz said that "in the month since his arrest, the
FBI has had difficulty grounding in evidence the charges that Padilla belongs
to a hostile organization, to the extent that it needed to use the trick of
moving him to a military tribunal 'as an enemy combatant.'

Not even spies condemned to death, like Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, were
given such treatment."

As LaRouche explained in "Crossing the Rubicon," measures toward a police
state in the United States are not ends in themselves, but part of the
nightmare policy option of turning the United States from a republic into a
fascist empire of the Roman Empire model.

The fact that Paul Wolfowitz appeared as the spokesman for the Defense
Department at the joint press conference with the Justice Department, instead
of someone from the DOD General Counsel's office, or the military's judicial
branch, that of the Judge Advocate General, is a sign of that concern.

The prominence of Wolfowitz signals that the U.S. utopians behind the
Northern Command and the police-state measures exposed by LaRouche, wanted to
try to use the phony "dirty bomb" case around Padilla, as an excuse to extend
the war on terrorism to Iraq, Iran, and other countries.

Wolfowitz is the utopian maniac who has repeatedly penned scenarios and war
plans-since 1991-for the assassination of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and
full-scale war against Iraq.

Like his decades-long associate, Richard Perle, now head of the Defense
Policy Board, Wolfowitz believes that the United States should wage war
unilaterally against any country that right-wing neo-conservatives, and
Israeli Likudnik fascists put on their "enemies list."

Perle also believes that a second major terrorist assault inside the United
States-such as a "suitcase nuke" dirty bomb-is a necessary step to give his
faction of "perpetual war" advocates, the leverage to overcome internal Bush
Administration reluctance to Wolfowitz's and Perle's mad policy.

This is to abandon the "coalition" for a war against terrorism, and to launch
full-scale unilateral military operations against Islam in a global "Clash of

 - Ashcroft Reprimanded -

Wolfowitz's agenda is well known, and opposed worldwide, largely because of
the international influence and activities of Lyndon LaRouche, whose 2004
Presidential campaign issued a groundbreaking Special Report in February,
entitled Zbigniew Brzezinksi and September 11th.

In that report, LaRouche demolished the "Big Lie," that is at the heart of
current global destabilizations, and U.S. police-state dangers. This is the
assertion, for which evidence is never publicly produced, that Osama bin
Laden and al-Qaeda carried out the Sept. 11 irregular warfare attacks.

LaRouche exposed the fact that the Sept. 11 tragedy was an "inside job"
designed to trigger a Clash of Civilizations war.

Numerous reports have confirmed that Attorney General Ashcroft was
reprimanded by the White House for his grandstanding on the Padilla case. It
is reported that, after the decision was made to transfer Padilla to military
custody, it was to be announced by two deputies-Deputy Defense Secretary
Wolfowitz, and Deputy Attorney General Larry Thompson-at the June 10 press

But instead, Ashcroft, who was in Moscow, jumped in front of the cameras with
a highly exaggerated and inflammatory account of the Padilla case, declaring
that "we have disrupted an unfolding terrorist plot to attack the United
States by exploding a radioactive 'dirty bomb,' " which, Ashcroft went on to
say, "can cause mass death and injury."

As a result of the anger in the White House over Ashcroft's conduct-which
also triggered an 80-point drop in the stock market-Wolfowitz went on
television the next morning with a much softer description of the plot,
saying, "I don't think that was actually a plot beyond some fairly loose talk
and his coming in here obviously to plan further deeds."

Wolfowitz added that "it's not as though this was a plan that was on the
verge of being executed."

Nonetheless, despite admitting that the entire Padilla plot was just "loose
talk," Wolfowitz arrogantly defended the classification of any American
judged to be a threat to the war on terrorism as an "enemy combatant," whose
constitutional rights can be denied.

The case has been made that Ashcroft, Wolfowitz, and the gang behind the
police-state plans should be ousted, as a vital move in defense of the U.S.

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