-Caveat Lector-

>From Sierra Times

Politically Incorrect Movie Reviews
Minority Report
by RadioFree Rocky D
Published 06. 27. 02 at 22:00 Sierra Time

Tom Cruise (Paul) – he sees when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake,
and he
isn't Santa Claus so be good for goodness sake.

Max Von Sydow (Director Lamar) – cranky bad ol' Whitey.

Samantha Morton (Agatha) – telepathic crack baby.

Kathryn Morris (Lara) – got married for "better," but split when "worse" showed up.

Colin Farrell (Witwer) – the only religious guy in the film, so you know he's gonna

It's a liberal's dream come true: Jackbooted thugs kick down your door and haul you
away, because you're merely thinking about doing something wrong. Minority
Report is a frightening vision of a near future dystopia, where the thought police
have unlimited police power and unlimited high-tech gizmos to punish you for
having bad-thoughts. It's The Matrix meets Logan's Run in a cinematic mad dash
that wrestles with the ethics of arresting someone who has not yet committed a
crime, but the experts say certainly will. Geez … we can't even get OJ in jail after
he piles up mountains of evidence and deposits his DNA in more places than Bill
Clinton at a sorority party; yet here we have coppers busting folks for something
that has yet to occur. I'll bet Johnny Cochran and Alan Dershowitz wet their theatre
seats over this hate-crimes legislation taken to the nth degree fantasy.

The whole idea of a cop on the run from a corrupt system is not new. Minority
Report is just better made than most of the stories that follow Philip K. Dick's vision
of a dark and disturbing future, where Bigshots sit in huge leather chairs, smoke
cigars and twiddle their moustaches, bellowing "Bwaa-hahahaaaa …" Meanwhile,
the huddling masses suffer under an increasingly mechanized and oppressive
corporate-run government. Sounds a lot like the Kennedy's have taken over, eh?

As is the way of Mr. PC himself, the self-proclaimed great Steven Spielberg – who
lately has come out whining against the 2nd amendment, all the while stockpiling a
personal arsenal in his zillion-dollar home – the PC comes out flying off the screen
right away. This is not surprising, considering this is the man who rearranged the
Christian soldier's tombstones at Arlington to include more Stars of David in the
movie Saving Private Ryan (wouldn't want to give Christians credit for saving the
World in WWII, now would we, Steven?).

The film takes place in Washington DC, in the year 2054 (100 years after P.K. Dick
wrote the story). All the would-be murderers in DC have been rounded up and sent
to a futuristic prison, where they are put in golf-ball tubes and pop out of the floor
like ice-cream push- ups. If you look closely at the people in the prison scene, you'll
notice that they're all Caucasians, including the scissors-wielding cuckold busted in
the first scene. Not a single brother in the DC ghetto busts a cap in anyone's ass in
this flick, so you know it's a fantasy. Perhaps the "Precogs" (I'll explain them later)
can't see into the minds of the gangsta homeys that run amok in the streets of DC.
Maybe there was nothing there to see; possibly they were keeping a close eye on
anyone related to a now long-retired Gary Condit.

In reality, the District of Columbia often leads the nation in violent street crime,
including murder. It got so bad the Guv'mint got all twittery and pressured the NBA
to change the name of the DC team from "The Bullets" to "The Wizards," but like all
government programs, that move was perfunctory and did nothing to address the
real problem. It did, however, make certain self-proclaimed minority leaders feel
better; and that's what is truly important to the left. Never mind true results; we 
want the downtrodden to be deliriously delighted with the Big Brother daydream –
stay in our place … we'll take care of you …

It's the oldest bait and switch game in humanity; perception versus reality.

Ghettoes are populated by citizens who are non-violent and victims of the White
Man. It's the Caucasians that are the real harbingers of violence in society. Whitey
forces non-whites to live in the ghetto, take Government welfare and drink cheap
whiskey. I know this, because Hollyweird tells me so.

Hey Spielberg, when was the last time you walked down a ghetto street in DC? Uh-

The other piece of PC malarkey is the idea of all white cops zooming into the ghetto
streets in their scary swat gear and scooping up bad guys (who are all Whiteys).
Come to think of it, in the futuristic "subsidized housing" hi-rise; there are no
minorities (odd for a film called Minority Report). Perhaps by the year 2054, middle-
class Whitey will have been taxed so highly that he, too, joins the ghettohood.

If you review films with the same mindset as the kid who points out that the
Emperor has no clothes (as I do) you know right away who the bad guy is when you
see him. He's the wrinkled, old, cranky Caucasian capitalist, Lamar (Max Von

"If you go around digging up the past, all you'll get is dirty," says cranky Lamar.

Oohh, you know he's hiding something now. Ah-HA! You smartly say, this will be the
ultimate evil Whitey! And you'd be right, even though Spielberg tries to throw you a
weak curveball via another character that wears a religious trinket around his neck.
Whenever there is an old white capitalist guy in a position of power, you know that's
where the evil force emanates from.

When handed a gold-plated pistol as a gift, Lamar says, "Let's hope that no one has
to discharge a firearm ever again." Sure thing, Pops; I'll just put my faith in the
same system that let us down in September of 2001. Tell ya what; you defend
yourself by dialing 911 and I'll defend myself with this pistol, and we'll see who
comes out alive. Naturally, Lamar uses the pistol later, because he's a bad guy and
only bad guys use guns.

