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Title: From: "American Patriot Friends Network" <APFN@apfn
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Awareness Leading to Solutions


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From: "American Patriot Friends Network" [EMAIL PROTECTED]



July 17, 2002


"And that is when the American people will realize that, once again, they are being lied to, to swindle them out of their support for a war, a war not fought for moral principles but for profit, profit from oil paid for in the blood of our children."


From: Carl William Spitzer IV [EMAIL PROTECTED]

by Colonel Donn de Grand (US Army - Ret.)


A dedicated group of experienced civilian and military pilots,  including  combat  fighter  pilots  and  commercial airline captains, just finished a marathon 72 hours of  non-stop  briefings and debate over the current crisis  evolving from  the  use  of commercial aircraft  as  cruise  missiles against  the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11.


The so-called terrorist attack was in fact a superbly executed military operation against the United States, requiring the utmost professional military skill in command, communications and control. It was flawless in timing, in the choice of selected aircraft to be used as guided missiles, and in the coordinated delivery of those missiles to their pre-selected targets.


As a tactical military exercise against two significant targets  (world  financial center and the citadel  of  world strategic military planning), the attack, from a psychological  impact  on the American public,  equaled  the  Japanese "surprise" attack on Pearl Harbor Dec 7, 1941.


The overriding question: If we are at war, who is the enemy?


The  group  determined  that the enemy  is  within  the gates,  that  he has infiltrated into  the  highest  policy-making  positions  at the Federal level,  and  has  absolute control,  not  only of the purse strings, but of  the  troop build-up  and deployment of our military  forces,  including active, reserve and National Guard units.




The 9-11 activity and horrific destruction of US  property  and  lives was intentionally meant to trigger  a  psychological  and  patriotic reaction on the part  of  the  US citizens, which is paving the way for "combined UN activity" (using  the  fig leaf of NATO) for striking key  targets in both the Middle East/ South Asia and the Balkans. The goal continues to be ultimate destruction of all national sovereignty and establishment of a global government.


The trigger for the 9-11 activity was the imminent and unstoppable world-wide financial collapse, which can only be prevented (temporarily) by a major war, perhaps to become known as WW III. To bring it off (one more time), martial law will probably be imposed in the United States.


In each  of the major wars of the  20th  century,  the financial  manipulators (located in the City of  London  and New  York City) had placed the US (and much of  the  Western world) in a monetary expansion mode, followed by  an  ever-tightening vice of a gigantic credit squeeze.


We now have two ongoing and tightly controlled simultaneous  events  (emanating from the two symbolic  targets  of 9-1):  Alan Greenspan, Fed chairman, promising to flood  the market with up to $200 billion in FRNs and to further  lower interest rates, thus bringing  about  hyperinflation  and dollar devaluation.


Much of these multi billions in largesse will be dumped into the coffers of Wall Street, defense, bankrupt airlines, insurance companies and into the willing arms of debt-ridden third world countries in the form of debt repudiation (forgiveness). Call it bribery, in order to get these often reluctant nations to join our coalition of "freedom fighters" in "the war against terrorism."


2)  Paul Wolfowitz, deputy Defense secretary, promised that the US will launch "sustained military strikes against those behind the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington." He said that the "military retaliation would continue until the roots of terrorism are destroyed."


This bit of saber rattling was seconded by select  NATO allies  (especially Britain), and by our chief ally  in  the Middle  East, Ariel Sharon, while Secretary of  Defense  Don Rumsfeld, with the blessings of Pres. Bush II, is activating thousands  of  national guard and reservists,  not  only  to guard  the vulnerable airports, but to do fly-overs  of  our      Nation's  capital in F16s from the North Dakota Air Guard.




Other National Guard units are being jockeyed into potential combat "hot spots" throughout the Middle East/South Asia and the Balkans.




Following  is a summary of the near-unanimous views  of the  assembled military and civilian pilots concerning  certain critical factors relating to the WTC/Pentagon hit of 9-     11:  Troubling questions arose about the  alleged  pilot-hijackers of the four aircraft, who were supposedly trained on Cessna aircraft over the past year at fields in Florida  and

Oklahoma.  One General officer remarked, "I seriously question whether these novices could have located a target dead-on  200  miles  removed from takeoff  point --  much  less controlled  the flight and mastered the intricacies of  11FR (instrument  flight  rules) -- and all  accomplished  in  45 minutes."


The extremely skillful maneuvering of the three aircraft at near mach speeds, each unerringly hitting their targets, was superb. As one Air Force officer -- a veteran of over 100 sorties over North Vietnam -- explained,  "Those birds  (commercial  airliners) either had  a  crack  fighter pilot  in  the left seat, or they were being  maneuvered  by remote control."


Another  pilot  warned  that "we  had  better  consider whether  electro-magnetic pulse or radio  frequency  weapons were used from a command and control platform hovering over

the Eastern Seaboard... I'm talkin' AWACS."


Another comment: “If there was an AWACS on station over the targeted area, did it have a Global Hawk capability?  I mean, could it convert the commercial jets to robotic flying missiles?”


