-Caveat Lector-

This book is mostly about the man's battles with the Oregon court system but
the last few chapters give a nice history of how the courts became so
corrupted. The entire book can be viewed online or downloaded.

The Weidner Method

>From Chapter 11:

Our legal system is based on the English common law.  All our rules of
evidence-what evidence is admissible, what evidence is not-come basically
from the English common law system.  A court is a place to make a public
record.  That's all that a court is.

We have an adversary system-a plaintiff, a defendant, and a neutral judge.
Each side has an opportunity to come into the courtroom, put on his case and
call his witnesses, to prove that the facts he is alleging give him the
right to recover according to some rule of law.  Each side has a right to
put on its evidence, to cross-examine the other party's witnesses and to
discredit those witnesses so that their testimony should not be believed.

In the English system there were the royal courts and there was no such
thing as a constitution.  There was no such thing as equal protection under
the law and due process of law.  The system was based on whatever the king
granted to his subjects.  Until the time of the Magna Carta in 1215, when
King John was stripped of his absolute power, the kings had absolute life
and death power over their subjects.  The serfs had no rights at all.
Through the Magna Carta, the local nobility put restrictions on King John.

In 1640 there was a movement by the international bankers to depose Charles
I of England, which they did.  He was beheaded.  Oliver Cromwell came to
power and that was the breaking of the stranglehold that the nobility had on
the country, shifting it from the nobility-the landed aristocracy-to the

The bankers-then as now-controlled the money, thus they controlled who was
elected to Parliament.  The English Parliament became a bastion of people
basically working for the Bank of England.  The Bank of England was given a
charter in 1690 in exchange for a loan to the King William III.  It became
totally above any laws passed by Parliament.  By 1694 the Bank of England
was running England and also financing and running the international
bankers' empire around the world.

America was colonized.  Colonies are trading posts created by the bankers.
The bankers acquire the people to go and colonize different areas whether
it's Australia, North America, South America-wherever it is-it's creating
their system in a new environment.  Holland colonized in America.  New York
was called New Amsterdam.  In about 1660 the British defeated Holland taking
over her colonies and becoming the premier maritime power, vying with
France.  France and England had been at war for a long time fighting over
colonies.  France controlled Canada and the Mississippi Valley.  St. Louis
was named after Louis the 12th.  When the English took over from the Dutch
and started expanding those colonies the French used the Indians to attack
and massacre the settlers.  George Washington was a captain, a soldier for
the British government in those wars.  That's when our court system, our
rules of evidence came in, with the British system.  The king appointed
royal courts.

When this country was first founded it contained rugged individuals who
looked out for themselves.  The government, if anything, did the military
function, improved the roads and those kinds of things.  But you didn't have
all these social functions-medicare, social security, medicaid, childcare,
aid to education-all these things didn't exist so each person was forced
into self-reliance.  As the east coast built up people migrated across
country but the migration was funded by the bankers to exploit the land, the
mines and the timber for their own gain.  They gave the people the
opportunity to come out here and, there again, you had this rugged
individualism that we admire so much.

For a long time the colonists were left to create their own money, their own
activity.  All that money does is it creates a medium of exchange to
facilitate commerce.  If it's issued by the government no interest accrues.
But the bankers reeled in abject horror to the idea that that kind of system
would be set up.  England and the Bank of England were taxing different
products and getting their income that way.  This continued until the 1770's
and the French and Indian wars.  The colonists-like today-if the business
people are making profit, they don't want to disturb their lifestyle so they
tolerate a lot of abuse in order to maintain what they see as a comfortable
lifestyle.  Concerning the Revolutionary War, there's always rumbling for
change, obviously, when you're a colony.  But, like today, things have to
reach a certain level before good people will stand up.  I've found that
people will avoid conflict as long as they possibly can, as long as things
are bearable.  When they become unbearable then they are forced to act.  The
French and Indian wars put a drain on Parliament's reserves so they started
imposing excise taxes, stamp taxes to pay for the wars that had been fought.
The colonists had to have stamps on any transaction, any product that was
sold.  It provoked a rebellion in the colonies which became a full-scale

There's a lot of debate concerning King George the III.  He was not a very
bright man.  The Parliament, like our congress today, was very much
controlled by the money powers.  There were some men like Edmund Burke and
British Prime Minister William Pitt, men of moderation and restraint.  But
those voices were not being heard, as the voices of moderation and reason
are very seldom heard in our congress.