Bad old gun-totin' capitalist Whiteys! Bad bad bad!

After all, it's those old cranky Whiteys who still have the old-fashioned notion that
America is still a country where you can make it on your own if you work hard
enough at it. Those silly old Whiteys … haw-haw-haw! Stop it, ol' Whitey, yer killin'

Enter the Precogs – yep, that's Precog as in "precognition." We learn that these are
grown up crack babies floating in a pool and connected to a central computer that
allows the "Pre- Crime Unit" (please, don't give Hillary any ideas) to see their
thoughts. The Precogs are named Agatha, Dashiell and Arthur. Get it? It's a nod to
mystery writers Agatha Christie, Dashiell Hammett and Arthur Conan Doyle. The
Precogs are an interesting dichotomy that is never addressed in Minority Report. To
wit, here we have a society that values life enough to arrest people merely thinking
of murder, yet that same society enslaves three of its most unique minds and forces
them to float comatose connected to a computer. There isn't even any mention of
whether they get paid for doing this or not – that would make them capitalists and
that's a BAD thing to be (unless you're a Hollyweird star, then capitalism is okee-
dokee). And who is the smartest of the Precogs? The lone female, of course. I'm
surprised that Hollyweird didn't make her an Injun in a wheelchair while they were at
it. As it is, people in Minority Report treat the Precogs like they are some kind of
mystical gods.

Psychics can help solve crimes, because they have God-like secret powers. Psychic
powers are real, and the government should control people with such power,
because there should be no higher power than the government. I know this,
because Hollyweird tells me so.

The idea that psychics help out police is nothing but new-age pychobabble
hogwash. There has never been a case that was solved by a "psychic." What the
"psychics" do is show up after the case is solved and then take credit for it. But
there are plenty enough ninnies who read the National Enquirer and watch Oprah to
run around as blind believers of this hocus- pocus and make other idiots follow right
along. Ask yourself this: why did a psychic not predict 9/11? And no, neither did
Nostradamus. Come to think of it, why don't psychics bet on horses?

If you believe in "psychics," please contact me about a bridge I have for sale. I'll
give you a real deal on it.

And what would a Spielberg flick be without a little Christian-bashing? Enter Mr.
Witwer, a creepy looking sort who cannot be trusted. Witwer wears a religious
necklace – I believe it's a Saint Christopher medal, but I'm not sure. Witwer explains
to us that he was once in the seminary, but now he's an ace crime investigator. I
suppose this is Hollyweird's way of telling us he came to his senses, yet he may be
the bad guy.

"If there's a flaw, it's human, says a sneering Witwer, "It always is." Witwer
should've remembered that Saint Christopher was beheaded.

Eventually, Cruise runs to The Nature Lady, who has plants that protect her by
lashing out at anyone who gets near. This is supposedly the lady that created the
Precogs. Apparently you take a crack baby, add a dash of Ortho and voila! The
Nature Lady plants a smootch on Cruise and tells him things … secret things.

People who are at one with nature know mystical life-giving secrets. There is no
God, only the Goddess of Nature, until something even trendier comes along. I
know this, because Hollyweird tells me so.

Minority Report is one of those films where you have to lay common sense aside to
join in the fast-paced fun and it doesn't take a Precog to tell where the predictable
plot is going. There are enough holes in the storyline to drive a stylish Lexus
thorough. Here are a few: Cruise could have simply checked himself into a motel
somewhere far away to avoid being at the time and place of the murder. When the
pre-crime coppers find out a murder is going to be committed, they could simply
take the victim into protective custody, thereby avoiding the whole incident. When
Cruise is on the run from the coppers, his eyeball security scanner still works to get
him into the most secure sections of the building – I guess changing the locks didn't
occur to them. The coppers didn't even question Agatha, and she was the one who
knew what was going on. Nobody notices when Witwer goes missing. Lara says she
left Cruise because she needed to get away from her bad memories of her son's
kidnapping, yet she sets up a shrine to the boy in her home. If Lamar wanted to kill
someone, he could've done it outside of DC, away from the range of the Precogs.
And lastly, the huge leaps in technology seem unlikely to occur in the next 52 years.
Remember, 50 years ago, sci-fi geeks were absolutely sure we'd be in flying cars
and polka-dancing on Mars by now.

Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of very cool things to see in Minority Report,
despite it's attempt to PC the future. There is a very funny scene where Cruise is
chasing his eyeballs down a hallway. Many futuristic fun-gadgets populate the
move, including robotic spiders and advertisements that scan your eyeballs and say
your name, "Wouldn't you like a nice refreshing cold beer, Mr. Anderton?" "How
were those tank tops, Mr. Yamamoto?" "Mr. Clinton, these condoms are perfect for
you." Companies like The Gap, Lexus and many more paid big bucks to be in this
film, and if Lexus ever makes a car that rad, I'll buy one.

Minority Report has 4 of the 5 Bachelor B's. Blood (delightfully slimy surgery),
Bashes (whole lotta smashin' goin' on), Beasts (robotic creepy-crawlies) and Bombs.
No Breasts … Hmm … don't know as I like a future with no breasts – maybe that
means that the Girlstapo (NOW) get their way after all.

I give Minority Report four Capitalist Dollar Signs.



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The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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