-Caveat Lector-

> No 'isolated incident'
> Editorial
> The Jerusalem Post
> July 7, 2002
> CNN's coverage of Thursday night's attack on the El Al
> counter at Los Angeles Airport must
> have puzzled local viewers.
> The obvious first assumption, given the timing and location
> of the incident, would surely be that
> it was a terror strike as was indeed stated immediately by
> Israeli officials. Yet CNN's
> broadcaster seemed at pains to stress that no such evidence
> was yet available (as if it could
> be) to draw such a conclusion. Instead, several other
> theories were floated. Perhaps it was a
> "work dispute," since early eyewitness accounts supposedly
> had the attacker shouting out
> "They cost me my job!" Others apparently described it as an
> "altercation that got out of hand,"
> and CNN's newscaster even helpfully reminded viewers that
> "California is a place where a lot of
> people walk about carrying around guns."
> This wasn't just a media line. US law enforcement officials
> also seemed to reluctant to label the
> incident a terrorist attack, instead saying that at first
> glance it appeared to be an "isolated
> incident." One American security expert appeared on the air
> confidently declaring that it was
> unlikely to be the forewarned al-Qaida strike on July 4,
> because that group prefers committing
> "large-scale terror attacks" as if al-Qaida operated only
> according to some kind of strictly
> followed playbook.
> Even after the assailant was identified as Hesham Muhammad
> Ali Hadayet, an Egyptian
> national who has spent the past 12 years in the US, local
> law enforcement officials continued to
> resist drawing the obvious conclusion. Because Hadayet had
> no prior known links with terrorist
> groups, Richard Garcia, the FBI agent in charge of the
> investigation, told The New York Times
> it just as well could have been a "hate crime," or perhaps
> Hadayet "might simply have been
> despondent for some as yet unknown reason, perhaps a
> financial problem or a family dispute,
> and that despair drove him to violence."
> It may well be that Hadayet had personal problems. It is
> also clear that he was capable of hate.
> "He had hate for Israel, for sure," the Times quoted one
> former employee in Hadayet's limousine
> service, who added "He [Hadayet] told me that the Israelis
> tried to destroy the Egyptian nation
> and the Egyptian population by sending prostitutes with AIDS
> to Egypt."
> The Israel/AIDS conspiracy is a fantastic anti-Semitic
> canard widely circulated in Arab circles
> during the past decade. Perhaps Hadayet read about it in
> Egyptian newspapers sent from
> home, or saw it on anti-Israeli Internet sites, or heard it
> discussed in the local mosques near his
> home in the Los Angeles suburb of Irvine, described by an
> Israeli official in one report as "a
> problematic center of anti-Israel rhetoric recently."
> The notion that an individual like Hadayet necessarily
> needed a direct personal order from the
> likes of Osama bin Laden to carry out his nefarious deed for
> it to be characterized as a "terror
> attack" rather than "isolated incident," "hate crime," or
> "despondent act" is a dangerously
> misguided one. It is misguided about the nature of terrorism
> in general, and about the nature of
> the enemy America is facing in specific. Haven't bin Laden
> and other Islamic terrorist leaders
> publicly called on individual Muslims like Hadayet to commit
> such acts? And when they do, isn't
> that terrorism, pure and simple?
> Why the reluctance on the part of some in the US to
> acknowledge that this was clearly a
> terrorist attack on American soil? Because to do so would
> grant a victory to al-Qaida? Or
> because it would mean admitting that letting such a heavily
> armed man inside an airport terminal
> on a day when the nation was at the highest state of alert
> was a clear lapse of security? (Had
> Hadayet attacked any counter other then El Al, one wonders
> if he would have been stopped so
> quickly and prevented from killing many others).
> Or is this a sign that even after 9/11, many Americans are
> still grappling with the mind shift
> needed to wage an extended war on terrorism both at home and
> abroad?
> Even the early characterizations of the victims as Israelis
> Victoria Hen and Ya'acov Aminov were
> Israeli-Americans seemed intended to somehow shift the
> definition of the crime away from an
> act of terrorism against the US, to some kind of
> transplanted offshoot of the Israeli-Arab conflict.
> No wonder that Hen's family felt compelled to issue a
> statement flatly declaring: "We the family
> believe that this was a murder, an act carried out by a
> terrorist against Israelis and American
> Israelis on American soil. We wish that the American
> government will once and for all take a
> clear and present stand on the issue of terror and will act
> on it."
> The intention here is not to criticize the US war on
> terrorism from an Israeli perspective. Israel
> has its own problems, both in psychological and practical
> terms, in dealing with terrorism. The
> US, with its rich tradition of civil liberties and proudly
> multi-ethnic society must find its own, very
> different path, to fighting and defeating this scourge.
> But echoing the Hen family, one thing needs to be stated
> loud and clear about last week's
> attack at LA airport. This was no "isolated incident." The
> enemies of America vowed to commit a
> terror strike on American soil on July 4 and they succeeded.
> America needs to clearly
> acknowledge this fact, draw the necessary conclusions, and
> then act on them as swiftly as
> possible.
> * Find this article at:

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