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Maybe Manchurian Candidates are being programmed to be firefighters in order to have 
access to the land.


Do Firefighters Like to Set Fires?

July 9, 2002

Terry Lynn Barton was trained to spot the first glimmerings
of fire in the Pike National Forest in Colorado, where she
worked as a seasonal employee for the United States Forest

Leonard Gregg was a part-time firefighter on the Fort
Apache Indian reservation in Arizona.

So it was perhaps predictable that the arrest of Ms. Barton
and Mr. Gregg, who are charged with starting the largest
wildfires in the histories of their respective states,
would revive the notion that firefighters and others whose
work involves putting out fires were also more prone to set

Arson, an environmentalist in the Northwest declared
confidently in newspaper accounts after the arrests, is
wildfire fighters' "dirtiest little secret."

A former fire department engineer in Arizona told a
reporter that most arson fires were started by active or
retired firefighters - a fact he said he had learned in his

But forensic experts who study arsonists say there is no
evidence to support the idea that firefighters are any more
prone to sparking fires than anyone else.

"It's an urban myth," said Paul Schwartzman, an expert on
juvenile fire setters and a member of the National Fire
Protection Association's education board. "They're no more
highly represented than other groups."

His assessment was echoed by Dr. David J. Icove, an
engineer and arson specialist with the Tennessee Valley
Authority police.

Firefighters are no more drawn to arson "than police
officers are to crime," Dr. Icove said.

To be sure, there are cases of fire professionals betraying
their public mission, and some notorious ones at that.

John Orr, an arson investigator and fire captain in
Southern California, was convicted of setting three fires
on his way home from a convention of his colleagues in
1987. Mr. Orr, now in prison, denied his guilt, but
investigators found an unpublished novel he had written
about an arson investigator who set fires.

Paul Keller, the so-called Seattle arsonist, who ignited
fires in the early 1990's, was a fire buff who tried hard
to become a firefighter.

"Luckily, everybody turned him down," said Dr. Marcel
Chappuis, a clinical psychologist who has studied arsonists
and is a consultant to the Salt Lake City Fire Department.
He said Mr. Keller would set fires and then time how long
it took the fire department to arrive.

"He'd go right in the middle of two fire districts and see
who got there first," the psychologist said. "He knew all
about engines and water capacity."

During times of economic hardship - the Great Depression,
for example - firefighters who were paid for hourly work
set blazes to earn money: federal prosecutors in Arizona
have claimed that Mr. Gregg, charged with igniting the
brush and timber that started Arizona's Rodeo fire on June
18, did so for money. As a seasonal firefighter, his $8 an
hour job depended on having fires to fight.

Ms. Barton, a mother of two daughters who worked part-time
for the forest service, told investigators she had in anger
burned a letter from her estranged husband in a campfire
ring, and the fire got out of control. Both Ms. Barton and
Mr. Gregg have pleaded not guilty to setting the fires.

Timothy G. Huff, a former analyst in the Federal Bureau of
Investigation's profiling unit who works as a consultant to
law enforcement groups, had little difficulty finding arson
cases committed by firefighters for an F.B.I. study in
1994. The cases stood out so prominently to fire
investigators that Mr. Huff had simply to do a little
informal polling at training sessions across the country to
collect his sample.

The primary motive among the 75 firefighters, who alone or
in groups were responsible for 182 fires, was a need for
power and excitement, Mr. Huff found.

Revenge was the most infrequent motive for arson, though in
one case a volunteer firefighter torched a fire station,
and in another a group of demoralized firefighters set
fires to get back at their disliked chief.

Yet the former F.B.I. analyst also disputed that
firefighting and fire setting were linked in any systematic
way. Of the million or so firefighters in the United
States, Mr. Huff pointed out, only a tiny fraction are
known to have committed arson, and no data exist indicating
this number is disproportional.

Still, neither Mr. Huff nor other experts were surprised
that such an idea would exert a folkloric pull. People have
a lot of misguided beliefs about arsonists, they said.

Take the term pyromania, a label frequently used by law
enforcement officials and in public discussions of fire
setting. Pyromania also appears as a diagnostic category on
the American Psychiatric Association's list of mental

Descriptions of people impelled to set fires by a need for
sexual or other gratification stretch back to Sigmund
Freud's era and beyond. Freud himself suggested that
pyromania represented a male perpetrator's denial of his
instinctual drive to put out fires by urinating on them.