There was a group of men in this country who were very much influenced by
the French enlightenment, by Montesquieu, Rousseau and Voltaire.  These men
were in their late 60's and 70's when Jefferson and Madison were young men.
They talked about the equality of man and that there is a social contract
between the people and the government.  The concept was formulated that in
this country we would have one class of citizens all equal before the law,
and that the citizens are the sovereign authority.  That's the idea that was
incorporated into our Constitution, that in this country we were not going
to have royalty we were going to have but one class of citizens.  This was
not the case in England or any of the other countries.  If you read the
Declaration of Independence it's like a preamble to the Constitution.  It
explains the purpose for the Constitution and what was the prime concern of
the founding fathers leading up to the drafting, ratification and enactment
of our Constitution.  Though England's absolute powers had been modified by
the influence of the international bankers, there were still very definite
and distinct classes of people, as there were in this country.  There were
the wealthy and the landed and there were the lay people who were the
workers and had virtually no rights.  They were, by and large, uneducated.
When you talk about civil rights as a practical matter, they had none.  They
had no access to the court because they had no resources to get into court.

Because of the fear of the central governments, all the states were separate
sovereign entities.  They put up tariff gates at their borders and commerce
could not move freely back and forth because of all the impediments.  Every
state imposed a duty for goods being moved in and it weakened them so much
they were vulnerable to foreign attack, being a brand new country.  So, it
was recognized that there was a need for a central government, but a limited
central government, that was able to do those things that the states could
not do for themselves.  It would have the right to coin the money, build
roads and harbors, those things that had to be done to promote trade and

After the Revolutionary War there was talk of creating royalty in this
country, of making George Washington George I of all these separate trading
colonies up and down the Atlantic coast, but there was such a revulsion
against central governments.  London was the central government of the
world.  It controlled much of America, of India, later China and its arms
were reaching all around the world.  The bankers were basically using the
royalty as a front.  They would loan the money so the royalty could live in
their lavish lifestyle.  Then they would turn the tax farmers loose on the
citizenry to collect these exorbitant taxes, much like our IRS operates
today.  The same people-the international bankers-then as today-are calling
the shots.

The Constitution was drafted almost 10 years after the Revolutionary War,
incorporating these new concepts-the sovereignty of the citizens, equal
protection under the law, and due process.  Due process of law is simply a
fair hearing with an impartial judge. If you do not have an impartial judge
you do not have due process of law.  The fact that this was drafted and put
into a formal document did not change the nature of our banking system.  It
did not change the instincts of the people who were running the commercial
world at that time.  It was looked upon by the world bankers as somewhat of
an impediment.  Thomas Jefferson, having drafted the Declaration of
Independence, was a moving personal force in this idea of the equality of
the citizens.  James Madison, James Monroe, John Adams, John Quincy Adams,
governor Clinton of New York-this whole group of men was committed to this
idea of a constitutional democracy with a republican form of government.
So, they elected representatives to Congress based on population.  The
Houses of Representatives in the respective states selected the senators to
represent their states, like ambassadors.  That was the original idea.  US
senators were not elected by popular vote as they are today.  So that was
the cradle in which our legal system was founded.

from Chapter 13:

The government is simply bankrupt front organizations for the world bankers.
We have been in bankruptcy since 1932, this country and every organization
in it.  All these government employees are just employees of the judgment
debtor of the United States.  We are assets.  We are considered property.
All of our lands have been pledged as collateral and we've already lost all
that because we couldn't pay the debt.  We couldn't pay the debt because of
the interest on it.  The bankers own that collateral now so they can do
anything they want to with that land.  But they don't come out and say that.

"We'll run this thru congress," they say, and our parks are turned into
biospheres, off limits to the public.
The whole activity of the debtor is simply to pay the interest that is owed
to the creditor.  When someone goes into bankruptcy, a chapter 7, he goes
into a reorganization.  A creditors' committee is set up.  The creditors'
committee allows him to continue but it dictates the policy.  Every member
of the United Nations is a judgment debtor in bankruptcy or reorganization.
The countries of the world are all in bankruptcy or in a reorganization of
their debt.  Everything in our country has been borrowed against by our
government and is owed to the world bankers now.  They own us.  This is as
criminal as criminal can be but it's what is in place.