A hotly debated question: Who would be in command of such an Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS)?  Were they Chinese -- Russians -- Saudis -- Israelis -- NATO? All of these countries possess AWACS-type aircraft. All (except the Saudis) have the capability to utilize electro-magnetic pulsing (EMP) to knock out on-board flight controls and communications  of targeted aircraft, and then, to fly  them by remote control. 


One of the Air Force officers explained that  we  had already flown a robot plane the size of a Boeing 737  across the Pacific to Australia -- unmanned -- from Edwards AF13 in California  to  a successful landing on an  Aussie  base  in South  Australia.  It flies along a  pre-programmed  flight path,  but is "monitored" (controlled remotely) by  a  pilot from an outside station.


He  explained that the London Economist (20  Sep  2001) published  comments from the former CEO of British  Airways, Robert Ayling, who stated that an aircraft could be commandeered from the ground or air and controlled remotely in the event of a hijack.




An  AP story, dateline Brussels -- 7  Oct  01  -- "At Washington's  request,  NATO will soon  deploy  surveillance aircraft for anti-terrorist operations in the United  States in response to the attacks on New York and Washington,  NATO officials  said  Sunday, an unprecedented  use  of  foreign military forces to defend the U.S. homeland."


The assembled group of pilots debated why we would  ask for foreign forces to fly AWACS over our sovereign territory when  we  have a fleet of 33 of them, of which 28  are  stationed in Oklahoma. The debate also centered on whether such NATO surveillance aircraft were already here prior to September 11.


Could one of them have commandeered the four airliners?


There seems to be wide discrepancies between what the Federal government is proclaiming -- and their media moguls reporting -- as opposed to the calm and reasoned and rational views of those men who fly the planes and defend the nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic.


This writer has been a general aviation pilot since 1946. I have flown a variety of single engine prop aircraft since, and installed an FAA-approved airstrip here on my farm in 1980. Two local pilots periodically joined me  for short hops; one, a Madison County lawyer, a graduate of  the Air Force Academy, who flew for the Air Force before  coming home to practice law.


The other, Kent Hill, who lives with his wife, Carol, on a farm close to mine, is an American Airlines captain assigned to the European route. He was a lifelong friend of "Chic" Burlingame. They were graduates of the Naval Academy and flew F-4 Phantoms in Vietnam. Both left the Navy 28 years ago and joined American Airlines.  Both planned to retire in 2002. Chic was the captain of AA flight 77, a Boeing 757, which departed Washington Dulles for Los Angeles at 8:10 AM on September 11, with 58 passengers and a crew of 6. Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon at 9:41 am.


"We  were totally trained on the old type  of  hijack," Capt  Hill  said, "where you treat the  hijacker  cordially, punch  a 4-digit code into your transponder to alert  ground control  you're being hijacked, and then get him  where  he wants to go, set the plane safely on the ground and let them deal  with it on the ground. However, this is a totally new situation...  Not one of the planes alerted ground control that they were being hijacked." How come?


"The fact is, all the transponders were turned off on the doomed flights virtually at the same time."  Look at their departure times -- two from Logan (Boston), one from Newark, another from Dulles (Washington DC) -- all between 8 AM and 8:15.


"Shortly after climb-out to flight level, their trans-ponders are de-activated (they are no longer a blip on the radar screens). This is something that really needs to be looked into.  The only reason we turn them off is so they don't interfere with ground systems when we land."


(Note: Transponders identify a particular  aircraft in  flight  on  the radar screens  of  FAA  flight controllers located throughout the country. Various codes are punched into the transponder,  one displaying, "I am being hijacked.")


Although  there is much talk among the  various  flight crews, Hill says they are not privy to any of the investigations  into the events of September 11. "We're in the dark --  very much so ... They're playing it pretty tight to  the vest."


He is convinced none of the pilots had control of their aircraft when they were flown into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The question then becomes, who was really in control?


"Even if I had a gun at my head, I'd never fly a plane into a building. I'd try to put it in anywhere -- a field or a river -- and  I'd be scaring the hell out  of  them  (the hijackers) by flying upside down first," Hill said.


In fact, the pilot has the best weapon in his hand when threatened with imminent death by a hijacker, namely, the airplane.


Another airline pilot stated. "On hearing a major scuffle in the cabin, the pilot should have inverted the aircraft and the hijackers would have ended up with broken necks."


That none of the four pilots executed such a maneuver points toward the fact that none of them had control of their aircraft, but had been overridden by an outside force, which was flying them by remote control.


As an old and not so bold pilot, I became more convinced that the four commercial jets were choreographed by a "conductor" from a central source, namely an airborne warning and control system (AWACS). They have the electronic capability to engage several aircraft simultaneously, knock out their on-board flight controls by EMP (electro-magnetic

pulsing)  and  assume command and remote  control  of  these targeted aircraft.


As we consider all the options -- and enemies -- who performed this act of war, whether from China, Russia, an Islamic country, or from NATO, we must also consider that the enemy may be within the gates.


If so, then we are dealing with high treason.


To be continued…


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