But modern researchers say that arsonists who get a sexual
thrill from their handiwork are extremely rare and that the
term is used far too loosely.

It is normal for young children to be fascinated by flames,
and the lure of the hearth and the campfire endure into
adulthood. Firefighters, several experts said, may have a
strong interest in fire, but satisfy it in a healthy way
through their jobs. And occasionally, an arsonist may think
about fire obsessively.

But Mr. Huff, for his part, argues that viewing compulsive
fire setting as a distinct mental illness makes no sense.

In a paper appearing in January in The Fire and Arson
Investigator, a publication of the International
Association of Arson Investigators, the former F.B.I.
official and two colleagues, Dr. Icove and Gordon P. Gary,
say pyromania is a myth.

Every case of arson, they contend, can be explained either
as a deliberate criminal act carried out for revenge,
profit or other motives or as a byproduct of other mental

Interviews the authors conducted with 150 arsonists in
prisons, jails or mental hospitals found that none met the
criteria for pure pyromania generally employed by mental
health professionals. Instead, the fire setters, even those
who were psychotic, described their motives as falling
within a number of categories: excitement, revenge,
extremism (arson aimed at making of a political point, like
the torching of an abortion clinic), profit, covering up
another crime or vandalism.

Despite many people's fondness for the word pyromania, the
authors wrote, those who use it rarely agree on what they
are talking about.

To prove their point, they asked 548 fire investigators to
define pyromania and found that the definitions varied
widely, though each meaning was staunchly defended by its

"The current usage of the classification 'pyromania' may be
an oversimplification of a complex issue wherein the
fire-setting acts are the end result," Mr. Huff and his
colleagues concluded.

What researchers do agree on is that fire setters are
overwhelmingly male - Ms. Barton, should she be convicted
of intentionally setting Colorado's Hayman fire, would be
an exception - and that many adult arsonists ignite their
first blazes as children.

"More often than not where you find repeated fire setting
there's a long history where there's been no intervention,"
said Mr. Schwartzman, the expert on arson by juveniles.

National crime surveys find that juveniles account for more
than 50 percent - 54 percent in 1999, according to F.B.I.
statistics - of arson arrests.

For both juveniles and adults, Mr. Schwartzman noted, fire
setting can be a cry for help, a way to express anger,
relieve stress or exact revenge, or a bid for attention.
Some arsonists, he added, have learning disabilities or
neurological impairment. Others are calculating criminals.

In many cases, Mr. Schwartzman and other experts said, the
act of lighting the fire is precipitated by stress,
conflict or the onset of emotional illnesses like

"These guys don't go around setting fires every day," Dr.
Chappuis of Salt Lake City said. "The fire setting tends to
piggyback on other psychological symptoms."

Still, if the chilling personal account by a female fire
setter, published last year under the pseudonym Sarah
Wheaton in the journal Psychiatric Services, offers any
indication, fire is often on the habitual arsonist's mind.

Ms. Wheaton, first admitted to a psychiatric hospital in
1993 after she set five fires on the University of
California campus where she was an undergraduate, was
described by the hospital's psychiatrists as "a highly
intelligent, highly active young woman who had been the
president of her high school class for all four years,"
according to a discharge summary she included in her
journal article.

Yet she confessed in the piece that fire had held for her a
lifelong fascination, and that she often set fires to
relieve feelings of abandonment, loneliness, boredom,
anxiety or emotional arousal.

"Each summer I look forward to the beginning of fire season
as well as the fall - the dry and windy season," Ms.
Wheaton wrote.

"I never plan my fire, but typically drive back and forth
or around he block or park and walk by the scene I am about
to light on fire," she continued. "I set fires only in
places that are secluded, such as roadsides, back canyons,
cul-de-sacs and parking lots. I usually set fires after
nightfall because my chances of being caught are lower

When she was not setting her own fires, Ms. Wheaton wrote,
she investigated fires that were not her own, read about
fires and arsonists and had dreams about "fires that I have
set, want to set or wish I had set."

But the thrill of the fire died with its embers.

"At this
time I feel sadness and anguish and a desire to set another
fire," she wrote. "Over all, it seems that the fire has
created a temporary solution to a permanent problem."


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