As a historian I tell people the history of civilization is not the history
of equality and sovereign citizens.  It's the history of master and slave.

Thousands of years ago there was a drastic change in the climate.  Before
that people lived nomadically like native American tribes lived here,
nomadic people that followed the livestock.  Tribal instincts and tribal
cultures have existed for thousands of years.  That has been the predominant
way of life.  It still exists today in places like Afghanistan.  That is a
tribal culture.  Just as lion herds follow the livestock the human tribes
did also and they had to stay tribally together in order to survive.  Since
the time of the ancient pharoahs, since the time of Sumer, people stopped
being nomadic and roaming.  They settled and planted.  When that climatic
change occurred people started growing crops at the base of the Tigris and
Euphrates Rivers-what is now Kuwait-and in Egypt.  The separation of classes
of people developed and the division of labor.  That is where civilization
began about 5000 years ago.

Early on in Sumer and Ur, Babylon, which was near where Baghdad is today,
was an outpost, a trading center much like Fort Collins was a trading center
for New York.  There was the fort in Detroit.  Then one out in Kansas.  The
forts were there to protect the commercial activity from the hostile tribes
around it.

The ancient cities had some place where they mined, gold usually, and they
had commercial activity.  So they set up a town, an outpost.  Babylon became
the first sophisticated commercial center.  It drew people into it to
perform the different functions that need to be performed and in turn became
powerful in its own right, a child of the parent.

That child will turn and devour its parent.  It will go back as a military
power because it forgets where it came from.  It has no memory.  It will go
back and conquer because that is the instinct of men who are power-driven to
conquer, to control.  You see this from the time of Sumer to Ur to Babylon.

There was a bartering system that went on as a medium of exchange.  At the
time of Babylon people began taking their gold and precious metals,
depositing them, getting receipts and then trading with those receipts.
That's when commercial paper money came into existence.  There was a
priesthood-money priests-who manipulated that money.  Trade would come up
through the fertile crescent, the area between the Mediterranean Sea and the
Euphrates River, then down through Jerusalem to Egypt.  When Abraham left Ur
4000 years ago commercial civilization was already in existence.

A commercial civilization soon structures a system of a very few at the top
controlling everyone.  That rich money class becomes very indulged, very
decadent, very depraved ultimately and the structure of the society breaks
down so there is no cohesion, no family sense, no protecting of the children
and the elderly, just a general exploitation of everyone.  Abraham left to
go back into the wilderness and restore that human-caring kind of profile.
He had to go back into nature to do it because the characteristic of
commerce has always been ruthlessness.  It's always driven by profit.
Because it produces wealth it needs protection from the nomadic tribes on
the outskirts always looking in to raid and carry off those riches.  They
are drawn to the easy lifestyle and the luxury.

Nineveh was the capital of Syria.  It became the predominant power.  The
wall around Nineveh, about 16 miles long, was so wide 2 teams of horses
could run abreast around the top of it.  That wall was high also because,
just as a farmer puts wire around his chicken coop, if something is created
that's attractive the wolves are going to come down and snatch it.  That is
the history of civilization.  People had to build walls of protection
because inevitably they were going to be attacked.  Jerusalem was a walled
city.  Virtually every city was.  And even when you talk about Wall Street,
that was where they built the wall to protect themselves from the Indians
right down there on the end of Manhattan island.  They had this little
enclave there, Peter Stuyvesant, New Amsterdam, and the wall went across the
tip of Manhattan island to protect them, so they called it Wall Street.

Egypt colonized Athens.  The Egyptians were a sophisticated culture and they
soon drove the native tribes out of the area which became Athens.  Then
those tribal people were brought back in as soldiers.  They became
indigenous and involved in the culture themselves and soon they too became
corrupt and decadent.  So, it's an ever continuing cycle.

The early trade routes went from Sumer to Egypt through Jerusalem.  In that
society there were those who worked with their hands producing something
tangible and those who were working for the money manipulators performing
some administrative, regulating function.  That was the dynamic that has
always been.  The military protected that economic entity.  But it was
always controlled by the people that had the money.  The serfs were simply
there to serve the needs of the money people.  That's what went on in the
far east and that's why Abraham left Ur.  It became decadent.

