Title: Re: [CTRL] 9/11: Demand To See The Video Footage
-Caveat Lector- Amazing

I was with this

Not sure it all follows
But very good questions
Step by step laid out logically

And then out of the blue:

Was it the Mossad?

Where did this come from? – I mean as opposed to say Russian secret service, or Chinese, or N Korean, or Basque, Or MI5, or maybe the religious right, or radical Christians, or the CIA, or The green nuns of the revolution, or the trilateral commission, illuminati, Priory of Sion, Knights of Malta. AA, M Society, Seers of Mu, or the elks?

And just in case you missed it, the next line for clarification:

4) Why has the MAIN Anthrax suspect NOT been arrested yet? Are the Feds afraid of him being a ZIONIST?

If you are seeking clarity,  remove variables, rather than introduce them.

on 7/7/02 12:16 AM, William Shannon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-Caveat Lector- http://www.babelmagazine.com/

9/11: Demand To See The Video Footage
by Art Bishop  

The Sherlock Holmes mystery the "Silver Blaze" was about the theft of an expensive race horse from its stable. During the investigation, Inspector Gregory of Scotland Yard asked Holmes if there was any particular aspect of the crime calling for additional study. Holmes replied "Yes," and pointed to "the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime." Inspector Gregory replied, "The dog did nothing in the night-time." Holmes said, "That was the curious incident." In this case, the failure of the dog to bark when Silver Blaze was stolen showed the watch dog knew the thief. This was an important material fact; it considerably reduced the number of suspects, and eventually solved the case.

Having said that; I would like to ask one question: I have searched the web thru and thru and high and low but could find NOTHING to answer my question. So, short of asking Jeeves, I would like to toss the question out to you and you tell me. As far as I know, this is the FIRST time this question has ever bin raised on the Internet, or ANYWHERE else.

As anyone who has been to a modern day airport has probably noticed, there are security cameras that record your every move from the minute your car drives in the parking lot to you walking up to the ticket counter - to you going through the x-ray machine to you sitting in the departure lounge and boarding your plane.

Are you with me so far? Does anyone dispute this FACT? Can anyone tell you otherwise?

Okay, now to my question. I want to take you to a black-and-white still-picture shown to the WORLD of two men checking in to an airport. One of them was called Atta, the other was ... does anyone remember his name? Does anybody really care? We got the BIG BAD ARAB MOSLEM ringleader Mohammad Atta. That's all that matters, right?


The question that has been nagging me for nine months that NOBODY has asked is: Where the hell is the footage of the 17 OTHER 'hijackers'? All we were shown were 19 passport pictures of 19 'dead men.' I'd like to see the footage of ALL of the 19 'hijackers' entering the airport, checking in, going through the x-ray machines, and boarding the bloody plane. Please, do you mind, MR.BUSH?

I'd even settle to see some still-pictures of them checking into the airport. Is it too much to ask? I need proof. I hunger for the truth. I don't trust the F.B.I. any more (or is it the F.I.B.)? Do you?

Even the smallest 7-11 store has a video camera and VCR taping 24 hours a day. Those airport cameras are pointed in one direction (direction can be controlled by viewers in the nerve center) and are ALL over the airport. There is NO WAY that the "19 ALLEGED" hijackers ... (I say ALLEGED because I have seen NO PROOF AS OF TODAY) could have gotten on those planes without getting their video taken at VARIOUS parts of the airport.

I don't think that ANY PASSENGER could get in any airport in the USA regardless of how SMALL or how BIG the airport and board a plane without having his picture taken SEVERAL TIMES. So where the flock are those tapes and why won't they show us so I can shut up and go home?

You know what? IF they had those tapes ... they WOULDA SHOWN them to us OVER and OVER and OVER. But they don't have them!

Forgive me for doubting and bringing up this maybe irrelevant point, but these are extraordinary times, and these are very relevant questions you should be asking yourselves. And while we're at it, I have six more NAGGING questions:

1) I'd like to see pictures of the plane that crashed into the Pennsylvania countryside. I never saw ONE shred of debris of a plane. Did you? Has anybody seen ONE picture of a plane? In this day and age where we have footage of the lowliest car chase, we only have ONE picture of that plane that crashed in Pittsburg? All I saw were trees and some sort of sand dune debris in the background. I am in no way implying anything, but PLEASE SHOW US. And that BLACK BOX should be made public. It's fishy/suspicious to say the least when it is only "revealed" to the grieving family members who were sworn to secrecy. Has anyone heard a peep from them since? Why the secrecy? Because there was NO MENTION of ARABS anywhere on these taped conversations? If there INDEED were ARAB HIJACKERS, then we would've heard at least ONE "dirty Arab!" from one of the alleged passenger conversations, don't you think?

