-Caveat Lector-
Social Security Called A Bigger Fraud Than Corporate Scandals
By Jim Burns CNSNews.com Senior Staff Writer July 12, 2002
(CNSNews.com) - A public policy think tank devoted to individual liberty and free-market capitalism says the current frenzy in Congress and elsewhere to address corporate accounting scandals isn't a reaction to fraud. It's an attack on business and capitalism, said the Ayn Rand Institute.
The Institute wonders why lawmakers and others aren't looking at the Social Security program.
Robert Tracinski, a senior fellow at the Ayn Rand Institute, said, "People leading the hysteria about corporate crime are eager to expose and condemn any alleged fraud by private businessmen, but they ignore or excuse actual fraud committed by government officials.
"They demand strict accounting regulations to prevent billion dollar business frauds while they evade responsibility for a trillion-dollar government fraud," he added.
Tracinski described Social Security as "the world's largest fraudulent scheme." The program, he said, takes one-eighth of the income of the current generation of workers and promises them a secure retirement, to be paid for by fleecing the next generation of workers.
He said it's ironic that no one in Washington is demanding an end to Social Security.
"Eventually, as with any such scheme, the number of new suckers coming into the system is not enough to pay the benefits owed to retirees. This is projected to happen in the next 10 to fifteen years, causing Social Security to go bankrupt, but no one in Washington is demanding an end to Social Security," he said.
"To tolerate wholesale fraud and theft by government, while posing as a moralistic crusader against fraud by private businesses is a con game that makes the crowd at Enron look like small-timers," Tracinski concluded.
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) agreed on Thursday that government "does not always set a sterling example of honesty to corporate executives.
"Too often, we have cooked the books, exploited off-balance sheet accounting, fudged budget numbers and failed to disclose fully the nation's assets and liabilities. If we in Washington are to have credibility in the public eye as we address the corporate accounting mess, we must reform our own fiscal practices," said McCain.
But McCain said the best way to ensure the "solvency" of the Social Security system is to honor the "solemn promise that in exchange for the payroll taxes they have rendered all their working lives, all Americans will receive a minimally adequate retirement income." He also believes Americans should be allowed to invest a portion of their payroll taxes in the financial markets.
"Allowing Americans to invest responsibly a small part of their payroll taxes will not only save Social Security, but will provide them with greater retirement income than those who no or will soon depend on Social Security checks," said McCain.
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(Plu"tar*chy) n. [Gr. wealth + -archy.] Plutocracy; the rule of wealth. [R.]
(Plun"der) v. t. [imp. & p. p. Plundered ; p. pr. & vb. n. Plundering.] [G. plündern to plunder, plunder frippery, baggage.]
1. To take the goods of by force, or without right; to pillage; to spoil; to sack; to strip; to rob; as, to plunder travelers.
Nebuchadnezzar plunders the temple of God.
2. To take by pillage; to appropriate forcibly; as, the enemy plundered all the goods they found.
Syn. — To pillage; despoil; sack; rifle; strip; rob.
Websters Revised Unabridged Dictionary 1913
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