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Donkey Dick Cheney & His Halliburton-Govt. Scam


"Cheney and Bush want privacy for their conversations, but not for
anyone else's." --Tony Mauro in USA Today, Feb. 27, 2002

Since September 11, Vice President Dick Cheney has kept a low
profile. For months, he rarely appeared at all, emerging only to
sell his political ideas on CNN or to dismiss allegations of
corporate wrongdoing. Even now, Cheney mostly stays in a "secure
location," ready to spring into action if President Bush is

Unlike most politicians, Cheney actually enjoys working in the
background. By his own account, he doesn't relish campaigning, and
he's hardly a natural spokesman, but Cheney excels at assembling
and managing teams of people to "get stuff done."

Since he and Bush arrived at the White House, Cheney has managed
to accomplish quite a bit. He's met with the heads of oil, gas,
and nuclear power companies, assembled their "wish lists," and
turned them into a new national Energy Plan.

Cheney's close
relations with folks like Ken Lay of Enron have made this one of
the most corporation-friendly administrations in history.

In this issue of the MoveOn Bulletin, we take an in-depth look at
Dick Cheney. It's not surprising that Cheney is avoiding the
limelight: an SEC investigation is under way on accounting
practices at Halliburton, the company he ran, and Congress's
investigative body is still trying to determine how much of the
Energy Plan he organized was shaped by oil, coal, and nuclear
energy executives. Given his key role in determining the policy
and practice of the Bush administration, an understanding of
Cheney's history is important.

When Cheney was Chief of Staff for President Gerald Ford, his code
name was "Backseat." Perhaps these days President Bush's nickname
suits him better: for Cheney, it's "Big Time."

Striking another blow for freedom from government interference,
Mr. Cheney led Halliburton into the top ranks of corporate welfare
hogs, benefiting from almost $2 billion in taxpayer-insured loans
from the U.S. Export-Import Bank and the Overseas Private
Investment Corp. In the five years before Mr. Cheney joined the
company, it got a measly $100 million in government loans." Molly
Ivins' article, "Cheney's Mess Worth a Close Look" is online at:


* Cheney's 2000 income from Halliburton:
$36,086,635 (THIRTY SIX MILLION kiddies!)

* Increase in government contracts for the corp while Cheney led
Halliburton: 91%

* Minimum size of "accounting irregularity" that occurred while
Cheney was CEO: $100,000,000 (One hundred MILLION dollars)

* Number of the seven official US "State Sponsors of Terror" that
Halliburton contracted with: 2 out of 7. FIRST THEY LOAD THEM UP WITH
GOODIES, then they shoot them back into the dark ages. It's a New World Order thang.

* Pages of Energy Plan documents Cheney refused to give
congressional investigators: 13,500

* Amount energy companies gave the Bush/Cheney presidential
campaign: $1,800,000

"When I was Secretary of Defense, my biggest problem was with
the Congress of the United States.

Now that I'm chairman and CEO of a Fortune 500 company, my biggest
problem is the Congress of the United States." --Dick Cheney,
during an address to the Export-Import Bank Conference, May 8,

Cheney was asked to assume the helm of Halliburton in 1995. As one
of the largest global providers of equipment and services to the
oil industry, Halliburton needed a chief executive who could
ensure that the company had the government's full support.
Cheney's close connections to top government and industry decision
makers made him perfect for this role.

In a debate with Vice Presidential candidate Joe Lieberman in
2000, Lieberman noted that Cheney had done well for himself as CEO
of Halliburton. Cheney responded flatly, "I can tell you, Joe, the
government had absolutely nothing to do with it." But even a
glance at Cheney's tenure at Halliburton suggests otherwise.

During his five years as CEO, Cheney nearly doubled the size of
Halliburton's government contracts, totaling a whopping $2.3
billion. He convinced the Export-Import Bank of the U.S. to lend
Halliburton and oil companies another $1.5 billion, backed by U.S.
taxpayers. As exposed in the article below, some of these loans
went to a Russian company with ties to drug dealing and organized crime. http://www.public-i.org/story_01_080200.htm

Cheney's rule at Halliburton was characterized by a ruthless
geopolitical strategy that put aside political beliefs whenever
they were inconvenient. In a number of cases, Halliburton and its
subsidiaries supported or even ordered human rights violations and
broke international laws. Consider the following examples:

* Libyan dictator and suspected anti-U.S. terrorist Moammar
Gadhafi engaged a foreign subsidiary of Halliburton company Brown
& Root to perform millions of dollars worth of work. According to
the Baltimore Sun, Brown & Root was fined $3.8 million for
violating Libyan sanctions. (Although Cheney wasn't leading
Halliburton when these sales started, subsidiaries' sales to Libya
continued throughout his tenure.)

* Cheney claimed that he supported the U.S. sanctions on Iraq, but
the Financial Times of London reported that through foreign
subsidiaries and affiliates, Halliburton became the biggest oil
contractor for Iraq, selling more than $73 million in goods and
services to Saddam Hussein's regime. (See
http://gwbush.com/spots/postpage.html for a Washington Post
article on the matter.)

* In Burma, Halliburton joined oil companies in working on two
notorious gas pipelines, the Yadana and Yetagun. According to an
Earth Rights report, "From 1992 until the present, thousands of
villagers in Burma were forced to work in support of these
pipelines and related infrastructure, lost their homes due to
forced relocation, and were raped, tortured and killed by soldiers
hired by the companies as security guards for the pipelines. One
of Halliburton’s projects was undertaken during Dick Cheney’s
tenure as CEO." (The full report is linked to below.)