On the eastern Mediterannean were Tyre and Biblos, which is Beirut.  These
were commercial centers, very sophisticated commercial entities.  The epics
of Homer were about this upheaval that occurred about 1000, 1200 BC.  Cyrus
overran and basically created the Persian Empire.  For 200 years his
progeny, and the progeny of those he conquered, gradually degenerated.
Decadence set in.  They were very effeminate men going around with earrings,
looking like they do in downtown Portland today.  These warring bands were
drawn to that commercial enterprise and they overran it because it was
decaying.  Of course, after they overran it they didn't go back home to
their rustic lifestyles.  They stayed and became a part of that culture
themselves and they in turn, and their children and grandchildren, become as
decadent as those they overran.  So, that's the cycle that goes on and you
see that about every 200 years.

The people of Greece, this rustic people, overran Beirut and, at that time,
Cyprus was a commercial center.  The people of Greece were a very robust
warlike people, much like the Norseman who, 1500 years later, overran all of
Europe.  After the Greeks fought the Persians they got in the Peloponnesian
Wars, fighting each other.  So, Phillip from Macedonia came down and
conquered all the Greeks.  He was assassinated when he was about
58-years-old, leaving a son, Alexander, who was 20 and had this enormous
50,000 man army that was trained to the teeth.  He had tremendous generals.
Alexander the Great went back and conquered all that Cyrus had founded.  He
went way over into India, conquered all the Mediterannean and was the first
person to conquer the known world.

In the days of Alexander the Great the known world was the Mediterannean
basin.  It was all fused around there from Athens to Constantinople to Tyre,
to Carthage.  That's where all commercial enterprise of the world developed.
The reason it did is because they could ship by large commercial vessels,
much more convenient than horse or camel caravans.  But they were restricted
without compasses.  They had to go along the coastlines to wherever they
went.  For 2500 years, from the time of Homer up until the time of
Christopher Columbus, trade was restricted to coastal trade routes.

In modern Rome or Tyre, a person that was born then could be brought to the
year 1800 and he could get by.  There was that level of sophistication.
They had chemistry, they had medical doctors, they had diagnosis, they had
all of these.  They were very knowledgeable in a lot of the medical
sciences, mining, and engineering.  Tremendous feats of engineering were
performed long before hydraulics came to be.

The Romans had large grain ships and would go down into Egypt, their bread
basket.  Caesar had world rule and all this pageantry and power until the
Roman empire fell.  Rome was overrun and the Roman culture shifted to what
was then Byzantium.  The last emperor died in the Byzantine empire.
Byzantium, the Istanbul of today, became Constantinople, named for king
Constantine about 350 AD.  That's when Christianity became a state religion
but it incorporated much of the pagan ritual.  What they call the Greek
Orthodox church today comes out of that pagan ritual.  The Byzantine Empire
started falling apart when Mohammed came along in about 600 AD.  He cut huge
swaths into that.  Then warlike tribes came out of central and eastern
Europe, the Gauls, Visigoths, and Ostrogoths, and overran these commercial
centers.  They say there were tens of thousands of miles of roads, high
grade highways, built by Romans up until 300, 400 AD and then for the next
1000 years there wasn't a single mile of road built.  It reverted back to a
more primitive culture, the onset of the Middle Ages.

The Ashkenazis, of which Milton Brown is a senior, were Khazar tribal people
like Attila the Hun.  They looted India, they looted China, that was where
their great wealth came from and it became the basis of their banking
system.  They interacted with each other and they had a system almost like a
guild.  They spread out and monopolized, ultimately, every market that they
entered.  They drove out other banks that tried to compete with them, by
cutting profits.

The cities were always commercial oligarchies, like Venice.  They had the
doge, who was the chief magistrate in the old republics of Venice and Genoa.
The political structure was much like it is today in New York or London.

If you say to me, 'Tell me 8 or 10 people that run this city,' well, I can
go to Rockefeller Center and probably point out 3 or 4 of them.  'That one
does,' I can say as I walk by their doors.  I can go over to London, I can
walk by N.M. Rothschild's and point to that door.  'Well, what interest are
they promoting?  Are they there promoting the general well-being of the
people?'  No, they are not.  They are promoting the well-being of themselves
and their financial institutions.

The commercial cities such as Amsterdam had a group of burghers who ran
them.  They were self-sufficient economic entities.  Their legal system must
have been some variant of what we have today; a sitting judge, solicitors,
who do the legal work and barristers, who specialize in going before the
Bar.  It was a Maritime situation, commercial law.  Always the economics
dictate the kind of government you produce.

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