2) I'd like to see the same for the Pentagon 'plane crash.' I have gone through ALL the pictures made available. Where's the plane? Where are the wings? Where is the tail? Did the four engines evaporate into thin air? Where are the black boxes (supposedly found September 14) for crying out loud? Why were the 'hijackers' names not on the plane's manifest? Why were there no ARAB names in ANY of the four 'planes' manifests? Was it a missile that hit the Pentagon? A truck bomb a la Oklahoma? Shades of Timothy McVeigh? Or was it an INSIDE JOB? TODAY ... nine months later ... no BLACK BOXES? WHY?

3) If there are no planes in Pittsburgh and the Pentagon, and there are no hijackers, what the flock REALLY happened? Remote controlled planes in the WTC case, or was it our very own homegrown American home-boy terrorists? Or was it the SHADOW GOVERNMENT? Was it the Mossad? WHO WHO?

4) Why has the MAIN Anthrax suspect NOT been arrested yet? Are the Feds afraid of him being a ZIONIST?

5) Were the Mailbox bombs Bin Laden and Saddam's work too? Nope. Abada abada aba dat's all folks! It was Khaddaffyduck!

6) Will King George Bush the Second declare MARTIAL LAW abolishing the writ of habeas corpus making everyone and anyone (like us) who opposes the war on terror and who questions what's going on a terrorist, too?

The curious incident of the dog in the night time. Why didn't the dog (FBI) bark?

Elementary my dear Watson ... 'Cause he (the dog) (F.I.B.) knew the culprit, that's why.

I honestly believe that Bush and Company not only knew about 9-11 ... they facilitated its happening. Just look at the face of that clown when it was whispered in his ear that 9-11 was happening. It speaks volumes.

My OTHER worry is that with their new powers, the F.I.B will harass us and call us terrorists for being AGAINST their phony WAR and make us criminals for criticizing the president "in a time of WAR."

If those NINETEEN MEN were in OUR AIRPORTS, and we have security cameras ALL OVER OUR AIRPORTS, that should translate into our having FOOTAGE in our hands. Why do I have to go LOOKING for clues? We're SUPPOSED to have in OUR POSESSION footage of 19 MEN. We should have footage of ALL the passengers that entered those airports THAT DAY. Where is the footage, Watson? WHERE izzit? I'll tell you where ... nowhere. It doesn't exist.

I'm trembling as I write this to you, Doc, because I think WE COULD BE ON TO SOMETHING BIG here. If there is no footage of the 19 alleged hijackers (and there is no plausible reason on earth why there is no footage), then it only follows that there WERE NO 19 hijackers on those flights. N'est ce pas mon chere, Watson?

THINK. Think and ask your congressmen or senators. Or, on second thought ... what good will that do? They're so scared shitless of Dick Cheney that we haven't heard a whimper. It's up to us. What the flock do we do? How do we stop the Madness? We're ALL going to suffe,r my brothers - Republican, Democrat, Libertarian or Green. We're ALL going to lose in a war against a ciliziazation of 1.4 billion Arabs, Pakistanis and Moslems.

Something is VERY WRONG HERE. There can be no denying it. We are being led into a NUCLEAR WORLD WAR by people who can't explain what they knew BEFORE 9-11 and why I they didn't share it with a public that entrusted them to PROTECT them?

DEMAND to SEE THE FOOTAGE OF ALL THE 19 (alleged) HIJACKERS. The 19 hijackers are a myth as far as I'm concerned. If they don't have the tapes, then who flew those planes? Were they remote controlled? I'd give anything to know.

DEMAND to SEE THE FOOTAGE OF ALL THE 19 (alleged) HIJACKERS. I'm asking for the AIRPORT TAPES OF ALL THE MEN WHO BOARDED THOSE FLIGHT THAT DAY. The families of the victims should DEMAND that they release the AIRPORT TAPES.


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