Halliburton is now being investigated by the Securities and
Exchange Commission for Enron-style accounting practices that took
place while Cheney was CEO.

More on Cheney and Halliburton:

For an extensive briefing on Halliburton and Cheney's foreign
policy impact, check out this well-written and thorough report:


Cheney made $36 million at Halliburton in 2000 alone.
Thesmokinggun.com has his tax returns to prove it:

"Conservation may be a sign of personal virtue, but it is not a
sufficient basis for a sound, comprehensive energy policy."
--Cheney, in a speech in Toronto, Canada, May 1, 2001.

The ongoing fracas over Cheney's Energy Plan ties together many of
the themes of his working life: his corporate alliances,
especially with energy companies; his view of oil as integral to
U.S. foreign policy; and his insistence on secrecy for the
activities of the Executive branch.

On May 16, 2001, Cheney revealed the results of months of meetings
of his Energy Task Force: a national energy plan. President Bush
had established the Task Force in January 2001, under Vice
President Cheney's leadership. (See
http://www.whitehouse.gov/energy/ for the final plan.)

The plan essentially made Cheney's statement about 'personal
virtue' national policy. It put a premium on exploring for and
extracting more oil, and proposed that the Arctic National
Wildlife Reserve be used for this purpose. While it paid lip
service to alternative energy sources, its recommendations focused
almost exclusively on the need for more "energy supply" -- more
oil, more nuclear plants, more coal.

According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, "the Bush plan
would provide no short-term relief for Americans struggling to pay
their gasoline and electric bills this summer. And, over the
long-term, it would increase pollution, despoil the environment,
threaten public health and accelerate global warming. Moreover, it
would have no impact on energy prices, and no practical effect on
U.S. dependence on foreign sources of oil. Who would benefit? The
oil, coal and nuclear industries that shoveled millions of dollars
into Bush campaign coffers."

Shortly before the Plan was revealed, controversy arose. On April
19, 2001, Representatives Henry Waxman (D-CA) and John Dingell
(D-MI) wrote to the General Accounting Office (GAO), asking it to
investigate the Task Force.

According to the GAO, "The congressional investigation of the task force was prompted by news reports that the task force had met privately with major campaign contributors, such as Kenneth Lay, the CEO of Enron, to discuss energy policy.

According to these reports, major Republican contributors attended private sessions with Vice President Cheney and the task force met secretly with other contributors in formulating the President's National Energy Policy."

In response, Cheney's counsel returned a letter, refusing to
disclose whom Cheney and the Task Force had met with and even who
was on the Task Force's staff. The GAO made a formal demand for
information; Cheney rebuffed it, citing Executive Privilege. It's
worth noting that the GAO wasn't even requesting the minutes of
the Task Force meetings; it merely wanted to know who the Task
Force met with, and when.

In late August 2001, a Los Angeles Times article exposed the
connections between Cheney's Task Force and Bush's campaign
contributors. The article described how the final report adopted
verbatim a global warming policy suggested by the U.S. Energy
Association (an energy industry group), how language was altered
to favor Halliburton, and how a company called Peabody Coal and
its affiliates gave more than $900,000 to the Bush campaign and
"gained extraordinary access" to the Task Force. (See
http://www.commondreams.org/headlines01/0826-02.htm for a copy of
the article.)

As Enron collapsed, Cheney continued to refuse access to the
documents of the Task Force. In February 22, 2002, the GAO filed
suit to obtain the documents, some of which have since been turned
over. But large questions about the circumstances under which the
Bush Administration's energy policy was formed remain. The
evidence indicates that the final product was a gift for the
energy industry from Cheney, their former colleague.

More on Cheney and the Energy Plan:

The GAO's comprehensive timeline of the Cheney failure to turn
over the Task Force documents is viewable at:

You can search the documents that Cheney was ordered to make
public at:

You can read NRDC's "Slower, Costlier, and Dirtier: A Critique of

the Bush Energy Plan" at:

"With so many new international crises erupting every day, it is
hard to detect any clear forward direction to American U.S.
foreign policy. At times, it appears that providing a response to
the latest upheaval is about all that Washington can accomplish.
But beneath the surface of day-to-day crisis management, one can
see signs of an overarching plan for U.S. policy: a strategy of
global oil acquisition." --Michael Klare, Pacific News Service:


Satire: Cheney's 10 energy tips

The White House's official page on the Vice President:

A short, and perhaps too sweet, biography that captures the
highlights of Cheney's career:

The Christian Science Monitor offers a little more background on
Cheney, prior to the 2000 election. "Cheney's connections and
influence are seen everywhere these days - giving rise to talk
that he's CEO to Bush's Chairman of the Board. Most people around
Cheney probably suffer from something like Rolodex-envy."

A PBS Newshour report on Cheney's management style and

FROM -- MoveOn Bulletin
Thursday, July 11, 2002
Edited by Eli Pariser ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Subscribe to this great bulletin online at:
YOu get it once a week, the true skivvy on everybody!

1. Introduction
2. One Link
3. Cheney in Numbers
4. Halliburton Days
5. A Lot of Energy
6. More About Cheney
7. About the MoveOn Bulletin and MoveOn.org

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